Archive by Author | emaiuolo


I am so sorry this took so long. I really am. Life yada yada, all the excuses,but you know. I try really hard.

Most of you already know what happened, on broad strokes, though not all the details, I had a crazy and great race… The video is here, so you get a good idea of what the day looked like, but the details and behind the scenes are below, … and there are some juicy details…

I hadn’t run the NYC Marathon in 5 years. After running it SEVEN years in a row, I made a hard stop. I run one or two since (Boston and Hudson Mohawk) but it had been a while. I fell out of love with the distance and crushed hard on the half. And it was all fine, the half and I were so happy together… But then, New Balance reached out with the offer to put me in their team for the marathon and I couldn’t say no. It’d be such an honor to be a part of the team and they were taking care of everything so I barely thought about it, I jumped in with both feet and yelled I DO, I DO!

New Balance’s gift for race day, WHICH I LOVED

The truth is, I was pretty trained. I was doing all these halfs and training with my friends who are all doing marathons. My weekend run was always at least 14 miles, so it wasn’t a big change. That was taken care of.

The nerves… wow. I was excited about such a fun experience… but the MARATHON…uh. That distance… I am the opposite of most people: I love the marathon training, but I don’t enjoy the race itself, mostly because marathon pace is so excruciating… UGH. Always waiting and waiting to fly and then, when it’s time, you are in pain. GREAT. That’s why I stopped.

But here we went. I got ready. Physically ready.


came around and the nerves came back up a bit… it’s gonna hurt… will it all be worth it… why do I have to suffer… all those thoughts. It all makes no sense when you have no goals.

My fastest race is 3:27 in Berlin. My fastest NYC was in 2009: 3:42. It’s be good to get a course PR or even go sub 3:40, but I know NYC is a tricky course so I wasn’t sure I could do that. On the other hand, I never run over 4 hours and I didn’t want to go over 4… the nerves!


The switch was on. I was hyped! I had never gone to the start with Juan so I was SO pumped for that…! We saw everyone in the tent!

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Got some coffee, water, ate a couple of bars and just chatted with one million people. Soon, I dropped my bag and walked about 200 meters to the Orange F corral. This is REAL. It’s been so long. Feeling all my feelings.


I found a few friends in the corral and soon we all walked into the bridge. OMG so many feelies. Can I start crying now?  It was a SCENE. The Orange wave starts a few meters ahead of the blue wave, where the male elite runners start at the same time. So I had a PRIME position to watch the elite runners start. It was awesome… And then, I get to chase them. How lucky are we that in this sport we play on the same venue as the best of the world, at the same time??? Beyond awesome.

We get the national anthem, the cannon, confetti, Frank Sinatra’s New York New York, helicopters and a all the yelling. It’s time to go.


What a thrill. The start is quite exciting. Pumped 97%, scared 3%.

I always tell everyone you can ruin your race on your first mile, and I know how hard it is to keep it all under control with such hoopla. Seeing the city so far away into the distance helps to sober you up. Marathons are such a huge enterprise that you need to respect the distance, no matter how many or how well you’ve done before. Respect.

Or FEAR. that also works sometimes. 😉

The first two miles are epic. I was on cloud nine thinking about all the people I love. And then I saw my husband on the other side of the bridge, we blew kisses at each other, touched hands and wished each other luck. Then I watched him get swallowed by the crowds ahead.

We were off the bridge in a hot second. It’s blowing past me too fast. And I am going too fast. But, am I? It looked too fast on my watch. On the other hand, who knows what will unfold in a few miles…




Wow, this is LOUD and AWESOME, and I am letting these awesome spectators push me too fast… CRAP. I was so scared… These miles were FAST and way under that I had planned. FFFFFFFF. Can I hold this pace? Am I gonna die a slow death on Fifth Avenue? Whatever I don’t care this is soooo fun.

Seriously, my poor brain was so overstimulated and trying to control my emotions and speed. I had to veer to the inside lanes and put the music on to calm down and shut it down a few times.

It was impossible.

Fuck it.

This is waaaay toooooo much fun. Life is too short. Let’s go in.


This was also wild… the Pulaski was amazing. YOU have to look left. I was really absorbing it all in. Really. Then I just run through the streets looking for QDR and NP. I missed QDR but NP was unmissable. You could have heard them from Staten Island. It was also a highlight.

Then the mighty Ed Koch brige, or Queensoboro, or the QuadKiller, or whatever you wanna call it.


Also, yey for the views. And, we were fine. We slowed up a bit up the incline, yey to level effort, but it was a happy place for me. Then the steep downhill. I have to say that is one of the points of the race that I look forward to the most -coming off the bridge into the loudest First Avenue. It was NOT SO this year. The block was blocked off spectators and it was eerily quiet. A bit sad even.

Luckily, we turned the corner into First, went over the overpass, after a block of fluids, aaaaaaand there was everybody FINALLY. A bit anticlimactic, but only if you were expecting it like me…!

First Avenue was great. I was looking for Martina, and later Susan at 100. I saw LOTS of people I wasn’t planning on and eventually Susan at 100. That always keeps me focused. Get to the next friend.

Then things got scary for a second:

Ah crap. I had overused my music and drained EVERYTHING. Even my spectacles died. That’s what happens when you don’t do marathons often and you don’t think about these things.


I tried to collect myself… I don’t need a watch… I was barely looking at it… So, I knew I was in ok shape, having passed the half-way point in 1:45 to come in sub 4… but now I had no idea what I was running… Am I running ok? Am I fading off? UGH. Let’s go, hey Bronx, here I am!

I really enjoyed the Bronx… there was no slump there. It helped that I had 1 million friend cheering and that I did 2 or 3 course practice runs. I knew every turn and every step, that makes a HUGE difference. Hey Bronx, not afraid of you anymore!


One last time… this is it. This is when things get tough. You have 20 miles on you and no matter how your race is going, your body can not be happy. I was mentally pumped, not scared anymore, a bit of stiffness but READY TO FLY. This is why we look forward to the last miles, right?

Fifth Avenue was awesome. Harlem Run had an insanely loud cheer zone and I managed to get a high five from Alison! Around the park and then we are right there… where dreams die.

Luckily for me, I had my friend Andrea waiting at 100. I kept telling myself “100”, “100”, “100”, like a crazy person, sometimes out loud. Totally normal, right?

I got to Andrea quickly. She had her dog with her and I almost died. Thank you babe! Fifth Avenue was never this amazing before.

Now, I was really wondering how I was doing, and where was Juan. He had predicted for months that I would pass him around 5th Avenue, but no sight of my hubs… where is he?

Now up this killer long uphill, into Central Park for the last final 2 miles and I knew I had Carolina and Patricia waiting right there. Carolina is a pro cheerer so I was ready!

The park was SO CROWDED… literally, lots of people on the course, a bit dangerous and annoying but I’ll take it. Not going to slow down now… no thanks!


If anyone can jump for 2 seconds to take a selfie and keep up with anyone, it’s her! She told me I was doing amazing, I kept asking where was Juan, “Juan is like two miles behind”, I was in shock, never registered that I was “doing amazing”, said good bye and kept at it.

Right around 3 minutes later, at 72nd, I saw Melissa! Everyone looks miserable but I am shouting and blowing kisses.

Is having so many friends an illegal advantage? Sue me!

Well, now off just for the last bit. Let’s go. I can do this. My legs felt like they were going to fall off I swear… but hey. Hiiiiiii Whitney!!!!!!

A couple of minutes later, I was done.

My friend Ali was at the Finish, how convenient… also he takes amazing pictures!

That is literally how I felt. I wasn’t posing. I was crying, laughing, hysterical. FEELING ALL MY OATS at the same time! WOW. What a ride. Hey, I get a medal too!!!

Thanks Janelle for this picture!

Happiness… Seriously, it’s been a month and I still feel the glitter in my soul!

I found some more friends…

Then Remi brought me a scone. I died. What a day… Then I found my husband in the VIP area where our bags where. I WAS SO HYPER THO. So much caffeine. I took just 4 uncaffeinated gels, water, and 3 caffeine pills (I love these), and they really get me moving…

Once I got my stuff, first thing I did is I put some Cure in my water, chugged it, got all the layers on, got my phone and OMG WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO????


I felt good but I wasn’t expecting a 3:3X at all. WHAT? I was yelling. My poor husband, I get so loud!!!!

Everyone would tell me that “of course” and “I knew you would do that”. I didn’t. I was shocked. That is NOT a PR for me but my fastest NY was a 3:42 from 2009. Literally 10 years ago. I am TEN YEARS OLDER, PEOPLE!!!! well, that happened.

This was awesome. We walked the 2 miles home (not so awesome) and then I was hyper for about 3 more weeks. Help.

I am sorry this was too long. I am just processing it all now. While I sign up for next year’s race. Again: HELP.






World Premiere of my 2019 NYC Marathon video…

not sure if you’re ready for this, but it’s here. Finally. I know. I could hardly wait myself 😂🤣

report coming soon… stay tuned.

October OMG WHAT

October was a kick in the face, LITERALLY

Runs were good, did a half marathon -the Brooklyn Half, here is the race report, plus here is the video, did a couple of weekend “last ten miles of the marathon” runs, all good, but, of course, I had to fall again. WTF SERIOUSLY ELIZABETH, YOU JUST NEED ALL THE ATTENTION DON’T YOU?

This fall was bad. Once I hit the ground I knew it. I felt all the blood all over my face instantly and I feared for my nose so hard. I didn’t even think I could have gotten a gash on my face or broken teeth or my lip, nope, I sat and touched my nose bones everywhere… IT WAS FINE THANK YOU OMG. I could still feel all the blood pouring down from my face, not sure where from so I assumed I had a hole somewhere in my face WHOCARESMYNOSEISFINE!! This was during speedwork so about 20 of my friends showed up 4 minutes later and they all looked at me so scared, I knew something was wrong…

On the first picture you can see all the blood that dripped from my face. My knees and elbow were badly scratched. I’d find out about two weeks later that I had a thin fracture in my nose and a bruised bone, the right knee. 

I WAS PISSED. I had fallen literally a month before in Bruges, WHY THE HELL DO I KEEP FALLING? anyway, I know why, it’s fine. that was on a Tuesday, I couldn’t really run so I took a few days off. I was doing the Brooklyn Half that Saturday so I showed up to the start line unsure if I could run, and super traumatized about the fall… The half, actually, went fine. Again, here is the race report, plus here is the video, and I didn’t win anything but also didn’t crawl… Glad I showed up!

So, you know I was recruited by New Balance to run the NYC Marathon, right? well, that’s old news now but here are a few shots of that prep!

A few “last ten” runs, one last speedwork… and the marathon was around the corner, but you’ll have to wait for that report… 


Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 155 NOT bad, given I had a bad fall…>!
  • Downs: Training is done… we just now heal from this stooopid fall and taper, UGH. The taper felt more abrupt given the fall.. I was doing a lot less than I wanted to.
  • Ups: Felt good during the half.
  • Balance: only time will tell!


Heeeey October, what’s up? I am SO READY for this… but let me get to the recap first!

We started the month in Nice ->my husband was competing in the Half Ironman World Championships. Running in Nice was EVERYTHING -so amazing- and here are some pics! I truly enjoyed it. My runs were slow crap but the scenery was top notch -also, it was quite hilly. The food was RIDICULOUS. Love. The highlight was a 5K organized by Ironman, where I did horribly. My legs were crap all week. The next week I did a run in Brugge, in Belgium, where I… emmm… hit the pavement a bit and got scratched up a bit… it was no fun… I started hyperventilating and almost crying. Luckily Juan was with me and helped me relax… so scary, but the run was gorgeous

Then we went to Paris for a week and it was also amazing… I run about 4 or 5 days but my runs were still slow. Maybe it was all the food, maybe it was my vacation mindset, maybe it was PMS (or all 3!). Again, and of course, Paris is amazing

Anyway, the first half of the month was unbeatable… then I came back to NYC (yeah, nothing to sneeze at) and had two weekends to complete the month. Weekend 1 I did a 22 miler with 6 loops of the top loop (Harlem Hill) which is NO joke, oh, and a rabid pace. It an insane confidence booster.

Weekend 2 I run the Bronx 10 Miler -ha, in the Bronx!- and I PRed HARD. It was a bit shocking given my PR was from a flat 10M in nice weather but it happened. My pacing was ridiculous. These are my last 6 miles:

And it was so much fun… see the proof:

Anyway, it was awesome! time for the:


Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147 ha. Vacation in France. what else need I say?
  • Downs: more croissants please!
  • Ups: it was gorgeous over there, FAST over here.
  • Balance: time to catch up. that was fun but there is work to do now.


Full of PRs!

I have no idea how this happened. Yes, I have been training like a beast since December and yes, I always surprised when things turn well (to me, the key to being happy is always having low expectations!!!) but omg how did I run the highest mileage I ever did without intending or noticing? I did 216 miles. That is insane!  Also, there was a little racing to be done… The month started with SUMMER STREETS!!!!!! Summer Streets is my favorite. I did all 3. It is the BEST.

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The first summer streets I did 10 miles because/but I had the Manhattan 7 Mile race the next day, OOOPS… SOMEHOW, I PRed, but that’s only because 7 miles is such an odd distance and because I was sick last year when I did it. My pace was actually good enough for top 20 (out 2435 women) and 2nd in my AG (out of 357) which is quite shocking! My expectations were so slow and I had so much fun that it’s shocking that I did well..

Then I did about 19.5 in summer streets, speedwork, many great workouts….

and did a 5K, another one of the PPTC Al Goldstein Summer Series which was actually decent! I came in 1st in my AG and 20 SECONDS FORM A PR. WTF! ALL I DO MAKES NO SENSE!

More workouts, more summer streets, more miles, the highest week ever in my life and then I did a half in the Rockaways with Andrea and Elizabeth. It wasn’t particularly good but a decent effort. Overall, a month I didn’t plan and couldn’t have foreseen!


Small Recap

  • Total Miles: the MOST ever ever. woooot. didn’t even know this was happening while it was happening. blame summer streets?
  • Downs: that it’s over????
  • Balance: MORE more more more please.


You’re so predictable, hot weather and all, but so so great. I love summer, have I told you that before? You’ll never hear me complain about the heat, unless I don’t want to wash my hair that day and it’s getting to be a sweaty mess, ever. The tiny layers, the sweatiness, the sprinklers, the sun, the colorful runners, the never-ending weekend morning runs that always come down to a sweat puddle in a brunch situation… omg the finest things in life….

so, July, I went to see a preview of this movie which was a blast and a true story about a girl who decides to run the NYC Marathon. It has very funny running moments. If you’ve seen it, let me know your thoughts!

On July 3rd I run a 5K, which was burning hell a bit balmy. I did ok. I started slow, you know, to warm up a bit more up the hill and the hammered down to get 1st in my AG. YEAH. Then I almost melted.

There was a LOT of running actually in July, fun runs, speedwork, tempos, long runs, always with the most amazing friends and all over the city! 

