Tag Archive | central park

Ready to Megacheer – NYRR Portugal Day race


2013-06-16 21.06.07 2013-06-16 10.06.46

New York JPMorgan Corporate Challenge / Volunteering / what to do at a water stop

Last night, some people from my team and I were volunteering at the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge. This race scares me a bit so I never run it, even when my company participated. There’s over 15K runners/walkers in a 3.5 mile loop in Central Park (such an odd distance!). Companies participate and race each other so there is a huge probability that your boss or coworker forced you to do this. You could tell a lot of the people were not really into it. It has gotten a LOT better in the last two years, but I remember seeing many (MANY) people cutting across the park through the reservoir and doing all sorts of crazy things to finish this event. It was so crowded you would go crazy, I get it. That’s not what I call a race or fun, so I never did it.

In the last two years they’ve gotten timing chips and corrals which has helped a lot and I’ve seen a HUGE improvement. People actually seem to enjoy it! Some dress up, they all run with friends, it’s turning into a HUGE and super FUN event. How do I know all this if I’ve never participated? I’ve been volunteering at the same water stop in the last 3 years. My team participates in this water stop and I always go. It’s always fun to watch and cheer, so at least this way I do something productive.

Last night was my third, and here are some pictures:

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And because running is such a free-happening activity, there’s a lot of rules, processes, efficiencies, and etiquette. So… I decided to write down a few tips for all of us, because we are at water stops all the time.

If you are racing
Be careful approaching the tables and don’t cut anyone off changing lanes. Please. Use your arm to signal you’re changing lanes.
If you didn’t notice the tables until it’s too late, you might just be better off waiting for the next water stop; if you don’t want to wait, you can’t just turn and make an abrupt angle. I know, you’re thirsty and delusional and tired, but keep going, change lanes carefully and come back if you have to.
Never go for the first table, that’s where the clump of people will be and you’ll get stuck, keep running for the last tables.
If possible: don’t stop running. Make eye contact with a volunteer who is handing out water, slow down, grab it slowly and go.
If you can not run while drinking, like me, get your water at the last table and move behind the last table, sip there, then merge back in carefully.
Never stop abruptly for water, there might be someone right behind you. Put your arm up, signaling you’re about to stop, get close to the table and slow down.
Once you get your water, for Pre’s sake, get out of the way. Carefully. There’s more people who need water.
Please don’t linger there comparing the amount of water in each cup and picking through them. Grab two if you have to.
Try, I know it can be hard, but try not to throw a million cups down while grabbing one.
Thank the volunteers if you have any breath left, they are soaked, stressed, and out there for no reason other than to help out.

la foto 1 la foto 2 la foto 3

If you are at a water stop
You are a miracle worker, these people need you. Please be mindful of what is happening because someone might need your urgent help.
Your cheers mean the world too. Giving a runner a smile during a race buys you a hundred karma points.
Smile. There is nothing you can do about your wet feet. Get over it.
Have a cup in each hand and hold them up so runners can see them and reach out for it. Make eye contact, and reassure them that’s their water. Once they grab it, push a bit in the hand-over, they are moving and it will help not drip any water.
Move one cup from the other hand to the extended arm that just handed out water, so you always have one cup up.
Smile and cheer. You got this. Keep at it. Looking great. All come out of your mouth very easily.
If you are funny and smart go for that too. Juan was shouting free water, and Kenneth hot water, or water for pretty ladies only. Have fun. Make sure everyone else is having fun too. We all need each other after all, don’t we?

2013-06-12 21.44.27

Race Report: NYRR Oakley Mini 10K

As usual, I will be dividing this report in two: The Race (bib pick up, amenities, course, atmosphere, etc.) and My Race below


The Mini10K is one of the most traditional women’s races in the world, as it was the first race to cater to women. It was the original girl power event, organized by Fred Lebow in 1972, and had Katheryn Switzer and Nina Kuscik, who you usually see invited to the festivities. Tough course, big names, and always running celebrities and traditions in place, it’s one of the nyc races you don’t want to miss! trust me, you don’t.

For more info and some great pictures, check the NYRR Oakley Mini 10K official page (And you can spot me in the photo gallery!)

Bib Pick Up/Registration. Was a zip as usual. I was excited about the shirt, as every year we get a fitted cotton shirt I can (sometimes) wear to work, but this time, given the new Oakley sponsorship, we got tent tank tops. I call them tents because I got the smallest size they had (an S) and it was enormous for me. It’s on the “give away” pile. Sad. I had liked it!!!!


Start. Was super organized. I always get stuck in lines in these big races but these one felt like a small race..?!?! I had no problems getting to my corral, to a portapotty, all super easy, even if my nerves were expecting all of the opposite. Luckily, my corral (blue) was right in front of the ceremonies so I got to see all the speakers, which included Mary Wittenberg, some triathlete I didn’t know (was just told by my Ironman boyfriend that it was Jenny Fletcher) Desi Davila and…

Who better to kick off the morning than running legend Nina Kuscsik, co-founder of the original “Mini” in 1972 (along with Kathrine Switzer and the late great Fred Lebow)? “Look how far we’ve come,” Kuscsik said into the mic. “It’s great to see you all out here.” Toshiko d’Elia, an 83-year-old masters age-group winner, joined Kuscsik and Mary Wittenberg to wish everyone good luck at the start; she had her 1978 Mini shirt with her.

