Tag Archive | central park

The EVERYTHING + blood run

I last ran on Tuesday morning, then it rained all day. I got caught in the rain a couple of times, so Wednesday I woke up with a stuffy nose and a tight chest. Great. Wednesday rained a lot too and all I could think about was of a short run in the muddy and slippery  trails… And even though I felt a bit sick (the sniffles, the sleepiness, yuk…), you know nothing is stopping the run from happening… I figured it’d be a tiny 4 miler, off to bed early, and we’d call it a day. HA! I was in for a treat.
I headed out in the craziest outfit I could think of. I swear it was all running clothes but it was (basically….) a pink bra and white shorts, craziness, almost lingerie. I need to wear it again and get a picture. Of course, I didn’t plan on slipping and falling right in my white shorts. Fabulous look. I stepped in a few puddles too, I was a mess, groggy and all… But OMG was I so happy to be running. It was so humid though, it felt more like swimming. My last two runs were in the VFFs and oh I could tell how my form had changed from doing to runs in them in a row. I was all tall and straight, like a robot runner, or like Ryan Hall. I tend to bend forward when I get tired, but not in the VFFs. Those things are REALLY correcting my form flaws! And I felt super fast. Better posture = faster runner. OSOM.
Some stuff must have gotten into my shoes, something was rubbing the back of my feet (does that have a name?), yeah, both feet. I stopped, took them off, shook them, kept going. By then I had done 3 miles, way faster than “easy”, more like pikermi pace but I felt good. Then tackled my hill. “My hill” is a third of a mile incline (elevation: 22) that I use for my hill sprints. I just felt like sprinting it. And there we go. I looked in my brain for the fastest time up there…mmm…. 1:34! I am ok, 1:40 would be fine. Lots of ahs, uhs, and pufffs later, I hit lap and I see 1:27. WHAT? There must be a mistake. Let’s try again: 1:29. Nice!!!! I am on a horse! I stopped at 2 repeats because there’s a race I want to do Saturday morning and I won’t recover in time if I did more than that…
Then I see a LOT of people headed to the Great Lawn…. I think, I think, oh!!! the New York Philharmonic! Crap, I forgot it was Wednesday too!! And they do fireworks after the concert…. There is nothing, nothing, I repeat NOTHING, like fireworks in Central Park. You’ll pee yourself it is so OSOM. (They have fireworks in the Park thenightbeforethemarathonohmygod!). It’s 7:45. They start at 8, I want to see some of it.
My foot is hurting. I sit down to look and I see insane blisters, the size of my thumb, on each foot. WTH??? There’s no rocks, but the asics feel really hard back there, maybe because they got wet? These shoes have like 150 miles on them and this never happened. GGRRR. I keep going, by 8:20 I swing by the Great Lawn and the Orchestra is on, I just felt like this park was a magical place. There I was, dripping sweat, in my crazy and dirty outfit, listening to this amazing music, under the stars, shoes off. I felt amazing. I looked totally insane.
This is what the NY Philharmonic Concert in the Park looks like… Gorgeous, right?

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But I was starting to hurt; walking was impossible with the shoes on. By the time I got home, I had done 8 miles (double the plan) and my socks were red. Yes, blood. I thought of Brian Sell in Beijing with his bloody shoes and I laughed. I was SO happy, I didn’t care. As if I hadn’t run in months… I really need to move INTO the park.
ON A HORSE! (cough, cough)

Scavenger Hunt Entry, sit down for this one

When (OSOM) Mr.Bacon posted about the Scavenger hunt I got so super excited I wanted to run out of work, lace up, and go out for pictures. Is there anything more exciting than pictures??? anything?

Of course you know I would go overboard with pictures! It took me one run plus some time in the Mini 10k on Saturday… Here we go!
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The animals I see the most, along with squirrels, racoons, and birds: dogs on a leash!
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Horse carriages in Central Park. By Tavern on the Green (which is also a Landmark, the NYC Marathon finishes there!!).

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Holden Caulfield’s ducks!
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My favorite, also a landmark: the bobcat on top of %#!$% Cat Hill… I usually %$%@^^&& right at him!!!
Body of Water
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hey, humans are 70% water after all!! Ok, for real now!

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The Bethesda fountain, a super famous landmark too
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The Reservoir… See the blimp????
Favorite Medal
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There’s two, I couldn’t pick one. My first NYC marathon, and my recent Boston. I love love love love love them! Oh, and a flower!
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Besides the Cat Hill, this one is my all time favorite in the park: Fred Lebow. I always salute him when I go by, and he’s right by my entrance to the park! Yo, Fred!!!!
License plate
This had me stressed out as I never look at cars… but I started paying attention and saw this!
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And then… this!!