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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: the most so far this year, so yeah, GOOD, and a even few miles ahead of he 1800 yearly miles goal.
  • Downs: there was a bunch of rain… like flash flooding. Two of my 5Ks got cancelled because of rain..
  • Balance: MORE please.


was awesome and QUICK…?

It started with the Italy Run, a 5 miler in Central Park that was fun. I run it with a few friends and we had a blast. The next weekend, I raced the Mini10K, hot as always but also a blast, so how could I miss it? The next weekend I raced the Queens 10K, also always hot but totally manageable this year. Then the next weekend I raced the Front Runners NY Pride Run. Yes, a race every weekend. A little insane on the racing side but that is how I like my summers… There were also some amazing runs sprinkled in. Like, for example, that midweek run where we went up Riverside to see the goats munching on poison ivy…


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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 157. Racing that much kills the mileage.
  • Downs: NOT ONE!
  • Ups: Racing! Love seeing all my friends at the races!!!!
  • Balance: July, here we come!!!!



was a quick one… It bothers me a bit that mileage goes down as soon as the weather gets nicer BUT that is only because I race much more and hey quality over quantity (plus mini tapers…!). You just can’t do it all -or do it all well, correct? So, I’ve been replacing my tempos by races this past month, I only got in a tempo or two, I just can’t do that many hard miles a week. But I always get my intervals in!

Early May I run the Sharon 5 Miler, which was super horribly hill fun! 


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I REALLY need to get out of NYC more… I always say that and I then I get so lazy. Anyway, that was a super fun weekend out of town with friends. Then we had the Brooklyn Half, which was also awesome!


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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 134, I am getting behind on my 1800 goal!
  • Downs: just the mileage.
  • Ups: all the races and the runs and the friends. Life and running is GOOD.
  • Balance: I am in a good, GREAT, place. see below…

I have come to terms with WHERE I AM. For 3 years I haven’t PRed and I was pouting about it. I had a few PRs this year, yes, but it’s because it’s at distances I hadn’t bothered with before, it’s like they almost don’t count. A few months ago, I’d get a 1:40 half and I’d point it was about 4 minutes off my 1:36 PR. Now I KNOW that 1:40 is where I am. I am training hard, I am doing all that I should be doing, and HEY, I am older, THIS IS MY BEST. And it’s fine. I am happy with it. Not sure how to explain what changed in my perspective. I am not sure I can say that I will never get closer to 1:36 again -because the truth is not only I am not sure I can get there at all but if I could it is a very remote possibility I am not willing to chase. This, this right here today, is my best. And it sort of reset my goals and status quo of what I can and want to do. Hard RESET. Let’s go.


Just like that, we are back to RACING!!!! I started the month with a race I had heard SO much about, the Washington DC Cherry Tree Blossom 10 Miler, an epic run through a very scenic and historic course. The race was truly beautiful, joyful and fast. The race report is here and the video recap is there as well. There was a taper before, a recovery after and then I race the Hot Chocolate 15K in Brooklyn. Also Fun. Did pretty well and the speed is coming back (slowly). Training is good for the soul. And the race results ;-). Oh and I almost forgot: I did a relay marathon in a 200-meter track. That was fun and brutal and insane and fun. More here.

Of course, there were many other fun runs, speedwork sessions, group intervals and what not. See pictures below for more:



Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 127, CRAP. Three races really bring down the total with the taper and the recovery…
  • Downs: legs were sore
  • Ups: All the fast miles!!!
  • Balance: Good month overall. Hard work is starting to pay off!


was momentous!! On December 10 I started a training program (that I wrote obviously) that would take me through the NYC Half on March 17. It took 527 miles, 14 weeks, 101 miles at goal pace, 6 training partners, two continents as training grounds, and a lot of sweat to get there. The United NYC Half popped up and it was glorious. My race recap is here, and the race video recap is here if you are curious. It was not a PR or a particularly fast race but I felt strong and did amazing. I was able to crush the distance and come out happy. I love halfs. This one is super scenic and that helps.


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The other BIG thing is that I was in Buenos Aires for a week and the running was AMAZING!!!! I will post a video soon. Or maybe a “where to run” type post but for now, here are a few pictures for now:


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Running in Palermo was a total blast. Can’t wait to go back. I really will work on a post. 100%!


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 159, still ok, the taper and the post half recovery slowed me down! Though I am still somehow 31 miles ahead of the 1800 miles goal for 2019.
  • Downs: not one!
  • Ups: I had an insane 5-mile tempo that will inspire me all year. Running in Palermo. Finally managing to do speed by myself when I don’t have an option. This month was above the charts!
  • Balance: TOO GOOD


was cold and FAST. Did I tell you I have been training HARD?? I started mid-December, this is week 12 of 14. First race is the NYC Half in two weeks. Training is going amazing. The hardest part was the first 2-3 weeks… when I still didn’t think I could do it. It had been so long since I had a written-down-formal-training-program that I was a bit scared. But if my runners do it, why wouldn’t I? They inspired me. They ask for it, they pay for it, they’re not afraid… what am I waiting for??? So I did it to myself!!!!

So… it was aggressive. So far in these 12 weeks, I’ve run 83 miles under 7:30 pace. Which is what I think should be around my half marathon pace (though who knows?); that’d be around a 1:38 half, not a PR but I don’t think I am in PR shape. We shall see in the next few months… stay tuned.

February had a little snow, some cold days, some brutally cold days, lots of friends and runs, no races, and I don’t remember what else. It was chill, fun, and rewarding.



Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 170. not bad. at all. for a short month
  • Downs: by the end of the month I was getting sick of the cold… as usual.
  • Ups: Training is going amazing!
  • Balance: Excited for warm weather and less laundry soon!


was something: it started REALLY HOT (the first day of the year I did speedwork in a sports bra!) and then it was record-breaking COLD. Running in the cold is so tricky… if you’re underdressed you’ll be miserable (and prone to injure stiff muscles), but if you’re overdressed you’ll also be miserable (and prone to not finish a workout either). Not only I spend way more time layering up but leveling each layer’s materials is a science I work at perfecting every day. Plus, add the wind-chill, the humidity, the area you’ll be running around, and the specific workout to the variables and it could literally cripple you in distress before you even start running… WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF, HUH?

ANYWAY… so it was hot, then cold, then freezing, then back to cold that felt warm because after freezing cold is nothing. I am, somehow, still sticking to my crazy exhausting training plan, and it’s actually going great (some days better than others!). It’s mostly 4 hard workouts a week, but I built them slooooow, so it’s all safe. Painfully horrible BUT SAFE. It’s going well. Plus, I’ve had a few good friends jump in to help in, to pace, to train with, or just distract me from my thoughts of jumping into the reservoir. They are ALL faster than me. I swear. No joke, it’s super humiliating humbling, every week. My main pacer, Pamela Hunt, just won Runner of the Year at the NYRR Club Night. And there I am, trying my best, huffing and puffing, week after week. Why? Because I a not ready to give up. Not yet.

January was a challenging month on the personal side, most of you know. It was heartbreaking but also full of joy. I am trying to navigate all those super strong emotions. We learn something every day if we keep our eyes and hearts open. I am mostly thankful to get to go through this, and to know the people in my life are super strong and we hold each other up.


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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147. Not bad! IF I am shooting for 1,800 miles in 2019, the monthly average should be around 158, so I need to up it up a bit. I think it’s hard to put on a lot of miles when I am training because I am currently doing 4 hard workouts a week, so I need more rest than usual…
  • Downs: just the world-record-breaking really really really cold temps
  • Ups: I have managed to stick to my training even in this cold weather!
  • Balance: starting the year STRONG! Let’s go!

NYCRuns Brooklyn Marathon and Half Marathon – race video, 2019

You might have already read the NYCRuns Brooklyn Marathon and Half Marathon RACE REPORT… but here is the VIDEO!!!

So, the world premiere…

here it is!

Enjoyed it?

Hope so!!!!!

Here is a pic of the finish line which comes right after the video ends!

NYCRuns Brooklyn Marathon and Half Marathon – race report, 2019

So last week I run the Brooklyn Half for the first time! This is not the NYRR Brooklyn Half in May, this is the NYC Runs Half AND Full in November. The race has been happening for a few years but this is the first time that it ventures out of Prospect Park which is quite exciting -more exciting than a bunch of loops in Prospect Park. To some, the loops are what makes it great, but we’ll get to that later. (video of my race is HERE… don’t miss it.)

The full and the half start together, in big corrals, with portapotties inside the corrals, at 7 am. It starts in front of the Brooklyn Museum, which is a good location, as there are wide streets and easy to get to via transportation. The wait was fun even though I may have not have known as many runners and I am used to…!

Luckily, I had Nick!

Here is a quick look at the 2019 Half course, with its course elevation profile.

and here is the official race map for 2019 with also, the elevation profile:

Miles one and two are a fun turnaround which almost doesn’t count: that’s where you will warm up and get your legs moving. hey everyone! Miles two and three you coast by the park, trying to get to race pace and soon, by mile four, you’re heading out on Ocean Parkway on the second out and back. The out is on the downhill side, with a little upside on the other side. The halfers and fullers turn at different points (about 300 meters more for the halfers) but it’s quite seamless. And yes, there is a timing mat on the turnaround, yippie! The way back is a bit on the hard way… that’s miles seven to ten and it starts getting hard now. Luckily, the return to the park makes things exciting, and now you know you’re in the home stretch. Well, sort of, first, you gotta climb the Battle Pass Hill at mile eleven.. which seriously, if you didn’t know it was coming or saved any for it, well… it’s on you!

After clearing that monster hill, not because it’s that scary but because it’s on mile eleven, you just slide down the rollercoaster hard and get to the finish line. The last mile is downhill FAST.

the medal is pretty rockin

Now… I don’t know what I was expecting. Probably a faster race. And by faster I mean, flatter. There was not a lot of flat, so not quite super fast but I actually really liked the course. It flew by because it was different but also had a feeling of comfort. We’ve all run in those roads at some point or another and it looks more like an upside-down version of the nyrr bk half.

Now, what’s different… The race shirt was meh (I didn’t like the material and the v-neck), but the rest was awesome. The race swag was great, you get lots of goodies, the medal was awesome, they give you a neck chief at the finish also, plus the water stops where very well staffed and run. I liked it. I’d do it again next year.

video of my race is HERE… don’t miss it.

Also, this is how I did, in case you care:

I like these stats. It shows you the negative split. It also shows that even though I speed up 8 seconds per mile on the second half, people passed me… WOT? I liked it, I’d recommend it, It was a bit crowded on the first two miles but probably my fault for starting back a few corrals int the middle of nowhere. Also, the weather was perfection: 43, and bit sunny, no wind. Ended up taking my long sleeve shirt off at mile 1 and running on a bra. fun times. LOVED IT.

Pen it in for next year. Video of my race is HERE… don’t miss it.

Questions? anything else? see you soon on the next one!

2019 TCS New York City Marathon: race week events!

  I will be updating this every day. If you have anything to be added, just forward it to me. So, recheck every day! And don’t forget to re-read the New York City Marathon Tips, Course Strategy, and Info! post—- below updated 10/28

Monday, October 28th

  • NYRR Member Monday Presented by Biofreeze: Course Strategy and Happy Hour

When: 6 pm to 8 pm

Where: TCS New York City Marathon Pavilion

What: Learn course strategy, meet your pacer, and enjoy a happy hour with your fellow runners!

More info and RSVP.

  • Nike Shakeout Run

When: 7 pm to 9 pm

Where: New York Running Company powered by JackRabbit, 10 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10019

What: If you have the need for speed and want to test your legs before the big race, you won’t want to miss this workout! Join JackRabbit and Nike for a fun night of speed work to get you ready for the marathon followed by a celebration! We will be doing lite speedwork and getting the opportunity to demo the Next%’s and Pegasus.

More info and RSVP.

Tuesday, October 29th

  • TCS New York City Marathon Book Club: Running with Sherman, Chris McDougall

When: 6 pm to 8 pm

Where: TCS New York City Marathon Pavilion

What: Join Chris McDougall, best-selling author of Born to Run, as he presents his new book, Running with Sherman, days before the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon. Chris will discuss the challenge of rescuing Sherman, a desperately sick donkey who’d been held for years in a small stall by an animal hoarder, and transforming him into a long-distance runner with the heart and guts to take on the World Championship Pack Burro Race. Chris will be taking your questions, signing books, and personally applying good-luck Sherman tattoos.

More info and RSVP.

  • Run & Pasta Party with New Balance

When: 6:30 pm

Where: Paragon Sports, 867 Broadway, New York, NY 10003

What: Join us on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30PM for a Run with New Balance and Paragon Sports Run Club followed by a Pasta Party! Whether you’re racing the NYC Marathon or just looking to get in some miles, this will be a fun night for all! Bag check is available. All levels are welcome. If it’s your first time running with us, please arrive 5-10 minutes early. The running route will be shared on 10/28, but the run will be low mileage as we’re getting close to the big 26.2!

More info and RSVP.

  • Marathon Sign-Making Party with Brooks

When: 6:30 pm

Where: JackRabbit Brooklyn, 151 7th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215

What: Join us and Brooks Running as we host a Marathon Sign-Making Party for the NYC Marathon! We will have all the materials you need to make an awesome, inspiring, funny, crazy, sign along with food and drinks for a great time! We will also be raffling off a FREE pair of Brooks shoes to one lucky participant!

More info and RSVP.

Wednesday, October 30th

  • On Track: NYC Marathon Race Prep Panel

When: 6 pm

Where: 1156 Madison Avenue, NY, NY 10128

What: Join your Marathon Race Prep instructors for our final On Track panel at our Madison Ave showroom located at 1156 Madison Ave on Wednesday, 10/30, to help you with all those pre-race questions. Can’t make it in-person? Tune in on Peloton’s Facebook channel for our Facebook Live starting at 6:30 PM EST.

More info and RSVP.

  • Shake it Out with Shake Shack

When: 7 pm

Where: New York Running Company, 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019

What: It’s back for a third year running by popular demand! Let’s get those legs shaken out and run for some Shake Shack as we take on an easy shake out run before the big day. Altra and Icebreaker will be there to support with demo shoes, demo product and some great surprises for all. In addition, Altra Elite Amelia Boone will be joining this run. Amelia is a 4x Obstacle Racing World Champion. Ultrarunner just coming off of 100k and did we mention fulltime attorney? She will be sharing some of her story as an athlete and a runner! Additionally, Icebreaker will be hosting a social media giveaway. All runners who take a pic and share on social media post the event with appropriate hashtags – #movetonatural @icebreakernz will go in the drawing to win $1000 worth of icebreaker apparel from JackRabbit.

More info and RSVP.

  • Midnight Runners Halloween 6.66k Bootcamp

When: 7 pm

Where: Rockbar NYC, 185, New York, New York 10033

What: Drag your body out for a spirited All Hallows Eve edition of our Wednesday 6.66k Boot Camp run. With music and a bootcamp run past some of New York’s most hauntingly iconic landmarks, this FREE event will surely be a frightfully awesome time. Costumes are encouraged, even if you’re just dressed as a “human runner”. Ghastly surprises will be awarded to the most wickedly creative souls among us.