Chilling. This race always gets to me: Girl Power!!!

Race Atmosphere.

Like I said… it’s so friendly in there, at least until the gun goes off and then it’s elbows up.  Just kidding. or am? I am! I am!! I saw a lot of my team-mates there, Lora of LVrunsnyc.com, everyone was in there in the blue corral an we were all hugging! We chatted, got excited that all the race elites were a meter away (SO crazy)…

nyrr oakley mini 10k

we were right behind that timing mat, yes, THAT close.

Also, it always smells better in the corral in a women’s race. I wonder…

The NYRR photographer got a pic of Michelle, Elke, and I (gallery here!) and soon, we’d be on our way!

nyrr oakley mini 10k dashing whippets front runners

Photo Credit: NYRR, from their gallery. And, of course I wear lipstick to a race!!

Weather. Well, I’ve done the Mini10K seven times and this was the best ever. By FAR. It’s usually in high 70s or even mid 80s with humidity. Always the humidity fro some reason. It must have been 62 or 64, that is usually hot for me, but for the Mini, that was the best weather in… ever. Sun came out and people said they felt the humidity in the last miles. I was just happy it wasn’t as bad usual 😉 Low expectations help!!

The Course. Well, I think it’s one of the roughest 10ks you can do. Seriously hurtful. Elevation profiles are here if you feel like reliving the pain or wonder if you dare. It’s such a tricky race… you start in a mile long straightaway where everyone usually takes out too fast. I promise you, 94% of the people, are going too fast and WILL fade. Never look around!! As soon as you get in the park, there’s a hill, there another climb, then a mountain, then everest. No, I don’t think I am exaggerating. For some reason, this race didn’t feel too crowded for me. I was running comfortable and usually around the same people. My only issue is that NO ONE around me was running tangents. Ahem girls, seriously?  There was some serious cheering on CP West, on Engineer’s Gate and at 72nd tranverse, but most of the park was quiet. Loved it.

The Finish Line. Fun to go through and no crowding. We got medals, flowers, bananas, bagels and water. I was able to meet up with some friends right there and catch up.

The Post Race. There was a line, loooong line, for picture taking?? We spotted Desi Davila in the Oakleys tent!

nyrr oakleys mini 10k desiree davila

Kirby, Desi Davila, and me

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We stayed for the raffles and team pictures… I won nothing, how is that possible. It was such a gorgeous day to stay in the park so Kirby, Juan and I walked back to the UES. I love this race.


I wasn’t sure how I’d do but having done a 10K a month before in 44:32 I knew I would try to go sub 45. This course was harder so I was sure I wouldn’t PR. Actually, it’s not that this course is just harder, it’s that this race always leaves me weeping. It’s just hard. And hilly.

I woke up already serious and with a will kill you if you talk face so the boyfriend knew to stay out of the way and did a wonderfully supportive act. I had my coffee, nothing else, and took the bus downtown to 57th and walked west. By the time I got there, I found a portapotty, did my thing, had a cup of water, which was ALL the fuel I had in me (plus/minus the coffee I had and already got rid of), kissed him and went to the corral.

I found a lot of people on my way, it was cheery and fun and everyone was smiling and relaxed. Is this not the hardest 10K ever? I guess I was the only one dreading it… Well.

I wore my mizunos sayonaras, as usual, love those shoes. It was in the 60s so just booty shorts and bra, this is too hot for singlet and I really have no shame. I know, I am older and should hide some stuff/care but whatevers, this is me.

I got the the blue corral, got photographed, heard the opening speeches, and was ready to go. I think, for the first time ever, I knew what I had to do: Hold it!!!

mini 10k central park west nyrr

Running on Central Park West (thanks Ben Ko for always taking amazing pictures!)

Mile 1 is always rough, people go out like CRAZY. Seriously. And I made that mistake in every of each Mini I did before. Focus, stay down: 7:09. Nice slow opening. As soon as we enter the park there is a hill, then another. It gets really tricky and a few of us kept pacing each other: 7:03, so I am starting to warm up. Then we climb and we climb and there is no one to cheer there (other than Helen, thanks for being there and the pictures!)

I was really sweating so I had to put the glassed and headband DOWN! (Thanks Helen!)

I was really sweating so I had to put the glasses and headband DOWN! (Thanks Helen!)

It starts to sink in: 7:09.  This is all great but this is the part where the wheels come off. Always. This time, even if I couldn’t stop it, I held my ground: 7:38. It really could have been worse, I thought.

Now: 1, it starts hurting, and 2, I start pushing. Both, of course.

Mile 5 is 6:58, I got this. I start feeling ok but I know I can’t get excited and mess this up now: it’s too early! Mile 6: 7:03.

nyrr oakley mini 10k running central park ny

Going up on the last 50 meters! Can’t believe I blocked Mary Wittenberg with my hand!!!! Uffff (thanks Ben Ko for the fabo picture!)

And the last bit in 6:49 pace. I guess I had some in there, even up another hill!!!



Finish time: 44:46. Average Pace: 7:13

Previous PR: 44:32. From: May, 2013

Age Grading: 69.25%

Overall/Gender Place: 207 of 5595

Age Place: 27 of 925

NYRR Oakley Mini 10K, official race results

Worth noting: I am getting this pacing thing right, I think. A 10k is Central Park is always brutal, in any direction, and I don’t think I messed this one up!