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my sweaty, sweaty, foot!!!!! this is probably why I get crazy big blisters!!
A flower
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A sign with a four-syllable word on it
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A plant that looks like a person
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Ok… this doesn’t look like a person, but if you ask me what a runner’s high looks like, it’s THAT!!
A missing, broken or black toenail
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No broken or black toenails right now… mine are missing!!!
Wild card
#1– My fridge:
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#1– … ready???
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This was F-U-N!!!


original post and comments here

Mini 10K RR

Everybody I know was wondering why I’d be racing while Argentina was playing. I was questioning it too: I never do well in this race, it was hot, humid, and… the World Cup was on.
Still, I’d rather be the main character in my life before being a spectator of anyone else’s, so off I went to the park with my white chocolate mocha… A PR wasn’t the goal, but just to do this race justice. My 10k PR was three weeks old: a 46:43 (average pace of 7:32); but weather yesterday was not cooperating… I wasn’t expecting much, just to start slow and pick it up later.
Mary Wittenberg (President and CEO of NYRR), Paula Radcliffe, and Kara Goucher wished us luck and we were off. I was in the first corral, and that always spells disaster for me; I went out way too fast. (My first mile in the last 10k was 7:40.) Mile 1 and 2 got merged together as I was too hyped up to press the lap button. They averaged 6:59. Ooooops, crap. I am in big trouble. Then I heard/felt a bunch of people surrounding me: a huge group passes me with Mary and Paula. Pretty cool.
We then go into Central Park and I saw pretty much everybody I know there cheering (even Pottbott, remember him?). This race is just bigger than life and everyone comes out to watch!
Mile 3: 7:24, still going too fast, and I was definitely feeling the effects of the heat and humidity. That’s when I started to fall apart. Mile 4: 8:01. But when I saw the 4 mile mark I decided to step it up, though my mind kept wandering… The extra effort felt ok but I was so unfocused. Mile 5: 7:21. Until I started chasing this tall woman until the finish. I’ve noticed I’ve been doing that more and more, just chase someone… Mile 6: 7:28. The final .2 was done in 7:16 pace. I clocked in at 46:05. That’s a 38 seconds PR.
I have no idea…
Weather was yucky, Blaise wasn’t there to pace me, I went out too fast, I had the same shoes, the same coffee… Someone figure this one out please. It’s making me mental…
Off to find everybody. Now, about the outfit: I have a couple of running skirts that I NEVER wear. I figured it I didn’t wear a skirt to the Mini10k, then I’d just have to recycle them. And the pink… it’s a all women’s race, I had to! Right?
I saw Kara, who looks OSOM as you can see, and I don’t have to tell you how sweet she is!

kara goucher mini 10k nyrr mary wittenberg kara goucher mini 10k nyrr mary wittenberg

There’s Mary too. You all know she is “The Most Amazing Woman In The Whole Wide World”, right?

Katherine Switzer Kara!

Katherine Switzer, who I had met in Boston earlier this year. You know her: a true pioneer of women’s running. She created this race, along with Fred Lebow, and was the first woman to run NYCM (won it twice) and the first winner of Boston (after they established the women’s category). She was also the one who pushed for adding the women’s marathon to the Olympics.

Where would we be without her?? Well, I’ll tell you: we’d still be holding our uterus so it wouldn’t fall out when we run; and running anything but marathons!

kara goucher mini 10k nyrr mary wittenberg adam goucher
Adam Goucher wasn’t getting as much attention as super-rockstar Kara, so we chatted for a while. He’s super nice and was telling me about his training and how much he suffered while injured. I get moody and grumpy when I can’t run, but I couldn’t even imagine how the elites would deal with it, it’s gotta be 500 times harder (he said he put on 15 pounds!!!); and he’s targeting the Olympic trials (for the marathon) so he’ll do the half in January instead. And… it’s confirmed, it’s a BOY!!!! Seems like they were all expecting a girl, but he’s happy as it took them so long to get pregnant. He’s super nice, that boy’s gonna be fast and OSOM with those genes!!

And, the myth, the woman, THE Paulinator! Not sure if Paula is a soccer fan but she didn’t say a peep about the Argentinian shirt. I was not about to bring it up.

She was SO nice!

kara goucher mini 10k nyrr mary wittenberg adam goucher paula radcliffe

The winner, Linet Masai, on the left by Katherine, with a yellow shirt. The race story is here.
DSCN9029 The winner, who was super super shy, and the rest of the top three!
go here for pictures and video.
Then was the turn of the two running Gods/hot mammas!
They stand there like they are normal. Do they not realize how amazing they are?? Seriously????
Then they heard about my race, and they couldn’t hide it…
So, it’s ok that I didn’t miss this for (the first half of) a soccer game. Right? 😉

Bridges of Central Park

There’s 6 miles of trails in Central Park and, for me, that is the best part of this magical city. You just have to experience it if you don’t believe me: it’s an oasis in a very crowded, busy, and loud city. I also think Running on dirt makes my balance better, I get to use a wider array of muscles and my legs don’t get that much pavement pounding on them.

I usually get to Central Park early, around 6 am before work, or around 7 pm, after work. The colors in the morning light are more than a sight, and it’s never the same; and at 7 pm, when the sun is setting, it’s even better.

I don’t usually go on the trails unless there’s daylight as there is not much lighting in there. But last night I wanted to do 6 miles and as the sun was setting, I told myself I’d stay on the trails until I could see and then I’d switch to the road. For a few minutes I started seeing things I hadn’t seen before in the daylight: all the lit trees in the Tavern on the Green, the lit Museum of Natural History, fabulous!

That’s when the magic happened. A few minutes later, I was running in the dark. I fought with my idea of switching to the road and I won.

Have you ever run in the complete utter darkness?

There are a few bridges in the trails I cross through, some are tunnel-like… and at night it’s completely dark in there, you don’t see the road, you don’t know where you are, all you see is the “light at the end of the tunnel”. I had never run in the dark like this, but I thought that is what heaven must be like. With no road in view, I felt I was running on air, I was floating but with speed… it was strange and amazing. I closed my eyes and kept going. Yes, it’s stupid and dangerous, but oh my god was it exhilarating…

Central Park bridges running at night