More info and RSVP.

Thursday, October 31st

  • Sunrise 5K on the High Line

When: 7 am

Where: JackRabbit – Union Square, 42 West 14th Street, New York, NY 10011

What: Join JackRabbit, Asics, Rhone, Beyond Type 1 and Honey Stinger for a pre-race shakeout run on the High Line led by Rhone Co-Founders, Nate Checketts and Kyle McClure! We’ll start the morning with a short 3-mile run over the High Line and back down by the Hudson River before heading back to the store where all participants will receive a gift from Rhone, as well as a gift with purchase of any JackRabbit x Rhone Graphic Tee. Morning bites and refreshments will also be provided by Asics! Asics will be providing demo shoes to test out and enjoy during the event! And don’t forget to sample on Honey Stinger as they are the nutrition offered on the TCS NYC Marathon race course!

More info and RSVP.


When: 7 am

Where: JackRabbit – Union Square, 42 West 14th Street, New York, NY 10011

What: Join us and our friends at Outdoor Voices for a morning yoga session followed by local coffee, healthy bites and Sweatee shirt customization! Yoga mats will be provided. Each pre-registered participant will receive a complimentary pair of ORA SLIDE at the conclusion of the event.

More info and RSVP.

  • TCS New York City Marathon Charity Breakfast Run

When: 9 am to 10 am

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join your fellow TCS New York City Marathon charity runners for an easy shakeout run in Central Park!

More info and RSVP.


When: 12 pm to 6 pm

Where: 867 Broadway at 18th St., New York, NY 10003

What: Every day we’ll have drinks with Anita, FREE Pasta with Asics, Caricature Drawings & Photos with Brooks, Race Day Shirt Name Customization, Massage with Fit Club NY, and Recovery with Theragun. Questions? E-mail [email protected]

More info and RSVP.

  • Run Talk: Abbott Dash to the Finish & USATF 5K Championship Meet the Elites

When: 4 pm to 5 pm

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join us for a Run Talk with elite runners competing in the Abbott Dash to the Finish Line and USATF 5K Championships!

More info and RSVP.

  • New York Road Runners Hall of Fame

When: 6 pm to 7 pm

Where: TCS New York City Marathon Pavilion

What: Join us for the presentation of awards to the NYRR Hall of Fame Class of 2019, as well as the presentation of the Abebe Bikila Award for outstanding contributions to the sport of running, and the George Hirsch Journalism Award for excellence in the reporting, writing, and broadcasting of the sport of running.

More info and RSVP.


When: 6 pm


What: Train hard. Race fearlessly. Share every part of the journey.  You don’t want to miss this very special event with HOKA NAZ Elite’s top female athletes and special guests for an evening of empowerment ahead of the NYC Marathon.

More info and RSVP.

  • Halloween Costume Run – Powered by on by Jackrabbit

When: 7 pm to 9 pm

Where: New York Running Company powered by JackRabbit, 10 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10019

What: Join us on 10/31 at 7pm as we take to the streets in our costumes and celebrate not only Halloween together but NYC Marathon. On will be there with demo shoes, spookishly awesome treats and giveaways! Stay tuned for more information on the night!

More info and RSVP.

  • NYC Marathon Week ’19 w/ Harlem Run

When: 7 pm

Where: Harlem Run, 124th Street and Lenox Ave, New York, New York 10027

What: The week of the NYC marathon is like every major holiday combined. There will be so many events happening and we invite you to check out our schedule and join us! Note – these events are open to everyone, whether you’re running the marathon or not! – Halloween themed shakeout/ sign making

More info and RSVP.

Friday, November 1st

  • November Project Pre-Race Friday Workout!

When: 6:28 am

Where: Bethesda Terrace and Fountain, New York, New York 10023

What: It is our favorite workout of the year, every year. Come join us as we wish the marathon runners good luck, get a workout in, and prepare for what is always the best weekend of the year. THIS year, we area also celebrating November Project’s 8th Birthday!

More info and RSVP.

  • Morning Miles with Emma Coburn, Jenny Simpson & Cory McGee

When: 6:30 am

Where: New York Running Company, 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019

What: Join New Balance Star Athletes, Jenny Simpson, Emma Coburn & Cory McGee for a morning of Q&A and shakeout run. Purchase any New Balance official TCS New York City Marathon gear and receive a gift with purchase that morning. Runners are also invited to come back to our Columbus Circle store for refreshments after the run and New Balance swag and enter for a chance to win goodr sunglasses.

More info and RSVP.

  • Own Your NYC Marathon Moment with JackRabbit & BRWD – Shakeout Run + Panel

When: 7 am

Where: JackRabbit – 3rd Ave, 1051 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10065

What: You’ve done the training and put the work in, now the most magical weekend in NYC has arrived. Join JackRabbit and BRWD Refreshing Energy for an easy 3-mile shakeout run before we sit down with a panel of runners who have run the NYC Marathon and will share their experience and advice, including the unconventional things that probably aren’t on your radar.

More info and RSVP.


When: 7:30 am


What: Join HOKA for an easy 4 mile shakeout run through the streets of New York, customize your very own shirt, and get excited for the big weekend ahead. The first 50 to arrive will receive a limited-edition NYC themed Miir tumbler. See what the hype is about – test a pair of shoes from HOKA for your run

More info and RSVP.

  • The morning shakeout podcast LIVE with Mary Ngugi and Jared Ward

When: 12 pm to 1 pm

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join us for a live recording of the morning shakeout with Mario Fraioli, featuring special guests Mary Ngugi and Jared Ward.

More info and RSVP.


When: 12 pm to 6 pm

Where: 867 Broadway at 18th St., New York, NY 10003

What: Every day we’ll have drinks with Anita, FREE Pasta with Asics, Caricature Drawings & Photos with Brooks, Race Day Shirt Name Customization, Massage with Fit Club NY, and Recovery with Theragun. Questions? E-mail [email protected]

More info and RSVP.

  • I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein LIVE: TCS New York City Marathon Pros

When: 1 pm to 2 pm

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join host Lindsey Hein for a live podcast with TCS New York City Marathon professional women Sara Hall, Kellyn Taylor, and Roberta Groner.

More info and RSVP.

  • UCAN Presents: Master Your Marathon with NYC Champion Meb Keflezighi

When: 1 pm to 2:30 pm

Where: New York Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036

What: Who better to take you through the ins and outs of the New York City Marathon course than Meb Keflezighi, a 12x NYC Marathon finisher and author of some of the most memorable moments in race history! If you’re looking to run your best race in NYC, you won’t want to miss this special chance to get marathon tips from a running legend!

More info and RSVP.

  • Marathon Stories with Angie, Carrie, Emily and Tina

When: 6:30 pm

Where: New York Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036

What: Join podcasters and marathoners Angie Spencer, Carrie Tollefson, Emily Abbate, and Tina Muir for Marathon Stories – a motivating, inspiring, and real look at the journey to the marathon.

More info and RSVP.

  • Friday Night Lights with Saucony

When: 6:30 pm

Where: New York Running Company, 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019

What: New York City is breathtaking by day, but by night it is just down right magical! Let us transform your NYC trip in to a magical journey through Central Park. It’ll all start with you getting your Saucony shoes laced up. But the magic doesn’t stop there! Thanks to the light stick you get when checking in, you will be guided on a mystical run through central park, ending in the perfect location to watch the NYC skyline light up with unmatchable fireworks brought to you by the TCS New York City Marathon. Still not enough… well you’re in for treat once you make your way back to the New York Running Company store in Columbus Circle, as you will be greeted with a buttery and sweet smell of your very own popcorn bar and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream buffet! That’s not enough.. well we will have one last parting gift for all our hard working athletes!

More info and RSVP.

  • Recovery Lounge with OOFOS & Hyperice

When: 6:30 pm

Where: JackRabbit Brooklyn, 151 7th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215

What: On Friday, November 1st at 6:30pm we will have a class focused on Recovery and Stretching ahead of the NYC Marathon! We will have a 30 minute workout session, followed by demos of Hyperice product and oofos recovery sandals so you can rest and recover in style! We will also have snacks and drinks for participants post-workout! All participants will receive 15% off their purchase (some exclusions apply) and we will be raffling off a pair of OOFOS slides to one lucky participant!

More info and RSVP.

  • The 41st Day—Journey of Ryan Hall Screening, w/ appearance by Ryan Hall

When: 7:30 PM

Where: Fohr, 72 Allen Street, Floor 3, New York, NY 11217

What: We’re proud to bring The 41st Day to New York, with a special appearance by Ryan Hall.

More info and RSVP.

  • NYC Womxn’s Relay

When: 9 pm

Where: Columbus Circle

What: Time to Go Bananas! Join Volee teammates and other womxn runners at our first #BananShenans event, a series of fun, unsanctioned events to bring womxn together for the love of running and community. All paces are welcome! This event will take place on Friday, November 1st at 9pm, at Columbus Circle. Please RSVP below by Thursday, October 31st so we know how many people to expect. Each relay team must have 4 runners, and each runner will run a 0.6 miles out-and-back, for a total of 1.2 miles per runner/4.8 miles per team.

More info and RSVP: [email protected]

Saturday, November 2nd

  • TCS New York City Marathon Shakeout Run: Presented by Strava

When: 8 am

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: get in an easy run with Strava members and some awesome pacers. All paces are welcome. Join the run whether you’re in town to cheer someone on Sunday or looking to get in one last run before conquering 26.2 miles.

More info and RSVP.

  • Sit Back & Relax with Meb

When: 8 am

Where: Where: New York Running Company, 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019

What: Join us on November 2nd as we sit back and relax with Meb. He will be joining us for a short shakeout run and Q&A session to help you prepare for the New York City Marathon on Sunday! He will talk about his journey and mental fortitude during marathons. We will have KT Tape onsite to tape as well as UCAN onsite for any of your last minute marathon needs. Enjoy our Normatec chairs and mentally prepare for race day!

More info and RSVP.

  • Athletes Unfiltered: A Strava Podcast LIVE

When: 9 am to 10 am

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join Athletes Unfiltered, A Strava Podcast LIVE the day before the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon.

More info and RSVP.

  • Coffee with Dr. Jack Daniels, World’s Greatest Running Coach

When: 10 am to 11:30 am

Where: Brooklyn Running Company, 480 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217

What: Come talk training, NYC Marathon course strategy, and running culture with Dr. Jack Daniels on Saturday, November 2nd before the 2019 New York City Marathon. Join us for coffee and some good insight from one of the greatest running coaches in the history of sport, along with many previous NYC Marathon finishers to talk course strategy and race-day preparation.

More info and RSVP.

  • Shake out run, stretch and conversation with Vasha & Power Malu hosted by Charlie Dark

When: 10 am

Where: 125 Prince Street, New York, NY 10012

What: A rare chance to hear a candid conversation from pillars of the global run movement on social impact and the future of run. In 2007 Dark founded the now 500-strong (and still growing) run collective Run Dem Crew. An alternative to traditional running clubs, he wanted to create a run club that was as much about running as it was about camaraderie and conversation.

More info and RSVP.

  • C Tolle Run LIVE with Paula Radcliffe and Abby Anderson

When: 10 am to 11 am

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join Carrie Tollefson, host of C Tolle Run, Paula Radcliffe, and special guest Abby Anderson.

More info and RSVP.

  • HOKA Cheer Sign Party

When: 10 am

Where: New York Running Company, 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019

What: On November 2nd from 10am-9pm we will be partnering with HOKA ONE ONE to offer a fun and exciting Cheer Sign Party at our Columbus Circle location. Stop in anytime that day to pick up your last minute marathon essentials and create a sign for a family member or friend running! Take a picture with your sign and tag @Jackrabbit_original and @hokaoneone for a chance to win a free pair of shoes! We would love to see your race signs and hear who you are cheering for!

More info and RSVP.


When: 10 am

Where: 11TH AVE & W 27TH, NEW YORK, NY 10001

What: Lace up and get ready to run the city during this marathon inspired weekend as we shakeout the legs, loosen up those muscles and sweat out the nerves before race day. Our light three-mile run will kick off from 11th Ave & W 27th at 10:00 AM. Reserve your spot, bring a friend, and get ready to roll.

More info and RSVP.

  • Running for Real with Tina Muir LIVE with Deena Kastor and Jonathan Fader

When: 12 pm to 1 pm

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join podcast host Tina Muir for a conversation with Olympian Deena Kastor and New York Mets and New York Giants psychologist Jonathan Fader.

More info and RSVP.


When: 12 pm to 6 pm

Where: 867 Broadway at 18th St., New York, NY 10003

What: Every day we’ll have drinks with Anita, FREE Pasta with Asics, Caricature Drawings & Photos with Brooks, Race Day Shirt Name Customization, Massage with Fit Club NY, and Recovery with Theragun. Questions? E-mail [email protected]

More info and RSVP.

  • Ali on the Run Show LIVE: Why It’s an Exciting Time for Women in Running

When: 1 pm to 2 pm

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join Ali Feller, host of the Ali on the Run Show, as she sits down with Lauren Fleshman, Mary Wittenberg, Lindsay Crouse, and Jen Ator.

More info and RSVP.

  • Honey Stinger Hive Life Podcast LIVE

When: 2 pm to 3 pm

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: Join us for a live recording of Honey Stinger’s Hive Life podcast with host David Willey, featuring Honey Stinger athlete Mohamed Hrezi.

More info and RSVP.

  • On Track NYC Marathon Weekend Events

When: 6 pm

Where: 1156 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10028-0410, United States

What: Get race-day ready with Peloton as we approach 26.2! Create customized gear, relax in our recovery lounge, pick up free juices, fit in a final meditation session or sign up for 3 unique yoga experiences before you hit the course on Sunday.

More info and RSVP.

Sunday, November 3rd

When: 2 pm


What: Congratulations! Whether or not you’re racing the NYC marathon, join HOKA for a pop-up experience and special celebration throughout the afternoon. Stop by the HOKA pop-up anytime between 2 – 6 PM and enjoy complimentary drinks, snacks, special prizes and NormaTec recovery product.

More info and RSVP.


When: 4 pm to 8 pm

Where: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the NB Run Hub

What: 26.2 After Party. Join us as we celebrate the biggest marathon in the world. This will be the livest party in the New York City, with recovery, food, drinks, and music by Uptown’s own Yoo Q! & Steph Cakes.  RSVP now, as spots are expected to be filled fast.
RSVP does not guarantee entry. First come, first serve. This is a 21+ only event. Bring your ID.

More info and RSVP.

Monday, November 4th

  • The Repair Shop

When: 10 am to 5 pm

Where: New York Running Company, 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019

What: This is an all-day recovery event at the New York Running Company, featuring laser engravings of race times on all Goodr Sunglasses! We’re taking Marathon Monday to a whole new level with our Repair Shop! Featuring the first-ever laser engraver at Jackrabbit thanks to Goodr! Stop by after your race on Marathon Monday and get your Goodr glasses laser engraved with your race time!