Fun at the finish line:

nyrr oakley mini 10k running central park ny

Pink Bling

nyrr oakley mini 10k running central park ny

Kettia and I!

nyrr oakley mini 10k running central park ny

Juan, who cheered from west to east to west, and caught me when I finished!

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yes, those are my shorts: NO shame!

dashing whippets

Whippets who Raced

So, get ready for this. Sit down. Because the Mini is a ladies race, the men in my team have nothing to do but cheer… so cheer they did… Are you sitting down?



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One of us is wearing a skirt

Right? I love this race! (as much as I hate the racing a 10k in Central Park part itself). It’s always a riot. Glad we have nice weather and soooooo much fun on the course. And… get ready, ladies will be cheering this next weekend at this Sunday’s nyrr race… it’s on.

And the Garmin winner to my Guess My Finish time contest is MN Slow Runner, who guessed exactly 44:46, but there were SO many people who were super close!

photo 2

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Fridays Can Be Confusing + some NRD pics

#1 It’s National Donut Day. And there, I have a 10K tomorrow! How many donuts can I eat before I run my race?

#2 I realized I should start marathon training in a couple of weeks, so, I started doing calculations. The same numbers I do before every marathon and they don’t fail. I got a 3:09 to 3:12 marathon. WTF? This seems impossible. Last one was 3:27. ??!?!?! I redid them over and over. Something must be wrong.

#3 I have to start marathon training next week?

#4 It’s Friday: who cares? Also: it’s Summer Fridays! It’s been raining all day, do we not get Summer this year?

And just because I like them, here is a couple of pictures from National Running Day, will probably blog about it at some point…

2013-06-06 21.47.58 2013-06-06 21.48.55 2013-06-06 21.49.03 2013-06-06 21.50.05

all pics stolen from JP. thanks!!

Happy Racing/Weekend!

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To get the award or not get the award

The Love of Awards!

I have been getting a few of these age group placings lately and I always feel like they made a mistake. I feel really awkward about them. I say Thank You, I smile for the picture, but it all feels weird and fake to me.

They made a mistake!!!!!!!


Were all the fast women my age doing something more fun I wasn’t invited to?

Should I just leave it there in case it really was a mistake?

I am always afraid they are going to call me on it.

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Who Will Win a Garmin? Guess my Finish Time at the Mini10k this weekend!!

Just like we did before all my  last races, it’s time to place your bets again… I think this time someone will be right on the time!

Rules: pick a time and write in the comments below. Whoever gets closer, wins, If there’s two identical times, the first poster wins! Make sure if you include seconds in there too, and post before next Saturday, June 8th, 7 am. Whoever gets closer, wins a Garmin FR70, brand new in its unopened box, black and blue. Shipping only to the US (unless you want to pay for the shipping!)

Ok, the data

The race I am doing, Oakley Mini10K, June 8, Central Park, a full loop of the park.

Your Clues/My Previous Times!

PR: Bronx CC 10K, May 5, 2013: 44:32 Pace 7:11
Last Mini, June 2012: 46:37, Pace: 7:31
Mini10K 2011 (previous PR), 45:30, Pace: 7:20

Other Races this year:
NYC Half, March: 1:37:35 Pace: 7:27
Run as One, 4 miler, April: 28:00 Pace: 7:00
Brooklyn Half, May 18, 2013: 138:29, Pace: 7:32

That’s all I have… plus:
Course: not the fastest, Central Park has a couple of hills
My shape: Been trying to get rid of a few too-much-fun-induced pounds. No such luck yet.
Weather: Can be quite hot and humid, but fingers crossed.

GO ON! Place your bets below!!! (I will probably not look until after!)

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Last night I went for a slow recovery post-half run and this happened…!

I felt like crap when I started moving… it was humid and hot, and my legs were dead and stiff. But I always just know I have to wait 3 or 3.5 miles and it’ll get a bit better.

I decided it’d be slow and relaxed. Mile 2 was Harlem Hill. then the run took a life of its own.
Is there such a thing as a “progression recovery run“? Because if so, I just did it!

PS: I love how the hamstrings hurt after a race. It tells me I am actually pulling the legs up and using the hammies even in a slow run. Great feedback!

Running Form: top 10 at Healthy Kidney’s 10k in Central Park

Video from Mile 4.

What I am doing this weekend – NOT: NJ Half / YES: Bronx Community College, 35th Annual Hall of Fame 10K

I was sure I’d be doing the NJ Half this weekend but it got really complicated to get on board so late. Needed to get a hotel (all booked up) or stay at my relatives or wake up at 3 am and take the train, plus someone would have to pick my bib up the day before… I say NO to complicated so I decided to give it up!

Also, I went for a run yesterday and 9:30 pace was hard… maybe a half is not such a good idea.

Instead, I’ll be doing a short race! Because I love racing as speedwork… Shooting for a 10K and found this: Bronx Community College, 35th Annual Hall of Fame 10K

Anyone going there? And all these shorter races are the perfect tune up speed I need for the Brooklyn Half coming up, my next goal race!

PS: had a date last night in Central Park’s Loeb’s Boathouse with the bf, but it always just seems crazy to go into the park and not run. Did I mention already how much I love Central Park? 

Happy Weekend and Happy Racing!! Plus Happy Spring!


