Happy New Year! (Midnight Run Pictures)

Last year, we started the year doing the NYRR Midnight Run, which was sooo much fun! This year we decided to skip the run because the gear logistics seemed too complicated for us to figure out.  Either we overdress so we don’t freeze before and after (which we did last year, we even left overcoats in baggage) and are too warm during the run, or we dress ok for the run but we freeze before and after. So, to avoid having to think, we run earlier and showed up to the prerace for the party, to watch the race and the fireworks.

It was amazing.

We got there almost right at 12. We saw the start of the race, we were just about 200 meters from the start right on top of the Bethesda Fountain, and guess what, the fireworks were right on top of us. Amazing. 14 minutes of fireworks, 14 minutes of people starting, and as soon as the fireworks ended we walked back a few meters to watch the finish. Then we went back to the main area, danced a little, and headed home. The park, empty, at 2 am, is just pure GLORY.

nyrr midnight run central park (3)

nyrr midnight run central park (4) nyrr midnight run central park (1) nyrr midnight run central park (2)

nyrr midnight run central park (6) nyrr midnight run central park (7) nyrr midnight run central park (8) nyrr midnight run central park (5) nyrr midnight run central park (9) nyrr midnight run central park (10)

Have the best 2015!


14 thoughts on “Happy New Year! (Midnight Run Pictures)

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