More info and RSVP.

  • Recovery Workout – Mobility & Stretch Post-NYC Marathon for Runners

When: 7 p,

Where: New York Running Company, 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019

What: Join us for a Recovery Session post race on Monday, November 4th at @ 7pm with Spring Forward Physical Therapy! Move, stretch, and recover, all while supporting the American Cancer Society (proceeds from the class will be matched by SFPT and donated to charity). During and after the class, Normatec boots will be available for use! Class participants will also receive 15% off their purchases (some exclusions apply and we will be raffling off a free physical therapy evaluation ($250 value) as well as a FREE pair of Nike Pegasus Turbo 2 to one lucky participant!

More info and RSVP.

updated daily so bookmark this post and keep checking here every day!

Don’t forget to re-read the New York City Marathon Tips, Course Strategy and Info! post

I’ve compiled this listing from brands/athletes/stores’ social channels or emails. Events might have been updated at a later date so please check the source for updated info. If you have/see any other events not listed here, pls send my way. Have fun!


  • xx

When: x

Where: x

What: x

More info and RSVP.

September is always a good time

Heeeey October, what’s up? I am SO READY for this… but let me get to the recap first!

We started the month in Nice ->my husband was competing in the Half Ironman World Championships. Running in Nice was EVERYTHING -so amazing- and here are some pics! I truly enjoyed it. My runs were slow crap but the scenery was top notch -also, it was quite hilly. The food was RIDICULOUS. Love. The highlight was a 5K organized by Ironman, where I did horribly. My legs were crap all week. The next week I did a run in Brugge, in Belgium, where I… emmm… hit the pavement a bit and got scratched up a bit… it was no fun… I started hyperventilating and almost crying. Luckily Juan was with me and helped me relax… so scary, but the run was gorgeous

Then we went to Paris for a week and it was also amazing… I run about 4 or 5 days but my runs were still slow. Maybe it was all the food, maybe it was my vacation mindset, maybe it was PMS (or all 3!). Again, and of course, Paris is amazing

Anyway, the first half of the month was unbeatable… then I came back to NYC (yeah, nothing to sneeze at) and had two weekends to complete the month. Weekend 1 I did a 22 miler with 6 loops of the top loop (Harlem Hill) which is NO joke, oh, and a rabid pace. It an insane confidence booster.

Weekend 2 I run the Bronx 10 Miler -ha, in the Bronx!- and I PRed HARD. It was a bit shocking given my PR was from a flat 10M in nice weather but it happened. My pacing was ridiculous. These are my last 6 miles:

And it was so much fun… see the proof:

Anyway, it was awesome! time for the:


Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147 ha. Vacation in France. what else need I say?
  • Downs: more croissants please!
  • Ups: it was gorgeous over there, FAST over here.
  • Balance: time to catch up. that was fun but there is work to do now.


Full of PRs!

I have no idea how this happened. Yes, I have been training like a beast since December and yes, I always surprised when things turn well (to me, the key to being happy is always having low expectations!!!) but omg how did I run the highest mileage I ever did without intending or noticing? I did 216 miles. That is insane!  Also, there was a little racing to be done… The month started with SUMMER STREETS!!!!!! Summer Streets is my favorite. I did all 3. It is the BEST.

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The first summer streets I did 10 miles because/but I had the Manhattan 7 Mile race the next day, OOOPS… SOMEHOW, I PRed, but that’s only because 7 miles is such an odd distance and because I was sick last year when I did it. My pace was actually good enough for top 20 (out 2435 women) and 2nd in my AG (out of 357) which is quite shocking! My expectations were so slow and I had so much fun that it’s shocking that I did well..

Then I did about 19.5 in summer streets, speedwork, many great workouts….

and did a 5K, another one of the PPTC Al Goldstein Summer Series which was actually decent! I came in 1st in my AG and 20 SECONDS FORM A PR. WTF! ALL I DO MAKES NO SENSE!

More workouts, more summer streets, more miles, the highest week ever in my life and then I did a half in the Rockaways with Andrea and Elizabeth. It wasn’t particularly good but a decent effort. Overall, a month I didn’t plan and couldn’t have foreseen!


Small Recap

  • Total Miles: the MOST ever ever. woooot. didn’t even know this was happening while it was happening. blame summer streets?
  • Downs: that it’s over????
  • Balance: MORE more more more please.


You’re so predictable, hot weather and all, but so so great. I love summer, have I told you that before? You’ll never hear me complain about the heat, unless I don’t want to wash my hair that day and it’s getting to be a sweaty mess, ever. The tiny layers, the sweatiness, the sprinklers, the sun, the colorful runners, the never-ending weekend morning runs that always come down to a sweat puddle in a brunch situation… omg the finest things in life….

so, July, I went to see a preview of this movie which was a blast and a true story about a girl who decides to run the NYC Marathon. It has very funny running moments. If you’ve seen it, let me know your thoughts!

On July 3rd I run a 5K, which was burning hell a bit balmy. I did ok. I started slow, you know, to warm up a bit more up the hill and the hammered down to get 1st in my AG. YEAH. Then I almost melted.

There was a LOT of running actually in July, fun runs, speedwork, tempos, long runs, always with the most amazing friends and all over the city! 

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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: the most so far this year, so yeah, GOOD, and a even few miles ahead of he 1800 yearly miles goal.
  • Downs: there was a bunch of rain… like flash flooding. Two of my 5Ks got cancelled because of rain..
  • Balance: MORE please.


was awesome and QUICK…?

It started with the Italy Run, a 5 miler in Central Park that was fun. I run it with a few friends and we had a blast. The next weekend, I raced the Mini10K, hot as always but also a blast, so how could I miss it? The next weekend I raced the Queens 10K, also always hot but totally manageable this year. Then the next weekend I raced the Front Runners NY Pride Run. Yes, a race every weekend. A little insane on the racing side but that is how I like my summers… There were also some amazing runs sprinkled in. Like, for example, that midweek run where we went up Riverside to see the goats munching on poison ivy…


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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 157. Racing that much kills the mileage.
  • Downs: NOT ONE!
  • Ups: Racing! Love seeing all my friends at the races!!!!
  • Balance: July, here we come!!!!



was a quick one… It bothers me a bit that mileage goes down as soon as the weather gets nicer BUT that is only because I race much more and hey quality over quantity (plus mini tapers…!). You just can’t do it all -or do it all well, correct? So, I’ve been replacing my tempos by races this past month, I only got in a tempo or two, I just can’t do that many hard miles a week. But I always get my intervals in!

Early May I run the Sharon 5 Miler, which was super horribly hill fun! 


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I REALLY need to get out of NYC more… I always say that and I then I get so lazy. Anyway, that was a super fun weekend out of town with friends. Then we had the Brooklyn Half, which was also awesome!


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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 134, I am getting behind on my 1800 goal!
  • Downs: just the mileage.
  • Ups: all the races and the runs and the friends. Life and running is GOOD.
  • Balance: I am in a good, GREAT, place. see below…

I have come to terms with WHERE I AM. For 3 years I haven’t PRed and I was pouting about it. I had a few PRs this year, yes, but it’s because it’s at distances I hadn’t bothered with before, it’s like they almost don’t count. A few months ago, I’d get a 1:40 half and I’d point it was about 4 minutes off my 1:36 PR. Now I KNOW that 1:40 is where I am. I am training hard, I am doing all that I should be doing, and HEY, I am older, THIS IS MY BEST. And it’s fine. I am happy with it. Not sure how to explain what changed in my perspective. I am not sure I can say that I will never get closer to 1:36 again -because the truth is not only I am not sure I can get there at all but if I could it is a very remote possibility I am not willing to chase. This, this right here today, is my best. And it sort of reset my goals and status quo of what I can and want to do. Hard RESET. Let’s go.


Just like that, we are back to RACING!!!! I started the month with a race I had heard SO much about, the Washington DC Cherry Tree Blossom 10 Miler, an epic run through a very scenic and historic course. The race was truly beautiful, joyful and fast. The race report is here and the video recap is there as well. There was a taper before, a recovery after and then I race the Hot Chocolate 15K in Brooklyn. Also Fun. Did pretty well and the speed is coming back (slowly). Training is good for the soul. And the race results ;-). Oh and I almost forgot: I did a relay marathon in a 200-meter track. That was fun and brutal and insane and fun. More here.

Of course, there were many other fun runs, speedwork sessions, group intervals and what not. See pictures below for more:



Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 127, CRAP. Three races really bring down the total with the taper and the recovery…
  • Downs: legs were sore
  • Ups: All the fast miles!!!
  • Balance: Good month overall. Hard work is starting to pay off!


was momentous!! On December 10 I started a training program (that I wrote obviously) that would take me through the NYC Half on March 17. It took 527 miles, 14 weeks, 101 miles at goal pace, 6 training partners, two continents as training grounds, and a lot of sweat to get there. The United NYC Half popped up and it was glorious. My race recap is here, and the race video recap is here if you are curious. It was not a PR or a particularly fast race but I felt strong and did amazing. I was able to crush the distance and come out happy. I love halfs. This one is super scenic and that helps.


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The other BIG thing is that I was in Buenos Aires for a week and the running was AMAZING!!!! I will post a video soon. Or maybe a “where to run” type post but for now, here are a few pictures for now:


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Running in Palermo was a total blast. Can’t wait to go back. I really will work on a post. 100%!


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 159, still ok, the taper and the post half recovery slowed me down! Though I am still somehow 31 miles ahead of the 1800 miles goal for 2019.
  • Downs: not one!
  • Ups: I had an insane 5-mile tempo that will inspire me all year. Running in Palermo. Finally managing to do speed by myself when I don’t have an option. This month was above the charts!
  • Balance: TOO GOOD


was cold and FAST. Did I tell you I have been training HARD?? I started mid-December, this is week 12 of 14. First race is the NYC Half in two weeks. Training is going amazing. The hardest part was the first 2-3 weeks… when I still didn’t think I could do it. It had been so long since I had a written-down-formal-training-program that I was a bit scared. But if my runners do it, why wouldn’t I? They inspired me. They ask for it, they pay for it, they’re not afraid… what am I waiting for??? So I did it to myself!!!!

So… it was aggressive. So far in these 12 weeks, I’ve run 83 miles under 7:30 pace. Which is what I think should be around my half marathon pace (though who knows?); that’d be around a 1:38 half, not a PR but I don’t think I am in PR shape. We shall see in the next few months… stay tuned.

February had a little snow, some cold days, some brutally cold days, lots of friends and runs, no races, and I don’t remember what else. It was chill, fun, and rewarding.



Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 170. not bad. at all. for a short month
  • Downs: by the end of the month I was getting sick of the cold… as usual.
  • Ups: Training is going amazing!
  • Balance: Excited for warm weather and less laundry soon!


was something: it started REALLY HOT (the first day of the year I did speedwork in a sports bra!) and then it was record-breaking COLD. Running in the cold is so tricky… if you’re underdressed you’ll be miserable (and prone to injure stiff muscles), but if you’re overdressed you’ll also be miserable (and prone to not finish a workout either). Not only I spend way more time layering up but leveling each layer’s materials is a science I work at perfecting every day. Plus, add the wind-chill, the humidity, the area you’ll be running around, and the specific workout to the variables and it could literally cripple you in distress before you even start running… WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF, HUH?

ANYWAY… so it was hot, then cold, then freezing, then back to cold that felt warm because after freezing cold is nothing. I am, somehow, still sticking to my crazy exhausting training plan, and it’s actually going great (some days better than others!). It’s mostly 4 hard workouts a week, but I built them slooooow, so it’s all safe. Painfully horrible BUT SAFE. It’s going well. Plus, I’ve had a few good friends jump in to help in, to pace, to train with, or just distract me from my thoughts of jumping into the reservoir. They are ALL faster than me. I swear. No joke, it’s super humiliating humbling, every week. My main pacer, Pamela Hunt, just won Runner of the Year at the NYRR Club Night. And there I am, trying my best, huffing and puffing, week after week. Why? Because I a not ready to give up. Not yet.

January was a challenging month on the personal side, most of you know. It was heartbreaking but also full of joy. I am trying to navigate all those super strong emotions. We learn something every day if we keep our eyes and hearts open. I am mostly thankful to get to go through this, and to know the people in my life are super strong and we hold each other up.


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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147. Not bad! IF I am shooting for 1,800 miles in 2019, the monthly average should be around 158, so I need to up it up a bit. I think it’s hard to put on a lot of miles when I am training because I am currently doing 4 hard workouts a week, so I need more rest than usual…
  • Downs: just the world-record-breaking really really really cold temps
  • Ups: I have managed to stick to my training even in this cold weather!
  • Balance: starting the year STRONG! Let’s go!

Running in NICE, France

Ooops, forgot about Nice but here we go.

My husband was competing in the Half Ironman World Championships. WHICH IS A BIG DEAL, I swear. I had been to Nice before but seeing the Cote d’Azur overtaken by triathletes is a major sight. Everywhere we went there were super fit people with M tattoos, tights, and wraparound sunglasses. It was hilarious and amazing.

The first morning there, we were signed up for a 5K organized by Ironman. The level of my excitement about this was the equal opposite of my performance. I was SHIT. I couldn’t even run at 11:30 pace that morning’s warm-up without feeling awful. My hubs joked “what is this? a slow walk?”, he was right. it was truly weird, comical, tragic and annoying.

Running in Nice was EVERYTHING amazing and here are some pics!

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What a gorgeous place.

So you can definitely run on the Promenade des Anglais, about 5 miles right by the beach -not a lot of shade but amazing sights. Or you can do destination runs:

VilleFranche Sur Mer -the next town east, just stay on the shore road, 3.5 miles there and amazingly beautiful.

Mount Boron Park, very close but super hilly, and gorgeous trails inside.

Antibes, if you’re looking for a longer run -about 10 miles. But you can have amazing food once you get there

St Jean Cap Ferrat, a small closed town, you’ll have to go over Mt Boron, so it’s about 4 miles but it’s quite hilly. Once there you can visit the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild and take a bus back!

It’s very easy to run if you stay close to the sea. And you can always find a train/bus back to Nice!

PS: eat socca when you get there. And all the french food. BEYOND amazing.



Running (and everything) in Paris

below: where to run/where to eat/what to do

There is a LOT to see in Paris and there are a million websites out there with better recommendations than mine, but if you ask me…

The running

Downloaded a lot of run-maps from the Great Runs website. I can’t recommend it enough…! There are a LOT of runs there. Also, it’s easy to run in Paris, there are lots of places to run but I wanted to have options… so I’d recommend downloading mapmyrun, adding the runs and follow the app, or just go run wherever your heart tells you to go and when you’re tired just map your way back. I put some of the most centric or fun runs in this document -> Paris Running -so I had something to look at night when I was planning.