NYRR Run as One – 4 miler – Race Report

I have more background to this race than a race report really: I signed up at the last possible minute and until 2 hours before the race, I wasn’t sure if I’d race it..

Monday, I felt horrible. Horrible. Like I-hate-everyone-horrible. I had slept very little and was in a foul mood. When I got home, I was in such fury, I put my lightest minimalists on (the A5s) and went out. Soon enough I was doing mile reps, because. A bit after I joined the BostonStrong run, did 3 more miles and headed home. While I stretched,  I noticed I was stiff. I bent my foot as I always do, and CRACK. Something.

I kept my foul mood all night and said nothing hoping it’d go away.

Tuesday, it did not go away. I finally told Juan it was hurting.  I always think that if you don’t say it outloud, it’s not happening. I ❤ denial. So he bent it around, nothing’s broken. Then he went to town on my foot. I screamed, cried, bit socks, made a huge raucous, kicked, and felt like I was dying. He had said it would hurt. He also said he’d make it better. And for some reason, I believe him. No running. I still decided to sign up for the 4 miler on Sunday. Should I sign up? oh well, I’ll sign up!

Wednesday it hurt. No running.

Thursday it hurt. Little 6 sloooow miles with pain. I shouldn’t race.

Friday it hurt. No running.

Saturday, it hurt a little less. Should I even get up on Sunday? Will I make it worse? Ugh.

Sunday. No pain.

What? Yeah. No pain. Okay… maybe I’ll go, take it easy, and drop if it starts hurting.

Race Day.

Five blocks away from home, I realized I left my motoactv. No GPS, no mile splits and no music, UGH. I panicked for a second. Then I decided I’d be ok. I can pace fine but I’d miss the music and wondered if I’d get bored. Also, I breathe really loud and it’s annoying. Oh, well. On On. I was mostly excited to try out my new Mizunos Sayonara; I had loved them on Thursday’s run and didn’t even think twice about racing in them!

Security in NYRR races now is a big deal. You need to put your stuff in a clear bag to leave it at baggage. You need to show your bib to get into the race area. You need to show your bib to get into the portapotties area. Lots of security.

I understand it, 100%, but it takes a bit away from the experience. I always felt safe in the park, even with the assaults and other stuff that has always happened. This makes it a bit more real, but no complains!

Met my team, pretended to warm up (I don’t warm up!), and headed to the corral.

Weather was nice, 53 and sunny. I wondered if I should have dropped the singlet and race in my bra, I knew it’d hot soon.

The gun goes off, I count the seconds until I pass the start mat, just in case that’d help with the clocks. Approximately 25 seconds. I felt like everyone and their mother was passing me. No watch, I was going blind… I had no idea if I was going too slow. I DO love to start slow (on races!).

Clock on Mile 1 read 7:35. Uhm, was that a 7:10? Who knows.

No watch, no music, I felt I had more control on my speed. Mile 2 said 14:45. Or something like that.

I did get hot soon. There is two kinds of weather for me: Winter/Cold, and sports bra weather.

The whole way I felt super comfortable. Easy and Controlled. The foot wasn’t hurting and I was happy. I never felt out of breath, or like I was going too hard. I wondered if I was going too slow. I smashed all my doubts and kept at it. Legs were moving fine. Mile 3 came and went, and by the time I reached the top of the last hill I started sprinting. For the first time in a while in a short race I felt like I had a sprint. I passed a lot of people in that last half mile. I was running all out in my last 300 meters. Fierce face and all.

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Ben Ko: thanks for the photos! You’re always everywhere! PS: keep in mind these were in the last half mile.

Finished, with no clock to stop, with a 28 something. Yey, I thought! PR was 28:09 so I knew I wasn’t too far. Good.

Foot doesn’t hurt: I am HAPPY. That’s all I cared about.

Then I saw it…

2013-04-28 10.40.56


–        A PR

–        An Age Group placing

–        And a AG over 70%

 I just love how every run and every race always have such unexpected results. CRAZY.


Finish time: 28:00. Average Pace: 7:00

Previous PR: 28:09. From: September 2010, OMFG!

Age Grading: 70:23%

Overall Place: 568 of 6,998

Gender Place: 50 of  3,457

Age Place: 3 of 500

We hung out a bit at the finish, it was such a nice day to stay out in the park all day…

2013-04-28 09.53.43 2013-04-28 10.28.14

2013-04-28 10.07.02

Well, it was huge surprise, breaking a PR that was over two years old, placing, foot not hurting (thanks J) and yes, mostly excited for the month ahead… I am still not sure if I am doing the NJ Half this weekend or the Japan 4 miler. We shall see. And… Brooklyn Half in two weeks!

4 races, 4 weekends in a row

oy. I just noticed I have a crazy month coming up ahead…

I know there’s serial racers out there who won’t think twice about it, and I do know you can get just fitter by racing, but there’s also the risk of overdoing I have to manage very closely, and I noticed I have 4 races in a row coming up!

Run As One (4M)                          Sun, Apr 28. Maybe

Long Branch Half Marathon    Sun, May 5, 201. Yes.

UAE Healthy Kidney 10K         Sat, May 11. Maybe.

Brooklyn Half-Marathon          Sat, May 18. Signed up.

