
Central Park WINTER Water Fountains

So, you might know, it gets cold in NYC in the winter, and so, the park closes the water fountains because the water will freeze and that will make the pipes burst. Or something like that.

There is usually 3 water fountains that stay open throughout the winter, aka NOW. 

Here are the details to find the water fountains.

The first one is always trustworthy and my favorite. It always works, ALWAYS.

She is not easy to find at first but then you’ll always see her. 

We’ll call her East 102. 

When you are running in Central Park, on the East Drive, you’ll see the E0002 lamppost (that means East 102th street so look for the lamposts/streets to get there). 

Right there is also a set of traffic lights right 101th street. That is the spot. 

Go east (towards Fifth Avenue) on the path right under the traffic lights and you’ll see the water fountain on your left.  She is about 20 meters East of the East Drive and 101th street, but she’s right off the E102 lamppost so we’ll go with 102 for her official name. These are her coordinates if that is easier for you: 40°47’29.9″N 73°57’19.7″W


Then there is the ResLoop/Tennis Court fountains (there’s two)

The good thing about this one is that you can easily access from the West side of Central Park (about 400 meters from the West Drive), but also from the bridal path and the reservoir loop.

The easiest way to find her is to know where the Bridge #28 is. 

Bridge #28 is in front of the tennis court. The bridge intersects with the reservoir track, and right there are the fountains. You have to get (on the bridge towards) the reservoir path.

This one is harder to get to sometimes when it’s early or late (as it’ll be dark) or snowy (snow!) or raining (because mud, etc). But it’s very convenient sometimes, plus usually the bathrooms in the tennis courts are open after 6 am, so it can be a good spot for other things. 

There’s two fountains, yesterday one wasn’t working but they’re usually trustworthy.

And you get a great view for pictures too if you’re in the mood after the drink!

Their coordinates: 40°47’19.7″N 73°57’42.7″W


No name, let’s call her 61st? better ideas?

There is one more, that is usually open. WAY trickier to describe and find but very useful sometimes. It was NOT working yesterday, but I’ll update you. I did take pics anyway so you can find it if you need to. If you look at the map, this is hard to describe, but just look for the crosswalk, the traffic light. 

The traffic light across the street read W60X but it was hard to read, so around W6something.

The water fountain is on the south side of the road, a bit moved in towards Central Park south. But again, let’s hope it’s working again. Just use this:  40°46’01.8″N 73°58’37.9″W

Hope this helps! Questions? Let me know!

Newport Half Marathon + Workouts that guarantee a PR

So, now that I am marathon training, I am happy to sign up to do a half marathon on my way there, to sharpen speed and practice a fueling strategy. A PR in the half is this close and I determined to make it happen! I just need to slice 5 seconds and I promise I’ll be happy forever!

And with that, such turn of events… I am running the NEWPORT HALF MARATHON again this year! Hahaha, such turn of events, I know…! 

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I did the race last year (and their 10K also in 2016) and it was amazing. The Newport Half is in right in the heart of Newport, New Jersey, just across the Hudson, and is super flat and fast. It covers some miles on the town, an extra few miles on a park, and then the river front, with amazing views of the nyc skyline and Miss Liberty, there is a few turns, just the way I like it, BEST WAY TO PR! Also great, it’s just a few minutes away from NYC, via the path! Also, check out the finish line spread in the pictures… delish and impressive. If you sign up, tell them I sent you 😉

When: Sunday, September 17th, 2017. Racers take their mark at 8:30 a.m. 

Where: 100 Town Square Place,  Jersey City, NJ 07310. Click here for directions

Logistics: Bag check is offered (limited to one bag per runner). All runners will receive medals at the end of the race. Packet pickup will take place from 6:30 to 8:15 am in Newport Town Square, 100 Town Square Place, Jersey City.  Free parking is available in the North Garage at 561 Washington Blvd. (Enter on Washington Boulevard, see parking information in Directions). No Headphones.  No Baby Joggers. THERE IS RACE DAY REGISTRATION.


If you’re doing your FIRST HALF this Fall, make sure you get the basics covered:

– Consistent training, don’t skip workouts

– At least one speed workout a week. It could be 800s, mile repeats, or a good tempo run! FUN!

– Do at least a 5K or a 10K (better!) before the half so you practice racing (aka: pacing, hydration, pre-race fueling, race day gear, etc.) and know exactly where you are, fitness-wise. And, race rehearsal is super important!

– At least one long run every week. Doesn’t have to be long long but at least get up to anything from 7-8  miles to 15-16 a couple of times.

Now, if you’ve done a FEW HALFS and now you want to get faster… how do we do that??? that’s the tricky part…  besides all those points above:

– speed workouts twice a week if you can handle them. Maybe do intervals mid week (800s, mile repeats, hill sprints) and a tempo with a few more miles after (to simulate a longish/hard run) on the weekend.

– practice race pace but not more than 4-5 miles.

– practice pacing, maybe you can do your tempos as a ladder (where each mile is faster than the last one)

– practice patience, the half is such a waiting game. You can’t go all out from the start and you need to learn to hold your horses: do a few races to practice this.

– DRILLS, at least twice a week! Here’s a good guide to learn. It’ll improve your form and it’ll help you keep going on the later miles of the half.

And then, set an appropriate goal. Nothing too easy or you won’t be motivated, and nothing too hard that will crush you while trying. This is also really hard to do, as we have to learn to be realistic and humble. But that’s the good thing about running, right? It keep us honest (and fit!!).

So, I’ll be adjusting my training a bit because I am also doing a full marathon this year, just a few weeks after the half. 

CONSISTENCY + ENDURANCE + SPEED are the main ingredients to a bulletproof half marathon training program. You have to do enough miles to build a great endurance base (whatever that number is for you) and throw in as many speed workouts as your body can handle without falling apart. Periodization is Key. Sit dow and plan this out in 7 or 10 days periods to have a good idea of what’s ahead and where you’re resting. DO NOT SKIP RESTING.

These are the workouts I usually do, in a period of 7 to 10 days depending on the workout.

LONG RUNS: Anything from 10 to 16 miles. Pace can be easy, or progressive, or you can add a few race pace miles in the middle or end. For example, on the last 3-4 weeks before the race, you can add 3 to 6 miles at the end at the projected pace.

TEMPOS: As uncomfortable as they can be, tempos are the bread and butter of a half marathon training! A tempo can workout to be anything from 3 to 6 miles. Or less when you’re’ starting out, or more if you’re more advanced. Pace should be around your 10K to half marathon pace. you’ll have to adjust based on your level and where you are in the training program. After a few weeks, add a Progression tempo: start at race pace and drop 10 seconds per mile.


  • Long Intervals: 2×2 miles at goal pace, with 4 minutes recovery jog in the middle. After a few weeks, updgrade to 2×3 at goal pace miles and then to 3×3 miles at goal pace, both with 3 minutes recovery jog in the middle.
  • Mile Repeats: Start with 3 x 1 mile at 10K pace with 90 seconds rest. After a few weeks, you can upgrade to 4 or 5 x 1 mile at 10 seconds pace with 60 seconds rest. Eventually, you can do up to 6 x 1 mile, 2 weeks before the race.
  • Hill Repeats! Hill intervals are speedwork in disguise, right? Go do them. Find a hill you can climb, time yourself, and do it a few times.  Jog down as a recovery. The slower your recovery, the faster you’ll go up in your next climb.
  • Yasso 800s. Basically: you run the 800 meters as fast as possible and then jog for recovery in the same amount of time it took to run the 800 meters Maybe start with 4 to 6 reps and build up to 10.

Of course make sure you warm up thoroughly before, do some drills and loosen up. And REST. you need time to recover so I usually like to have an easy week (where it’s just half the mileage and no hard workouts) every 4 weeks.

I am excited!! What’s your next goal race???

AND… who is doing the Newport Liberty Half Marathon with me?

Brooklyn Half Course Elevation, Details and Tips

I know you all have been asking me for a post like the one I did for the NYC Half/Marathon, but I don’t think we need something that long for this race, but still, here you go… Not sure I am an expert on this one (I don’t go to Brooklyn enough!) but this will be my ELEVENTH Brooklyn Half in a row, and all my GPS data matches, and I do have a bunch of years of race reports I can check back on (which helps a lot to write this!).

First, get excited, here’s a few of my pictures, more on the links below.

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With this cheating sheet you won’t be surprised or  have any reason to fade off in the second half. This  course is easy to take on, quite similar to the NYC Half actually, but faster (there’s less hills, no wind in the second part, and a faster last mile -NO TUNNEL!)

  • Green is DOWNHILL (fast!!!)
  • RED is UPHILL (careful!)
  • and YELLOW is FLAT (you got this!)

nyrr airbnb brooklyn half course elevation profile

This is what the elevation profile looks like:

Brooklyn Half Elevation

If you want to click on the course elevation and get more details (so you know exactly where everything is on the map) that’s all here. I compared the last two years and I got the same (160.65 ft elevation vs 162.03 ft, but pretty similar).

HOW to run this race?

Part 1:

Race starts (awesome sight of the Brooklyn Museum) downhill, for a half mile, then up for another half mile while you run towards the Grand Army Plaza (which you’ll run around), then up and down again.  Something to look forward to on the second mile is the rest of the runners in front or behind you. I love turnarounds, heeeey heeeeey everyone!

These red parts are not big HILLS ok? Nothing to worry about, check up the elevation on the chart above, and you’ll see. Very very manageable and sweet.

Course is very scenic and pretty quiet until you get to the Prospect Park Hill (there’s only one) (does it even have another name???) a bit after Mile 4.5. It’s looong and you can’t see where it ends but it’s also not super bad. Check the elevation above again (almost comparable to Harlem Hill). You have a nice down after the hill another tiny bump in the course and then you’re in the clear. All downhill or flat from here. Seriously, the bumps (can’t call them anything else, they’re NOT hills!) are done before Mile 6!!!