Running in Paris is pretty easy. The Seine is always there and you can run alongside it. There are some cobblestones in the bottom sometimes, but the top is fine. There are a few water fountains but not as many as I am used to. There were a ton of bathrooms though… I run to the Jardin des Plants and Jardin de Luxembourg but make sure you check their opening times. I also wanted my husband to see the Grande Arche de la Defense, so we just run there. We ended hopping on the metro back, which was super easy, and it was our first time on the train!

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What to eat… or Where to eat, really. Just eat everything.

Loved Carette, for their macaroons, their escargot, all the french food. There are three, the one is Place de Vosges is the cutest I think.

Au Pied du Cochon. Get all the food. This is the best french onion soup in Paris. The bone marrow was amazing. The escargot so good too

If you need an “urgent” snack Pauls are everywhere cause it’s like their Starbucks but all their baked goods were amazing to me. There are also Amorino in lots of places (their chocolate sorbet is quite good, but you can get that in NY…).

Go to the Ile Saint-Louis for Berthillon ice cream. It’s insane.

Macaroons: my favorites one are the ones at Carette (please try the rose one, you’ll die), but Pierre Herme was quite ok.

Angelina was adorable for coffee/brunch. The hot chocolate is their specialty.

Musee D’Orsay has a lovely restaurant (not the Cafe Campana or the Cafe de l’Opera), amazing.

But pretty much everywhere was amazing. I obviously ate in a bunch more places but I feel like they are particularly as good as pretty much everything there is!

What to do

oh there’s so much to do… SO MUCH.

I have this doc I created -> Paris to do before I went with ALL THE INFO. And I added my comments in pink in there for you. They are listed as in Things to do (that you need tickets for), things to see (like, you walk by), and where to walk around (like a neighborhood to stroll through) and day trips from Paris. The doc has TONS of info, like hours of operation, prices, etc.

But, below, I am going to organize it differently, so you can prioritize by order of urgency. Go to the doc for the info on each.

  • The Obvious Must Dos:
    • Musée du Louvre
    • Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel)
    • Sacred Heart Basilica of Montmartre (Sacre-Coeur) and walk around Montmartre, an authentic village in the heart of Paris
    • Le Marais, an amazing LGBT/Jewish neighborhood with lots of history
    • Musée d’Orsay (not for everyone but I love it)
    • Musée Rodin (not for everyone but I love it)
    • Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann (rooftop observation deck)
    • Place des Vosges
    • Jardin des Tuileries
    • Luxembourg Gardens (Jardin du Luxembourg)
    • Arc de Triomphe
    • Champs-Élysées
  • If you’re into it/If you have a lot of time:
    • Sainte-Chapelle
    • Les Invalides
    • Montparnasse Tower Observation Deck
    • The Montparnasse Tower Observation Deck
    • Louis Vuitton Foundation
    • Conciergerie
    • Pantheon
    • Saint Sulpice
    • Jardin des plants
    • Place de la Concorde
    • Place Vendôme
    • Centre Pompidou
    • Latin Quarter
    • Saint-Germain-des-Prés
  • Day trips
    • Normandy
    • Mont St Michel
    • Versailles
    • Giverny (to see the Money gardens, this would be my top choice obviously)


Running in Brugge, Belgium

below: where to run/where to eat/what to do

well, this is a post to tell you all how I wanted to go to Brugge for TWENTY EFFING YEARS!


it never seemed like in the way to anything, or worth a trip. To tell you the truth, we got there on a Monday at like 6 pm and left Wednesday at 8 am and it was TOO much time… It’s a small town, but there is not a lot to see, unless you’re interested in the french fries/chocolate/beer museums… So 24 hours can do it, you’ll get to eat all the amazing food and see all of it, mostly if you go for a run.

To start, we went for a walk as soon as we got there Monday at like 6 or 7 pm and WE WERE IN SHOCK DYING at how beautiful it was… The whole city looks like a movie set… INTENSE. The walk was amazing and we just couldn’t get over how beautiful the place is.

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The running

Downloaded two run-maps from the Great Runs website. I can’t recommend it enough…! There are a few runs there. BUT, it’s very easy to get lost with all the strange street names and all the turns, so I’d recommend downloading mapmyrun, adding the runs and follow the app, or just go run wherever your heart tells you to go and when you’re tired just map your way back. It might be worth planning a run to the rampants to see the windmills. But otherwise, just run around and enjoy.

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The food

  • The main specialties, obviously: Wafels. Fries. Chocolate. Moules Frites. Beer.


The OTHER Brugge’s specialties are: (text from this post)

  • Cannibale:  A riff on steak tartare, but served on slices of sweet white toast called pain de mie and cut into triangles. Capers, pickled cornichons, and mini onions are usually added on top or on the side. 
  • Croquettes aux crevettes grises/garnalen krokketten: Crevettes grises—teeny gray shrimp—are everywhere in Belgium, caught in the North Sea and served in myriad forms across the country. A croquette is one of the tastiest ways to eat them: packed together, rolled in a rich sauce (usually béchamel), covered in breadcrumbs and then fried.
  • Tomates aux crevettes grises/tomaat met grijze garnalen: shrimp mixed with mayonnaise and tomato. Try it as an appetizer, where the shrimp mixture is used to stuff a cold tomato, or look out for it as a sandwich filling.
  • Waterzooi: This creamy, soupish stew is so clearly Flemish there’s no French-name equivalent. Today you’re more likely to find it made with chicken than fish.
  • Anguilles au vert/paling in’t groen: Eel, in thick, green-hued sauce that it comes doused in, made of herbs chervil and sorrel.
  • Carbonnades flamandes/stoverij: Beef stew, cooked with beer rather than wine, which thickens the sauce and gives it a heartier, but also sweeter, flavor. It’s normally served in an individual casserole pot, with a few hunks of slow-cooked beef swimming in the sauce. Why so much liquid? Because they’ll throw in a side of frites for you to dip in it.

Chocolate: All over the city. Chocolatier Dumon Bruges, Pierre Marcolini Bruges, The Chocolate Crown, The Chocolate Line Bruges are really good, but really, pretty much all chocolate there is GOOD.

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Beer. Just go here: ‘t Brugs Beertje

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Fries. Go to the green trucks in front of the Belfry and add your sauces!

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Food. Again, everywhere we ate was amazing. We did make a reservation at Bistro Brutt. GO. It was amazing. Everywhere else we ate was good but this was phenomenal. Now, keep in mind that the opening hours are strange. Most places were open like 10 am to 1, or 12 to 2, and then 4 to 6, or crazy stuff like that. It was shocking how much was closed at breakfast or dinner time. We really wanted to try House Of Waffles (Wollestraat 31) but the three times we tried, it was closed. The Gingerbread Tea Room (Sint-Amandsstraat 29) was amazing for breakfast. chez vincent (at Sint-Salvatorskerkhof 1) was amazing for food (FRIES!) and it was open for “dinner”, like at 6 pm or something.

Things to do

So, there’s not a LOT to do other than walk around, look at the amazing city, and eat… which is great for me!!!! if you run around a bit in the morning, you’ll see pretty much everything…! But here we go

The Belfry of Bruges is a medieval bell tower in the centre of Bruges, Belgium. One of the city’s most prominent symbols, the belfry formerly housed a treasury and the municipal archives, and served as an observation post for spotting fires and other danger. A narrow, steep staircase of 366 steps, accessible by the public for an entry fee,[2] leads to the top of the 83 m (272 feet) high building, which leans 87 centimetres to the east. To the sides and back of the tower stands the former market hall, a rectangular building only 44 m broad but 84 m deep, with an inner courtyard. The belfry is a key component of the UNESCO world heritage site of the historic centre of Bruges. Open every day, 9:30 am to 6 pm. $12 euros. We got lucky that they were having a concert that night. It was pretty awesome!

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There is a chocolate museum, a fries museum and a beer museum, which we ignored. There is also a torture museum that my husband visited in less than an hour. He thought it was great. I didn’t ask for specifics, just in case.

The Basilica of the Holy Blood was quite impressive to see. It is a Roman Catholic basilica that houses a venerated relic of the Holy Blood allegedly collected by Joseph of Arimathea and brought from the Holy Land by Thierry of Alsace, Count of Flanders. Built between 1134 and 1157 as the chapel of the Count of Flanders, it was promoted to a minor basilica in 1923.

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St. Salvator’s Cathedral is the cathedral of Bruges, Flanders, in present-day Belgium. 

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The Church of Our Lady dates mainly from the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries.  Its tower, at 115.6 metres (379 ft) in height, remains the tallest structure in the city and the second tallest brickwork tower in the world (the tallest being the St. Martin’s Church in Landshut, Germany).

Overall a gorgeous city to visit for a short time, eat well and just relax with the views.

Just one thing… how come NO ONE thought of making chocolate covered fries???

August full of PRs! WTF?

I have no idea how this happened. Yes, I have been training like a beast since December and yes, I always surprised when things turn well (to me, the key to being happy is always having low expectations!!!) but omg how did I run the highest mileage I ever did without intending or noticing? I did 216 miles. That is insane!  Also, there was a little racing to be done… The month started with SUMMER STREETS!!!!!! Summer Streets is my favorite. I did all 3. It is the BEST.

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The first summer streets I did 10 miles because/but I had the Manhattan 7 Mile race the next day, OOOPS… SOMEHOW, I PRed, but that’s only because 7 miles is such an odd distance and because I was sick last year when I did it. My pace was actually good enough for top 20 (out 2435 women) and 2nd in my AG (out of 357) which is quite shocking! My expectations were so slow and I had so much fun that it’s shocking that I did well..


Then I did about 19.5 in summer streets, speedwork, many great workouts….

and did a 5K, another one of the PPTC Al Goldstein Summer Series which was actually decent! I came in 1st in my AG and 20 SECONDS FORM A PR. WTF! ALL I DO MAKES NO SENSE!

More workouts, more summer streets, more miles, the highest week ever in my life and then I did a half in the Rockaways with Andrea and Elizabeth. It wasn’t particularly good but a decent effort. Overall, a month I didn’t plan and couldn’t have foreseen!


Small Recap

  • Total Miles: the MOST ever ever. woooot. didn’t even know this was happening while it was happening. blame summer streets?
  • Downs: that it’s over????
  • Balance: MORE more more more please.


You’re so predictable, hot weather and all, but so so great. I love summer, have I told you that before? You’ll never hear me complain about the heat, unless I don’t want to wash my hair that day and it’s getting to be a sweaty mess, ever. The tiny layers, the sweatiness, the sprinklers, the sun, the colorful runners, the never-ending weekend morning runs that always come down to a sweat puddle in a brunch situation… omg the finest things in life….

so, July, I went to see a preview of this movie which was a blast and a true story about a girl who decides to run the NYC Marathon. It has very funny running moments. If you’ve seen it, let me know your thoughts!

On July 3rd I run a 5K, which was burning hell a bit balmy. I did ok. I started slow, you know, to warm up a bit more up the hill and the hammered down to get 1st in my AG. YEAH. Then I almost melted.

There was a LOT of running actually in July, fun runs, speedwork, tempos, long runs, always with the most amazing friends and all over the city! 

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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: the most so far this year, so yeah, GOOD, and a even few miles ahead of he 1800 yearly miles goal.
  • Downs: there was a bunch of rain… like flash flooding. Two of my 5Ks got cancelled because of rain..
  • Balance: MORE please.


was awesome and QUICK…?

It started with the Italy Run, a 5 miler in Central Park that was fun. I run it with a few friends and we had a blast. The next weekend, I raced the Mini10K, hot as always but also a blast, so how could I miss it? The next weekend I raced the Queens 10K, also always hot but totally manageable this year. Then the next weekend I raced the Front Runners NY Pride Run. Yes, a race every weekend. A little insane on the racing side but that is how I like my summers… There were also some amazing runs sprinkled in. Like, for example, that midweek run where we went up Riverside to see the goats munching on poison ivy…


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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 157. Racing that much kills the mileage.
  • Downs: NOT ONE!
  • Ups: Racing! Love seeing all my friends at the races!!!!
  • Balance: July, here we come!!!!



was a quick one… It bothers me a bit that mileage goes down as soon as the weather gets nicer BUT that is only because I race much more and hey quality over quantity (plus mini tapers…!). You just can’t do it all -or do it all well, correct? So, I’ve been replacing my tempos by races this past month, I only got in a tempo or two, I just can’t do that many hard miles a week. But I always get my intervals in!

Early May I run the Sharon 5 Miler, which was super horribly hill fun! 


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I REALLY need to get out of NYC more… I always say that and I then I get so lazy. Anyway, that was a super fun weekend out of town with friends. Then we had the Brooklyn Half, which was also awesome!


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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 134, I am getting behind on my 1800 goal!
  • Downs: just the mileage.
  • Ups: all the races and the runs and the friends. Life and running is GOOD.
  • Balance: I am in a good, GREAT, place. see below…

I have come to terms with WHERE I AM. For 3 years I haven’t PRed and I was pouting about it. I had a few PRs this year, yes, but it’s because it’s at distances I hadn’t bothered with before, it’s like they almost don’t count. A few months ago, I’d get a 1:40 half and I’d point it was about 4 minutes off my 1:36 PR. Now I KNOW that 1:40 is where I am. I am training hard, I am doing all that I should be doing, and HEY, I am older, THIS IS MY BEST. And it’s fine. I am happy with it. Not sure how to explain what changed in my perspective. I am not sure I can say that I will never get closer to 1:36 again -because the truth is not only I am not sure I can get there at all but if I could it is a very remote possibility I am not willing to chase. This, this right here today, is my best. And it sort of reset my goals and status quo of what I can and want to do. Hard RESET. Let’s go.


Just like that, we are back to RACING!!!! I started the month with a race I had heard SO much about, the Washington DC Cherry Tree Blossom 10 Miler, an epic run through a very scenic and historic course. The race was truly beautiful, joyful and fast. The race report is here and the video recap is there as well. There was a taper before, a recovery after and then I race the Hot Chocolate 15K in Brooklyn. Also Fun. Did pretty well and the speed is coming back (slowly). Training is good for the soul. And the race results ;-). Oh and I almost forgot: I did a relay marathon in a 200-meter track. That was fun and brutal and insane and fun. More here.

Of course, there were many other fun runs, speedwork sessions, group intervals and what not. See pictures below for more:



Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 127, CRAP. Three races really bring down the total with the taper and the recovery…
  • Downs: legs were sore
  • Ups: All the fast miles!!!
  • Balance: Good month overall. Hard work is starting to pay off!


was momentous!! On December 10 I started a training program (that I wrote obviously) that would take me through the NYC Half on March 17. It took 527 miles, 14 weeks, 101 miles at goal pace, 6 training partners, two continents as training grounds, and a lot of sweat to get there. The United NYC Half popped up and it was glorious. My race recap is here, and the race video recap is here if you are curious. It was not a PR or a particularly fast race but I felt strong and did amazing. I was able to crush the distance and come out happy. I love halfs. This one is super scenic and that helps.