The problem is that my running has been quite crappy since NYC Half (March 17). I stopped for a week for a strange hamstring pain, then I got a cold, then I got busy, then lazy.. . you know how it is! I barely just started running last week. The truth is I overdid it. I did a half 6 days after my target half and paid a high price for it: took me a huge while to recover! Will I ever learn? Looking at the races above, I’d say no…!


– This weekend I did around 11 miles with Blaise and Juan on a East River/Manhattan-Williamsburg Bridge loop. Hadn’t run “long” in a month! It was slow and it hurt.

-Running the BostonStrong Central Park run tonight, hoping to catch up with a few of you! (will try to do some speedwork before) See you there!

What IF…

We could all win a race/age group once in a while?
We never had bad/slow/painful runs?
We never got injured?
We always had someone to run with, or get to enjoy the bliss of our alone time?
We could always log the mileage and the pace we wanted?
We could find the perfect shoe and put a billion miles on it without worries?
We could always have the perfect 50s, no humidity, overcast weather?
We could do as many races as we wanted, never DNF, always PR, and never have to taper or recover?
We never run into traffic lights, confused neighbors, rabid drivers/cyclists/raccoons?
We could travel anywhere to race, qualify for anything, and get back without any blisters?
We could always pace ourselves the way we planned to?

Those are the things I dream about
Oh, reality (usually) can be so different….
Would our running be better? Would we really get that much more out of it?

There is a reason we have picked this sport. There is a reason it is there.

It’s probably not only so I can eat as many donuts or cupcakes as I please, or so I can avoid all the “healthy” suggestions, or because I am addicted to it anyway…

I sense that it’s there to test me out, to see if I learned my lesson. My life lessons. Or something
Every single run/race is a test. Of something. For something.

And my running does whatever it takes to make sure I stay on track.
Maybe I will turn into a better runner.
But I know, definitely, that it makes me a better human being.
Every day.

blog post photo
Central Park is full of these rabid raccoons… That’s one way to get faster!!!

NYRR’s Ted Corbitt Classic 15K – Excuse me but those legs are mine!

I signed up on Tuesday for NYRR’s Ted Corbitt Classic 15K. Online registration closes on Tuesday, when a race is not sold out, which is always. As usual, I looked at the weather, looked 40ishy, and as I don’t do well in the cold, I always check. 40 is perfect. I am in.

How do you run a distance you never run before, pace-wise? I hadn’t run a half since May and a 10k since June, so I figured it had to be somehow faster than my marathon pace. HA. That’s me and my super low expectations! My pace in the Berlin Marathon was 7:55 so I figured that if I did 7:40s I could be very happy…
Race morning, it’s 39 degrees. I had NO clue what to wear. I didn’t want to freeze out there before and after as I was going to be hanging out with friends, but I also didn’t want to be hot during the race… Pffffff. I also didn’t feel like wearing a jacket. I am  wild rebel sometimes. Two shirts seemed like I’d freeze. So I wore THREE shirts, two long sleeved, knee-length tights, and leg warmers. Yes, it did not make any sense at all, but I liked it.
I get there, see my two teams and catch up, such a fun race to see everyone at! Seriously everyone was there!
In the corral, I see two team mates, I ask what pace they’re each going for, 7:20s: I definitely will NOT be running with them and I tell them. As soon as we go, I kept telling myself to stay relaxed and not pass anyone. Anyone!!! Let them all go!!!! That always seems to help. I am not sure why, but the less I care about the race, the faster I go. I relax and find my inner rythym! I was clocking lowish 7s so I was happy wit the numbers motoactv was shooting into my ear, and that it felt easy.
ted corbitt 15k nyrr central park (3)
I am the one with the blue leg warmers. Still, everybody else has more clothes on more than me!
Five minutes into it I was already hot. Pffft. Like burning hot. Took my gloves off and inserted them in my shorts. By Mile 6 I had to take 1 shirt off, I was dying… but I am good runner in the heat…! wink wink.
ted corbitt 15k nyrr central park (1) ted corbitt 15k nyrr central park (4)
Good: I did the whole race with no food. No breakfast, no gels, not even a drop of water during the race.
Not so Good: It was a weird race… No one was running tangents, and it was crowded so it was a bit annoying. There is a lot of zigzagging in the park so it’d make a lot of difference in people knew how to do it, so I did what I could.
I finished somehow strong, but in shock that I could do such a fun and relaxed pace and still get low 7s in most miles. I sometimes think I am mentally stuck in the paces I used to do when I started and can’t get used to how much I’ve improved…
I do remember feeling during the race how it easy and comfortable it felt. And how it was the best way to close my running year in NYC with a race that felt so good. It’s weird right? I am the one who always hates racing… 2012 and I are in love!
Stats time!
Finish time: 1:08:04. Average Pace: 7:23
Previous PR: none, automatic PR!
Age Grading: 68.46% (anything close to 70 makes me REALLY happy)
Overall Place: 453 of 4014
Gender Place: 67 of 2115
Age Place: 12 of  588
I have been looking for the legs I had in Berlin since then and I felt them today! It was not as good but halfway there: I have been experimenting with muscle tension and I think I am closer to finding the right formula!
Guess who won? Delilah Dicrescenzo! Cool, right? (you know who she is, she had that song named after her!). Pics in the link at the top!
The race gives awards to faster teams by adding their top 5 runners, and the 5 top women in my team managed to score 2nd place! I was fourth in there, so glad to help get the team placing! Woo hoo, and that’s another medal! I picked up around 5 of those babies this year!
I think I love this distance. Or I love it because I hadn’t done it before and had no expectations. It’s close to the feel of a half, it’s hardish but not all out as a 10k would be, the goldilocks-option: it’s juuuuuuust perfect!