Part 2:

Part 2 is when you crank up the heat (STFU!). The race is flat or downhill past mile 6 so you have a lot of room to play with. I’d run the first part very carefully (aka slowish) so you can spread your wings in the second part. You could start part 2 right after the hill in Prospect Park, right before Mile 6. I like to start when I exit the park because, mentally, it’s an easier break. Park: slow. Not Park: FIRE!!!

Once you exit the park (Mile 7), you will be in Ocean Parkway all the way until the last mile of the race. There’s a steep downhill into the parkway, be ready for it! Just past that, it’s OPEN, it’s wide, there’s tons of space and people to chase down. This is the best part, because you can really go crazy here. Some people will tell you it’s boring and there is nothing to look at, etc. It’s a highway, it might be… There’s less spectators than in the park, it’s quiet and it’s just a STRAIGHT LONG road to the finish. But it is, to me, an amazing opportunity to zone out, drive hard and bring it in. Choose a runner ahead (not the one right there, the other one!) and focus. Or count down the avenues (they’re lettered!). Once you make the right turn, you’ll have about half a mile, you make a left at some point, go up a ramp, and a right into the boardwalk to run about 200 meters (in the boardwalk!) straight to the finish line!

Other tips and things you should know:

  • Pre-Race Party is a blast. Bring your friends. Come with time to enjoy BK (pics here and here from 2016), there’s food vendors, drinkies, and cool Brooklyn gear to buy (start saving now!)
  • On race day, take your time to get to the start. Weekend trains can be more sporadic so plan for it, ok? If you don’t want to plan: leave early and follow ANY runner. We are all going to the same place. No Race Before The Race!
  • Every year they’ve had portapotties inside the corrals. Lifesaver.
  • Last year they had these big water dispensers at the start. Bring your own bottle!
  • Course is really fun. you’ll see a lot of locals and teams cheering. Holla back!! Have your own party on the road.
  • It can be crowded in the first few miles. Please be careful and try to not use headphones. It  really really spreads out in the second part and you might miss the coziness of the park.
  • Bring sunglasses, or a hat/visor: the 2nd part doesn’t have a lot of shade.
  • Boardwalk running can be tricky so please watch your step and pick your feet up a bit more than usual, ok?
  • Don’t trust your cell phone to find people after the race. Make specific plans on where to meet people as cell service might be spotty out there in old Coney (worst for some than others based on your provider).
  • Also bring swim-wear, a beach picnic is a must after you pick up your medal and some funnel cake (or  hot dog from Nathan’s Original store if you will!)


It’s tricky. Either it’s great to race in (40s, 50s) or great to have a picnic at the beach after (60s and over). Either way, it’s a win win!!

Historical data for reference:

  • 2016: 58 degrees, humidity 60%, wind 5 mph
  • 2015: 62 degrees, humidity 76%, wind S 5 mph
  • 2014: 58 degrees, 67% humidity, wind NW 10 mph.
  • 2013: 59 degrees, 72% humidity, wind SE 3 mph
  • 2012: 58 degrees, 56% humidity, wind calm.
  • 2011: 55 Deg., 96% Hum., Wind 5mph
  • 2010: 58 Deg. 86% Hum. Wind 6mph

If you go to the corresponding race report (below) you’ll see what I wore each year (and if it was a “racing or beach” year!)

Pacing bracelet

It’s here. Adjusted for the course, though you can adjust it as you like.

More and more here:

Questions? Comment know below and I’ll answer!

Am I missing something? also lmk below!

Can I ask you for something? After the race, would you come back and let me know how it went, or what went right/wrong, or what you’d add to these tips?

My favorite things! April Edition


It doesn’t really feel like Spring…

so, just because Oprah and I are basically the SAME thing, I give you THIS: the new edition of my favorite stuff, where you discover new things you might like  or tell me you’ve been using that old trick for 5 years, and quickly unsubscribe from the blog. 

In no particular order:

stink free sports detergent

wow. seriously. there’s some gear I am careful with. Like my 2014 (neon orange) Boston jacket (because I RUINED my 2010 boston jacket, ha). I love this detergent! Try it (also check that site as they have other amazing things!).

What I love more than this detergent? The mini version of this detergent!! I travel super light I usually bring 1 pair of shorts, 1 bra, etc, so I just leave my clothes on the sink with this for a bit, and voila, ready for the next run!!! Won’t travel without it! WHY RISK IT, right?

fitletic double pouch

fitletic double pouch belt review product review running gear running belt this thing is my house. I have SO many belts (I’ve literally haven’t touched the other ones in years!) but this one is my favorite. Because it has TWO pockets! one is always pre-loaded with my keys, a tissue, some cash, sometimes a gel, whatever! The big one is for my iphone (currently a 6).

I usually add honey sticks in there and what not. I like that the phone is separate as I was always worried, when you take your phone quickly, that all the other crap (keys!!) would fall out! That’s not a problem here! You know we take stuff out without stopping the run!!! I’ve had it for over 2 years and it’s still in top shape. I just did a get new one because my dad sorta “claimed” my old one when he saw it…! check it out here.

I am so comfortable with it that I’ve run many races with it, including the Boston Mary.

runinkspired running tattoos

umm. yes. motivation? check. fun on the road? check. badass look? check. Temporary??? YES! easy to put on, what else do you need to know??? They are awesome. They are here. I got a bunch and been using them when it’s hot out. Love them!


Designer fitness apparel hand picked just for you. I stole this text from the website because how I could I say it better? Basically you create your own profile, pick what sort of sports you do, what you like (patterns, colors, etc), what sort of stuff you need more or less of (tops, bottoms, accessories, etc.) and then… you get a lovely package with things they select for you (and a return envelope to return what you don’t want to keep). Just like Stitch Fix for sports!

I like this sort of stuff because, let’s be realistic, we’d all be buying the same exact crap into eternity. It’s like when an ex (years years ago) gave me a light tan max mara cute little bag… ugh, TAN? YUK. Does he not know me at all? Every purse I own is neon!!! Anyway, because it WASN’T just like everything else I had, I ended up using it a LOT. I still have it actually. My point is that, because WE didn’t pick it, it might actually fill some hole in our wardrobe.

So, in my first shipment I got TWO things I NEVER would have bought, or really, even bother to look at a store. And I am obsessed with them!!!!! Worn them SO much already in two weeks! I even wore the tights in my race this past weekend! The top has three things I’d usually HATE: white/kangaroo pocket/mesh fabric!!! And, I LOVE IT. The tights… omg, they’re so soft and comfy… For anyone who’s ever tried to buy a present you know I am IMPOSSIBLE (my bday was two weeks ago, I returned most of it!) so this is a miracle.

under armour anything studio lux shoes

It’s not a secret that I am obsessed with all the UA gear. Want me to tell you again? Their infrared shirts have changed the way I approach winter now! but this is my obsession of the month!!! these shoes are SO COOL, and LIGHT, and COMFY, and BENDY. It’s a go.

I included some vacation pictures so you can see how I wear them with ANYTHING. It’s shocking I haven’t worn them to bed yet.

I also got a bunch more stuff from Under Armour in the last months. These blue tights are amazing (besides cool), super thin and soft. I wore them once and then to the NYC Half (that’s how much I trusted them!). Ps: they have a side pocket that fits my iphone 6, with a little hole for the headset!

The shell storm jacket, OH, obsessed, best top layer ever. And the shoes, those are the new record-equipped Gemini 2 that connect via bluetooth to a phone and track your mileage. Even when you run without your phone. I still have two Geminis (1) that I love and these feel quite similar, but it’s fun to think about going out without a gps watch!!!!

Questions? Anything you discovered this month that you love and couldn’t live without???? Share!

Summer Streets in NYC

What is Summer Streets, you say?

On three consecutive Saturdays in the summer, nearly seven miles of New York City’s streets are opened up for everyone to play, run, walk and bike.

I love Summer Streets! You get Park Avenue on the Upper East Side all the way downtown to the Brooklyn Bridge for yourself, and then some. There are events, water stations all over, and you really feel like you own the streets. I love Summer Streets, did I tell you already?

The first one was last Saturday, and I missed because I was racing the Team Championships… no way I’d miss this one!!!


In case you are the type that could get lost following the crowds: a map

Blaise, Patricia, Juan, Kyra, Jessica, Shawn, Gerry and I met by the Brooklyn Bridge at 7:30 and we got moving, they were all doing a long run (16 to 20), and Juan and I were shooting for 12, all about 8 or 8:20 pace.

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (1)

We might be the only south americans that are always too early to everything. And what happens? we do stooopid things like these pictures!

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (2)

thanks lady runner for this shot. ALL ready to go!!!!! Let’s do this!

We decided to take on the Brooklyn Bridge first. Well Patricia decided and we all usually do whatever anyone suggests!summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (3)

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (4)

THIS. only. way. and. time. to. be. there. seriously, right?

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (5)

Now on the Manhattan Bridge, back towards the city

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (6)

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (9)

Elizabeth, take a picture of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha, I did!

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (7) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (8)

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (10) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (11) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (12)

Back in the city and on Summer Streets!

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (13)

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (18)

very sweaty and thirsty gang!

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (14) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (15) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (16) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (17)


I love these things. Yes, I love water, I love free water, and I love water that is everywhere. These things are EVERYWHERE. So I love them. Can I be more repetitive and obvious?

Towards Grand Central now…

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (19) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (20) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (21) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (22) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (23)

And now on Park Avenue, north of Grand Central, my favorite stretch!!!

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (24) summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (25)

Then we headed into Central Park, because, it’s there, you know?

This is the route we ended up with, Brooklyn Bridge to, duh, Brooklyn, back in the city through the Manhattan Bridge, then back to Summer streets up north to 72, north in the park for a Harlem Hill Climb and … that was 12 for Juan and I, the rest kept going

summer streets 2015 pictures nyc run elizabeth maiuolo running (1) If you haven’t gone, DO IT. SO SO SO worth it.