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The other BIG thing is that I was in Buenos Aires for a week and the running was AMAZING!!!! I will post a video soon. Or maybe a “where to run” type post but for now, here are a few pictures for now:


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Running in Palermo was a total blast. Can’t wait to go back. I really will work on a post. 100%!


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 159, still ok, the taper and the post half recovery slowed me down! Though I am still somehow 31 miles ahead of the 1800 miles goal for 2019.
  • Downs: not one!
  • Ups: I had an insane 5-mile tempo that will inspire me all year. Running in Palermo. Finally managing to do speed by myself when I don’t have an option. This month was above the charts!
  • Balance: TOO GOOD


was cold and FAST. Did I tell you I have been training HARD?? I started mid-December, this is week 12 of 14. First race is the NYC Half in two weeks. Training is going amazing. The hardest part was the first 2-3 weeks… when I still didn’t think I could do it. It had been so long since I had a written-down-formal-training-program that I was a bit scared. But if my runners do it, why wouldn’t I? They inspired me. They ask for it, they pay for it, they’re not afraid… what am I waiting for??? So I did it to myself!!!!

So… it was aggressive. So far in these 12 weeks, I’ve run 83 miles under 7:30 pace. Which is what I think should be around my half marathon pace (though who knows?); that’d be around a 1:38 half, not a PR but I don’t think I am in PR shape. We shall see in the next few months… stay tuned.

February had a little snow, some cold days, some brutally cold days, lots of friends and runs, no races, and I don’t remember what else. It was chill, fun, and rewarding.



Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 170. not bad. at all. for a short month
  • Downs: by the end of the month I was getting sick of the cold… as usual.
  • Ups: Training is going amazing!
  • Balance: Excited for warm weather and less laundry soon!


was something: it started REALLY HOT (the first day of the year I did speedwork in a sports bra!) and then it was record-breaking COLD. Running in the cold is so tricky… if you’re underdressed you’ll be miserable (and prone to injure stiff muscles), but if you’re overdressed you’ll also be miserable (and prone to not finish a workout either). Not only I spend way more time layering up but leveling each layer’s materials is a science I work at perfecting every day. Plus, add the wind-chill, the humidity, the area you’ll be running around, and the specific workout to the variables and it could literally cripple you in distress before you even start running… WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF, HUH?

ANYWAY… so it was hot, then cold, then freezing, then back to cold that felt warm because after freezing cold is nothing. I am, somehow, still sticking to my crazy exhausting training plan, and it’s actually going great (some days better than others!). It’s mostly 4 hard workouts a week, but I built them slooooow, so it’s all safe. Painfully horrible BUT SAFE. It’s going well. Plus, I’ve had a few good friends jump in to help in, to pace, to train with, or just distract me from my thoughts of jumping into the reservoir. They are ALL faster than me. I swear. No joke, it’s super humiliating humbling, every week. My main pacer, Pamela Hunt, just won Runner of the Year at the NYRR Club Night. And there I am, trying my best, huffing and puffing, week after week. Why? Because I a not ready to give up. Not yet.

January was a challenging month on the personal side, most of you know. It was heartbreaking but also full of joy. I am trying to navigate all those super strong emotions. We learn something every day if we keep our eyes and hearts open. I am mostly thankful to get to go through this, and to know the people in my life are super strong and we hold each other up.


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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147. Not bad! IF I am shooting for 1,800 miles in 2019, the monthly average should be around 158, so I need to up it up a bit. I think it’s hard to put on a lot of miles when I am training because I am currently doing 4 hard workouts a week, so I need more rest than usual…
  • Downs: just the world-record-breaking really really really cold temps
  • Ups: I have managed to stick to my training even in this cold weather!
  • Balance: starting the year STRONG! Let’s go!


ah you’re so predictable, hot weather and all, but so so great. I love summer, have I told you that before? You’ll never hear me complain about the heat, unless I don’t want to wash my hair that day and it’s getting to be a sweaty mess, ever. The tiny layers, the sweatiness, the sprinklers, the sun, the colorful runners, the never-ending weekend morning runs that always come down to a sweat puddle in a brunch situation… omg the finest things in life….

so, July, I went to see a preview of this movie which was a blast and a true story about a girl who decides to run the NYC Marathon. It has very funny running moments. If you’ve seen it, let me know your thoughts!

On July 3rd I run a 5K, which was burning hell a bit balmy. I did ok. I started slow, you know, to warm up a bit more up the hill and the hammered down to get 1st in my AG. YEAH. Then I almost melted.

There was a LOT of running actually in July, fun runs, speedwork, tempos, long runs, always with the most amazing friends and all over the city! 

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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: the most so far this year, so yeah, GOOD, and a even few miles ahead of he 1800 yearly miles goal.
  • Downs: there was a bunch of rain… like flash flooding. Two of my 5Ks got cancelled because of rain..
  • Balance: MORE please.


was awesome and QUICK…?

It started with the Italy Run, a 5 miler in Central Park that was fun. I run it with a few friends and we had a blast. The next weekend, I raced the Mini10K, hot as always but also a blast, so how could I miss it? The next weekend I raced the Queens 10K, also always hot but totally manageable this year. Then the next weekend I raced the Front Runners NY Pride Run. Yes, a race every weekend. A little insane on the racing side but that is how I like my summers… There were also some amazing runs sprinkled in. Like, for example, that midweek run where we went up Riverside to see the goats munching on poison ivy…


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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 157. Racing that much kills the mileage.
  • Downs: NOT ONE!
  • Ups: Racing! Love seeing all my friends at the races!!!!
  • Balance: July, here we come!!!!



was a quick one… It bothers me a bit that mileage goes down as soon as the weather gets nicer BUT that is only because I race much more and hey quality over quantity (plus mini tapers…!). You just can’t do it all -or do it all well, correct? So, I’ve been replacing my tempos by races this past month, I only got in a tempo or two, I just can’t do that many hard miles a week. But I always get my intervals in!

Early May I run the Sharon 5 Miler, which was super horribly hill fun! 


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I REALLY need to get out of NYC more… I always say that and I then I get so lazy. Anyway, that was a super fun weekend out of town with friends. Then we had the Brooklyn Half, which was also awesome!


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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 134, I am getting behind on my 1800 goal!
  • Downs: just the mileage.
  • Ups: all the races and the runs and the friends. Life and running is GOOD.
  • Balance: I am in a good, GREAT, place. see below…

I have come to terms with WHERE I AM. For 3 years I haven’t PRed and I was pouting about it. I had a few PRs this year, yes, but it’s because it’s at distances I hadn’t bothered with before, it’s like they almost don’t count. A few months ago, I’d get a 1:40 half and I’d point it was about 4 minutes off my 1:36 PR. Now I KNOW that 1:40 is where I am. I am training hard, I am doing all that I should be doing, and HEY, I am older, THIS IS MY BEST. And it’s fine. I am happy with it. Not sure how to explain what changed in my perspective. I am not sure I can say that I will never get closer to 1:36 again -because the truth is not only I am not sure I can get there at all but if I could it is a very remote possibility I am not willing to chase. This, this right here today, is my best. And it sort of reset my goals and status quo of what I can and want to do. Hard RESET. Let’s go.


Just like that, we are back to RACING!!!! I started the month with a race I had heard SO much about, the Washington DC Cherry Tree Blossom 10 Miler, an epic run through a very scenic and historic course. The race was truly beautiful, joyful and fast. The race report is here and the video recap is there as well. There was a taper before, a recovery after and then I race the Hot Chocolate 15K in Brooklyn. Also Fun. Did pretty well and the speed is coming back (slowly). Training is good for the soul. And the race results ;-). Oh and I almost forgot: I did a relay marathon in a 200-meter track. That was fun and brutal and insane and fun. More here.

Of course, there were many other fun runs, speedwork sessions, group intervals and what not. See pictures below for more:



Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 127, CRAP. Three races really bring down the total with the taper and the recovery…
  • Downs: legs were sore
  • Ups: All the fast miles!!!
  • Balance: Good month overall. Hard work is starting to pay off!


was momentous!! On December 10 I started a training program (that I wrote obviously) that would take me through the NYC Half on March 17. It took 527 miles, 14 weeks, 101 miles at goal pace, 6 training partners, two continents as training grounds, and a lot of sweat to get there. The United NYC Half popped up and it was glorious. My race recap is here, and the race video recap is here if you are curious. It was not a PR or a particularly fast race but I felt strong and did amazing. I was able to crush the distance and come out happy. I love halfs. This one is super scenic and that helps.


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The other BIG thing is that I was in Buenos Aires for a week and the running was AMAZING!!!! I will post a video soon. Or maybe a “where to run” type post but for now, here are a few pictures for now:


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Running in Palermo was a total blast. Can’t wait to go back. I really will work on a post. 100%!


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 159, still ok, the taper and the post half recovery slowed me down! Though I am still somehow 31 miles ahead of the 1800 miles goal for 2019.
  • Downs: not one!
  • Ups: I had an insane 5-mile tempo that will inspire me all year. Running in Palermo. Finally managing to do speed by myself when I don’t have an option. This month was above the charts!
  • Balance: TOO GOOD


was cold and FAST. Did I tell you I have been training HARD?? I started mid-December, this is week 12 of 14. First race is the NYC Half in two weeks. Training is going amazing. The hardest part was the first 2-3 weeks… when I still didn’t think I could do it. It had been so long since I had a written-down-formal-training-program that I was a bit scared. But if my runners do it, why wouldn’t I? They inspired me. They ask for it, they pay for it, they’re not afraid… what am I waiting for??? So I did it to myself!!!!

So… it was aggressive. So far in these 12 weeks, I’ve run 83 miles under 7:30 pace. Which is what I think should be around my half marathon pace (though who knows?); that’d be around a 1:38 half, not a PR but I don’t think I am in PR shape. We shall see in the next few months… stay tuned.

February had a little snow, some cold days, some brutally cold days, lots of friends and runs, no races, and I don’t remember what else. It was chill, fun, and rewarding.



Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 170. not bad. at all. for a short month
  • Downs: by the end of the month I was getting sick of the cold… as usual.
  • Ups: Training is going amazing!
  • Balance: Excited for warm weather and less laundry soon!


was something: it started REALLY HOT (the first day of the year I did speedwork in a sports bra!) and then it was record-breaking COLD. Running in the cold is so tricky… if you’re underdressed you’ll be miserable (and prone to injure stiff muscles), but if you’re overdressed you’ll also be miserable (and prone to not finish a workout either). Not only I spend way more time layering up but leveling each layer’s materials is a science I work at perfecting every day. Plus, add the wind-chill, the humidity, the area you’ll be running around, and the specific workout to the variables and it could literally cripple you in distress before you even start running… WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF, HUH?

ANYWAY… so it was hot, then cold, then freezing, then back to cold that felt warm because after freezing cold is nothing. I am, somehow, still sticking to my crazy exhausting training plan, and it’s actually going great (some days better than others!). It’s mostly 4 hard workouts a week, but I built them slooooow, so it’s all safe. Painfully horrible BUT SAFE. It’s going well. Plus, I’ve had a few good friends jump in to help in, to pace, to train with, or just distract me from my thoughts of jumping into the reservoir. They are ALL faster than me. I swear. No joke, it’s super humiliating humbling, every week. My main pacer, Pamela Hunt, just won Runner of the Year at the NYRR Club Night. And there I am, trying my best, huffing and puffing, week after week. Why? Because I a not ready to give up. Not yet.

January was a challenging month on the personal side, most of you know. It was heartbreaking but also full of joy. I am trying to navigate all those super strong emotions. We learn something every day if we keep our eyes and hearts open. I am mostly thankful to get to go through this, and to know the people in my life are super strong and we hold each other up.


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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147. Not bad! IF I am shooting for 1,800 miles in 2019, the monthly average should be around 158, so I need to up it up a bit. I think it’s hard to put on a lot of miles when I am training because I am currently doing 4 hard workouts a week, so I need more rest than usual…
  • Downs: just the world-record-breaking really really really cold temps
  • Ups: I have managed to stick to my training even in this cold weather!
  • Balance: starting the year STRONG! Let’s go!

June, where did you go?


was awesome and QUICK…?

It started with the Italy Run, a 5 miler in Central Park that was fun. I run it with a few friends and we had a blast. The next weekend, I raced the Mini10K, hot as always but also a blast, so how could I miss it? The next weekend I raced the Queens 10K, also always hot but totally manageable this year. Then the next weekend I raced the Front Runners NY Pride Run. Yes, a race every weekend. A little insane on the racing side but that is how I like my summers… There were also some amazing runs sprinkled in. Like, for example, that midweek run where we went up Riverside to see the goats munching on poison ivy…

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Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 157. Racing that much kills the mileage.
  • Downs: NOT ONE!
  • Ups: Racing! Love seeing all my friends at the races!!!!
  • Balance: July, here we come!!!!



was a quick one… It bothers me a bit that mileage goes down as soon as the weather gets nicer BUT that is only because I race much more and hey quality over quantity (plus mini tapers…!). You just can’t do it all -or do it all well, correct? So, I’ve been replacing my tempos by races this past month, I only got in a tempo or two, I just can’t do that many hard miles a week. But I always get my intervals in!

Early May I run the Sharon 5 Miler, which was super horribly hill fun! 

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I REALLY need to get out of NYC more… I always say that and I then I get so lazy. Anyway, that was a super fun weekend out of town with friends. Then we had the Brooklyn Half, which was also awesome!

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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 134, I am getting behind on my 1800 goal!
  • Downs: just the mileage.
  • Ups: all the races and the runs and the friends. Life and running is GOOD.
  • Balance: I am in a good, GREAT, place. see below…

I have come to terms with WHERE I AM. For 3 years I haven’t PRed and I was pouting about it. I had a few PRs this year, yes, but it’s because it’s at distances I hadn’t bothered with before, it’s like they almost don’t count. A few months ago, I’d get a 1:40 half and I’d point it was about 4 minutes off my 1:36 PR. Now I KNOW that 1:40 is where I am. I am training hard, I am doing all that I should be doing, and HEY, I am older, THIS IS MY BEST. And it’s fine. I am happy with it. Not sure how to explain what changed in my perspective. I am not sure I can say that I will never get closer to 1:36 again -because the truth is not only I am not sure I can get there at all but if I could it is a very remote possibility I am not willing to chase. This, this right here today, is my best. And it sort of reset my goals and status quo of what I can and want to do. Hard RESET. Let’s go.


Just like that, we are back to RACING!!!! I started the month with a race I had heard SO much about, the Washington DC Cherry Tree Blossom 10 Miler, an epic run through a very scenic and historic course. The race was truly beautiful, joyful and fast. The race report is here and the video recap is there as well. There was a taper before, a recovery after and then I race the Hot Chocolate 15K in Brooklyn. Also Fun. Did pretty well and the speed is coming back (slowly). Training is good for the soul. And the race results ;-). Oh and I almost forgot: I did a relay marathon in a 200-meter track. That was fun and brutal and insane and fun. More here.

