
July 2017 Recap


Well, first of all we had a run on Freshkills Park in Staten Island. The park is not open to the public yet (and I didn’t post about it!) and won’t open for a few years but NYRR got permission to bring some runners and walkers there for an exploratory 10K and 5K so some of us coaches got to lead the run. It was fantastic. Then on the 6th, I did the Tracktown Summer Series 5K, which is a track series with a 5k component. There is a post here with more info but it was pretty cool. Juan did the NYC Tri so I spent the morning of the 16 yelling like a crazy person and running around to see him everywhere. So fun. The next day, Monday the 17 I did the NYRR RUN Brooklyn, and 10 days later I did the NYRR RUN in Central Park, two 5ks back to back! In the middle I did an super hot nasty 18 miler, and a 20 miler while I led a run to Roosevelt Island.

  • Total Miles: 169. yes, I run a lot this month!
  • Races: 3. No PRs of course but loads of fun. And, all were 5Ks… I never do 5ks!
  • Ups: I love summer running. I love it. Did I tell you I love it? I do love it!
  • Downs: When I don’t run?
  • Balance: I might actually be doing that marathon in October if things keep going like this…


OMG HOW I LOVE THE SUMMER!! I can’t even do a tiny recap without getting excited about all the things that happen in the 2-3 hot months we get. June was a blur! I have a feeling I am gonna close my eyes and it’ll be October in a NY minute, ugh. So I signed up for a marathon… we’ll see if I end up actually racing it (aka, last years’s botched Philly Marathon) but we’re going with it for now. I did make myself a very fancy training plan with all the stuff and then I forgot I was training for a marathon and carried on with my life. Until last week, then I did a long run. Anyway, June was cool, I did not do a lot of miles which means… I did a bunch of races! I started the month with the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, then the awesome Mini 10K (which I was horrible at), then the Queens 10K, and then the Achilles Hope and Possibility. There was a lot of cross-training in the stairs, lot of coaching workouts and lots of Tuesday speed. I just can’t miss anything in the Summer. The math for the monthly mileage must be wrong!

  • Total Miles: 127. how? too many races!
  • Races: 4. 1 automatic PR and one where I placed 1st in my AG. Wohoo!
  • Downs: I am now training for a marathon?
  • Balance: let’s go!

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started with me pacing the 1:55 group at the Shape Half. The next weekend I paced a New Balance run from Brooklyn to the Run Center, as a training run for the Airbnb Brooklyn Half (a 10 mile run). The next weekend (see a theme here? there’s always a run/race!), I raced the Japan Run 4 miler in Central Park. That was a bit painful (I didn’t fuel properly, ooops). There were a few stairs workouts, and speed workouts and I coached a few training runs per week… then the big day came along: the Airbnb Brooklyn Half! It all started with the 3-day Pre-party. Race Day was a fun riot. No PRs in May, but it was definitely “active”.

  • Total Miles: 148 (biggest month but not that many miles this year)
  • Races: 2 racing, 1 pacing.
  • Ups: managed to get enough miles
  • Downs: my race speed is MIA
  • Balance: I had fun!


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April was an interesting one… the month started with the Run to Breathe 4 mile race. That went quite well. So well, I came in 3rd in my AG, 4 seconds away from a PR and got super excited about my fitness level… The first Monday of April, I started the new session of Stairs of Fire, a workout just on stairs designed to kill your legs… it killed MY legs… I was beyond stiff and sore for 3 full days… OUCH. Of course, I still coached that week, did speedwork and run a lot so by Friday I was feeling ALL THE NAGS. Luckily, I was to be locked indoors all weekend at the Road Runners Club of America Coaching Certification, which got my legs some rest. They were still not great after that, my feet were iffy and tight… so I just took it very easy for 3 full weeks until it was all back to fighting shape, yes, I AM THE OPPOSITE OF EVERY RUNNER. When there’s a nag, or a little nothing, I try not to “run through it”, I STOP, to make sure it doesn’t turn into something bigger down the road. Luckily, I don’t have to do this often. Last time it happened was in September and was back on the horse after 2-3 weeks. I had very tight calves and it was making my feet super tight (pre-Achilles tendinitis!!!) so those 3 weeks I run very little and very slow, did Epsom salts bath almost every day, I stretched twice a day, slept, got massages, and voilaaaaa. Good to go! The stairs workout did me in. My legs weren’t ready for that hot mess of a workout! My goal for May is to stretch every day (after not stretching for …5 years?)

I missed out on coaching for a full week but I did so many other things, like a biomechanics running event at the Hearst Building, a few fun events (like a Gala and a staycation) and I  paced the 1:55 finishers at the Shape Women’s Half this past weekend. Not a lot of mileage or quality work but got out of it unscathed…!

  • Total Miles: 109
  • Races: two! 1 great time, and 1 pacing gig
  • Ups: Pacing was fun… the rest was a bit tentative!
  • Downs: mileage and workouts went DOWN!!!!
  • Balance: I am ready to ramp up now!


Here is my training for April…


Didn’t I just write a Feb recap?? Is this what happens when you get older? Times really flies!

The month included a lot of coaching, loads, a few miles, lots of work hours, a November Project workouts, a visit to the Asics showroom, my birthday celebrations, a few Facebook Live Chats, the big United NYC Half Weekend and race, Club Night, lots of runs with friends, and two races: the United NYC Half and the Central Park Spring 10K this past two weekends. Now that I think about it, I see why my mileage was so low… makes sense!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hoping Spring makes things easier and I can get out there more. I need to figure out a way to not need that much sleep…!

Here is my training for March:

March pictures:


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  • Total Miles: 127
  • Races: two! (6 total for the year!)
  • Ups: had fun. The NYC Half!!!
  • Downs: Not super up there with the splits or the mileage.
  • Balance: move on March, April is coming!!!!!!!!!!



hello March! I have no idea where these weeks go!??! I actually freaked out a couple of weeks ago, because I realized it was too late to train for the United NYC Half… these weeks are faster than any of my races!

Well, the month started with the Gridiron 4 miler, which I totally phoned in. What a loser I am sometimes. Actually, that’s why I freaked out, because, seriously Elizabeth, get it together! Why show up at a race and not even try? UGH. I frustrate myself so much sometimes! The next weekend, pre-Valentine’s Day, Juan and I spent some romantic time in the city, NO MORE DETAILS of course. The weekend after that, we raced a relay triathlon, as a Valentine’s Days Weekend thing: the Lovie Dovie Triathlon at Chelsea Piers. That Thursday was Club Night. a fun event to celebrate NY’s runners. Fun. And last weekend I raced the Al Gordon 4 miler, which went a bit better than the first 4 miler this month. Very busy weeks with lots of events and work and life stuff. All of it fun.

Here is my training for February:


  • Total Miles: 131
  • Races: three!!!
  • Ups: it was almost summer.
  • Downs: I need more time before the NYC Half PLEASE!!!
  • Balance: Someone please slow down time. seriously.


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went by ridiculously fast. So fast I didn’t even notice I didn’t post a recap for the Half I did. I literally started the year racing. Or running on a race course.. We did the Midnight Run, which happens right at the stroke of midnight on January 31st. I was signed up for the Kleinerman 10K because I had a little head cold and decided to focus on my health first. I was moving two days later so I didn’t want to overdo the weekend. So, I changed apartments, and I also started a new job (and career). Life got busy. I am also still coaching a lot. I renewed my CPR and AED cert. I led a few runs and coached many biomechanics 1x1s. Then we went to vacation to Antigua, which was more necessary that I had time to realize. January was a bit crazy. But we made it, with decent mileage, 118 miles in. The United NYC Half is dangerously close…

  • Total Miles: 118
  • Races: one (Manhattan Half) though I wasn’t really racing.
  • Ups: a vacation. And feeling the need to RUN on vacation. Who does that?
  • Downs: January was busy so I wasn’t really paying attention…
  • Balance: meh, in a holding pattern for now


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NYRR R-U-N 5K Race Report

this one only took a week… but that’s not bad right? As usual, lots happening every single NY minute but I really want to stay on top of this!

The R U N 5K is only two years old and I had never done. Yeah. Not sure why. I always feel strange running on a weekday, I am never sure what to eat or when to stop eating, and it’s always really hot in August in NYC. But this time, riding high on my RACE EVERYTHING mode, I signed up. It’s about 10 days after the Brooklyn version of the race, which had been really hot, so I wasn’t expecting much other than a good effort.

I worked a couple of hours at registration and a few minutes before the start, (I took my shirt off and) a few of us run to the start, and got corralled in. The first mile has a few downhills so you really have to control it down or you’ll be toast. A very slowly-burned toast, because it was hot also. Well, more humid that hot.

I get moving, and I swear about 6000 people passed me in about 3 minutes. HOW SLOW AM I GOING?? OR, really, how fast is everybody else going? I know it’s a 5K and all, and that the start is fast, but come one people, save a bit for the other 2.1 miles! My mile 1 was 7:00 exactly. I didn’t look which was great because I would have freaked out that it was too fast. Oh. there was Juan spectating right before mile 1 too!

we are all really struggling but Juan is so good looking we all look at him!

ok lets do this. lets make it hurt!

