Tag Archive | road running

This is the road

The road doesn’t care
if I trimmed my ends, 
if I got a promotion,
if I cleaned my apartment
if I bought a plant
if I did my nails 
if have the latest outfit and gear
if I finally emptied my Inbox or the trash
The doesn’t even care 
if I just had a horrible meal
if I don’t have the gear for rain or wind ready
if I didn’t sleep enough in the last 3 days
if I am jetlagged from a trip
if I just got bad news and can’t handle any more pain
It will still always do whatever it wants with me. 
The only predictable thing about the road is its unpredictability. And I love it. I crave it.
In exchange for my attention and dedication, some days it will get me a fabulously fun, endorphin-fueled, fast and easy as if I was flying adventure laced with runners high. Those are the lucky times; and I never know they are around the corner.
Other days, it will throw a slow, heavy-legs, can’t breathe, painful want-to-cut-this-one-short run my way; also for no reason and with no heads-up.
And as much as I like to plan everything about my life, I love that I never know what is going to happen on any of my runs. I have no control.

This is the road