Of course, there were many other fun runs, speedwork sessions, group intervals and what not. See pictures below for more:


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 127, CRAP. Three races really bring down the total with the taper and the recovery…
  • Downs: legs were sore
  • Ups: All the fast miles!!!
  • Balance: Good month overall. Hard work is starting to pay off!


was momentous!! On December 10 I started a training program (that I wrote obviously) that would take me through the NYC Half on March 17. It took 527 miles, 14 weeks, 101 miles at goal pace, 6 training partners, two continents as training grounds, and a lot of sweat to get there. The United NYC Half popped up and it was glorious. My race recap is here, and the race video recap is here if you are curious. It was not a PR or a particularly fast race but I felt strong and did amazing. I was able to crush the distance and come out happy. I love halfs. This one is super scenic and that helps.

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The other BIG thing is that I was in Buenos Aires for a week and the running was AMAZING!!!! I will post a video soon. Or maybe a “where to run” type post but for now, here are a few pictures for now:

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Running in Palermo was a total blast. Can’t wait to go back. I really will work on a post. 100%!


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 159, still ok, the taper and the post half recovery slowed me down! Though I am still somehow 31 miles ahead of the 1800 miles goal for 2019.
  • Downs: not one!
  • Ups: I had an insane 5-mile tempo that will inspire me all year. Running in Palermo. Finally managing to do speed by myself when I don’t have an option. This month was above the charts!
  • Balance: TOO GOOD


was cold and FAST. Did I tell you I have been training HARD?? I started mid-December, this is week 12 of 14. First race is the NYC Half in two weeks. Training is going amazing. The hardest part was the first 2-3 weeks… when I still didn’t think I could do it. It had been so long since I had a written-down-formal-training-program that I was a bit scared. But if my runners do it, why wouldn’t I? They inspired me. They ask for it, they pay for it, they’re not afraid… what am I waiting for??? So I did it to myself!!!!

So… it was aggressive. So far in these 12 weeks, I’ve run 83 miles under 7:30 pace. Which is what I think should be around my half marathon pace (though who knows?); that’d be around a 1:38 half, not a PR but I don’t think I am in PR shape. We shall see in the next few months… stay tuned.

February had a little snow, some cold days, some brutally cold days, lots of friends and runs, no races, and I don’t remember what else. It was chill, fun, and rewarding.


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 170. not bad. at all. for a short month
  • Downs: by the end of the month I was getting sick of the cold… as usual.
  • Ups: Training is going amazing!
  • Balance: Excited for warm weather and less laundry soon!


was something: it started REALLY HOT (the first day of the year I did speedwork in a sports bra!) and then it was record-breaking COLD. Running in the cold is so tricky… if you’re underdressed you’ll be miserable (and prone to injure stiff muscles), but if you’re overdressed you’ll also be miserable (and prone to not finish a workout either). Not only I spend way more time layering up but leveling each layer’s materials is a science I work at perfecting every day. Plus, add the wind-chill, the humidity, the area you’ll be running around, and the specific workout to the variables and it could literally cripple you in distress before you even start running… WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF, HUH?

ANYWAY… so it was hot, then cold, then freezing, then back to cold that felt warm because after freezing cold is nothing. I am, somehow, still sticking to my crazy exhausting training plan, and it’s actually going great (some days better than others!). It’s mostly 4 hard workouts a week, but I built them slooooow, so it’s all safe. Painfully horrible BUT SAFE. It’s going well. Plus, I’ve had a few good friends jump in to help in, to pace, to train with, or just distract me from my thoughts of jumping into the reservoir. They are ALL faster than me. I swear. No joke, it’s super humiliating humbling, every week. My main pacer, Pamela Hunt, just won Runner of the Year at the NYRR Club Night. And there I am, trying my best, huffing and puffing, week after week. Why? Because I a not ready to give up. Not yet.

January was a challenging month on the personal side, most of you know. It was heartbreaking but also full of joy. I am trying to navigate all those super strong emotions. We learn something every day if we keep our eyes and hearts open. I am mostly thankful to get to go through this, and to know the people in my life are super strong and we hold each other up.

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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147. Not bad! IF I am shooting for 1,800 miles in 2019, the monthly average should be around 158, so I need to up it up a bit. I think it’s hard to put on a lot of miles when I am training because I am currently doing 4 hard workouts a week, so I need more rest than usual…
  • Downs: just the world-record-breaking really really really cold temps
  • Ups: I have managed to stick to my training even in this cold weather!
  • Balance: starting the year STRONG! Let’s go!

HEY!!! May 2019 Recap


was a quick one… It bothers me a bit that mileage goes down as soon as the weather gets nicer BUT that is only because I race much more and hey quality over quantity (plus mini tapers…!). You just can’t do it all -or do it all well, correct? So, I’ve been replacing my tempos by races this past month, I only got in a tempo or two, I just can’t do that many hard miles a week. But I always get my intervals in!

Early May I run the Sharon 5 Miler, which was super horribly hill fun! 

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I REALLY need to get out of NYC more… I always say that and I then I get so lazy. Anyway, that was a super fun weekend out of town with friends. Then we had the Brooklyn Half, which was also awesome!

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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 134, I am getting behind on my 1800 goal!
  • Downs: just the mileage.
  • Ups: all the races and the runs and the friends. Life and running is GOOD.
  • Balance: I am in a good, GREAT, place. see below…

I have come to terms with WHERE I AM. For 3 years I haven’t PRed and I was pouting about it. I had a few PRs this year, yes, but it’s because it’s at distances I hadn’t bothered with before, it’s like they almost don’t count. A few months ago, I’d get a 1:40 half and I’d point it was about 4 minutes off my 1:36 PR. Now I KNOW that 1:40 is where I am. I am training hard, I am doing all that I should be doing, and HEY, I am older, THIS IS MY BEST. And it’s fine. I am happy with it. Not sure how to explain what changed in my perspective. I am not sure I can say that I will never get closer to 1:36 again -because the truth is not only I am not sure I can get there at all but if I could it is a very remote possibility I am not willing to chase. This, this right here today, is my best. And it sort of reset my goals and status quo of what I can and want to do. Hard RESET. Let’s go.


Just like that, we are back to RACING!!!! I started the month with a race I had heard SO much about, the Washington DC Cherry Tree Blossom 10 Miler, an epic run through a very scenic and historic course. The race was truly beautiful, joyful and fast. The race report is here and the video recap is there as well. There was a taper before, a recovery after and then I race the Hot Chocolate 15K in Brooklyn. Also Fun. Did pretty well and the speed is coming back (slowly). Training is good for the soul. And the race results ;-). Oh and I almost forgot: I did a relay marathon in a 200-meter track. That was fun and brutal and insane and fun. More here.

Of course, there were many other fun runs, speedwork sessions, group intervals and what not. See pictures below for more:


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 127, CRAP. Three races really bring down the total with the taper and the recovery…
  • Downs: legs were sore
  • Ups: All the fast miles!!!
  • Balance: Good month overall. Hard work is starting to pay off!


was momentous!! On December 10 I started a training program (that I wrote obviously) that would take me through the NYC Half on March 17. It took 527 miles, 14 weeks, 101 miles at goal pace, 6 training partners, two continents as training grounds, and a lot of sweat to get there. The United NYC Half popped up and it was glorious. My race recap is here, and the race video recap is here if you are curious. It was not a PR or a particularly fast race but I felt strong and did amazing. I was able to crush the distance and come out happy. I love halfs. This one is super scenic and that helps.

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The other BIG thing is that I was in Buenos Aires for a week and the running was AMAZING!!!! I will post a video soon. Or maybe a “where to run” type post but for now, here are a few pictures for now:

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Running in Palermo was a total blast. Can’t wait to go back. I really will work on a post. 100%!


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 159, still ok, the taper and the post half recovery slowed me down! Though I am still somehow 31 miles ahead of the 1800 miles goal for 2019.
  • Downs: not one!
  • Ups: I had an insane 5-mile tempo that will inspire me all year. Running in Palermo. Finally managing to do speed by myself when I don’t have an option. This month was above the charts!
  • Balance: TOO GOOD


was cold and FAST. Did I tell you I have been training HARD?? I started mid-December, this is week 12 of 14. First race is the NYC Half in two weeks. Training is going amazing. The hardest part was the first 2-3 weeks… when I still didn’t think I could do it. It had been so long since I had a written-down-formal-training-program that I was a bit scared. But if my runners do it, why wouldn’t I? They inspired me. They ask for it, they pay for it, they’re not afraid… what am I waiting for??? So I did it to myself!!!!

So… it was aggressive. So far in these 12 weeks, I’ve run 83 miles under 7:30 pace. Which is what I think should be around my half marathon pace (though who knows?); that’d be around a 1:38 half, not a PR but I don’t think I am in PR shape. We shall see in the next few months… stay tuned.

February had a little snow, some cold days, some brutally cold days, lots of friends and runs, no races, and I don’t remember what else. It was chill, fun, and rewarding.


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 170. not bad. at all. for a short month
  • Downs: by the end of the month I was getting sick of the cold… as usual.
  • Ups: Training is going amazing!
  • Balance: Excited for warm weather and less laundry soon!


was something: it started REALLY HOT (the first day of the year I did speedwork in a sports bra!) and then it was record-breaking COLD. Running in the cold is so tricky… if you’re underdressed you’ll be miserable (and prone to injure stiff muscles), but if you’re overdressed you’ll also be miserable (and prone to not finish a workout either). Not only I spend way more time layering up but leveling each layer’s materials is a science I work at perfecting every day. Plus, add the wind-chill, the humidity, the area you’ll be running around, and the specific workout to the variables and it could literally cripple you in distress before you even start running… WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF, HUH?

ANYWAY… so it was hot, then cold, then freezing, then back to cold that felt warm because after freezing cold is nothing. I am, somehow, still sticking to my crazy exhausting training plan, and it’s actually going great (some days better than others!). It’s mostly 4 hard workouts a week, but I built them slooooow, so it’s all safe. Painfully horrible BUT SAFE. It’s going well. Plus, I’ve had a few good friends jump in to help in, to pace, to train with, or just distract me from my thoughts of jumping into the reservoir. They are ALL faster than me. I swear. No joke, it’s super humiliating humbling, every week. My main pacer, Pamela Hunt, just won Runner of the Year at the NYRR Club Night. And there I am, trying my best, huffing and puffing, week after week. Why? Because I a not ready to give up. Not yet.

January was a challenging month on the personal side, most of you know. It was heartbreaking but also full of joy. I am trying to navigate all those super strong emotions. We learn something every day if we keep our eyes and hearts open. I am mostly thankful to get to go through this, and to know the people in my life are super strong and we hold each other up.

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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147. Not bad! IF I am shooting for 1,800 miles in 2019, the monthly average should be around 158, so I need to up it up a bit. I think it’s hard to put on a lot of miles when I am training because I am currently doing 4 hard workouts a week, so I need more rest than usual…
  • Downs: just the world-record-breaking really really really cold temps
  • Ups: I have managed to stick to my training even in this cold weather!
  • Balance: starting the year STRONG! Let’s go!

2019 NYRR Brooklyn Half

Hi friends!

Finally putting my 2019 Brooklyn Half down on paper!

Woooo what a ride to the middle of 2019! I have NO IDEA how months keep flying by!

I just did the NYC Half 2 months before in 1:40 so I knew Brooklyn would be a bit under but not expecting much more. The weather turned out great NOT RAINY, for a change, so YEY. With Brooklyn weather there are only two options:

  1. Good weather for beach and picnics and hot dogs post race
  2. Good weather for the race.

This time around we got great weather for #1. It was a bit on the warm side, mostly for the 2nd half of the race. I can’t complain, I do ok in hot weather. I fall apart when it’s cold, in complete contrast with 99.74% of runners… so I enjoyed it.

AS PER USUAL, Juan and I got to the start wayyyyyyy too early and checked a tiny bag for both of us (in case we had to leave it behind) and carried keys, cash, etc on us. We are way too smart. I know.

He went off to his corral and I went to mine to meet my buds.

There were about 14 of us and by the time we started we reduced to a group of 4: Frank, David, Patricia and I. Everyone took off… The start was a bit crowded but we got moving quickly. Well, everyone got moving a LOT MORE quickly than me, but you ALREADY KNOW HOW I ROLL… like a sandbagger… hahaha. Laugh all you want, it works!

The out and back is the most fun part of the course, in my opinion, okay maybe after the last 600 m on the boardwalk but love seeing the leaders there and going around Grand Army Plaza. I’ll link you to my video in a bit, there is a bunch of quick videos there where you’ll see all the parts.

We then went into the park (THANKS FOR THE SHADE!!); still a bit crowded but saw so many friends on the road… It’s amazing how we all pass each other at some point! The park looked amazing with all the blooming trees.

By the time we left the park, Patricia had dropped back a bit and I was all on my own, and my headphones had turned off and disconnected so I didn’t even bother. Let me listen to my honestly loud AF breathing for 8 miles..! I ended up picking up the pace, yes, on the hot (and getting hotter) avenues and by the time I get to mile 9 or 11 I always “think this is ending way too quick!!”. 

Soon enough, the boardwalk, a rush of blood to the legs and we are done!!!

I could have bet money on my finish time…!!! Coulda shoulda woulda!

How am I getting 70% AG on this??? NO IDEA but quite happy with it!

And hey, look at this perfect pacing:

Got my medal, a few sips of water and OMG WHAT AN AMAZING DAY!!!!

my peeps: LOVEYOU!!!

We then got some hot dogs and hung out a bit.

Yes, this race report is crappy, why you ask? because I have made this amazing video and you just need to watch it. It’s all in there, I promise…! now… EXCLUSIVE VIDEO RELEASE OF MY 2019 NYRR BROOKLYN HALF MARATHON… check it out!!! 


Sharon Classic 5 Miler

well, a NEW RACE for me! How exciting is that??

My friend Tracey moved to Sharon, bought a house or two and opened a bar, all while still having a job in the city and being her amazing self… the town has a race and her bar sponsors the race so we all schlepped up to CT for the weekend to race and see what the weekend fuzz was all about.

The place is gorgeous.

Full of green, trees, big houses with what I dream are the biggest closets and amazing lounges, and it’s all slower and so much more space (than we have in NYC)… Friday night we went to a cute town called Millerton to walk around and do some shopping and then to the Edward for some pre-dinner cocktails, and then to swift for dinner with the group. There were no pictures because we all forgot for some reason. It was good.

Saturday morning, race day, I woke up at 5, but given the race was at TEN FIFTEEN IN THE MORNING (that is what I call an ungodly hour!!!!), I went back to sleep and managed to snooze up to 8 am. SO CRAZY. We rolled up to town to race… there was no warm-up, I didn’t even have breakfast because I was still full from dinner so we just got our numbers and lined up made it to the start.

We got moving! David wanted to do 7:10, I said 7:30, cause I had heard it was hilly… I had done 7:34 pace in the 15k the weekend before and 7:28 at the 10 miler but this looked rough… Anyway, David took off and I went with him, which was a tad too fast for me. The course was soooooo beautiful… Ilse caught up on the first mile but then she drifted off. Mile 4 had a crazy hill, and David pulled up by about 10 seconds… It was rough, but, really, it was undulating the whole way.