Mile 2 is supposed to be slower and this one also includes the one hill on the course, Cat Hill, which on a 5K turns into a bit of a Tiger Hill… prrrrrr. Mile 2 was 7:24, not so bad. I could have imagined  an 8:30 in my watch. Mind you, I never look at the pace while I am racing, I go wholly by my perceived effort. The whole time I kept trying to decide which one of the 5Ks had worse weather… Then I saw Juan again!!! YEAH!

I had picked up a friend. He was walking ahead and about to start running back up when I caught up to him and told him to come with me. He said he started too fast, hey, I think about 6000 people did!!! He stayed with me for a bit.

I run a bit harder. Mile 3 was 6:48. Then I saw the finish and that was it. Last bit was at 5:54 pace. WHAT?

Stats Time!

Finish time: 21:57  Average Pace: 7:04

Previous PR: 21:09 From: 2012?

Age Grading:69.99%

Overall Place: 489 of 4857

Gender Place: 65 of 2503

Age Place: 5 of 273

Not a PR by a lot but somehow about 30 seconds faster than the week before…

The BEST THING: the had ice pops right at the finish!! Yeap. I’d sign up for this again in a heartbeat! ICE POPS!

COOLEST team -not literally, of course-. From left, Jackie -fearless leader!- Michael, Lindsay, me, Claudia and Caitlin. All winners!


NYRR Brooklyn R-U-N 5K Race Report

Another week another race!

This past Monday was the firt R-U-N 5K in Brooklyn! Wohoo! Weekday races are the best! Also, it was on the hot side, hey, it’s mid-July but no matter. I am always game to race tempo in somewhere other than Central Park. I spend SO SO SO much time in Central Park that anything else is quite a treat.

I worked at registration for a couple of hours, but the set up was in the sun. I had the sun in my face and was sweating like a crazy person. Good thing we were handing out caps as it was the thing I needed the most. The hats were actually quite a nice perk of the race!

After two hours of sweating (ugh I was gross!!) I rushed to the start and barely made it. B a r e l y. The course is a bit under a loop of Prospect Park, with the Battle Pass Hill smack in in the middle of mile 2. But after 2.5 is all downhill or flat!

We got moving and I noticed I was overheated so I decided to take it easy and keep it under control, no heavy breathing, no suffering needed. Also, my body was confused, we never run after 7 am anymore!

I had Juan cheering, spectating, taking pictures at around mile 3 (I think)

I went over a bit and it was over. I had my music but didn’t really look at the watch (not that I ever do). I walked a bit and run back to try to find Juan but couldn’t. Finished

22:36 finish in a pace that I would have used in a half marathon just a few months ago, but now it’s a tempo. These 5Ks are really hard (even harder when you don’t really train for them, or even taper for them) but it’s the best way to push sometimes, as I don’t tend to do that many tempos. A 3 mile tempo is barely the minimum distance I should be doing but yes, better than nothing!

I went back to Race Day Central to hang out with my pees and it was bopping there! There were so many people, there were some food trucks, enormous games to play in the lawn. It was really fun.

After we finished clearing most of the registration-situation, we took this team shot also, by Juan of course.

And that’s it. That was my 15th race this year. Crazy, right?

Tracktown 5K Summer Series at Icahn Stadium

Guys!!! If you haven’t been to Icahn Stadium, you have to check it out! I always love it there. I had been there a few times for the Adidas Grand Prix, or the Tuesday Night Series, or other events. For example, I was there the week before for the Strava Mile (and was ready to get there again). That track is just so nice! Being that is not in the city, it’s never super crowded and it just looks brand new. But it’s really a couple of miles away or just a few minutes away on the train+bus. You can find out more about Icahn here.

There was a huge track meet last Thursday and if you signed up for the Road 5K, you got entry to the meet too so why not sign up? I made the decision the day before so I wasn’t really on race mode (I had done a lot of miles that week including 5x1000s two days before!) but #everythingisaworkout right? So, I just jumped in and signed up the day before!

I run to the stadium (under 2 miles from the Upper East Side) through the 103th St Footbridge. Randall’s Island is quite nice to run on. November Project has a workout there once a month and I always love it. Juan just walked there so I saw him on the way and we met up at the stadium, as well as EVERYBODY else.

The stadium was bopping! Really. Sometimes when I show at these races I feel like I am 16 going dancing: I get ready and I look forward to it, and I show up and everyone is there and it’s so fun and we’re all sweaty and a mess and we have fun and we’re all yelling and giggling, and then we go home exhausted and so happy. Ah, to be 16 again. I just rather show up at a race these days than the club.

There was not a lot of picture taking because Juan went out to cheer and took my stuff (bye phone!) but here is one that Helen took!

All the fast people and me!

I thought this was hilarious

Soon, we all lined up in the track. There were no corrals but Alison and I got in there and waited for the fun gun. There was about 310 meters in the track and then we were out in the Island. The course was great. I think it was the first 5K I run in this city that was flat. It was a bit out right on the island’s edge, some on the bike road, some on some sort of briddle path with stones (which my flats didn’t like). Then I saw Juan cheering and taking pictures!

At the end, we make a turn into the track and run the last stretch to the clock there. That is always fun. And fast!

I paced it pretty well like a tempo, even effort, controlled breathing and nothing crazy. I finished in 22:22. My splits were so insanely even… 7:14, 7:13, 7:15 and the last bit at 6:35 pace. Talk about control and pacing!!!!!

Check out our numbers!! Remy and Mary!

Soon after, we all headed for the stands to catch all the action! When we took this picture, it seems like we were missing something.

I spotted Allyson Felix right on the track and Alison and I took a selfie with her in the back and she played. For the 100000 time, I suck at selfies, so don’t judge. Am I aging myself?

But she’s too cool, way cool, so this happened!

Then I am just walking and I stop. I saw someone who looked a lot like Nick Symmonds, on our side of the stadium (where the people are watching, not where Allyson was, on the track), in socks, talking to someone down on the track but what would Nick Symmonds be doing up here? Is it really him? and why is no one bothering him for pictures as I want to do? Am I hallucinating? Is it really really Nick? Could it be? Hello… he turns around, it’s HIM. Oh, I have really nothing to say actually. Luckily there’s Instagram, and I follow him there, so I feel like I know him and could totally ask him things. We chatted for a few seconds (he is always SO nice) and then got a picture and then EVERYONE around us picked up on the fact that OMG THAT IS NICK SYMMONDS OMG OMG. So I just went back to hug Juan and tell him all about it…!

I am freaking out.

So, we stayed the whole night. Yes, Ms Elizabeth that goes to sleep at 8 pm stays up until 11 pm for special circumstances. At the end of each event some of the track stars would throw up to the crowd their team shirt… Juan just caught Stephanie Garcia’s shirt, which was also almost his size. Not as lucky as spotting Nick but there’s that!

I am not gonna lie, I was bit distracted watching Nick drink ALL night, with Allyson Felix and Bernard Lagat.

It was so much fun. As much I as can’t even try the hurdles and steeplechase, they are SOOO exciting to watch. Of course the 800s are usually the most exciting.

For the men’s 800 we all actually lined the track. Is that a thing? It was pretty cool… What a night.

Juan and I walked home.

The view of the Upper East Side from Randall’s Island is not so bad. Can you believe all this is about a mile away, but it seems like a world away.

I wanted something sweet and delicious so we went for sundaes.  Just like I would when I was 16.

June 2017 Recap

OMG HOW I LOVE THE SUMMER!! I can’t even do a tiny recap without getting excited about all the things that happen in the 2-3 hot months we get. June was a blur! I have a feeling I am gonna close my eyes and it’ll be October in a NY minute, ugh. So I signed up for a marathon… we’ll see if I end up actually racing it (aka, last years’s botched Philly Marathon) but we’re going with it for now. I did make myself a very fancy training plan with all the stuff and then I forgot I was training for a marathon and carried on with my life. Until last week, then I did a long run. Anyway, June was cool, I did not do a lot of miles which means… I did a bunch of races! I started the month with the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, then the awesome Mini 10K (which I was horrible at), then the Queens 10K, and then the Achilles Hope and Possibility. There was a lot of cross-training in the stairs, lot of coaching workouts and lots of Tuesday speed. I just can’t miss anything in the Summer. The math for the monthly mileage must be wrong!

  • Total Miles: 127. how? too many races!
  • Races: 4. 1 automatic PR and one where I placed 1st in my AG. Wohoo!
  • Downs: I am now training for a marathon?
  • Balance: let’s go!

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started with me pacing the 1:55 group at the Shape Half. The next weekend I paced a New Balance run from Brooklyn to the Run Center, as a training run for the Airbnb Brooklyn Half (a 10 mile run). The next weekend (see a theme here? there’s always a run/race!), I raced the Japan Run 4 miler in Central Park. That was a bit painful (I didn’t fuel properly, ooops). There were a few stairs workouts, and speed workouts and I coached a few training runs per week… then the big day came along: the Airbnb Brooklyn Half! It all started with the 3-day Pre-party. Race Day was a fun riot. No PRs in May, but it was definitely “active”.