NYRR’s Fitness Games, another 4 miler in the park

This past Saturday I did my 4th four miler of the year. Yes, you’re gonna ask what is up with all those 4 milers, and comment that it is such and odd distance… Not so in NYC! The mid loop of the park is 4 miles, so, there. Why 3.1? Or 6.2? We do so many of those 4 mile loops that we even have a 60K in Central Park made of that same 4 mile loop. Yeah, 9 nine times. Nope. It doesn’t get old. Or at least not yet.

So, back-stats!

PR: Fitness Games, September 11, 2010, 28:09. Pace: 7:02
Same exact race, in 2thousandfreaggingTEN! Yeah, my 4 mile PR is TWO YEARS OLD. Frustrating as @!#_P@#$%(#)!_!! !! and more !!!!!!

This year’s 4 milers:
NFL Back to Football, August 30, 2012, 29:06. Pace: 7:17
Run as One, April 29, 2012, 29:20. Pace: 7:20
Run for the Parks, April 22, 2012, 29:18. Pace: 7:20

not. even. close.

Had a crazy week, Friday went out, got home super late. I kinda gave up on the race, and decided it’d be anoooother speedwork session.
Saturday early, I decided to run the two miles to the start, and the truth is, I was so tired, I walked. I walked the two miles. So soooo depressing.
I started deciding that I had lost WAAAAY too much weight (I kinda did, my scale and pants don’t lie!) to have any energy or muscle left to race. I was zapped of energy and interest. I felt depleted. All the sad and depressing things you can think of.
But I had TWO cups of coffee that morning. Just in case it’d help.

I lined up, too close to the start mat, but really trying to hide, and feeling like a fake there. I just really wasn’t feeling it. I usually go into races knowing what my PR is, and how I paced it last time and what I should do this time… I looked nothing up, no idea what my PR was or anythingI was just gonna wing it. And, I still wanted a good effort out of it.

But, I ALWAYS ALWAYS remember Mara Yamauchi’s words from her NYC Half 2009 victory, where Deena Kastor was crushing it. At the post race press conference, she had said: “My race went from bad to good today, I didn’t give up because as soon as you give up in your mind, your body gives up. I told myself that a bad day was better than a really bad day.”

That always stuck with me for some reason. THOSE are some words to race by. She had bad day, thought she would have to DNF and she ended up winning. So you don’t let your head give up.

We get moving. I felt like crap. Empty, tired and like the coffee had been too much. Mile 1: 7:08. Ooooops, or good?? Hum, I just went up the hardest hill pretty fast, but… I know how that goes, my mile 3 will ends up being the slowest and if the 1st one was too fast, mile 3 will be like a 7:40… we shall see. Still, like Mara, we don’t give up in our heads. Mile 2 felt really hard and I did contemplate giving up a bit, it’s the flatest part of the course, like the only half a mile that’s flat in CP, and I felt like hurling the coffee, and a side stitch. Mile 2: 7:01. Ha, maybe it felt hard, because I was running hard?!?!?! And here is where the wheels come off. Always mile 3. Rolling hills, lactic acid, whatever, I pushed myself to stay in and kept focused on the tangents. Only one runner around and ahead was doing tangents as well so we stuck together for a bit. Soon I had to peel off and I hate passing people. I really do. I know it’s stoopid, but I just feel bad for them, and I also hate that they might come back to pass me later just out of competition and might have to drop them again because they pushed too much. I am an idiot, I know. I just like running with people, not against them.. oh well. Mile 3: 7:20. Wow, that’s NOT so bad. Glad I didn’t give up. Obviously I couldn’t do any math at this point. I usually just try to cruise the next half mile and then go like a maniac in the last half mile. Like, a wild wild maniac. So, I wait, I push, I start feeling it. I see a girl up ahead that looks like my friend Tessa. But it’s not her. And I decide to chase her. And she’s wearing a fanny pack. In a four miler. I get up close. And you know I hate passing people. She hears me coming close. Turns around. (I really do breathe like I am going to die any minute when I am running 7s or under). She looks scared. I tell her I am ok, this is just how I breathe, but I am ok. She is relieved, oh goodie. I have to pass fake-Tessa. Mile 4: 6:38, though I had no idea at the time. I still have a bit to finish and it’s up a hill. Yes, the finish is always up some hill. And I put my hand down there, and I found it, it IS there, the extra gear. For 10 seconds, I am running like it’s a sprint, after 4 hard miles. I had it in there. The last bit, 0.04 of a mile, average pace: 5:59. Whaaaat? Yes. It was in there, in the bag with the Ididntsleepany, and Ijustdontwanttorace, Iamtooweaktorace, and Isuckatthese, it was there. Tell me to shut up next time I think I am tired.

Check the crazy numbers

I cross the finish, I bend like I am gonna throw up just once, then I wait for fake Tessa and explain myself, then I found the tangent girl to tell her she was OSOM, and I spot my friend Patricia up ahead. I saw Kettia (Ket’smeow) right then, we catch up, she looked great, and Patricia take off to do a few more miles cheering on people.
Finish stats:
Finish time: 28:24. Average Pace: 7:06
Previous PR: 28.09. From: September 2010.
Age Grading: 68.92%
Gender Place: 60 of 2910
Age Place: 10 of  505

It’s funny, my friend Elaine (cheekyrunner) said think of long-non-sleep night as a long warm up. Good point.
Also, got more hardware, my team’s women got 2nd place, and I am top ten in my AG, so more medals, that’s two races in a row!
Still, not a PR, but 7:06 average is not so far from 7:02. It’s been two years, but I am disregarding that! Good. Two weeks to Berlin, and a day. good.
Oh, then I saw Kettia right at the finish (Ket’smeow), and Patricia and I did a few more miles cheering on people.

NYRR’s Fitness Games, another 4 miler in the park

The brutal combo: long run + tempo

I am a fan of combining workouts, maybe because it’s efficient, maybe because I am lazy…
This past weekend was going to be our last long run, it could have been a slooooow 18, or a harder 15. Then I deviced the evil (muahahaha) plan that would bring the house down:a combination to make Centro weep and Shalane curl into a ball. 
Blaise and I had done one like this right before my last marathon, and I wanted to compare, to see where I stood… Basically, we had done this 5.2 miles lap of the bridle path, dirt road and hills, two times, the first time was 8:26 average pace, and the second 5.2 was 8:15. As it turns out, my average pace for that marathon was 8:19.
So, I put the links in an email, explained the plan, did math, and sent it for review.
My idea was to do:
First Lap, 5.2 miles at 8:10 pace average.
Second Lap, 5.3 loop: 8 pace average
Last lap, 2.5 miles at 7:50 pace.
It’d still be longish at 13 miles, but it’d be HARD. Keep in mind, I was doing 7:36 is my 10k PR this year and 7:52 in halfs. Tough. And this was in dirt, no bounceback!!
On Thursday, Blaise read nothing and said yes and that he couldn’t on Saturday, our usual day. Crap. I forgot he was doing a Spartan race. I was going out of town but I could move my plans around and do Sunday, but would he be too tired for it? I said I am going to kill you. He said he could try not to die. I set the plan for Sunday, but then I realized I had an extra day, Friday, with no run now. Hmmm, I’ll do drills!!! Which I haven’t done in… months?!?! Years?!?! !!
Pfft. I waited until the last minute, did like 20 minutes as I was an hour and a half late to a fabo rooftop party, and had no will or time to stretch, whatever.
Holy mackerel, of course, I couldn’t even stand that night, or walk. Or look normal. Got home at 3 am, too tired to stretch or ice bath. Saturday, no walking without screaming. I am a moron. Popped some motrin and tried to sleep.
Sunday: Blaise was tired. I was super sore, the motrin did NOTHING!
The first mile of every lap, I’d curse like a… me! It’d then go away, somehow, you know how it is. What happened with the workout, you ask? 
We did:
First Lap, 5.2 miles at 8:0 pace average.
Second Lap, 5.3 loop: 7:55 pace average
Last lap, 2.5 miles at 7:41 pace.
Obviously now I won’t walk for a week. But it’s worth it.

The brutal combo: long run + tempo

Running through Central Park in a bikini? Check

Before you even have to ask, yes:


(there’s more pictures, but they really can’t be posted!!!)

The Mini10k last weekend was a women’s teams points. My team said they’d be cheering topless for all the women. They didn’t.

Yesterday was a 5 miler with team points for the men. I wasn’t gonna go cheer, to tell you the truth, but I woke up at 6, and my bf asked me to go. So I figured, if I am getting out of bed at such an ungodly hour, I might as well make it worth it. He left, so I kept putzing around, half asleep, and tried a couple of things.. the bikini seemed appropiate. I guess I was still really asleep. Wrote the sign. Put a whistle and my phone in a spibelt and at 7 am I run out.

Did a 2 mile run to the race’s Mile 1. I thought the problem of running with a bikini would be the top: no support! It wasn’t. Apparently, I don’t need much! Or any! The bottoms were a problem though. After some time I gave up the constant unwedging… Got to mile 1, met up with my friend Patricia, and it was ridiculous. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

You should have seen their faces. Shock, mouths open, smiling, laughing, cheering AT ME, pointing, my bf almost stopped there. After 5 minutes, we run an extra mile to the finish. In a bikini, you’re not just one more runner: people DO see you when you’re running through the park in swim wear. Everyone kept shouting my name.

We couldn’t even believe all the fuss. Of course, I am South American and Patricia is French, so… you know… It was like being back in Argentina, on a regular day, walking to work or something, everyone was shouting, mouths open, stares, heads turned (uh, sorrry to the biker that fell on his face!! almost forgot). Quite fun.

So, done the tutu and the bikini, what’s next????!?!?! Happy Monday!

NYCM2011: At the NYCM Press Conference

Before this: NYCM2011: All over the press 

Yesterday was the press conference for the Footlocker Five Boro Challenge team, at the Marathon Pavillion, which is where Tavern on the Green used to be. Everything will happen in there this weekend, the interviews, the NYRR shows, more press conferences, and come race day… this will be epicenter. It also helps that it is located just a few yards away from the finish line.

I got there early and took some pictures. This is the week when Fall officially starts for me, so the trees are gorgeous (the ones still standing after the Snoctober we just had, around a 1000 trees in the park suffered, and they need to clean it all up by this weekend for the marathon!)

In Central Park West there are already lots of preparations going on.

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That’s my city!!!!

footlocker five boro challenge team new york city marathon 2011 press conference (5) manhattan

Going into Marathon Pavillion/Tavern on the Green/The finish line!

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They’re starting to build the finish line!!!! Bleechers have been up for over a week now!

And onto the Marathon Pavillion, where all the Press stuff is already set up. This is where they do the NYRR TV!

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The Tiffanny Cup the Five Boro Champion gets. I really would not even know what to do that with. Who are we kidding, I’d break it in 5 minutes…

footlocker five boro challenge team new york city marathon 2011 press conference (26) tiffany

Oh hello, picture time already?

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I guess I’ll sit here then!

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Yeah, my marathon nails are out and not embarrassed! My team starts to get there! Rob/Bronx! Sal/Queens!

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Then the conference starts… NYRR and Foolocker spoke about the Challenge and gave some info. Then we each did our own little talk, for 5 minutes. I wanted to do a little collage of the pictures of me speaking (but I didn’t): it looks like I am dancing. My hands are just everwhere!!!!

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I know you must be wondering what on earth is she talking about that she’s gesturing so much? Spreadsheets, processes, systems, Linux, C++.. ah, I am so dramatic!!!

Then a few photos with the team!

IMG_4790 IMG_4796 Marathon (40) Marathon (42)

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Again, who knows what I’m doing…

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What is this about??? mmmm, not sure. Oh, oh, I guess I am telling them how we’re gonna JUMP UP!??!?!?

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Then God, I mean, Mary, comes over to say Hi.

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On the other side of the room, NYRR is on. And guess who is there… yeah, Carrie!

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She’s super sweet. Loved her!

footlocker five boro challenge team new york city marathon 2011 press conference (186) tollefson

Other press conferences happening in the room: Kim Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

footlocker five boro challenge team new york city marathon 2011 press conference (188) kim smith

Overall, not a boring day, I’d say! 😉

After this: NYCM2011: FootLocker Run – Bart, Ryan, Bobby, Carrie, Steph, well… everyone was there!/ NYCM2011: Who wasn’t at the expo? / NYCM2011: Have you seen a Marathon Morning like this? /  NYCM2011: Get Ready, Set, GO! / NYCM2011: Beyond The Finish Line (finally the last post!) / NYCM2011: Marathon Monday (Ed, the breakfast, Carrie, the press conference, etc.!) /

The HARD comfort zone

Most of you have tried all the regular workouts… Besides the long, easy, recovery, tempo runs, there are also very specific interval workouts we’ve all dabbled on. There are also the intervals that serve as race predictors (like the Yasso 800s!) and even though they are scary and painful, they can become second nature and a comfortable workout that will tell you exactly where you are on any given time of running cycle. And you end up looking forward to them sometimes…

I am not very fond of track workouts, they feel hard and I am into loving my runs. But I think the main reason why I don’t go to the track often is because I don’t have one that is convenient for me to get to. Still, a few weeks ago I was at my aunt’s house for a few days and they have a brand new track super close, like half a mile away. And no one goes there, such a pity… I don’t do track workouts more than 2 or 3 times a year so I had no idea what to expect or do; I chose to do 800s, and it was quite fun. Not my thing, but I would probably do these more often if I had a track close.

Anyway, I came accross Billat’s 30-30. Apparently, it’s the Best Running Workout You’ve Never Done. Time to share, right

It’s not an all out pace (it’s VERY ROUGHLY two mile -around your mile time plus 10 seconds- pace) and you alternate 30 seconds of that pace with 30 seconds of easy jogging. The point is that you’re working both velocity at VO2max with this speed, so you’re improving your vVO2max! Genius. Not sure why it’s not more popular. 30 seconds (shorter!) of vO2mx (slower!), seems way easier, no?

If you’re LUCKY, you find a “hard” interval workout that eventually feels comfortable for you. I have two. Both are hill sprintsI know, I am weird, I LOVE hill sprints. I defined them a while ago by trees, light posts, or anything that won’t move and then I compete with my fastest time. I jog back down to I recover my breath. As hard as they are, I LOVE THEM. It doesn’t feel like a hard workout (like doing laps and laps in a track!!). It feels like I am climbing the world! And I keep telling myself, just one more please, like they’re cupcakes! I have a tempo (also defined by the course) I do once in a while too and I am starting to feel ok about it, but we’re not thaaaaat close yet. Hoping we grow fond of each other eventually…

MY park!!! Totally gratuitous picture. Well, actually, THAT is where I do my hill sprints!!!!

The HARD comfort zone

Swimming in CP’s reservoir…

Man Brings Daydream to Life, Jumps Into Central Park Reservoir

7/11/11 at 12:45 AM 

Man Brings Daydream to Life, Jumps Into Central Park Reservoir

As some of us have imagined ourselves doing but not actually done, a sweaty, overheated white male in his forties scaled a chain-link fence and dove into the Central Park Reservoir on Sunday. He swam around in it for a few glorious minutes before firefighters booted him from the water, ordering him to grab onto a rope and lassoing him back to the shore. From there, the man was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital, but this seems like a bet that he just won, and that’s what matters. [NYP]

Swimming in CP’s reservoir…