Tag Archive | runner

And one day, you discover…

  • that you CAN run more than ONE mile
  • that you’re not doing this alone
  • how great a new running path feels
  • that you already knew a lot of runners
  • that you actually want to run
  • that you love company on some of your runs
  • that you can afford to eat an extra serving
  • that you need rest sometimes
  • that blisters will heal and toe-nails will grow back
  • that a bruised ego can turn into a lot of determination 
  • that the world gets smaller
  • that you are not scared anymore
  • that can, and sometimes even enjoy, running in the rain, the snow, a moonsoon
  • that you know how to do this
  • that you are inspiring everyone around you without even trying

                                           …just some of the little glories of being a runner…

And one day, you discover…

My Rule #87: Always follow your instincts, or it’ll cost you

And it could cost you around 1200 calories!

I “sometimes” crave things. And it’s always something in particular. And I like to give in after X amount of miles.


My Rule #87: Always follow your instincts, or it’ll cost you

What do you do with your (old) RW’s magazines…?

I am trying to de-clutter my apartment… and I seems like I’ve been saving a LOT of RW’s issues, along with issues of NY Runner (and a couple of Vogues). The rest of the apartment is easy, I have a…

What do you do with your (old) RW’s magazines…?

The arm, the stoopid, the funny, and Emil Z.

Since fracturing the greater tuberosity of the humeral head and humeral neck and tearing the rotator cuff, my arm went from limp, useless, and I can move it enough to run, to a bangle pump…

The arm, the stoopid, the funny, and Emil Z.

Things our significant others/relatives/friends might never understand

How race results can really make us mad even if we Pred

How sometimes we whine until we drag ourselves out the door but then we come back feeling invincible

How we dream that our…

Things our significant others/relatives/friends might never understand


I was so happy that the trails were FINALLY free of snow and runnable this past weekend after almost 2 months….then I woke up today to more snow!!! Hopefully, I might be getting my yaktraxs in the mail today… If I don’t, I’ll be in bed finishing “Once a Runner” and looking out the window!