Tag Archive | kick ass

Running through Central Park in a bikini? Check

Before you even have to ask, yes:


(there’s more pictures, but they really can’t be posted!!!)

The Mini10k last weekend was a women’s teams points. My team said they’d be cheering topless for all the women. They didn’t.

Yesterday was a 5 miler with team points for the men. I wasn’t gonna go cheer, to tell you the truth, but I woke up at 6, and my bf asked me to go. So I figured, if I am getting out of bed at such an ungodly hour, I might as well make it worth it. He left, so I kept putzing around, half asleep, and tried a couple of things.. the bikini seemed appropiate. I guess I was still really asleep. Wrote the sign. Put a whistle and my phone in a spibelt and at 7 am I run out.

Did a 2 mile run to the race’s Mile 1. I thought the problem of running with a bikini would be the top: no support! It wasn’t. Apparently, I don’t need much! Or any! The bottoms were a problem though. After some time I gave up the constant unwedging… Got to mile 1, met up with my friend Patricia, and it was ridiculous. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

You should have seen their faces. Shock, mouths open, smiling, laughing, cheering AT ME, pointing, my bf almost stopped there. After 5 minutes, we run an extra mile to the finish. In a bikini, you’re not just one more runner: people DO see you when you’re running through the park in swim wear. Everyone kept shouting my name.

We couldn’t even believe all the fuss. Of course, I am South American and Patricia is French, so… you know… It was like being back in Argentina, on a regular day, walking to work or something, everyone was shouting, mouths open, stares, heads turned (uh, sorrry to the biker that fell on his face!! almost forgot). Quite fun.

So, done the tutu and the bikini, what’s next????!?!?! Happy Monday!