How I made the long run happen – a success story

Last week was super super super busy at work, with the NYC Tri happening this past weekend: we had an enormous team of over 400 triathletes running for Team in Training. I got little sleep, tired all over and I still had to do 20 miles this past weekend.
Friday was our big night (will tell you tomorrow) so I knew I‘d be beyond exhausted after it, and probably no time for lunch and/or dinner, so Saturday was gonna be rough to run on little sleep and little food. But Sunday was race day, so I couldn’t fit a long run there…
Then, they announced a high of 100 degrees for Saturday, and I thought I was gonna lose it. I mean, I HAVE to do it Sunday, but how do I run twenty (haven’t run 20 in a looong time!) on little sleep, inappropiate fueling and that weather? 
But… Had to be done!!!
Friday I asked the bf, what was preferable:
#1 sleeping in late, being rested and run later when it’s hotter
#2 go out early, starved and sleep deprived, but less hot
He confirmed what I dreaded was the best: #1.
So, on Saturday, Blaise and I met at 7 am. I had a gel and hoped for the best. Our last run, 18 miles was at 9:10 pace, with better weather.

Miles 1-2. Temperature: 74 Avg Pace: 9:37
This sucks. We will not finish. Let’s take it easy

Miles 3-9. Temperature: 76 Avg Pace: 9:03
Okay, this is not hard at all. Too early to call yet, but if I can finish these 20 in this heat (75% humidity) and little rest, I am wonderwoman. But yes, too early to call.

Miles 10-13. Temperature:  79 Avg Pace: 9:01
I might not make it. Blaise started pushing the pace and I was barely hanging on for dear life. He had to slow down a few times so I could catch up. Seriously.

Miles 14-16. Temperature:  82 Avg Pace: 9:02
Now it’s too hot. You can feel the difference. But I’ve come this far. It’s gotta get it done.

Miles 17-20. Temperature:  85 Avg Pace: 9:28
This is when the strange thing happened. We get back on the park (we had been running by the Hudson breeze from mile 3 to 17) and I get excited. It’s home. There’s no way I’ll weaken there! Blaise, on the other hand, started to fall apart and even thought about cutting the run short. I got a second wind, somehow. I felt strong and like I could push for both of us. The air in the park, without the sea breeze, was hot and stale. It was slow and hard but I finished it with a lot of determination.

Then I was ok. And I didn’t understand it at all. How am I not destroyed??????!?!?! How?
I had two thoughts. Either eating less works for me, or the speedwork the bf is forcing me to do is making me a better and stronger runner. I wouldn’t want to have to admit to either. But it got done and well too!

How I made the long run happen – a success story

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