Running Biomechanics Tips: It is NOT the shoe, it’s the FORM

Oh why oh why do people fight? Shod vs Barefoot, Barefoot vs Minimalist, Motion Control and Cushioned vs everything…

Really, all that matters is that you have proper form. Whatever you are running on. Yes, whatever.

Barefooters will tell you it’s not possible. It is. I have video.

Shod Runners will tell you it’s too hard to learn. It isn’t. I have video.

The “bigger” the shoe cage (less Proprioception), the harder it will be to learn to run efficiently. But, you can work (sometimes really really really hard) at it. It IS possible. Practice makes perfect, no matter the circumstances.

Actually, practice doesn’t make perfect: perfect practice makes perfect.

More on Running Biomechanics

Running Biomechanics Sessions

8 thoughts on “Running Biomechanics Tips: It is NOT the shoe, it’s the FORM

    • if you want to read a bit, try this ebook, there’s drills in there you can do! I can take a look at your running next time I am back there or when you’re in the US if you want!


  1. Pingback: Sharing is Caring – Links of the Week, 4/5 | runningandthecity

  2. If I understand correctly, you’re saying that the running form matters and not the shoe you wear. Well, I guess they both contribute to a good run but indeed I try to do as much as I can midsole strike, especially since I have plantar fasciitis, and I feel much more better than when I used to do heel first. Great short article, thanks! Vic

    Liked by 1 person

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