Here is a video recap I made during the race so you get a good visual:

Soon enough, I picked it up, and I was done!!!!

Here are my splits!

Check out mile 4 with the biggest ascent (disregard the 5th one, that was after I finished and forgot to stop the watch).

We got awards, I placed 5th woman overall and 2nd in my AG, which was fun, and came in about 20 seconds behind David I think. It was such a cute but hard course!!!


Then we went back to the edward to get celebratory drinks and replenish. By the way the finish line food was awesome and mostly homemade, I had lots of brownies and cake… seriously wow.

Planning to go back next year already!!!!

April 2019 Recap


Just like that, we are back to RACING!!!! I started the month with a race I had heard SO much about, the Washington DC Cherry Tree Blossom 10 Miler, an epic run through a very scenic and historic course. The race was truly beautiful, joyful and fast. The race report is here and the video recap is there as well. There was a taper before, a recovery after and then I race the Hot Chocolate 15K in Brooklyn. Also Fun. Did pretty well and the speed is coming back (slowly). Training is good for the soul. And the race results ;-). Oh and I almost forgot: I did a relay marathon in a 200-meter track. That was fun and brutal and insane and fun. More here.

Of course, there were many other fun runs, speedwork sessions, group intervals and what not. See pictures below for more:


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 127, CRAP. Three races really bring down the total with the taper and the recovery…
  • Downs: legs were sore
  • Ups: All the fast miles!!!
  • Balance: Good month overall. Hard work is starting to pay off!


was momentous!! On December 10 I started a training program (that I wrote obviously) that would take me through the NYC Half on March 17. It took 527 miles, 14 weeks, 101 miles at goal pace, 6 training partners, two continents as training grounds, and a lot of sweat to get there. The United NYC Half popped up and it was glorious. My race recap is here, and the race video recap is here if you are curious. It was not a PR or a particularly fast race but I felt strong and did amazing. I was able to crush the distance and come out happy. I love halfs. This one is super scenic and that helps.

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The other BIG thing is that I was in Buenos Aires for a week and the running was AMAZING!!!! I will post a video soon. Or maybe a “where to run” type post but for now, here are a few pictures for now:

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Running in Palermo was a total blast. Can’t wait to go back. I really will work on a post. 100%!


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 159, still ok, the taper and the post half recovery slowed me down! Though I am still somehow 31 miles ahead of the 1800 miles goal for 2019.
  • Downs: not one!
  • Ups: I had an insane 5-mile tempo that will inspire me all year. Running in Palermo. Finally managing to do speed by myself when I don’t have an option. This month was above the charts!
  • Balance: TOO GOOD


was cold and FAST. Did I tell you I have been training HARD?? I started mid-December, this is week 12 of 14. First race is the NYC Half in two weeks. Training is going amazing. The hardest part was the first 2-3 weeks… when I still didn’t think I could do it. It had been so long since I had a written-down-formal-training-program that I was a bit scared. But if my runners do it, why wouldn’t I? They inspired me. They ask for it, they pay for it, they’re not afraid… what am I waiting for??? So I did it to myself!!!!

So… it was aggressive. So far in these 12 weeks, I’ve run 83 miles under 7:30 pace. Which is what I think should be around my half marathon pace (though who knows?); that’d be around a 1:38 half, not a PR but I don’t think I am in PR shape. We shall see in the next few months… stay tuned.

February had a little snow, some cold days, some brutally cold days, lots of friends and runs, no races, and I don’t remember what else. It was chill, fun, and rewarding.


Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 170. not bad. at all. for a short month
  • Downs: by the end of the month I was getting sick of the cold… as usual.
  • Ups: Training is going amazing!
  • Balance: Excited for warm weather and less laundry soon!


was something: it started REALLY HOT (the first day of the year I did speedwork in a sports bra!) and then it was record-breaking COLD. Running in the cold is so tricky… if you’re underdressed you’ll be miserable (and prone to injure stiff muscles), but if you’re overdressed you’ll also be miserable (and prone to not finish a workout either). Not only I spend way more time layering up but leveling each layer’s materials is a science I work at perfecting every day. Plus, add the wind-chill, the humidity, the area you’ll be running around, and the specific workout to the variables and it could literally cripple you in distress before you even start running… WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF, HUH?

ANYWAY… so it was hot, then cold, then freezing, then back to cold that felt warm because after freezing cold is nothing. I am, somehow, still sticking to my crazy exhausting training plan, and it’s actually going great (some days better than others!). It’s mostly 4 hard workouts a week, but I built them slooooow, so it’s all safe. Painfully horrible BUT SAFE. It’s going well. Plus, I’ve had a few good friends jump in to help in, to pace, to train with, or just distract me from my thoughts of jumping into the reservoir. They are ALL faster than me. I swear. No joke, it’s super humiliating humbling, every week. My main pacer, Pamela Hunt, just won Runner of the Year at the NYRR Club Night. And there I am, trying my best, huffing and puffing, week after week. Why? Because I a not ready to give up. Not yet.

January was a challenging month on the personal side, most of you know. It was heartbreaking but also full of joy. I am trying to navigate all those super strong emotions. We learn something every day if we keep our eyes and hearts open. I am mostly thankful to get to go through this, and to know the people in my life are super strong and we hold each other up.

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Overall Small Recap

  • Total Miles: 147. Not bad! IF I am shooting for 1,800 miles in 2019, the monthly average should be around 158, so I need to up it up a bit. I think it’s hard to put on a lot of miles when I am training because I am currently doing 4 hard workouts a week, so I need more rest than usual…
  • Downs: just the world-record-breaking really really really cold temps
  • Ups: I have managed to stick to my training even in this cold weather!
  • Balance: starting the year STRONG! Let’s go!

Raced the Hot Chocolate 15K last weekend!!

Last weekend I run the All State Hot Chocolate 15K and 5K (I run the 15k) in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. This race is held annually in about 20 cities all over the US. I hadn’t heard about the race until about a month before but it looked like fun and a great workout: THREE CLIMBS up BATTLE PASS HILL during a race is no joke, so I was clearly in.

Bib pickup was in Brooklyn which for many of us is.. meh… Weekday day bib pick up from 10 am to 7 pm is HARD. And there was no race day pick up. So I left the office at 5 pm, headed to BK to pick up my bib before schlepping back up to the Upper East Side on a Friday when someone got sick on the Q and we were stuck on the Manhattan Bridge for 40 minutes… then the trains changed lines at Atlantic… by then it was 6:40 and I was freaking out. Everyone was trying to grab an uber so it got super congested on the street. Luckily I found a cab and got to the bib pick up at 7:10, sweating and frustrated, but all was good. They were still open, they had a bib for me AND A REALLY COOL RUNNING HOODIE THAT I INSTANTLY LOVED! yeah, it’s really cute and I have no pictures! Got home at like 8:30 and quick to bed because…

Problem #2 was that the race was starting at 7 am in Brooklyn… so I had to wake up around 4. GREAT.

Transportation this time around was easy and relaxed, got there early, found friends easily and it was a really fun atmosphere in the park. Soon enough we were at the start, ready to go.

The 5K and 15K were starting together. Which is awesome and also confusing when you’re trying to run with people… The 5K runners will start picking up the pace at mile 2 and then with 800s and 400s meter to go and you can’t (shouldn’t) follow… But the more the merrier at the start.

We got moving and I counted about 13 women ahead of me. WHO IS RUNNING THE 5K, please? It’d be cool if you would all write that int the back of your shirt!!! No?

The first hill was on mile 1 so it was out-of-the-way quickly… The weather was fantastic, lows 50s and overcast, amazing.

Did I mention free pictures? There was not more than 10 people cheering/spectating, given it was so early and in Brooklyn… so I kept entertaining myself with the runners ahead of me and the photographer… and the tangents of course!

We were also passing the 5K runners at some point on the second and third loops, which was really fun so we could all encourage each other.

After the 3rd time I hit the hill I had no idea how much mileage I had left and for a few minutes I was freaking out that I had missed the finish line turn… Yes, I could have looked at my mileage but I don’t ever look at my watch while running…

I did have fun and it’s quite easy to run fast on that course and that weather
Soon enough, I was done. 1:10:19, 7:33 pace. About two minutes slower than my PR.

This medal is INSANE.

We got to the finish line area and they had ALL SORTS OF CHOCOLATE SITUATIONS happening. It was amazing.

Now in case you are curious or as usual want to admire my negative splitting capabilities, here is a bit of the pacing:

I came in first in my AG which is cool, and 7th woman… it was really nice to be able to chase some people down in the last 2 miles. In smaller races, you have no one to chase and in bigger races, it is really hard to pick someone off the hundreds… this was the perfect middle ground.

I ate everything with melted chocolate dip and washed it down with chocolate

The organization was marvelous. I would do this race again next year in a second. And I would ask anyone else to pick up my bib in BROOKLYN!

the INDOOR MARATHON – yes, it is a thing…

If that doesn’t sound scary… add to it that this was on a 200-meter track… YEP.

I am sure you’ve heard of the Armory Track – they host amazing track events but always too fast for me to even attempt to show up. This was a three-day event, with corporate and all sorts of relay teams, that wasn’t super intimidating for the new or casual runner. A good way to hang out with your office buddies where you can claim you run a marathon at the end. And not one of those “5K marathons”…

Here is the event website, in case you want more info for next year. For me, this was a last minute decision, given I had run the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler 4 days before, and I was NOT ready to race anything, let alone step on a fast track.

But hey, who says no, right?

Friday they had a 2:30 pm session and a 6:30 pm session. We were in for the post work race and we all showed up at 6. There were 7 of us, and 221 laps of 200 meters, so we were all doing about 10 laps of 200 meters times 3.

I was the first one to go in my group. Not intimidates at all:

That start was insane. We were all QUITE aware of where we were in the line. EVERYONE, including me, took off WAY TOO FAST. And I never take off fast. My first lap was 42 seconds. My average was 50, so you can imagine how quick that was: insane.


My plan was to lap my watch every lap so I’d know. But because I was indoor, and I had never used my watch inside, I set it up on “treadmill”. When I finished the lap one and I tried to lap, it didn’t lap. OH NO. Below is my “now what?” face…

The first few laps were ok actually. Because I had no idea what was coming. See?

By the way, 10 laps in a 200 meter track sounds like no big deal, but OMG, at lap 4 I wanted to hop off. It was painful. And horrible. And I can’t count laps to save my life. At some point, my teammates yelled THREEEE, I yelled back TWOO, then on the next lap they said ONE… I had no idea what was going on. I did what they told me and I ended up with NINE laps, UGH.

Once my ten (actually nine) were done, I tagged my teammate Emily and run off to sweat off the track. It was hot and sweaty and sticky and all those things. Should I have a gel? Who knows? I had to wait now like an hour for my next 8 minutes of pain.

We cheered all our teammates until we had scratchy throats.

Soon enough, I went again. I started “slower” so I was happy for a bit…

Oh, remember last lap when I didn’t feel like throwing up?

but of course, again, by lap 5 I wanted to die again… What a great loop of sprint-joy-miserable-agony-sweat-rest and start again… I guess THAT is running in a nutshell, isn’t it?

Around 10/11 pm, we all finished. We all get on the track, do a lap together, get medals, a team picture, a beer, food and free medal engraving.

Can we just talk about how my new marathon PR is 3:21? hahaha, as if!

That was fun and insane and fun. By the time I got home, it was midnight and I was so hyper from all the sprinting and all the caffeine (because I wasn’t sure what to eat) that I had a hard time falling asleep. I was a tired mess the next day. My average pace was 6:46 for a total of about 3.75 miles. Not bad. Or bad if think I was out there for like 5 hours… On the other hand, how often do you get to run and race with all these people that are not your pace, as a team?


PS: my new PR is 3:21


2019 Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Miler – Race Report

well, I had no idea what to expect about this race… I assumed it’d be scenic and picturesque but that is all I knew. I soon learned that you get in through a lottery, that is flat and fast and that I had amazing friends who had done it before and were willing to plan it all for us. Which means, until 2 days before the race I had no idea what was happening. So, as soon as the lottery was held, they booked rooms at the JW Marriott, because it fills up and because it’s half a mile from the race, super convenient. They also booked brunch because the best places fill up. I am so lucky.

Some of them amtrakked there, Ilse and I drove together with lots of gummy bears (and way too much water). Left Saturdad morning, race was Sunday morning and we drove back Sunday night, super easy. We did hit some traffic in DC but the rest was fine.

Anyway, Saturday we took a walk around the cherry blossoms, right under the National Monument. Also the place of the race start and finish.

Anyway, it was a shit show. EVERYONE was there. OMG WORSE than TIMES SQUARE. UNDO UNDO PLEASE.

We lounged in the hotel, got some light dinner, watched a movie (the Fyre festival mess on Netflix) and then we all fell asleep happily.

Sunday morning, aka RACE DAY, we got up late, got dressed and headed to the race. It’s amazing to have a race less than 10 minutes away, with no security, no stress, no mess, corrals that anyone walk into (maybe not so good?) and zero drama. Now that I think about it, I don’t recall seeing anyone from the organization and we looked like children left to our own devices, which was fine. We are all adults after all. sortof.

So, we met up prerace for a picture:

from left: me, Ilse, Khris, Linda and Courtney. We all sorta got the red/orange going

Soon, we got moving. After the national anthem of course, which was amazing.

Well… “moving” is a bit of an exaggeration. We were pretty stuck for the first 3 miles. It was TIGHT. SO much traffic. It was pretty awful. It always works fine though, because it helps us all to not start too fast but I would have like to not feel too claustrophobic or like I was going to trip ALL THE TIME. I actually saw people tripping. It was really crowded.

The course is gorgeous though. I got mostly video but here is a picture, from mile 6 (the best part), it wasn’t crowded by then:

I got a lot more video here, so you can see what the race looked like:

There were a few out and backs where you could see people. Love those bits!

My race was actually great! I started with Courtney and felt super comfortable untile the road opened up at about 4 miles in… I started to push a bit. By Mile 8, I was able to do the math that I could PR… WHICH IS A BIG DEAL BECAUSE I HAVEN’T PRed IN 3 YEARS…!!! So I had to calm myself down and tell myself over and over to hold it right there and calm the eff down.

The last two miles flew by. Apparently, there was an uphill in the last bit but I don’t remember… you can probably see it in the video. I was racing so hard, I can barely remember…

That was a great race. Would love to do it again next year!

My previous PR (from the Bronx 10M) was 1:16 something. but check out that awesome negative pacing!

The race organizers emailed us all to tell us the course was short by 80 yards this year… which kills the male and female american records. It’d also add approximately 17 seconds to my time (STILL A PR!!). I find it really odd that they mismeasured the course, given this is such a historic race but oh well, I guess it happens.

now brunch:

and then we rest. Until the next one!!!!

again, don’t miss the video recap: