Naked Tour – Christopher McDougall in NYC

The Naked Tour was going to be stopping in NYC for their tour this weekend, but I was fully booked. Still, because apparently I can’t say no to running related things, I moved stuff around and made it happen.There was going to be a run + beers on Friday and I was dying to get some rest before the 10K… but, moved things around and made it to Brooklyn (that’s twice in a week, after Wednesday’s 5K). I was there with Michelle, from VIVOBAREFOOT, who was in charge of the Natural Running Form course I took and as soon as Chris walked in, he came to say hello. Michelle had brought giveaways (Certificates for Terraplana shoes!!!) and Chris was handing them out.A run, beer, chris, and gifts, everyone was happy!

Chris and I found some time to talk and he mentioned a few people he knew in NYC that needed coaching so he said I should come the next day so he could introduce me to everybody… 

The event on Saturday was starting at 10 am (in Brooklyn again, third time in a week!!) so I would have to hurry after the race, which started at 8 am, to make it there…I said I’d come and hubbled home half asleep to get some 5 hours of sleep before the Mini10K.
As soon as I made it to Book Court, where Chris was doing the talk, he calls me out in front of everybody “Elizabeth made it!! She did a 10K this morning and rushed to get here!”. Hahahaha, he’s so osom!! Everybody looked at me to see what was the big deal. Well, they don’t know what kind of week I’d had!! 

He does his talk and he tells people to come talk to me if they need help with their form/posture coaching. I talked to a lot of people, about shoes, and form, and drills, and landing and heels, and what the point of everything is. You know runners!They all went for a run after, and I used the wimp card. I was fried and so sleepy I didn’t even know how to get back to my island. I managed to see a Dunkin Donuts on my way back to the train and that did it. As always.

Naked Tour – Christopher McDougall in NYC

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