1- go early, 7 am, it gets very crowded (and almost not worth it) after 9ish.

2- there’s those water stops, so no need to carry fuel belts.

3- take pictures. it’s amazing. I can never get over it.

4- plan a post-run brunch along the course, so you can watch everyone go after you finished your run!

Promise me you’re going next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Race Report: NYC Half 2015 – running naked

Well, the NYC Half happened. Again. For the 7th time for me. And I am VERY happy about it. Such a huge learning opportunity!!!I love that every race is something completely different from what I expect… (sometimes!)

Where I Was: I wasn’t sure it was great, but I did a 5K two weeks before in 7:18 pace, and a 4 Miler in early February in 7:35 pace. My last halves were in October, there were 2 (1:43 and 1:44), plus add the winter training, I figured I’d be around 1:45 or 1:43 if ALL went well. 1:45 is 8 pace, and given I had done 7:35 in the 4 miler, that seemed like a stretch…

my  #unitednychalf nails. crazy ready.

nyc half nails. logo and all, crazy ready

The Expo: I almost forgot to tell you all about the expo and skipped all over this: it was in a new location (in a part a of town I usually ignore, yuk) and it was big! I am so so sick of the tight tiny expos, I loved that there was space to walk and breathe, and many exhibitors and activities. The only complain I have is that the lighting was so bad it gave me a headache. So weird.

Juan, me and Flor getting our bibs with a giant medal

Juan, me and Flor getting our bibs with a giant medal. Click if you want to make any of this a LOT bigger

2015-03-15 05.15.10

35 degres is bikini weather after the winter we had here, puh-lease!

Race Morning: Juan and I were in wave one (7:30 am start) so we got there around 6:30 to get to baggage, last minute potty trip, and get to the corral before the 7:10 close time.I was the first person in corral 3. Seriously, so early, but I rather sit there, knowing all is done than stress myself stooopid. I can’t handle rushing right before a race anymore. At my age, I can’t be bothered with rushing or stressing so I woke up EXTRA early.

murtaugh too old for that shit

we actually run into him a couple of weeks ago so he must live in the UES, York Ave. I guess, I have no idea.  Juan almost had a heart attack.

In the Corral: That’s when I decided to turn on the watch, get gps signal and some music. Ummm Sh@@#@#$@%_)$$@_#)@_)!@)!_! to say the least. My watch (and also mp3 player, I use the same device for both) was NOT CHARGED. I freaked out a bit like a maniac. How on earth am I going to know if I am going too fast??? I don’t think I’ve ever run a race naked (no watch!!!) or since… EVER!!! Ugh. Crap. Kept freaking out.  First, I won’t have any pace information, second, I’d have to race with no music?!?!?! Third, I don’t want to be carrying this watch around 13.1 miles for no reason. I am not gonna lie, I threw a little fit.

My problem is, unlike everyone else, I tend to start super slow and go crazy later. I need to know if I am going too fast (to slow myself down!) in the first miles!!!! I know, I am not normal.

I put the headphones in my back pocket, decided not to go back to baggage to leave it, and, for some very strange reason, I knew this would be a good thing. I would miss the music, but I knew it’d be a great challenge for me. I know how to pace, now just do it.

A few minutes before the gun, my friend Patricia shows up and Juan goes up to his first corral. I wasn’t running with Patricia, as she’s way faster than me (she’d end up doing 1:35). Bye hon, I’ll be back here by myself, with no pace info or music. Pffff. Great.

Race ON: This post, for the first time ever, will not have any mile splits (can we even handle this??), or any of that. I made sure I looked at the clock when I started and it read 1:40 (I think), so I thought I could subtract from the next mile markers. That did NOT work out. When I got to mile 1 the clock said 19:20 and I had NO IDEA what that mean. I gave up instantly forever and just kept running.

Mile 1, past Cathill, I know was fast. I could tell I was going fast, but hey, who knows??? Sometimes a 10 minute mile seems fast!!!! Mile 2 was uneventful, and on mile 3, one of my favorite things: an out and back!!! Is there anything more fun in a race than seeing the people who are running ahead and behind you??>? The only right answer is NO, people! SO much fun. I saw my husband and yelled at SO many people, I am sure I was ruining a lot of people’s jams around me with my constant yelling! Mile 3 back into the park to the lovely hellish Harlem Hill. That’s when something hit me. Right ahead of me was the 1:40 pace group. I knew the pacer for that group, Anthony, and he had told me he was in wave 1 corral 5, so he had started after me and had already passed me, so I guessed I was about 1:43 or 1:42 here, just a dumb guess. I was SO tempted to sneak behind him and chase him, the pace didn’t seem so scary, but I mentally screamed at myself and virtually slapped myself. NO. LET HIM GO. I made sure I stayed back, bye Anthony, byyyyyyye!

On Mile 4 I looked for a few friends who I figured would be watching here (so I could toss my watch!!!!) but I didn’t see anyone. I was running mostly by myself and without the music so it was hard to settle on a rhythm and relax. I haven’t learned how to do that. I was breathing hard and it’s quite loud and annoying, even to me (sorry everyone!). I really wanted to relax, but I just couldn’t.

nyc half nycunitedhalf nyrr nychalf central park elizabeth maiuolo (1) nyc half nycunitedhalf nyrr nychalf central park elizabeth maiuolo (2)

Soon I am leaving the park and I have no idea HOW IT ALL WENT SO FAST! Not pace wise, because I had no idea how fast or slow I was running, but the first 5 miles are usually super hard controlling my speed and my willingness to start going a bit faster. I was out of the park in a jiffy and I couldn’t believe it. This is probably the fastest race I ever had (nooo, it would not be a PR!).

Times Square was amazing. Seriously. I was having way too much fun!!! I saw everyone there. Oh how much I enjoyed it… DON’T BELIEVE ME, JUST WATCH!!!

Marathonfoto: just take all my money and shut up!

Anyway, this is when I would start pushing the pace. Thing is, I felt like I had been pushing the pace all along. Had I started too fast and would soon die off, or did I go the tiny bit harder that I could handle if I didn’t know how fast I was going??? So complicated. And who knew, really? A few times I felt like asking people around how fast we were going, but, you know, whatever!

42nd street is always SO MUCH FUN. I saw Ben taking pictures, Annette cheering, people who I didn’t know yelling my name. The whole race was like that.  I know this is isn’t true (maybe, not really) but I felt like all NYC was out there to cheer on me. I did. I took that to heart too. And I pushed the pace.

Soon is the turnaround to hell. That’s what I call it when you have to hit the gas and not look back.  We’re getting close to the West Side Highway and I see Anthony again with the 1:40 stick. Ummmm. How did this happen??? They can’t be falling back? I must be pushing too hard. Maybe? I decided to stay behind them. Then, soon, when I was right on their heels, I decided I’d just sit behind them, and let them figure out the pacing. I was sure now I was ready to hold whatever 1:40 pace was. Theeeeeeeen, I said hello to Anthony, and I just FREAKING KEPT GOING…


I even thought of asking him what pace was 1:40. I didn’t. I went too fast to talk much to him. I just kept going.


So that, I kept going. I told him I’d blow up soon and he’d pass me in a mile or two. I hit the gas.

I just focused on getting to Mile 11 where the next Whippets cheering section was (I had already seen Scott and some Whippets on Times Square and more Whippets at the gel station). I knew Michelle, Tessa, Atsede would be there. I just had to get there. Soon enough, there they were, all yelling and cheering!!!!

Mile 11, Mile 12, I felt like I was flying. At least my hair was!

The Finish: then the tunnel. AY: I was done. I had a side stitch, I was dry-heaving and I felt like I was going to either throw up or pass out. I felt nauseous. WHAT?!??! Just relax and keep going. I started telling myself to just hang on. Hang on. Hang on.

I remembered from last year, after the tunnel we had just 3-4 blocks. This year I knew, after the tunnel, we had two blocks left, and two blocks left again. BUT OMG I had no idea there was still half mile to go after we exited the tunnel before we turned. I remember there was a hard  left off the tunnel last year. Not this year. I kept looking forward and I couldn’t see where on earth we were turning left…!!! That was the LONGEST part of the race. That half a mile, to me, was longer than the other 12.6 (or whatever the math is!). I didn’t have much to sprint with but I tried. Someone yelled my name. I smiled. I looked up. I crossed the finish line. I didn’t have a watch to stop but I had a nose to wipe, that thing was a fossett during the whole race!!!! YUCK. And there was Mary Wittenberg and I have to say hello with this sweaty-nose stuff? Ay dios!

nyc half nycunitedhalf nyrr nychalf central park elizabeth maiuolo (15) nyc half nycunitedhalf nyrr nychalf central park elizabeth maiuolo (14)

Well, the clock said 1:41 something, but who knows what my time is. I saw Juan right away, then Richie, then Daphne, then Caitlin, then Cara… like 3000 of my friends and team mates!!!!!!

nyc half nycunitedhalf nyrr nychalf central park elizabeth maiuolo (11) nyc half nycunitedhalf nyrr nychalf central park elizabeth maiuolo (12) nyc half nycunitedhalf nyrr nychalf central park elizabeth maiuolo (13)

2015-03-15 14.52.31


Richie is so special to me!!!! Not only is he an overall amazing and cool guy, he photographed our proposal and wedding!! Like how cool is to have a team mate like that?!?!?!?!??! HUH??????

2015-03-15 14.52.56

there’s Anthony, the 1:40 pacer and major Ironman superstar.

Juan and I grabbed our bags, went to the side to fully change (yes, I took off my sweaty bra and all) into clean/dry clothes and all of a sudden I realized I had no idea what my time was. I had a twinge of an idea I had been around 1:40 or 1:42 or 1:44 but really, I had no idea. Juan got to it first and told me: 1:39:26.


That’s quite different from 1:45. Or from the 1:50 I got last year… Or the 1:43 and 1:44 I did in October.

It is still not a PR, which is 1:37 from this same race in 2013, but I was soooooooooooooo happy, I think I cried a little. Quite in disbelief, I got a little teary. We’re coming back. Slowly. It’s happening. Finally!

Stats Time:

Finish time: 1:39:26 Average Pace: 7:36

Previous PR: 1:37:35 From: March, 2013

Age Grading: 68.03% 

Overall Place: 2063 of 19,455

Gender Place: 447 of 10,150

Age Place: 60 of 1639

This is very good-looking. I like the 68% percent there, given I am changing age groups in ONE week. I’ll be 40 next week, so, being 60th out of 1639, when I am at the bottom of my AG is not so shabby!

2015-03-15 09.47.23-1

We then went to the Whippets Party, stayed there until around 11 am then headed uptown to Bareburger, Juan’s favorite place that we never go to, home, shower, and OMG I was so tired the rest of the day, Juan had to carry me from the couch to the bed and all that. I was destroyed. But happy.

Then I saw that the results had 5K splits!!! Wohooooooooooooooo!! some data!

My first 5K was an average 7:44 pace. Remember, overall pace was 7:36, so seems like I started a bit slower, so, GREAT. the second 5K, where most of the hills are, was slower: average pace of 7:52. So far, so good. The third 5K was 7:21 and the 4th 5K was 7:20. So, seems like a negative split and run well without a friiiiging clue. Pinch me.

More and more pictures of the race, here

Race Report: 2014 NYRR Brooklyn Half Marathon

As I had declared last week, I am done with running for now, I needed a mental break after 10 years and I wasn’t going to run anymore. But… I was signed up for the Brooklyn Half and the Mini 10K (in 3 weeks)… what to do? Well, I’m gonna pick the bib and tshirt and decide later. Maybe I would feel like running by Saturday…?

Pre-Race Party/ Bib Pick Up  Bib Pick Up is more like a party, hence the renaming… It’s a nice place, by the water, with a GREAT view of the city, many food and drink options, a lot of space to hang out and see your friends, and the truth is we were running into people we knew every inch we walked. It was bit crowded, there was music, things to shop for, fun atmosphere. Too bad the weather didn’t help much but we got there, got our bibs, took some pictures, looked at the new balance stuff (nice!), went outside, got some food (there was a truck with melted cheese deliciousnesses) and stayed on the “lawn” to hear the band, then it started raining so we left soon. The trek from the Upper East Side where we live took about 1 hour each way, mostly because the 4/5 leaves you like almost a mile away. It’s a super nice walk though, and that street Lululemon or something off the Borough Hall stop is so super super nice!! I am planning to go back to the area.. on a nicer day. It’s a really nice park and you can’t top the views (says the Manhattan girl: if there is no view of the city, there’s no reason to leave the city!!!).  Now, if you want to get in and out fast like this was midtown, won’t happen! I liked this place, though I liked the place they had last year too

Walking to the expo on the Promenade or whatever that's called

Walking to the expo on the Promenade or whatever that’s called

We have been bibbed!

We have been bibbed!

Something I like about leaving the city, the perspective when you look at the city...

Something I like about leaving the city, the perspective when you look at the city…

Friday: D (decision) day  So, come Friday I hadn’t made a decision yet (Title should be more like INdecision day). Should I eat some carbs? Should I prep running clothes or should I just find something to do? If this was just a race in Central Park, it’d be easy to decide to skip it. But… the Brooklyn Half is more like an event… or a trip out of town with hot dogs and beach… AY, I couldn’t make up my mind, and by 4 pm I was stressing a bit. Juan was going to race it, so I’d be up at 3:30 am no matter what. If I could stay and sleep it’d be a different thing. BUT, if I had to get up and get out anyway (I am not just not going to not go cheer or meet him at the finish, can’t just stay home, what type of wife would Ii be??) then I might as well put some running clothes on…? So, staying in bed and sleep through it was not an option. I determined I’d go, try to run and enjoy it and if I didn’t, I’d just take the train… I had two exit strategies, my friend Tessa at mile 1.5 and my friend Flor at the 5 mile water stop. I’d just go with them to the finish and whatever! Flor even had a shirt for me. Then… I had the idea to wear the tutu to amuse myself: tutu power ON! You know my tutu, right? The BIG ONE!!!!


Then… I had the idea to ask on Facebook… because it seemed everyone I knew would be running Brooklyn to see if anyone would want company at my slow chatty pace! I wanted to make sure I had fun, and I was not going to do it alone for sure! I was looking for someone to chat through 13.1 in around 1:50 to 2 hours… I got offers to pace people but, pacing wouldn’t work, the other person would be working hard and who was I was going to have fun with?? Still a few people offered and we planned to meet in the corral! If all else failed and I got bored, I had my metrocard with me and would hop on the train to the finish! I had no issues giving up fast if I am not having fun. No guilt!

RACE MORNING!!! It was cruel how early we got up, and we went to sleep late because we got sucked into watching the Barbara Walters special…beeeeep beeeeep beeeeep 3:40 am alarm!!!! We figured we’d leave by 4:20 to get to the start by 5:40. It’s a long way from the Upper East side and I didn’t want to stress being late. I was going to be miserably sleepy and tired anyway! Luckily, it had just stopped raining, wohooo. We got ready, bundled up and got on the 4 to switch to the 2 in Fulton with another 10 thousand other runners. It was quite simple but I am always scared some train might not be running, we got there quite early. And sleepy. As it would turn out, we were quite right to get there early…

Look AWAKE!!

Look AWAKE!!

Bagagge and Start As soon as we got out of the 2 in Franklin Avenue, wow,  there were high fences all over the place and only one way to go. Note: always check the NYRR website and use the train exit they tell you to use (if you go with the one you think is closest you might end up walking miles because of the fences!). That way then security and metal detectors then security again and IN! We then walked towards the corrals (starting from the back), where we saw the portapotties inside!! Wohooo, we rushed into those, as they were all empty, took care of business, then kept walking to drop our bags and back to the corrals. It must have been like a half mile walk, we got to the trucks and deadline was 6:20 am, we had 10 minutes! We had to rush and change as they were NOT waiting one second!!!! We dropped our stuff quickly (it seemed like a liiiitle bit chaotic) and headed back to the corral. Yey, portapotties in the corral again!! For a change, the first wave started late, this is never the case in NYRR races. I was a 4 corrals back so I am not sure what was going on in the front, but the first runners were 7 or 8 minutes late to start. Wave 2 seems to have started on time.

Race Atmosphere This race was huge, you could tell right away. I wasn’t sure how many people would be there… 20,000? 30,000? It seemed super ultra mega organized: like they were expecting Obama… there was a LOT of people, but still I never felt more crowded than usual. I saw so many people… many from out of town (sometimes you can tell by their t-shirts!). It really felt like something big was about to happen. By the afternoon, it’d be confirmed that this was to be the biggest half marathon in the US with over 25K finishers… craziness.

Weather. It was coldish waiting at the start, glad I had brought an old turtleneck I wanted to get rid of. It was 58 at the start, but with the little clothes and wind, we were freezing! Of course as soon as it started, it was perfect (and I was wearing as little as I could!) but then the sun hits you on Ocean Parkway, and oh uh, hottish! It was totally fine though.

The Corrals I was corral 3, Juan was 4, so we had told everyone to meet us at 4. We got there early and met up with Patricia, a lot of my team mates, Elyssa, Lara, and so many more people. Apparently Blaise was right there too and I missed him. It gets crowded quickly so if you’re going to meet someone in the corral, always pick a corner!

nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half PreRace (1) Elyssa, from this Bridges Runner blog, orange shirt, had volunteered the day before to run with me. I shyly asked “I like to talk when I run, is that ok? do you like to chat when you run?” I know some people hate it but as I said, I needed to have fun, and I needed help! But also, I don’t want to ruin anyone’s day! She said YES. I was so happy. Now let’s see if we’re both comfortable and happy at the same speed…! The Course is…GREAT! There are a couple of little hills in the first 10K, and then flat or downhill past mile 6. You REALLY have to negative split here or you did something wrong. Good course to PR in, though for some reason, I never seemed to PR here… There is the one hill in prospect park, which is not that steep but seems to last foreeeever (elevation profile is here) because it bends so much you have no idea where it ends. There can be way too much sun after you leave the park, but luckily there’s a few trees. MY RACE Well, I really I had no idea what to expect. Having felt so slow and tired lately and with my crappy attitude… we started slow, we chatted… we cheered, we screamed, we talked about how we both didn’t feel like running but we were still running because, by talking, it didn’t feel like running. We stayed on the side and made sure we didn’t bother anyone, mostly in the first couple of minutes when it seemed like all 20 corrals were passing us. Soon, everybody’s speed matched our non-speed and we were seriously cheering people around us. I am sure we bothered some people, as the people who talk sometimes bother ME when I am racing hard and unable to focus, sorry. We tried to not be obnoxious but most people were happy to have us cheer for them. We checked on each other and made sure we were going slow enough to not push ourselves, to make sure we were relaxed and having fun. We somehow managed to have a lot of fun the whole way!

Picture by Ben Ko- thanks BEN!! Still had my start turtleneck as a scarf on the first half mile, just because even if it doesn't match, i need to make a fashion statement!!!!!

Picture by Ben Ko – thanks BEN!!
Still had my start turtleneck as a scarf on the first half mile, just because even if it doesn’t match, I need to make a fashion statement!!!!!

I got hot soon, even though I wasn’t racing and I was wearing less clothes than EVERYONE around me. The tutu was great though… it got SO many cheers and shoutouts that all I was doing sometimes was say thank-yous nonstop!! I love my tutu! The park was bit more crowded than the rest of the race but it really wasn’t so bad. We were having fluids every 2 miles, and one gel as we left the park. I saw so many people cheering, at the water stations, passing me in the race, really you felt like everyone was there! Pace-wise, I have to admit, I barely looked at my watch once or twice… I had no idea. Elyssa shouted mile splits sometimes, just because our only thing was to check not to go over 2 hours, but as I can’t do any math, I figured I’d look at mile 10… I like to hit the pedal when I leave the park but Elyssa had an irish soccer game -or something- to play that afternoon and wanted to save some energy, and I was comfortably having a good time that I was not chancing it by taking off! By mile 9 we decided we’d finish together and we did just that! Easy peasy, half done! nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Race (3) nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Race (2) We got to Coney Island, we put our hands together and crossed the finish line. 1:57 and something.

nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Finish (2)

Done, we had fun, and now we have some more fun. In Coney Island!!!

The Finish Line The best part! You have around 300 meters to run on the boardwalk and it gets loud and crowded, even before 9 am! They had medals, bagels, powerbars (chocolate and mint, yuk!!!) and gatorade+water. It is just such a happy place and by 9 am you are free to just go do whatever you want!!! I had told Juan to wait there for me so I caught him as soon as I got my medal! There were a few blocks walk until we got to baggage but it was super organized and easy. Really nice medal too. And we got more pictures of course! nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Finish (3) nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Finish (4) nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Finish (5) The Post Race/Getting my bag back fiasco!  Well.. we had to walk a bit to get our bags and holy molly it was a MESS. Seems like just a few bags where there, there was no line, everyone was against the fence holding their number and shouting their number and if the volunteers found it, they’d bring over the bag. My bib was on my skirt and I just didn’t feel like unpinning it so I asked someone (taller!) ahead of me to shout my number and SOMEHOW I got my bag super fast… Everyone else was just standing there… Apparently, I was one of the lucky few people who got to bag check in time! I learned a LOT of people didn’t get to the bag deadline early on, so they dropped their bags in the “late” truck, so those bags where being brought there in bunches… and/or there were not enough volunteers. I offered to jump in to help to organize the bags by numbers but they didn’t let me. It really was a mess all around. nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Post Race (1) Stats time Oy, this might be painful… or whatever! Finish time: 1:57:32. Average Pace: 8:59. 20 minutes off my PR, ha.

Previous PR: 1:37:35. From: March, 2013 Age Grading: 57.55% Ouch Overall Place: 10,758 of 25,587 Gender Place: 3,831 of 13, 678 Age Place: 523 of 2,105 (still top 25% which is fine… I guess!) To note looking at the stats, not only this is now the biggest half marathon in the US, but also, there were more women finishers (13,678 ) than men (11,909), insane! Total was 25,587 . Also sad, one runner died at the finish. This always makes me so sad.

splits elevation course nyrr brooklyn half marathon 2014

Seems like I lost satellite in the last mile I think. I kept looking and it said 12.47 for a whiiiile for a long time.

The Result I am VERY HAPPY with the race I run. I was not in shape, I wasn’t into it, actually, I had no interest in even showing up, but I managed my goal, to have fun, to not suffer… This doesn’t mean that I am back. I am not feeling like running still and for what I see, I probably won’t for a while. I am back to not running. But I managed to get to my beach party, the way everyone did: by running 13.1 first.

The Post Race Well, I skipped the MCU park as I had already been there last year for a NYC Runs 5k and my team, the Dashing Whippets, always has a beach party!!!  YEY, beach weather. FINALLY! So we scooted over to the beach after we got our bearings and omg, the FUN

I am done running. I am HAPPY.

I am done running. I am HAPPY.

Happy Birthday Whippets (5 years!!) and Matthew Wong (a few more than 5!)

Happy Birthday Whippets (5 years!!) and Matthew Wong (a few more!)

Cute Speech by Rich. Everybody cry, not really. Then there was a chase to plaster a cupcake on Matt's face but I think Matt had been training to avoid that...

Cute Speech by Rich. Everybody cried, no, not really. Then there was a chase to plaster a cupcake on Matt’s face but I think Matt had been training to avoid that…

cupcake boy (I am donut girl)

cupcake boy (I am donut girl)

Boys will be boys??

Boys will be boys??

My girl Kirby and I showing off or matching shorts!

My girl Kirby and I showing off or matching shorts!

He's not normal.

He’s not normal. (It was the Gatorade!!!)

Dashing Whippets Brooklyn Half Marathon

So Many Whippets!! (Apparently I am menopausal as I am the only one without a shirt..!?!??!)

It’s done. I am not sure when I’ll post again, if I have  anything else to say… but, my parents are coming to visit (after 5 years!) and they’re  too excited to see me race, and the Mini10k happens, so, we shall see.

Brooklyn Half Marathon, official page, with loads of pictures

– Brooklyn Half Marathon, official race results

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Brooklyn Half Pre-Party Fun Run, by New Balance

Straight from New Balance!

The Brooklyn Half Marathon is already next weekend and I wanted to let you all know about the Brooklyn ½ Pre-Party Fun Run, Presented By New Balance taking place on Thursday, May 15th at 10:30am. This free event gives runners an opportunity to get in a fun 4 miles and pick up their race packets before the big day!

Wondering how to get to the Brooklyn Half Pre-Party Presented by New Balance? Why not run? Join New Balance for a 4 mile fun run and you’ll gain early access to the Pre-Party so you can skip the lines to packet pickup, shirt pickup and the official merchandise. The run will start from the New Balance Experience Store @ 150 5th Avenue at 10:30am.  They’ll even take your dry gear over from the store to the party for you and give you a subway card so you can get back home after the party. RSVPs are limited.

Runners can sign up on the NBNY Facebook page –

More information on Pre-Party, check out this link: Brooklyn 1/2 Pre-Party Presented By New Balance

More on the Pre-Party and the race itself on my post about the 2013 NYRR Brooklyn Half Marathon

the expo last year: FUN STUFF

2013-05-16 18.05.44 2013-05-16 22.30.03  2013-05-16 22.28.58 2013-05-16 18.06.322013-05-16 22.29.24

If you need the Brooklyn Half elevation profile, it’s here

if you’re looking for details and tips on how to run the Brooklyn Half, check out the post linked here 😉 – the post below is old so check out the one here for a lot more stuff (including race strategy, a custom pace bracelet, weather data and tips on the race)

2013-05-17 10.10.04

Full run details are here, with more details on the elevation profileJust select Elevation in the menu on the left where it says Select Metric. Let’s see if you can figure out where I took my gel! 😉

2013 Race Report, with a lot of the race details and review is here.

More here: 2014 NYRR Brooklyn Half Marathon Or Here: 2012 Brooklyn Half: IT IS WHAT IT IS (a fun and scary ride?)

Also, as I just prepped this year’s course mile splits, here is what I have: Green is DOWNHILL (fast); PINK is UPHILL (slow!), and Yellow is FLAT (you got this!). So you won’t be surprised!

airbnb brooklyn course details and elevation

and how I structured my miles… obvs this will be determined by the race day weather, but so you get an idea:

bk half pacing strategy

Questions? lmk!

One YEAR and two days since my last PR…

So my running lately has been lame almost crappy. It’s been a year since my last PR!!! Given, the last one was pretty sweet: Third Woman and won my AG

 2013-05-04 13.03.512013-05-04 14.28.53

but it was…  A YEAR AGO!

I had had a great string of PRs in every distance and felt wonderful and been injury free for years… then… I got sick with an ulcer, got lazy, got married, kept falling around (or more sometimes) than once a month, pulled a pectoral muscle, got lazy again, got really cold, had leg spams… you name it. I DON’T HAVE A REAL REASON. And I know it.

It is still just so sad. Mostly because I don’t have a reason. Still, I prefer to have a lazy season than an injured 0ff-season!!!

Things are changing now. Though, post Boston, I still feel really really tired. My runs have been slow, like 3 minutes over marathon pace, painful, and pretty forced.

I am starting to feel like I a non-runner. I really don’t know how they do it. It sucks quite a lot. Ugh.

When was your last PR or what was your longest dry spell??

Best Races to Qualify for Boston Marathon 2015

This list is for people who want to qualify this year, in 2014 and run in 2015. (Boston Qualifying Rules here, your qualifying race needs to be on or after Sept 14, 2013)

The CRITERIA I am using: up to September 7th, 2014 (registration opens in September 8th, 2014), fast, flat or downhill, still open, good reputation as a BQ. Feel free to send me races to add, or to tell me if these need to be edited!

Ordered by upcoming date:

Run for the Red Marathon, 5/18, Pocono Raceway, Long Pond, PA

Buffalo Marathon, 5/25,  Buffalo, NY

Mountains to Beach Marathon, 5/25, Ojai, California

Newport Marathon, 5/31, Newport, Oregon

Grandma’s marathon, 6/21, Minnesota

Run Charlevoix, 6/21, Charlevoix, Michigan

Foot Traffic Flat Marathon, 7/4, Portland, Oregon.

Light at the End of the Tunnel, 7/13, North Bend, WA. 

Chasing the Unicorn, 8/17, Bucks County, PA.

Santa Rosa Marathon, 8/24, Santa Rosa, 55 miles N of San Francisco, CA

Pocatello Marathon, 8/30, Pocatello, ID

Lehigh Valley Hospital Marathon, 9/7, Allentown, PA

Skagit Flats, 9/7, Burlington, WA

Sioux Falls Marathon, 9/7, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

(too late) Big Cottonwood Marathon, 9/13, Utah

(too late) Erie Marathon at Presque Isle, 9/14, Erie, PA

(too late) Top of Utah, 9/20, Cache Valley, Northern Utah

(too late) Fox Cities Marathon, 9/21, Appleton, WI

 What else? Any marathon I should add here?

-If you want to compare marathons, I’ve used this website before, just choose two and compare hills, course, temperature, etc, very useful.

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Race Report: Scotland Run 10K (more like two 5Ks!)

Any other time, I would have hated the results. But I am happy.

There I went, into my race #95, knowing I wouldn’t PR and I was still happy. The weather was finally nice to run and race in and it’d be a great way to do some speedwork. Even if I am two weeks away from Boston with just one long run. Whatever, right? So I went in relaxed, looking for a training run, to get in below 50 minutes (so far from my last 10K at 44 mins last year) and I came back with a lot of happy


Getting there. Juan and I jogged to the start, a simple 1.5 miles Start. Super organized as always. I met my training partner Patricia in the corralqu she said she was shooting for 49, perfect, I though.

Weather. 45! Can it be any better? NO. I always say: over 42 is singlet weather. Booty shorts and singlet does it!

The Course. Is… OY. This is Central Park. A whole loop! CLOCKWISE. Rolling hills 75% of the time. And Harlem hill is WORSE in this direction. Not a PR-friendly course, barely any flat, but nothing also that you can’t do.

The Post Race.  I saw everyone I know there, so fun…! Plus the raffle excitement. I love this race! Oh oh and the main thing: BAGPIPES AND KILTS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Weather was nice, all was calm… but I was a mess… 15 minutes before the gun I felt like I had to go #2… TMI right? But if you’re reading this you quite probably are a runner!!! Well, I didn’t have time to get out of the corral, go to the portapotty and start in my corral, so I decided I’d do my best to hold on to it (somehow..?). Is this too gross? Well, I really didn’t think I’d make it. But I had the same gut feeling in Berlin and it lasted 11 miles… I only had to do 6 here! I hoped it’d go away and lined up.

My goal was to be under 50, which is quite far from my PR but oh well, this is where I am now. Patricia and I started together and literally switched leads for about 3 miles. I was feeling ok but she had a lot more than me and I felt I was starting to burn gas so I decided to let her go early on (smart move!! she’d go on to finish a minute before me!). The whole race went well as usual, I had nothing crazy to say about it, more than my stomach held up, YEY. Going up the hill in the last .1 is always hard but had to get done:

dashing whippets nyrr scotland run 10K 2014 (5)

The race ended fine… I never run out of steam but I don’t I run the best I could have, I just really wasn’t sure how to read my body with whatever was going on in my tummy..! If you look at my laps it looks like I was running two 5Ks instead of a 10k…! Ugh.

scotland laps

Stats Time!  

Finish time: 47:41. Average Pace: 7:42

Previous PR: 44:32. From: May, 2013

Age Grading: 65.37% 

Overall Place: 1559 of  8067

Gender Place: 280 of  3899 (wow, I really can’t complain, can I?)

Age Place: 41 of  xx?

NYRR Race Results, Photos, and Recap here.

Anyway, we had some fun after with my friends, team mates, the guys in kilts, the bagpipers, the raffle and the band there (who were they??? so osom!)

nyc scotland parade 2014 (2)

Juan and I, both of us around 3 or 4 minutes off our PRs and for the first time at the same AG!

nyc scotland parade 2014 (2) dashing whippets

With some more Dashing Whippets wagging our tails after dropping many hammers!

Soon after we headed home, showered, complained about how tired we went and headed out before noon to walk through the park (again) to go watch some of the Scotland Parade. I really do LOVE bagpipes!!! Here’s a couple of pics!

nyc scotland parade 2014 (2)

Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (2) Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (2) Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (2) Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (2) Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (3)

And then… we were DESTROYED… seriously, a 10K can drain the LIFE out of you! Hot chocolate, gnocchi and bed!

And with my official time of 47:41, the WINNER of my Guess My Finish time contest is… 


Elaine, pick a prize from the list and lmk!

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Boston Marathon Race Strategy

(also, I wrote these “Boston Marathon notes: what to do/not to do next time” after my last Boston, which might be helpful. More links at the end of the post)
People sometimes complain or talk about how hard the Boston Marathon course is. Nope.
I believe (KNOW!) that:
–      if you have a strategy,
–      and stick to it
you can do so well.
I certainly believe Boston is easier than the NYC Marathon, without a shadow of a doubt.
The thing is, you have to be really smart, cold-headed, and great at pacing to be able to race it well. You can’t just go out and go by the excitement and let the emotions take over.
Umm, no.
(But no one does that, right?)
So, here is what I used to get a strategy ready!
The course elevation is here, and the highlights:
Length Gain/Loss Average Steepest
Mile: Up/Down: (Miles): (Feet): Grade: Grade: Comment:
0.0 Downhill 0.60 -143 -4.5% -5.7% Starting line
0.6 Uphill 0.14 36 4.9% 5.2% Very short uphill
0.7 Downhill 3.00 -187 -1.2% -4.3% Very long downhill section
7.6 Uphill 0.13 31 4.5% 4.6% Very short uphill
7.8 Downhill 0.18 -30 -3.2% -4.2% Very short downhill
15.3 Downhill 0.60 -118 -3.7% -5.2% Just before Newton Lower Falls
16.0 Uphill 0.60 75 2.4% 3.2% Just past Newton Lower Falls
17.6 Uphill 0.30 74 4.7% 4.9% Just past Newton Fire Station
19.2 Uphill 0.40 63 3.0% 4.5% Newton City Hall
20.3 Uphill 0.40 97 4.6% 5.2% Heartbreak Hill
21.0 Downhill 0.50 -87 -3.3% -4.4% Boston College
22.0 Downhill 0.50 -57 -2.2% -3.9% Cleveland Circle
23.1 Downhill 1.00 -95 -1.8% -2.9% Beacon Street
Basically, in VERY BROAD terms:
DOWN for approx. 16 miles
UP for approx. 5 miles
FLAT/DOWN for approx. 5.2
So, really, not so scary broken down, right?
Well, hopefully, you trained specifically for the course, which means rolling hills, up and down, down and up. People tend to focus on prepping only for the uphills and forget the downhills. And if you’re not prepared for all those 15 miles of down, your quads are going to be trashed very early on and you’ll suffer throughout. Just because downhill seems easier doesn’t mean they don’t have a lactic price! So, hopefully, you’re properly trained for the demands of this course. Or make a mental note to get yourself a proper coach for next time (HELLO!!!)
Very very VERY important note: the massive drop in the first half mile. If you start just a bit excited and go out too fast, YOU ARE TOAST. Curb your enthusiasm. Or start a few corrals back (at least two or three corrals) if you can’t hold your horses. I repeat: DO NOT start too fast or you’re donzo.
Breaking down the plan:

Part 1: DOWN for approx 16 miles

Ease up on the quads and take it easy on the downhills, at least for the first 5 miles. DO NOT think that you need to store up time now. Do not; there will be time for that. Remember BANK = BONK. You can speed up in the flat parts, and the subtle ups/downs but if you take these downhills as your chance to PR you WILL regret it later.
Now, make sure you’re running downhill properly or it’s gonna cost you. How do you do that? Make sure you let gravity adjust your body position as get as close as possible to being perpendicular to the hill. Short steps + increase your turnover. Do not overstride, do not break, do not lean back. Stay relaxed.
If you can: ENJOY.

Part 2: UP for approx 5 miles 

This is not a constant climb, so it is not as scary, there are long flat stretches where you can gain some speed. There are four climbs, the last one being Heartbreak hill. I didn’t think they were such a big deal as they made them up to be, but that might be because I was prepared for the course, and because I run NYCM every year, and because Harlem Hill exists. This was not that hard and I actually had to ask around to know I had climbed Heartbreak… I really had no clue I was done with it, I barely noticed it. So, I would NOT be scared. Can I say it again? the hills are NOT BAD AT ALL if you run a smart race. Take them easy and go wild in between. Maybe check the climb or your local hill and compare it to the elevation above so you know what is coming. Your goal and motto should be to get to the top of Heartbreak in one piece and in good spirits because that is when you can break lose.
In case you care, here is the info on the uphills:
Mile 16.5:
Length=.6 miles
Elevation Gain=60′
Mile 18:
Length=.3 miles
Elevation Gain=60′
Mile 19.5:
Length=.4 miles
Elevation Gain=60′
Mile 20.75:
Length=.4 miles
Elevation Gain=80′
As a reference, in you are a NYC Runner, Harlem Hill is 0.32 long but it has a 84′ rise, with a 4.4%. As you can see, Heartbreak hill (the last of the 4) and Hill 2 resemble HH. Hill 1 and 3 are a bit less steep.

Part 3: FLAT/DOWN for approx 5.2 miles

You go wild. You hit the gas and run like you’ve never run before.
If you run the previous parts of the race smart and paced well, you’ll be ready to set yourself on fire here. This race is basically a loooong tour towards the last 10k, use the 10k up and really get some smoke going. There are not more than 3 turns in the whole race (no need to worry about tangents at all!) and they are in this last part, so you’re really clear to go ahead and speed up like a maniac. It’s still a few miles but you can really recover a few minutes here. Also, you’ll have a lot of cheering and support to wake you up and sprint, if you slept most of the previous miles…

Other notes:

* For overall pace, I’d recommend running Boston the same pace as your qualifying race, and then, if you have any more speed left at the end, go for it and PR.
* Because most of the course is exactly on the same direction, don’t forget to apply sunscreen, mostly on your shoulders and back, and if you’re wondering if you need sunglasses, you don’t. Sun will be at your back/side 80% of the race. If you are a squinter like me bring them.
* If you still don’t have a pace bracelet, and you want one, I really like these, they’re customized to the Boston course and you can set it up based on: effort vs pace, slow start/fast start, min vs max fading, etc.
* Race Day, arrive at the shuttles early, you don’t want to stress in the lines and when there is traffic. Use the portapotty before, the drive to the start can be over an hour long.
* At the finish, pretend your last name starts with C or D, otherwise you’ll have to walk a lot longer to find your family/friends.
* Wear your medal proudly: you’re amazing.

Other things you can check out if you want more info (or are THAT bored or OCD)

Boston Marathon notes after my last Boston, which might be helpful
Boston Marathon pace bracelet, customized with the specific race course hills and stuff
My Boston 2010 race report, with lots of info you could use
My Boston 2014 race report, lots more info and pics
Boston Marathon 2010
Good to go? Think you can hold your horses? Questions?

Race Report: NYC Half 2014 – training starts here!

Well, the NYC Half happened. Again. For the 6th time for me. And I am VERY happy about it. I hadn’t trained, I was 13 minutes slower than last year, but this was such a different story from the NYC Marathon a few months ago…!

The truth is, since July my training has been a disaster for one reason or another (and there were many!!), and I knew I wasn’t going to PR, so I just wanted to use it as a training run, maybe to see if I can muster Boston in a month, maybe to see if I had lost all my running mojo. But it was horrible going into it, I had done so well last year in this race so coming back with no expectations was hard. And the NYC Marathon 5 months ago was just so painful on my untrained legs that I was really dreading this. I had assumed I was going to suffer for 13.1 and there was no way around it, turns out, there was one.

Race Morning: It was really cold, and I was getting to the start 1 hour early. Brrrr. Walked into a brand new clean portapotty with no line and I just wanted to stay warm in there… I had extra clothes on, two mylar blankets, hand warmers, you name it, I could barely move with that many layers on, but my feet were not having it: they froze! They had security checking our checked-bags and then we all went through metal detectors going into the park (yey!), and then a walk to the corral where I met up with a few friends (Rose, Ilana, Julie, Marie, Jason!). We huddled and waited. Rose and I determined we’d take it easy and to try to go together. We talked about how we both had so gotten off the wagon, I said training starts here. This would be a long run, and I would take if from there. Soon enough we were moving…

Race ON: The first miles felt ok. My feet were still frozen but we were determined to take it easy, have fun, run it as a longish run and that’s what we did. We held our horses.

Miles 1, 2, and 3 were quite conservative.

2014 nyc half marathon course

On my post where everyone guessed my finish time, I had assumed I’d do around 1:50, which is 8:30 pace, so I started thinking that maybe I am more in shape for a 2 hour marathon, which I haven’t done in a looong time. Oh well, it is what it is. I felt GOOD, and that is all that mattered, I was not going to push it.

At Mile 2 I saw Juan and his phone froze so he got no pictures. I am sure he was as frozen as the phone… I always feel so bad for the spectators! Then I just started seeing everyone pass me, everyone. People I know did slower than me in the NYC Marathon. I knew I hadn’t trained since so I know I was in way worse shape but it made me feel good that I could hold my pace back as much as I wanted. You can all go!!! I felt so relaxed and in control. Being in control in the early miles of a race is  tots HARD people!

Soon we were up in the Harlem out and back and hello Harlem Hill x2. I love out and backs! You get to see everyone! It was wild to be out of the park and everyone sped up a little. Rose and I held it in place.

Miles 4 and 5: a bit faster and settling up in a rhythm.

2014 nyc half marathon course

After we crested the hill and went to the 90s, I saw Juan again. I stopped for a roadside kiss. I was feeling good now that I was feeling my feet again (it really took 4 miles!!) and was warming up. Then I started losing Rose, she told me to go, I told her I’d get Gatorade and wait for her there but never saw her (I’d end up losing her and she’d come in a few minutes behind me). But, I just wanted to hit the gas. I wanted to get to Times Square, make that turn and see what I had. I turns out, I didn’t wait until Times Square…

Miles 6 and 7: need for speed already!!!

2014 nyc half marathon course

Going through Times Square is ALWAYS exhilarating, even the 6th time you do this race. And it widens up SO much, you feel like you can fly… I spotted a Team Up runner and we introduced! It was pretty cool!!

2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (1) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (6) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (8) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (10) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (11)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww: F U N!!!! Then we turn onto 42nd st, the street narrows a bit and the wind….!!!!!! well, we pushed through and kept rolling down. Luckily, my Dashing Whippets team was there to cheer us all up, handing out gels and water. I got so excited, I grabbed a 2X caffeine gel which would probably kill me if I tried it, so I put it right back. And forgot the water. Cheering stations can really make you lose it.

2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (2) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (3) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (4)

Seems like I was having a fun time, right? I was. I have a slow time to prove it 😉 (don’t scream, slow compared to last year’s!!!)  But… with fun comes responsibility and since mile 5 I was feeling good: I was on a roll and kept tearing at it little by little.

As soon as I hit the westside highway and found NO WIND (WTF?!???! It was colder in the park!!! I was dreading the wind and cold here for no reason!?!), I opened my lungs, I let the Hudson nasty air sip in, and sped up. UP UP. From there on, I was picking up runners 10 at a time. You know, if you were there, this is quite probably where 9 out of ten people started to slow down: I WAS FLYING!

Miles 8 and on: Time to Fly!

2014 nyc half marathon course

I lapped the tunnel part up there (“mile 12”) as there’d be no GPS there, and the last bit (“mile 13”) I am sure is wrong because in the seconds it took to locate satellite it made it look quite slow. I know I was sprinting for my donuts…!!!

Did you see  how I sped up after mile 6, as I had recommended to do in my post? If you didn’t notice, here it all goes again:

2014 nyc half marathon course

Yes, I probably did start too slow, but whatever. What matters is that I was strong at the end and had a lot too push. Quite a difference from last year‘s pace, but still another great pacing example.

The last mile includes over a half a mile in the tunnel, which I didn’t hate as much as last year (because I knew there was an exit somewhere!!) but then you get out, you make a left and OMG, I was SOOOOO EXCITED to be there. I had to hold the tears back (yes, I cry all the time when I race) and all the flags and the finish and it felt SO GOOD to be back, and to be on the road again and to feel strong and to be able to finish with a kick and to know that even if unprepared it doesn’t have to be as bad as the NYC Marathon was if you can pace yourself… It was amazing.

Then it was over. I was so happy. I wanted to hug all those sweaty runners. Then I wanted to punch a few of them who stopped right at the finish for a selfie (seriously people!!! there’s 15K runners behind you!!!! WTF!). I was back to happy in two seconds. I am moody like that 😉

2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (7) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (9)

Got a few pics and with two steps I found friends and team mates… I was just back to frozen in a few seconds!!!

2014-03-16 09.42.52 2014-03-16 12.32.06 2014-03-16 12.32.12

I love this race.

Now I know that, not only I can set the tone for a race and pace as I please (without pushing myself into pain for no reason!) but that I can also enjoy a race and finish it without ANY training… in a decent time too, plus have fun, AND not FALL!! I felt very happy about the results…  

see how happy I was???

2014-03-16 10.43.07

Juan knew I wanted donuts. Juan got me donuts. Juan is a keeper. I ate almost all of that.

2014-03-16 11.26.03

Right after the race ended we got on the 1 train uptown to Finish Line, we had some food, chatted, celebrated, all that. The platform and the train was crowded… and a bit smelly ;-P

2014-03-16 09.50.02

2014-03-16 09.50.06

Finish Line was fun, but soon I couldn’t wait any longer for the 3 hour shower  I was looking to do at home… plus the nap. Then burgers… ah, I love how doing a 13.1 makes me think I can go on some sort of food bender. I do have 5 weeks until the Boston Marathon and I know I am not in shape to run 26.2 comfortably, but I can’t seem to be able to make a decision about going or skipping it… I just counted the weeks back. If I manage a long run the next two weekends, I’ll let myself participate in the marathon. If not, then I am not going to Boston.

One week until my birthday, the next craziness. One thing at a time here.

2013. A LOT of stuff. Amazing Year!



The 2012 background notes and numbers:  My 2012 Best Practices Official List / my weird 2012 numbers and notes, but onto 2013, BEST YEAR EVER: Well, I met a guy in Argentina, in a race, San Silvestre 8K – a race to end 2012, in Buenos Aires (and a tour for you!), came back to the States after my holidays vacation and soon got dispatched to Bermuda, for work. I run a bit, Running in Bermuda, but mostly chronicled the Bermuda Triangle: Racing all over BermudaRacing all Over Bermuda, part deux.


I got too busy to run: LAME I’ve been a wimp! but soon had some excitement Millrose Games 2013: rain of records! where I also met Nick. Symmonds. Other: Letting Go


Well, I had to try to run and eat hot dogs, right? NY Rogue Runner’s Hot Dog Challenge Report: Don’t bite off more than you can chew… Maybe not my best moment… I also did my My first HASH RUN! Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore! Oh, and I changed jobs!!! some major news! Then onto the goal race: NYC Half 2013: Biggest “FINALLY” ever!, what a fantastic day!! I finally started this, my own blog outside of Runners World Moving on from my RW blog after over 4 years: NOT EASY and it created some backlash Social Media: how it can break your heart.  Then, on the day of my birthday,  I did a half marathon, what my new 38s looks like it wasn’t fast but it was FUN AllState13.1New York Bday Race Report! + the most RIDIC tutu pics EVER and more pics: And these are better. Other: My (Running) “Karmic” System / To practice pacing or to suicide-pace and drop, that’s the question / What’s your favorite Running Movie? You won’t guess mine / What makes you a runner?


Did a little bit of spectating A very racy weekend without racing (Scotland Run and Colon Cancer), more pics NYRR Scotland 10k in Central Park was… well… Scottish! Then Boston happened: No Fear. Wrote about my crazy food habits and MY Food Pyramid (this runner’s food pyramid) and got new shoes to review: My new pups: Mizuno Wave Sayonara. And… another race! NYRR Run as One – 4 miler – Race Report and got a Huge PR! Other: You’re a NYC runner if… / Marathon Packing List / Boston Marathon Race Strategy / What IF… / You know you are a runner when… / You know you are a runner when… part 2 / You know you are a runner when… part 3


Another month, another race, and a 1st in my AG: Race Report: Bronx Community College, 35th Annual Hall of Fame 10K & 5K Runs. Video Running Form: top 10 at Healthy Kidney’s 10k in Central Park and and then, there was Meb. Went to the Charities Appreciation Lunch and Matt Long was there. And… I am Women’s Running Blogger on the Run! Another race: Brooklyn Half done! which was a bit of a bust: Race Report: NYRR Brooklyn Half Marathon. And I FELL, first time this year: Another one bites the dust, part 836283. Other: Become Your Dream  /How to piss off EVERY non-Runner! / For all of you who have dangling keys on the run… or friends with dangling keys…


Celebrated what I was happy about on National Running Day! and there were pictures of our fun outing some NRD pics. I raced the NYRR Oakley Mini 10K, and maybe Desiree Davila paced me? but mostly, it was a fun team day! Team Volunteered at the New York JPMorgan Corporate Challenge / Volunteering / what to do at a water stop. Decided to cheer in a bikini, again, plus more pictures NYRR Portugal Day – Cheering in a bikini, a year later! I wonder, Do we always need goals?  probably because of my Complete Lack of Motivation. then, boom WON MY AGE GROUP!! NYRR Giants Run of Champions 5K #runofchampions5K and the full report: Race Report: NYRR Giants Run of Champions 5K oh, and got a gift… how cool is this? – NYRR Giants Run of Champions 5K. One of my most favorite posts ever: I choose NOT to be a better runner. And then, what you all asked about: 6 months later, what you’ve been waiting for: not another running love story. A guide to train: Running Drills for Better Form, Speed, Explosiveness, and Efficiency. DO IT. Plus the funnest series ever: My Most Embarrassing Running Moment: Lauren Fleshman / My Most Embarrassing Running Moment: Bart Yasso / My Most Embarrassing Running Moment: Molly Pritz / My Most Embarrassing Running Moment: Kara Goucher


We went to Philly: and took pics on the Run. But, really I like Running in my City. Really; I like to run. Then, I stole a new motto. I cheered at the NYC Triathlon 2013 and oh the horror, I made a fool of myself at the New York Rogue Runners’ 2nd Annual Dizzy Bat Race – funniest thing you’ll see. Plus, there was a movie: WORLD PREMIERE: NY Rogue Runners’ 2nd Annual Dizzy Bat Race movie. Then, just like that, it all stopped abruptly: I went to the ER and all I got was this lousy non-running week!! which would turn into… months!


I was told it was GERD – and it was awful. I tried running on that, Twelve miles of GERD but it was also awful. Finally: I got an endoscopy and a different diagnosis: AN ULCER. Too bad also it was the best week to run through the city: Summer Streets in NYC. And, are we all ocd? running = hypochondria and a cute post: His and Hers – Running StyleOh, and I got engaged: running style: A Running Engagement


10 days after the engagement, we did nice Engagement Pictures in Central Park and a day later we would get married, pictures of the event: A PR Wedding! Signed up for in Boston! + Boston? Met up Bill Rodgers and Frank Shorter! and we got along pretty well! Tried to do what would me my only long run for NYCM on the Harlem Hills. Soon, 17 days after our City Hall day, we had our Our Central Park Wedding Ceremony. And the day after: NYRR Fifth Avenue Mile – the Wedding Version. Most Creative Wedding Present EVEROf course, there was more: NYRR Fifth Avenue Mile – The Pros, and more running: TEN loops of Harlem Hills in my long run!!


So, I got a little obsessed: Jenny Simpson’s abs. Debated about the present, The Way Things Change. Did a half, Race Report: NYRR Grete’s Great Gallop (13.1). Realized that My NYC Marathon is Always a MegaMess. And I fell AGAIN: They were right: Running IS bad for you!!!  Plus this: New York City Marathon Tips, Course Strategy and Info! Oh, and my leg was spasmodic, diagnosed as A labral tear!


I got pics at the New York City Marathon Expo and at the Media Tent, New York City Marathon Media and Elite Runners, and the Winners! Plus, I had a nasty nasty race, but lots of pictures and lessons to learn from part 1, and part 2. Met Sarah Reinersten at the NYRR Charity Breakfast. Oh, and I became a US Citizen plus the hubs run(rocked!) his first ultra, the Knickerbocker 60K. I was also chosen one of the 20 most inspirational runners in the US by dailyburn


I went to Argentina, and run around a lot in Mar del Plata. As soon as I came back I did a snowy NYRR’s Ted Corbitt 15K . Lost all running mojo Happiness is Your Biggest Enemy and did end of year NYRR Midnight Run to cap this amazing year!

and this fun video!

What were the highlights of YOUR year????  Happy 2014!!!!!!

Yes, I am still here… (plus the Knickerbocker 60K)

Just don’t call me from a blocked number… Well, I know I haven’t blogged in a couple of weeks… lots happened and not a lot happened.

In the Running sense, I seem to be at a standpoint. I am always slow past the marathon, I am tired, it was freezing a few days, so it all amounted to a big whole of not running much. I didn’t run for 10 days after the marathon, then I went on a 5 mile run with my friend Kettia last week, then I did around 8 miles during the Knickerbocker 60K in the park and then I run last night, a crazy almost 6 miles at 10:40 pace. See? nothing exciting at all.

What’s exciting is all the other stuff. So much stuff that I barely thought about running. I had my Naturalization Oath two weeks ago, and became a US Citizen

2013-11-08 11.44.13

With that, they took my green card and I went on a frazzle as I am going overseas in two weeks! Emmm, I need to get a US passport ASAP to be able to come back in! Expedite and Run around I did, passports get done in one day!!!

Now, get ready for my trip, start packing, get a new iphone, get all set up at work, get excited about Thanksgiving sign up for races for when I am back, and oh, cheer for my hubby doing his first ultra, the Knickerbocker 60K.

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Juan ready to run his first ultra!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (2) ken tom

And they are off, Ken, in yellow and blue, also doing his first! And Lisa, a super ultra veteran!! wohoooo!!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (3) juan becerra

Guess who! ok, 1 lap done, 8 more to go!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (4) juan becerra

more fun, well, it was like 6 or 7 hours of fun actually…

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Juan on the west side

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Tommy was flying!!!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (7) tommy pyon sung

And flew to an Overal Third Place. AMAZING. 60K is like over 37 miles people!!!!

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That’s a LOT of salt/sweat… oh oh

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (9) tommy pyon sung sky canaves

Sky, on the left, got Second Woman, amazing job!! and Tommy. Both in my running team!! Congrats guys!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (10) sky canaves gordon bakoulis

Top three Women: 1. Gordon Bakoulis (in the middle) a BEAST, seriously. Serious. 2. Sky Canaves, on the right, love her! and 3. Julie Kheyfets, didn’t know her but CONGRATS ALL!

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AND, HE’S DONE!!! Congrats Ironman/UltraRunner!!!

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we all love our BLING

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I never thought I’d see this: he smiled through the whole race, and he looked so strong. NOT normal for a first ultra… I think!

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I love these people!

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I had to let him hug me as sweaty as he was… I had no choice 😉 Congrats Juan!!!!!!

It’s a been a fun and busy two weeks and I promise I will get my act together. After the delish and long-awaited Thanksgiving. And after my trip. And maybe after the Holidays. So, someday. You’ll be there, right???

NYCM2013: and the giveaway winner is….

So, my super official NYC Marathon finish time, according to NYRR, is 03:49:34


and the winner is…


Congrats “Chris“!!!!! Please email me your choice of prize (from the post), postal address, and name and will ship it TODAY!! And no worries y’all losers, I am surely doing a race in two weeks, so you’ll have another go!

What to wear for the NYCM?


okay… I think I have it figured out, but here are some hints:


New York City Marathon 2008 – marathon #1

New York City Marathon 2009 - marathon #2

New York City Marathon 2009 – marathon #2

Boston Marathon 2010 - marathon #3

Boston Marathon 2010 – marathon #3

New York City Marathon 2010 - marathon #4

New York City Marathon 2010 – marathon #4

National Marathon 2011 - marathon #5

National Marathon 2011 – marathon #5

New York City Marathon 2011 - marathon #6 FIRST MARATHON I DID NOT PR or BQ at... ehem.

New York City Marathon 2011 – marathon #6  Footlocker Five Boro Challenge: FIRST MARATHON I DID NOT PR or BQ at… ehem.

Berlin Marathon 2012 - marathon #6

Berlin Marathon 2012 – marathon #7 my crazy 3:27 PR!

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo finish line (1)

New York City Marathon 2013 – marathon #8

So, basically, the only time I didn’t wear my Argentinian Soccer jersey, I did not PR. I don’t expect to PR this time but given that I only wear this shirt to marathoning, I gotta take it out for a ride, and for anyway good luck! Maybe it’s supposed to be  a “course PR” shirt????

Updated, with two more:

Boston Marathon 2014 - marathon #9

Boston Marathon 2014 – marathon #9 -had the shirt on for two miles, then took it off as I was SO HOT!

2014-11-02 20.32.42-1

New York City Marathon 2014 – marathon #10

best pace bracelet for Boston/New York City Marathon (and others), adjusted for the course and…

all you dream! It takes into account every uphill and downhill, what exact minute you’ll start (based on your bib number), and everything! You want to start easy and go hard at the end? You want to run even effort or even splits? It’s all in there to calculate the perfect pacing plan. Don’t tell me later you didn’t know about it. I’ve been using it since my first marathon in 2008 and I haven’t found anything better. If you have one better, please let us all know below!

You can try it for free, here is the link (and full version is totally worth it!)

Most Creative Wedding Present EVER

Well, so there was a lot of food at our Wedding Ceremony in Central Park. It was a picnic after all. And we didn’t bother with a cake so a lot of our friends brought us wedding macaroons, big big Crumbs Colossal Cupcakes, all sorts of delicious stuff that we ate over a whole week. You guys are the best!!!

Now check this out: my friend Stephanie baked the most delicious and cute cake ever (plus the brownies I inhaled in the spot!):


And Elaine… oh Elaine, you have to see this to believe it:


1275614_10151902436160930_1576033451_oliz&juan nutella

Amazing right??? SO CUTE. SO SO CUTE.


thanks guys!!!