  • Total Miles: 148 (biggest month but not that many miles this year)
  • Races: 2 racing, 1 pacing.
  • Ups: managed to get enough miles
  • Downs: my race speed is MIA
  • Balance: I had fun!


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April was an interesting one… the month started with the Run to Breathe 4 mile race. That went quite well. So well, I came in 3rd in my AG, 4 seconds away from a PR and got super excited about my fitness level… The first Monday of April, I started the new session of Stairs of Fire, a workout just on stairs designed to kill your legs… it killed MY legs… I was beyond stiff and sore for 3 full days… OUCH. Of course, I still coached that week, did speedwork and run a lot so by Friday I was feeling ALL THE NAGS. Luckily, I was to be locked indoors all weekend at the Road Runners Club of America Coaching Certification, which got my legs some rest. They were still not great after that, my feet were iffy and tight… so I just took it very easy for 3 full weeks until it was all back to fighting shape, yes, I AM THE OPPOSITE OF EVERY RUNNER. When there’s a nag, or a little nothing, I try not to “run through it”, I STOP, to make sure it doesn’t turn into something bigger down the road. Luckily, I don’t have to do this often. Last time it happened was in September and was back on the horse after 2-3 weeks. I had very tight calves and it was making my feet super tight (pre-Achilles tendinitis!!!) so those 3 weeks I run very little and very slow, did Epsom salts bath almost every day, I stretched twice a day, slept, got massages, and voilaaaaa. Good to go! The stairs workout did me in. My legs weren’t ready for that hot mess of a workout! My goal for May is to stretch every day (after not stretching for …5 years?)

I missed out on coaching for a full week but I did so many other things, like a biomechanics running event at the Hearst Building, a few fun events (like a Gala and a staycation) and I  paced the 1:55 finishers at the Shape Women’s Half this past weekend. Not a lot of mileage or quality work but got out of it unscathed…!

  • Total Miles: 109
  • Races: two! 1 great time, and 1 pacing gig
  • Ups: Pacing was fun… the rest was a bit tentative!
  • Downs: mileage and workouts went DOWN!!!!
  • Balance: I am ready to ramp up now!


Here is my training for April…


Didn’t I just write a Feb recap?? Is this what happens when you get older? Times really flies!

The month included a lot of coaching, loads, a few miles, lots of work hours, a November Project workouts, a visit to the Asics showroom, my birthday celebrations, a few Facebook Live Chats, the big United NYC Half Weekend and race, Club Night, lots of runs with friends, and two races: the United NYC Half and the Central Park Spring 10K this past two weekends. Now that I think about it, I see why my mileage was so low… makes sense!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hoping Spring makes things easier and I can get out there more. I need to figure out a way to not need that much sleep…!

Here is my training for March:

March pictures:


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  • Total Miles: 127
  • Races: two! (6 total for the year!)
  • Ups: had fun. The NYC Half!!!
  • Downs: Not super up there with the splits or the mileage.
  • Balance: move on March, April is coming!!!!!!!!!!



hello March! I have no idea where these weeks go!??! I actually freaked out a couple of weeks ago, because I realized it was too late to train for the United NYC Half… these weeks are faster than any of my races!

Well, the month started with the Gridiron 4 miler, which I totally phoned in. What a loser I am sometimes. Actually, that’s why I freaked out, because, seriously Elizabeth, get it together! Why show up at a race and not even try? UGH. I frustrate myself so much sometimes! The next weekend, pre-Valentine’s Day, Juan and I spent some romantic time in the city, NO MORE DETAILS of course. The weekend after that, we raced a relay triathlon, as a Valentine’s Days Weekend thing: the Lovie Dovie Triathlon at Chelsea Piers. That Thursday was Club Night. a fun event to celebrate NY’s runners. Fun. And last weekend I raced the Al Gordon 4 miler, which went a bit better than the first 4 miler this month. Very busy weeks with lots of events and work and life stuff. All of it fun.

Here is my training for February:


  • Total Miles: 131
  • Races: three!!!
  • Ups: it was almost summer.
  • Downs: I need more time before the NYC Half PLEASE!!!
  • Balance: Someone please slow down time. seriously.


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went by ridiculously fast. So fast I didn’t even notice I didn’t post a recap for the Half I did. I literally started the year racing. Or running on a race course.. We did the Midnight Run, which happens right at the stroke of midnight on January 31st. I was signed up for the Kleinerman 10K because I had a little head cold and decided to focus on my health first. I was moving two days later so I didn’t want to overdo the weekend. So, I changed apartments, and I also started a new job (and career). Life got busy. I am also still coaching a lot. I renewed my CPR and AED cert. I led a few runs and coached many biomechanics 1x1s. Then we went to vacation to Antigua, which was more necessary that I had time to realize. January was a bit crazy. But we made it, with decent mileage, 118 miles in. The United NYC Half is dangerously close…

  • Total Miles: 118
  • Races: one (Manhattan Half) though I wasn’t really racing.
  • Ups: a vacation. And feeling the need to RUN on vacation. Who does that?
  • Downs: January was busy so I wasn’t really paying attention…
  • Balance: meh, in a holding pattern for now


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Achilles Hope and Possibility 4 Miler – tiny recap

(super quick recap because I am sooooooper behind, ooops)

Not a lot to tell other than I have stopped looking at the weather. I have. It doesn’t help me to know how hot or humid it will be (as I run by effort anyway) and it won’t change what I wear anyway. What could I change in my outfit really? So I went out, it felt a bit cold actually and wished I was wearing a singlet… and got to the start quickly. Legs were already feeling a bit tired.

So, you might notice I race pretty much every weekend on the summer (twice a week sometimes) so it’s impossible to “taper” for ANY race or I wouldn’t be doing any significant training… I am ok with being a bit tired (but of course then it bothers me when I NEVER PR!).

Race started at 9, a bit on the late (read: hot) side and I got moving.  Mile 1 was HARD. Ooooops, I was slow. Mile 1 was 7:23. So there you have it. Half a mile in I was burning up in flames. I had no idea why I was so hot.

that was Juan cheering at Engineers Gate. Always out there ❤

Mile 2 is always fast (7:oo) and the third one is always a hot mess (7:30). I was so hot.

So happy I had Juan there. I was a bit hot and really wanted to go home.

I told myself that I could place. For some reason, I couldn’t see any (ANY) women around me and that the heat would scare people off. So I had that to keep me going. I actually felt a bit nauseous. And I was wondering how hot was it that I felt cold in the morning when I stepped outside. Isn’t it amazing how a nice day can turn into awful when you pin the number on?

Whatever, I had a mile to go and EVERYTHING IS A WORKOUT. Right?? My time might suck. I might fall apart at the end. I might end up throwing up. But, everything makes you fitter. Right? It’s all about showing up and getting it done some days. Some days, you just battle your head!

I met Juan and some friends by the finish line:

From left: Binu, Alberto, Nick, me and Carl. I am always the slowest 😉

Anyway, I checked my time and OMG. I was like 30 to 40 seconds off my usual time, which is a lot in a 4 miler… but everyone seemed to have a similar experience so that made me feel a bit better. Also, my stomach didn’t give me trouble so I was VERY happy with that. More water please.

Here’s the kick, I got first in my AG. With my slowest time in a while. Funny how that works out, right?

Stats Time:

Finish time: 28:48 Average Pace: 7:12

Previous PR: 28:00 From: April, 2013

Age Grading: 69.26%

Overall Place: 344 of 5,603

Gender Place: 26 of 2,699

Age Place: 1 of 337

That sort of turned it all around for me. The race was sold out, it’s not like it was a small race or anything… Weird right? Anyway, that made me quite happy! Onto the next one!

TomTom Spark 3 Music+HR+GPS watch – Review and Video

there is a 8-minutes video where I show you the watch and how it works, here

As you might have noticed, my GPS watch was about 8 years old and it needed to retire to a better life. A few months ago I started looking into what would be my next best friend for the next few (8?) years. I needed something with HR, GPS and MUSIC. Yes, I want to have music when I run, just  in case I ever end up running alone (not often, I am needy!).

The Spark 3 caught my eye. Also, there’s not a lot of options. Or any really. There’s a couple other watches but they are streaming from the phone, or you can barely fit 5 songs. Also, I wanted not only music, but also PLAYLISTs. As in “race”, “tempo”, “easy”, “marathon”, “half marathon”, etc, that I created based on bpms.

The Spark 3 was the natural (obvious) choice so I decided to jump in. I’ve been using it for about 2 months now and I think I have a pretty good handle of it. It took me a bit to set up (as I don’t spend much time home in front of the computer ever) and upload the music, maybe an hour or two. All the details of the watch are here.

what it looks like outside, in the Spring

The strap comes in Small and Large, I am definitely a small.

The watch holds battery for about 2 days, including runs (all my runs are over 5 miles), and probably over 5 days if I wasn’t running. The battery is quite good. Once I had it on running mode until it run out of battery (HR and GPS, no music), I think it got to 7 hours and a half (great for my ultra running friends). It does get GPS signal quite fast (faster than my motoactv and LOTS faster than my Garmin).

the day I wiped the battery… before it shut off!

The watch actually peels off from the strap for charging and pairing, but you can pair it via bluetooth with your phone, something I LOVE. I can watch all my stats, right after a race, at the finish line, on my watch. The app is quite great. Syncs up in seconds, and it’s very intuitive. I really do like the app.

Screenshots of the app. This is what the main screen looks like:

As you can see, for example, I had 7.87 miles of activity. My run was 7.62 miles as you can see below. It tracks every single one of your steps.

And if you go to the Activities screen, you’ll see all of it:

One other thing I like is that the watch laps when you hit the screen, which makes it super easy to lap. Once you sync up your workout, you can see the automatic mile laps, or the manual laps you entered. I had never had the option to have both. Check below.

This is the automatic, mile by mile, pace screen:

As you can see, I started with a warm-up, then I started my intervals.

This is the intervals I manually lapped:

As you can see, it’s the same workout, but I didn’t lap for the 3.73 miles of the warm-up!

The one other thing I love about the watch/app combo is that it gives you all this other information about your lifestyle I never used to look at or track. Like sleep for example. I have now forgotten about my non-running watches and wear my Spark3 all day because I get HR, amount of sleep, and all these other things tracked in the app. Do I need it? Probably not. But I really like it.

My sleep activities:

If you go into the Activity tab, you see this:

I totally remember going to the bathroom at 1:24 (I always look at the time!).

And this is what a daily average heart rate looks like

And I made a tiny little video so you can see how the watch works, in case that helps. That’s here.

I took it out on today’s hour-long downpour and it was fine. Phew.

Let me know if you have any questions!

2017 Queens 10K Race Report

Well, I hadn’t raced in Queens in a LONG time… last time I did this race, it was a half marathon, in 2010!!

I did another half there, not a NYRR race in 2013, also in Flushing Meadows, but it was in 2013, so I was long overdue to come back… I did this weekend!

The Queens 10K is a single loop in Flushing Meadows that runs by the Queens Museum, the Queens Theather in the Park, Citifield, the USTA National Tennis Center and the Unisphere, maybe among more things I didn’t recognize. It’s FLAT. You know? Like not up and down like Central Park. You know what I mean. The weather was a different story… it was a bit humid but I thought it was quite manageable once I warmed up!

I was working before the race so about 15 minutes before the Wave 1 gun time (there are now two waves, separated by half an hour, which made it all super seamless) I run the half mile to the start and found my buddies.

Hannah, Alison, Courtney and myself, featuring Mr 3665 during his warmup/stretch!

We were all swearing it was a workout. Maybe Alison was going for it. We are missing Martina in the picture and she was definitely also just running/not racing. The gun goes off, we take it easy at about 7:40. It felt hard. A few seconds into it I was wondering why was I racing again. The Mini 10K barely 7 days before was a kick in the face and I was scared the stomach pain would come back a few miles later. Alison and Hannah peeled off, Martina and I were chatting, and Courtney was around us for a bit.

Around the first water stop I lost Martina and Courtney. I was starting to warm up (as I hadn’t run much before the race) and feeling a bit more fluid. Speaking of fluids, I was getting a sip at every water station and throwing the rest on my head. Around Mile 3 I started feeling good, though I was still scared I’d get the same pain from last week so I knew I was holding back enough. Slow and steady does it!

By Mile 5 I wanted to start pushing. I actually caught up to Alison for a bit but she had more than me and speed up a bit more. I was lost at all times so I wasn’t going to start the KICK until I could see the finish line. Then I saw it, a it too close to kick much but it felt amazing to finish so strong after last week’s mess.

My splits. The HR is totally wrong, I am sure it was a lot higher!!! But, check out my awesome splits!

As soon as I finished I saw Michael Capiraso, President of NYRR. It was his 55th birthday and he was wearing bib #55!

A few seconds later I found Hannah and Courtney, I didn’t catch Alison or Martina. Medaled up, and went for some water!

Stats Time

Finish time: 45:47 Average Pace: 7:23

Previous PR: 44:32  From: May, 2013

Age Grading: 69.13%

Overall Place: 1278 of 10,876

Gender Place: 158 of 5,097

Age Place: 14 of 636

I was very happy given how I wasn’t even sure I’d be racing, I didn’t warm up, and my head wasn’t even there…  I was a minute away from a PR GUYS!!!! Wow, I wonder what would have happened if I had really tried!?!?!

So, that was race 12 for the year. Maybe I don’t really go hard because I have so many? It’s hard to take them all seriously, taper, etc. So I don’t. I just take it was a workout and no pressure. Next weekend I have a 4 miler and I super excited about that one. See you next week!!!

2017 Mini10K Race Report

Ay ay ay. It went down!

I had done the Mini 10K 8 times in a row (from 2007 to 2014) and skipped all the last three years. The course has stayed the same, a loop of the park that starts with a fast mile on Central Park West. It starts right on Columbus Circle, a straight mile on CPW, then into the park (going north), up reverse Harlem Hill towards the east side, and down south and over to the finish on Tavern on the Green. But the race is a riot. All women. SO much history. Super festive. Fun. Empowering. You really feel the times. This was the 46th run of the Mini, the first women-only race that started in 1972, named after the miniskirt, which was quite popular at the time.

Anyway, I jogged to the start with Juan and my stomach was already hurting a bit. It was fine most of the week but it had been hurting a lot the last 10 days, and the weekend before I had to skip the NYRR Retro 4 miler because I couldn’t even walk from the cramps/spasms/whatever it was. Friday it was hurting a LOT in the afternoon, but I had been fine for a couple of days so I thought I could handle a 10K.

We lined up in the B corral. Found Patricia quickly, and Barbara was in A, right there! It was a great morning to hear the speeches and all the opening remarks. Also, right on our right was the Trump Hotel, just saying.

The Start. The awesome ladies in the A and AA corrals ahead of us.

I found a few people in the corral that I knew. You could feel this was a special race, in a special day. Even though it was a bit warm, everyone was excited!

Photo by Moazzam Ali Brohi. Patricia, Barbara and I are looking at him from the corral!

Back to my race, I had some stomach pain on the sloooow mile-long jog to the start, so I decided to take it easy. Which is what I would do anyway on the first few miles. I made a conscious decision to hold back and extra bit. We get moving…

Photo by Moazzam Ali Brohi. Totally didn’t see him. boo.

Mile 1 is always SO exciting!!!!! Not only is the only flat part of the race, but we NEVER run in Central Park West and EVERYONE is there cheering -because they can scoot easily to the finish line! Everyone passed me and I heard so much labored breathing, I remember thinking how happy I was that I wasn’t running that hard.

Photo by Ben Ko. I did see him!

Soon enough I saw Juan and I knew I was in for a loooong time around the park…

Photo by Juan. Check how I had some Cs around. I did start slow, I swear!

Mile 1 was 7:15, what? why did it feel easy? Mile 2 was also interesting: 7:12. Ah, ok. Mile 2 and 3 are the hilliest. Around mile 2 my stomach started bothering me. Mile 3 was 7:17. What?

I told myself to hold on and no push too much.  A few minutes later, right before mile 4 the pain started. My stomach felt like someone had kicked it and I couldn’t breathe in. Juan was there, and I thought about dropping. I also thought about asking him to walk me to the finish. I was a little scared I’d faint from the pain. Mile 4: 7:58. I see Juan up ahead.

I also noticed that Christine was running right ahead!! So I told myself that if I could catch up to her, I could just hang on. I said hi and by to Juan.

So, for about 10 or 20 seconds I tried to push the pace to get closer to her. It hurt so much more. I realized that if I sped up I couldn’t breathe. Mile 5 was 7:21. I told myself then that if I could run a lot slower, I could finish. Because I really really really wanted to drop out. The last mile was just survival-mode. I had so many people yell my name, and I couldn’t even yell back, I couldn’t talk. I felt like I couldn’t breathe in. With a mile to go, I was walking. I would walk for 10, 15 seconds every 200 meters. I would start running again and back to walking. I was walking at the 200 meter marks.

I had never walked at a race before. I’ve done about 150 races and I’ve never walked -other than through a water station, or in an ultra. It was scary.

It made me appreciate the miles. I think I had been taking running for granted for too long. A mile seemed like forever. With 1 mile to go, I didn’t think I could finish. I would switch back and forth from “of course I can do a mile” to “I just want to lie down here and I don’t care”.

I didn’t need to finish the race to prove anything. I knew I could walk it. But I felt to hopeless.

Mile 6 was 8:23. The last .2 was 8:33 pace.

I know, it’s still quite fast. It just really felt like an eternity.

I can push through pain, but I just couldn’t breathe because of it. To me, racing IS pushing hard, feeling your legs falling off, your lungs burning, your head questioning how much harder you can go and how soon. I got none of that. I finished, yes, I was in pain, yes, but that’s not how I am used to feeling in a race…

Eric was volunteering handing out medals and he gave me one. I was to weak to say I didn’t want it. I saw no glory on what I did. I shouldn’t have run. But I am stubborn. And I didn’t want to miss on the fun.

Patricia and I at the finish. Look at my stomach sunken in. I couldn’t get any air in there!

Stats Time

Finish time: 48:14 Average Pace: 7:46

Previous PR: 44:32  From: May, 2013

Age Grading: 65.63%

Overall Place: 335 of 8476

Age Place: 34 of 1,141

Alison and I circled back to cheer on the rest of the field. So much fun. About an hour later, we took an all-female staff picture by the finish line, SO COOL, right?


I ate a bit but was mostly in pain all day. Sunday I woke up ok, I went for a run and it was hurting after 2 miles. I need to figure out why all the stomach pain and what is going on. Now.. I am signed up for the Queens 10K this weekend, and I am hoping I am ok by then… I shouldn’t line up again if I am still having any stomach pain. I shouldn’t. I am so stubborn though. I won’t. I won’t, don’t worry, I won’t!!


May 2017 Recap


started with me pacing the 1:55 group at the Shape Half. The next weekend I paced a New Balance run from Brooklyn to the Run Center, as a training run for the Airbnb Brooklyn Half (a 10 mile run). The next weekend (see a theme here? there’s always a run/race!), I raced the Japan Run 4 miler in Central Park. That was a bit painful (I didn’t fuel properly, ooops). There were a few stairs workouts, and speed workouts and I coached a few training runs per week… then the big day came along: the Airbnb Brooklyn Half! It all started with the 3-day Pre-party. Race Day was a fun riot. No PRs in May, but it was definitely “active”.

  • Total Miles: 148 (biggest month but not that many miles this year)
  • Races: 2 racing, 1 pacing.
  • Ups: managed to get enough miles
  • Downs: my race speed is MIA
  • Balance: I had fun!


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April was an interesting one… the month started with the Run to Breathe 4 mile race. That went quite well. So well, I came in 3rd in my AG, 4 seconds away from a PR and got super excited about my fitness level… The first Monday of April, I started the new session of Stairs of Fire, a workout just on stairs designed to kill your legs… it killed MY legs… I was beyond stiff and sore for 3 full days… OUCH. Of course, I still coached that week, did speedwork and run a lot so by Friday I was feeling ALL THE NAGS. Luckily, I was to be locked indoors all weekend at the Road Runners Club of America Coaching Certification, which got my legs some rest. They were still not great after that, my feet were iffy and tight… so I just took it very easy for 3 full weeks until it was all back to fighting shape, yes, I AM THE OPPOSITE OF EVERY RUNNER. When there’s a nag, or a little nothing, I try not to “run through it”, I STOP, to make sure it doesn’t turn into something bigger down the road. Luckily, I don’t have to do this often. Last time it happened was in September and was back on the horse after 2-3 weeks. I had very tight calves and it was making my feet super tight (pre-Achilles tendinitis!!!) so those 3 weeks I run very little and very slow, did Epsom salts bath almost every day, I stretched twice a day, slept, got massages, and voilaaaaa. Good to go! The stairs workout did me in. My legs weren’t ready for that hot mess of a workout! My goal for May is to stretch every day (after not stretching for …5 years?)

I missed out on coaching for a full week but I did so many other things, like a biomechanics running event at the Hearst Building, a few fun events (like a Gala and a staycation) and I  paced the 1:55 finishers at the Shape Women’s Half this past weekend. Not a lot of mileage or quality work but got out of it unscathed…!

  • Total Miles: 109
  • Races: two! 1 great time, and 1 pacing gig
  • Ups: Pacing was fun… the rest was a bit tentative!
  • Downs: mileage and workouts went DOWN!!!!
  • Balance: I am ready to ramp up now!


Here is my training for April…


Didn’t I just write a Feb recap?? Is this what happens when you get older? Times really flies!

The month included a lot of coaching, loads, a few miles, lots of work hours, a November Project workouts, a visit to the Asics showroom, my birthday celebrations, a few Facebook Live Chats, the big United NYC Half Weekend and race, Club Night, lots of runs with friends, and two races: the United NYC Half and the Central Park Spring 10K this past two weekends. Now that I think about it, I see why my mileage was so low… makes sense!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hoping Spring makes things easier and I can get out there more. I need to figure out a way to not need that much sleep…!

Here is my training for March:

March pictures:


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  • Total Miles: 127
  • Races: two! (6 total for the year!)
  • Ups: had fun. The NYC Half!!!
  • Downs: Not super up there with the splits or the mileage.
  • Balance: move on March, April is coming!!!!!!!!!!



hello March! I have no idea where these weeks go!??! I actually freaked out a couple of weeks ago, because I realized it was too late to train for the United NYC Half… these weeks are faster than any of my races!

Well, the month started with the Gridiron 4 miler, which I totally phoned in. What a loser I am sometimes. Actually, that’s why I freaked out, because, seriously Elizabeth, get it together! Why show up at a race and not even try? UGH. I frustrate myself so much sometimes! The next weekend, pre-Valentine’s Day, Juan and I spent some romantic time in the city, NO MORE DETAILS of course. The weekend after that, we raced a relay triathlon, as a Valentine’s Days Weekend thing: the Lovie Dovie Triathlon at Chelsea Piers. That Thursday was Club Night. a fun event to celebrate NY’s runners. Fun. And last weekend I raced the Al Gordon 4 miler, which went a bit better than the first 4 miler this month. Very busy weeks with lots of events and work and life stuff. All of it fun.

Here is my training for February:


  • Total Miles: 131
  • Races: three!!!
  • Ups: it was almost summer.
  • Downs: I need more time before the NYC Half PLEASE!!!
  • Balance: Someone please slow down time. seriously.


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went by ridiculously fast. So fast I didn’t even notice I didn’t post a recap for the Half I did. I literally started the year racing. Or running on a race course.. We did the Midnight Run, which happens right at the stroke of midnight on January 31st. I was signed up for the Kleinerman 10K because I had a little head cold and decided to focus on my health first. I was moving two days later so I didn’t want to overdo the weekend. So, I changed apartments, and I also started a new job (and career). Life got busy. I am also still coaching a lot. I renewed my CPR and AED cert. I led a few runs and coached many biomechanics 1x1s. Then we went to vacation to Antigua, which was more necessary that I had time to realize. January was a bit crazy. But we made it, with decent mileage, 118 miles in. The United NYC Half is dangerously close…

  • Total Miles: 118
  • Races: one (Manhattan Half) though I wasn’t really racing.
  • Ups: a vacation. And feeling the need to RUN on vacation. Who does that?
  • Downs: January was busy so I wasn’t really paying attention…
  • Balance: meh, in a holding pattern for now


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Race Report: JP Morgan Corporate Challenge

Heard of this mega event? It’s a Championship battled between a lot of companies, in 13 cities and there’s a few rules to see who is the winner…

From their website: On the night of July 13th, 1977 in Central Park, a total of 200 runners from 50 companies entered an event called the Manufacturers Hanover Corporate Challenge, named for one of J.P. Morgan’s predecessor firms. The first race was inspired by the firms sponsorship of New York City Marathon. Officials at the bank looked for a way to create an event solely for corporate runners, and at a distance for which even a busy executive would have time to train for.

The race has grown to over 30,000 runners so they have split it into two separate races in consecutive days in Central Park. It’s MASSIVE. Every year, for the last few years, I had been volunteering at the race but this year I got invited to race.

I was SO scared… Every year I’d see a HUGE amount of people on this race… too much. I never really wanted to be in that mass. But, you have to try every race once, right? Just Do It.

I live around 90th st. The race chute started on 72 st so I run there from home (I had also done about 4 easy miles coaching a tempo that morning), picked up a few team mates and we walked the mile back to the start on 88th. Race starts at 7 pm which makes it a bit messy for my eating habits, I had had a late lunch (like 2:30 pm) and not hydrated enough. It was bit balmy: literally the first t-shirt day. And the course is no pickle.

Annie and I got into the corral, very close to the front.


NYRR Run Center Blue Corral Team

I ended up finding a lot of people I met around me. Rick was there, Daniela, Gary, we had about 30 minutes to chat and get pumped. I had a bottle of water I dozed my shirt with. There was one corral ahead of ours, the RED corral, and at 7 pm, the horn made a strange noise and the fastest people took off. We all walked up to the start, 100 meters ahead and as soon as the leaders got up to the half mile mark, we got released.

Here we go.

This is an interesting race. It’s 3.5 miles. Not 3, not 3.1, not 4 so I was excited to get an automatic PR! The first mile is flat and easy, but then… then it gets a little crazy, including Harlem Hill….


This is me running on the flat section (well, not really, but the flattest). Juan came to cheer/spectate and got these awesome shots, and I got a shout out! Mile 1 was 6:51.


hey there! this is FUN. for now.

I noticed a lot people struggling early on. I also saw many people pushing the pace in the wrong sections or not running the tangents. I had to yell up a bit up Harlem Hill as some people were struggling and walking. I actually had a guy yell at me to pass me on the right (I was hugging the curve, hey tangents!) right on the Harlem Hill climb, to stop to walk 20 meters later… But it wasn’t as crowded as I had feared. I wasn’t crowded much. Hill climbed, mile two was 7:21.

This is when everyone started fading off. I knew there were still  a few bumps on the road so tried to keep it even and smooth. No pushing, no getting exciting. Most of racing is controlling yourself. Mile 3: 7:26. I saw Ken cheering and he told me I looked good, so thankful for that!

Okay, let’s do this.

I actually felt it when I started kicking. It was not my usual ramp up because I wasn’t sure where the finish was, but I noticed I was passing a lot of people anyway. I wished I knew how many meters I had left, 400… 800? I saw a group of NYRR colleagues cheering right before the finish and it was amazing!

Last half mile was at an average 6:33 pace. 

And it was done. Total time was 24:59.

I saw a few people throwing up at the finish. I always congratulate them, good for them!


Melanie, Kevin and I at the finish. Kevin and I had almost identical times (he was obviously taking it super easy!)


one more finish line shot: Ann on the left yelled at me right before the finish, then there’s Roberto with a water bottle (??) Melanie and a colleague whose name escapes me.

They had bananas, and water, grabbed both and we walked to our area. Each company can get a table/area where they all group up before and after the race. We walked to see everybody.

Guess who took that amazing group boomerang? No one other than Mary Wittenberg. How COOL is that?


I liked the race and how every company had funny matching shirts. I think this is one of best things you could do with your coworkers… not that we don’t do it every single weekend anyway!

Did you ever do this race? Or seen it? What did you think?

Pacing the Shape Women’s Half and Racing Japan Day

I am going to combine two races in this post because… yeah.

Shape Women’s Half Marathon

I had paced the 1:45 two years ago and this year I was doing the 1:55 as I jumped in late to cover another pacer. This is what a great-looking-and-pacing amount of pacers before the race look like:

The one in blue on the side is awesome Melanie, who organized us all and made sure we all were matchy-matchy and pacey-pacey! hey, where’s 1:45? I am confused already, but at least we lined up in order!

So, 1:55 translates into 8:46 per mile, and we pacers aim for even splits so you have to come close to the exact 8:46 per mile but keeping into account we’re all finishing 30 seconds before the time we are shooting for. Because… no one wants 2:00, every one wants SUB TWO, correct?

Here’s lot of pictures from the race itself:

I lined up in the back of the corral, so the people in the corral behind us could also come with us. I found a few friends in the corral (Heather and Tina) who run with me all the way until Mile 11 or 12 when they really had to speed up. It was a lot of fun. Had so many people being so happy that they could keep up and achieved huge PRs… I kept telling them to hold on, and then, after the second Harlem Hill to go if they felt they had more. Somehow, most of the stayed, at least until the last mile. Every one did so great. It was quite fun and exhilarating to run with such a big group. We all introduced ourselves, we chatted, we sang, we really had fun. Look for the pacers in the next NYRR race you do that has them (not all races have pacers) and see if it makes a difference… and let me know!!!!

Japan Run – 4 Miler

I run to the start and met Patricia…!

hey there, well, the 2 mile warm up was quite telling. I felt heavy, slow, tired, and all those… UGH. The 4 milers I usually run in around 7:00 or 7:02 pace… First mile was a struggle and I couldn’t keep up with Patricia, I felt like all 15 corrals passed me. Mile 1: 7:18. Mile 2 is when I usually speed up and dip into the 6s… Mile 2: 7:01. Ouch, that was slow. Good thing that I wasn’t looking at the watch at all! Mile 3 was the slow mess is always is: 7:31. And I usually make up for it with a last 6:4x or 6:5x last mile. Not today…

Last Mile was 7:01 again. Oh well. I blame Juan. 😉 he was in Florida, doing his Half Ironman over the weekend and he left me unsupervised. I ate ALL THE JUNK. ooops. Not good. When will I learn?

Patricia and I met with his husband and their awesome daughter as she was to participate in her first race. We were looking forward to see if she was just like mamma.

Lillie is gonna be taller than Patricia in a minute… We had so much fun watching the kids’ races. I used to do that for every race, why did I stop? It’s just SO funny! We had a great time and now I am just looking forward to the next short races… two this week!

Airbnb Brooklyn Half – Race Report

well, don’t tell me I am late, at least I am doing it!

The week started with a lot of work and then a few very busy days at the PreParty (which is what we call the “expo” or where you pick up your bib). As it’s a Brooklyn race, it’s natural that we’d roll over to the good ol’BK to pick up the bib. The promenade has changed a lot in the last few years and it’s totally worth the trek. That building with the green top is where the Preparty is. Nice views, right?

Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 2


I spent most of my time at the Running Lab, which is where the Pacers are (we have all those pace bracelets for people, and also where the Course Strategy is held, basically, the funner area but I am totally biased!

if you want it come and get it, lalalala, lalalala

Fun times at the preparty, plus you get to see everyone… The first day, my friend Courtney showed up right on time to come back to the Upper East Side together, so after she put up with my course strategy, we got a shot and headed back!

The next day, the husband picked me up. They have some food trucks parked there so we stayed a bit, enjoyed the mac and cheese and Airbnb set up and obviously we had to get the crazy pics…!

Race day…

We got up at 4, I had my breakfast:

At 5 we were in an uber to the start, got there around 5:40 and we had plenty of time to check our bag and get to the portapotties and corral. There was a fun flash rain for about 10 minutes which came out of nowhere. Then we just huddled in the corral.

Me, Patricia in a nice shirt, Courtney, and Juan

More people started showing up…

Patricia, Courtney, Richie, me, Juan and Keith. We are ready!

Soon enough, all the corrals merge, the national anthem happens and we get moving. Time to run!

Patricia, Courtney and I started together. We all train together and finished within a minute from each other in the United NYC Half, all between 1:36 to 1:37 so we knew we could at least start together. The first 2 miles were crowded and we all stayed close. I felt Patricia pulling up and Courtney pulling back, and by Mile 3 Patricia had gone ahead and peeled off.

I saw so many people cheering it’s not even funny how many shout outs I got. Even from runners. This lady in white and black top is Katie, who I just met on that mile, she was doing great! I knew Helen would be around the 10K mark with her 4 month old Leo so I made sure to keep an eye out!

heeeey Helen and Leo! Thanks for picture also!

My pace in the park tends to be quite conservative, but it was a bit on the slow side. I had no energy. I had brought only one gel with me and wanted to eat it so bad by mile 3, but if I did, what was going to happen at mile 9 or 10, or 11…? so I saved it and kept trucking, slow trucking, and hoping for the best. I had no idea why I has spent, but… looking back about now, I realize that I didn’t taper enough, I had run too many miles that week or 10 days before the race and should have rested a bit more. I need to pay more attention to the mileage I do before races, it’s very easy for me to overdo it.

Around mile 7 or 8, when I left the park, I finally had a gel. Felt so good…!!! The second part of the race is always great. I love it. There’s a lot of space to run free, lots of people cheering, lots of teams cheering and I made sure I got high-fives from all of them.

this is me running towards November Project, which you could hear about a half mile away…!!!

The last miles are always fun. You can run hard + you realize the race will be over soon. Why does this always happen? I always feel like the race ends too quickly!!!! As slow as I was going, it still felt too short!

Boardwalk running FTW! Also, before you get on the boardwalk I remember seeing the 800 meter to go sign… what a THRILL!!!!!!!

Why does no one look happy in the last 200 of a race? it’s the most exhilarating part of the race???? did you all go out too fast by any chance??? I’ll do the digging below…!


Oooops: 1:40:01 WHAT?

Patricia was 1:39 and Courtney was 1:41 so we all had a similar day, AGAIN. Now that I’ve looked back at my training log I see what happened, way too many miles that week!!! Also, I didn’t eat enough. I usually do 2 cups of rice but didn’t finish it that morning… Note to self: please pay attention!

We all had stuff to do (travel, weddings, etc) so we hopped on the first train back to the city. As usual, it gets crazy and stinky in there!

my awesome rolls!

So, here’s the splits. Disregard the messy laps. I usually manual lap at the race signs but I had it on automatic mile lapping (which I usually turn off) and it made a mess. But it’s all there. No hiding.

I did some serious negative split but still there was no way of getting back to a 1:36/1:37… Glad I didn’t fizzle out though. That’s just too painful (for my body AND my ego!).

Stats Time!

Finish time: 1:40:01  Average Pace: 7:38

Previous PR: 1:36:03. From: March 2016

Age Grading:68.39%

Overall Place: 3252 of 27,461

Gender Place: 569 of 13, 979

Age Place: 38 of  1,432

So here is the eye-opener, and if you’ve read my posts you know I do this is all the Brooklyn halfs, because I am too lazy to do it for every race, but the point is always the same. You have to start slow-ish. It’s even worse in this race as there are hills on the first half and ZERO bumps on the second half. Ok, I grabbed a bunch of people that finished around me, all with the same 7:38 average pace. Check where where I was at the 5K, or 10K or anywhere (I am towards the bottom of the list), and check where all these runners were… Sometimes they were 3, 4 or 5 minutes ahead of me. So, by the first 5K they had not only run around 7 pace, as they thought they had a 1:35 in them, but their last 5K might have been even more dramatically off. This is a good way to see how good your splits were and a good reminder to start slow:

Anyway, 7th Brooklyn Half in a row, in the books… onto the next one!

April 2017 Recap

April was an interesting one… the month started with the Run to Breathe 4 mile race. That went quite well. So well, I came in 3rd in my AG, 4 seconds away from a PR and got super excited about my fitness level… The first Monday of April, I started the new session of Stairs of Fire, a workout just on stairs designed to kill your legs… it killed MY legs… I was beyond stiff and sore for 3 full days… OUCH. Of course, I still coached that week, did speedwork and run a lot so by Friday I was feeling ALL THE NAGS. Luckily, I was to be locked indoors all weekend at the Road Runners Club of America Coaching Certification, which got my legs some rest. They were still not great after that, my feet were iffy and tight… so I just took it very easy for 3 full weeks until it was all back to fighting shape, yes, I AM THE OPPOSITE OF EVERY RUNNER. When there’s a nag, or a little nothing, I try not to “run through it”, I STOP, to make sure it doesn’t turn into something bigger down the road. Luckily, I don’t have to do this often. Last time it happened was in September and was back on the horse after 2-3 weeks. I had very tight calves and it was making my feet super tight (pre-Achilles tendinitis!!!) so those 3 weeks I run very little and very slow, did Epsom salts bath almost every day, I stretched twice a day, slept, got massages, and voilaaaaa. Good to go! The stairs workout did me in. My legs weren’t ready for that hot mess of a workout! My goal for May is to stretch every day (after not stretching for …5 years?)

I missed out on coaching for a full week but I did so many other things, like a biomechanics running event at the Hearst Building, a few fun events (like a Gala and a staycation) and I  paced the 1:55 finishers at the Shape Women’s Half this past weekend. Not a lot of mileage or quality work but got out of it unscathed…!

  • Total Miles: 109
  • Races: two! 1 great time, and 1 pacing gig
  • Ups: Pacing was fun… the rest was a bit tentative!
  • Downs: mileage and workouts went DOWN!!!!
  • Balance: I am ready to ramp up now!

Here is my training for April…


Didn’t I just write a Feb recap?? Is this what happens when you get older? Times really flies!

The month included a lot of coaching, loads, a few miles, lots of work hours, a November Project workouts, a visit to the Asics showroom, my birthday celebrations, a few Facebook Live Chats, the big United NYC Half Weekend and race, Club Night, lots of runs with friends, and two races: the United NYC Half and the Central Park Spring 10K this past two weekends. Now that I think about it, I see why my mileage was so low… makes sense!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hoping Spring makes things easier and I can get out there more. I need to figure out a way to not need that much sleep…!

Here is my training for March:

March pictures:

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  • Total Miles: 127
  • Races: two! (6 total for the year!)
  • Ups: had fun. The NYC Half!!!
  • Downs: Not super up there with the splits or the mileage.
  • Balance: move on March, April is coming!!!!!!!!!!



hello March! I have no idea where these weeks go!??! I actually freaked out a couple of weeks ago, because I realized it was too late to train for the United NYC Half… these weeks are faster than any of my races!

Well, the month started with the Gridiron 4 miler, which I totally phoned in. What a loser I am sometimes. Actually, that’s why I freaked out, because, seriously Elizabeth, get it together! Why show up at a race and not even try? UGH. I frustrate myself so much sometimes! The next weekend, pre-Valentine’s Day, Juan and I spent some romantic time in the city, NO MORE DETAILS of course. The weekend after that, we raced a relay triathlon, as a Valentine’s Days Weekend thing: the Lovie Dovie Triathlon at Chelsea Piers. That Thursday was Club Night. a fun event to celebrate NY’s runners. Fun. And last weekend I raced the Al Gordon 4 miler, which went a bit better than the first 4 miler this month. Very busy weeks with lots of events and work and life stuff. All of it fun.

Here is my training for February:


  • Total Miles: 131
  • Races: three!!!
  • Ups: it was almost summer.
  • Downs: I need more time before the NYC Half PLEASE!!!
  • Balance: Someone please slow down time. seriously.

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went by ridiculously fast. So fast I didn’t even notice I didn’t post a recap for the Half I did. I literally started the year racing. Or running on a race course.. We did the Midnight Run, which happens right at the stroke of midnight on January 31st. I was signed up for the Kleinerman 10K because I had a little head cold and decided to focus on my health first. I was moving two days later so I didn’t want to overdo the weekend. So, I changed apartments, and I also started a new job (and career). Life got busy. I am also still coaching a lot. I renewed my CPR and AED cert. I led a few runs and coached many biomechanics 1x1s. Then we went to vacation to Antigua, which was more necessary that I had time to realize. January was a bit crazy. But we made it, with decent mileage, 118 miles in. The United NYC Half is dangerously close…

  • Total Miles: 118
  • Races: one (Manhattan Half) though I wasn’t really racing.
  • Ups: a vacation. And feeling the need to RUN on vacation. Who does that?
  • Downs: January was busy so I wasn’t really paying attention…
  • Balance: meh, in a holding pattern for now

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Tomorrow/this weekend: Out for the Run

You don’t want to miss this one.

Do you know Da Ping Luo? If you’ve done ONE race in NYC, it’s quite probable that you’ve already met him. He has amazing pictures and he has an exhibit opening tomorrow (everything purple is copied from the site):

Out for the Run, May 5-7 at the Leslie-Lohman Prince Street Project Space

“Out for the Run,” a photographic and archival exhibit by Da Ping Luo, brings to life the achievement and solidarity of Front Runners, the LGBT running club that has unified an international community of gay athletes over four decades. Luo mixes his own photos – soulful expressions of meaningful moments – with historic images and memorabilia to celebrate the communal power of everyday gay athletics. “I’ve been exploring the larger meaning of Front Runners as a societal force for over 5 years,” said Luo. “Clubs like Front Runners provide individuals a greater sense of LGBT identity, as well as community, that they probably never had before.”

Here’s a little preview to get you excited!

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Opening Reception: May 5, 2017 6-8pm
Exhibition: May 6-7, 2017 12-6pm
Artist Talk: May 6, 2017 at 4pm

Prince Street Project Space, 127-B Prince St., New York City

More info on the website.

I am super excited! I’m hoping I can make the reception tomorrow, but definitely making it this weekend. Don’t miss it! See you there?

Boomer’s Cystic Fibrosis Run to Breathe (4M) – Recap

I am signed for SOMETHING every weekend for the next two months so I am going to keep these reports short (this one ends with a twist…).

So, this is the same 4 mile loop I race about 15 times a year… or so. I’ve done this course soooo many times I can do it in my sleep. And like those super-tired-just-did-speedwork sleeps… I met Patricia at the start corral (and Steve, heeey!!) and she asked me what pace I’d do it in… I said around 28:30. Then I told her “my first mile is going to be 7:15, my second mile is going to be 7:02, third mile is usually around 7:30 and then a 6:55 or 6:56 closer”. She looked at me like I was crazy, but that how I pace to an average 7:02 or 7:05 average race. IN GENERAL, of course.

The weather was great, which I wasn’t expecting. We had been told all week it was going to rain. Now, if I have to count how many races the weather people got it wrong for, I can just give you a list of all my races…!!! I still didn’t feel like racing, so I had woken up at 6:30, took Diego (my friend’s dog I was watching) out to pee and got back into bed. Until 8 am. Race was to start at 9.

When the gun went off, I went into auto mode. At mile 1, I pointed at the clock, I was right on what I had predicted. I then noticed I hadn’t turned on my gps. Oh well. I had no idea what my first mile and a bit was … that’s why I am not posting screenshots of my laps. Mile 2 was fast as usual and I lost Patricia. I wasn’t sure but I thought she had dropped back a bit. Mile 3, I remembered to lap my watch so I have the two last laps, mile 3 was 7:15 (what?) though I didn’t look at it at the time. And last mile, here is the twist, was a 6:33 closer. WHAT?

where did that come from??

Still, I waited a bit to check my results (I had forgotten about live results…!) and I saw 28:04. that is SO close to my 28:00 PR!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was another shocker. Maybe I am closer than I think to PR shape… I went into the United NYC Half thinking I wasn’t, I didn’t push to PR, then I had that whole mess with the layers…. Last week’s 10K went great, even tired a week post-half. Seems like I might be sharper than I thought… Yes, I have the lowest expectations and you all told me, I know, but I get there when I get there, okay?

Stats Time:

Finish time: 28:04 Average Pace: 7:01

Previous PR: 28:00 From: April, 2013

Age Grading: 71.06%

Overall Place: 338 of 4,731

Gender Place: 30 of 2,250

Age Place: 3 of 240

back into the 71% AG wohoooooo. I love it when you are just sitting in bed on race day and really don’t want to get out of bed but then you have a fast and surprising race… Mostly because that happens aaaaall the time!! 😉 

then Patricia and I run another loop cheering, total 11 miles

March 2017 Recap


Didn’t I just write a Feb recap?? Is this what happens when you get older? Times really flies!

The month included a lot of coaching, loads, a few miles, lots of work hours, a November Project workouts, a visit to the Asics showroom, my birthday celebrations, a few Facebook Live Chats, the big United NYC Half Weekend and race, Club Night, lots of runs with friends, and two races: the United NYC Half and the Central Park Spring 10K this past two weekends. Now that I think about it, I see why my mileage was so low… makes sense!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hoping Spring makes things easier and I can get out there more. I need to figure out a way to not need that much sleep…!

Here is my training for March:

March pictures:

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  • Total Miles: 127
  • Races: two! (6 total for the year!)
  • Ups: had fun. The NYC Half!!!
  • Downs: Not super up there with the splits or the mileage.
  • Balance: move on March, April is coming!!!!!!!!!!



hello March! I have no idea where these weeks go!??! I actually freaked out a couple of weeks ago, because I realized it was too late to train for the United NYC Half… these weeks are faster than any of my races!

Well, the month started with the Gridiron 4 miler, which I totally phoned in. What a loser I am sometimes. Actually, that’s why I freaked out, because, seriously Elizabeth, get it together! Why show up at a race and not even try? UGH. I frustrate myself so much sometimes! The next weekend, pre-Valentine’s Day, Juan and I spent some romantic time in the city, NO MORE DETAILS of course. The weekend after that, we raced a relay triathlon, as a Valentine’s Days Weekend thing: the Lovie Dovie Triathlon at Chelsea Piers. That Thursday was Club Night. a fun event to celebrate NY’s runners. Fun. And last weekend I raced the Al Gordon 4 miler, which went a bit better than the first 4 miler this month. Very busy weeks with lots of events and work and life stuff. All of it fun.

Here is my training for February:


  • Total Miles: 131
  • Races: three!!!
  • Ups: it was almost summer.
  • Downs: I need more time before the NYC Half PLEASE!!!
  • Balance: Someone please slow down time. seriously.

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went by ridiculously fast. So fast I didn’t even notice I didn’t post a recap for the Half I did. I literally started the year racing. Or running on a race course.. We did the Midnight Run, which happens right at the stroke of midnight on January 31st. I was signed up for the Kleinerman 10K because I had a little head cold and decided to focus on my health first. I was moving two days later so I didn’t want to overdo the weekend. So, I changed apartments, and I also started a new job (and career). Life got busy. I am also still coaching a lot. I renewed my CPR and AED cert. I led a few runs and coached many biomechanics 1x1s. Then we went to vacation to Antigua, which was more necessary that I had time to realize. January was a bit crazy. But we made it, with decent mileage, 118 miles in. The United NYC Half is dangerously close…

  • Total Miles: 118
  • Races: one (Manhattan Half) though I wasn’t really racing.
  • Ups: a vacation. And feeling the need to RUN on vacation. Who does that?
  • Downs: January was busy so I wasn’t really paying attention…
  • Balance: meh, in a holding pattern for now

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Speed Workouts to destroy a 10K

First quarter done… United NYC Half done…. and now what? I did the Central Park Spring Classic 10K this past weekend and I am signed up to a “few” races…. but there’s 7 weeks til the Airbnb Brooklyn Half and I definitely will be racing my way into speed-shape. There’s two ways to get there. Either focusing on the half distance or the 10K distance. So, endurance or speed. Or: Quality vs Quantity. Given I spent most of the last 6 months building a base and not really working on speed, I am going to focus the next 6 weeks on the 10K/Speed/Quality option. And I am going to target the Newport 10K in May 6 -then I’ll have to weeks to recover for the Airbnb Brooklyn Half! Voila!

I did the Newport 10K last year (as well as the Newport Liberty Half) and it’s a great race to have fun but also to RACE. It’s flat, fast, a few turns, a fast field to pull you along and amazing views and a ridiculous spread after the race. Wide and uncluttered streets, some shade and seriously a view of the city that we don’t get here. Also has the small town race feel, but great great set up, water stops and organizers. Plus it’s just a few minutes away on the path; the train station is literally two blocks for the race start, so easy to get to.  The race is May 6, (there’s NO NYRR race that weekend!), so perfect timing to race all out before the Brooklyn Half…. Check out the event website for more info. 

Pictures from the Newport 10K or the Liberty Newport Half:

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So, I’ll be adjusting my training a bit. I’ll be doing my short speed workouts during the week, but instead of long runs in the weekend (I was doing up to 15 miles leading up to the half), those will turn into specific work, like tempos or long intervals.

These are the workouts I usually do, in a period of 10 days as it suits me better than the weekly planning.


Ideally, you’d start doing this one about 6 to 8 weeks out. It’s really hard. During regular training, when I do mile repeats, I usually get up to 4 and call it a day. They’re leg-makers! When you start, about 6-8 weeks out, you can take up to 5 minutes between reps, you want to make sure the legs can take each rep. You’ll see, as the weeks go by, that you’ll need less rest!!

2 X 2 MILE + 2 X 1 MILE – OH YEAH

This one you can do 4 or 3 weeks out, at goal pace again. It will also be super hard, just try to stick with 10K pace; there’s no need to go faster and make sure you take 3-4 minutes between reps.


Of course you build up to this one over a few weeks, so you can be able to complete it a eek or two before the race, at race pace of course. This one is always the golden test. If you can hold race pace during this workout, you’re good to go. I am sure I’ll need a couple of weeks to get there.

Of course make sure you warm up throughly before, do some drills and loosen up. Oh, and I’ll be also adding a hill sprint workout every 10 days as well. Just for kicks. Well because they’re awesome!

I am excited!! What’s your next goal race??? Do you have a favorite 10K workout? Which one??

Central Park Spring Classic 10K – Recap

This is going to be quick because:

1- I don’t have race pictures

2- I wasn’t really racing…

Patricia and I met up at the B corral as usual. Patricia finished a few seconds behind me at the United NYC Half last weekend so we figured we were in good shape to run together. Also, we were still recovering from the half so we were taking this as a workout. A very hard, structured, tempo, with lots of pacers. We met Gordon in the corral, along with a bunch more people. This is a “classic” NYRR race, like a toned down version of their usually big megaproductions, where the price is lower, there is no t-shirt, smaller field, and no prizes. Closer to what a regular race anywhere else in the world looks like. But I had never done one of these and was super curious.

Anyway, the horn blows, Patricia and I start together committed to run together. We’d start slow, as there’s Harlem Hill on the first mile. And then pick it up.

It was SO HOT. I was wearing a bra and tiny shorts already. In March. Amazing. We pretty much run good splits though we kept telling each other we were going too fast about every 20 seconds… We saw a few friends cheering, heeeey, we went up and down Cat Hill and then we pushed a bit. And we were done. We actually finished the race and crossed over the finish line holding hands, given how we had worked together through the whole race. Note to self: SO hard to run proper tangents when you run with someone (who doesn’t!!!), after a few miles, I started pointing where to go, I hope Patricia learned!!

Then… we did caught up with Carolina who was at the finish, we did a northern loop with Patricia and Justin, then I run to the Run Center, and then I hosted the NYRR History Tour with Gordon Bakoulis through the park. 15 miles total. I was RAVENOUS after. I almost ate my arm.

don’t ask. I don’t.

NYRR History Tour. Organized by NYRR and usually hosted by Grandmaster Stuart Calderwood, Gordon and I were sub-hosting as he was out of town. You learn facts and story of Central Park this, with a 4.6 run in there too!

Stats Time:

Finish time: 45:27 Average Pace: 7:19

Previous PR: 44:32 From: May, 2013

Age Grading: 69.63%

Overall Place: 343 of 3672

Gender Place: 43 of 1895

Age Place: 2 of 208

Another race this next weekend, the Boomer’s Cystic Fibrosis Run to Breathe (4M). Let’s do this!!!

2017 United NYC Half Marathon – Race Report

What an epic adventure this race was… I did one wrong thing but sooo many things came together…!!! but wait, let me back track so I can show you some pictures first.

Saturday I spent some time at the Experience (what you would call an expo), helping with Course Strategy and the Running Lab area and what not. It is always so much fun to see everyone and help out a bit. First fun note: there was this big picture… where everyone that knew me would strike a pose:

the hot husband

crazy 88 and the other crazy

well, the other two crazies… Patricia’s faces are famous at this point. Just go with it.

Then I entertained myself, and hopefully a couple of other people there…

let’s sing a bit. this is hilarious to me.

so, then you make a left into the West Side Highway…

and then you keep running straight. Basically, behind all the other people. Or just follow the lead truck.

Yeah, my life is so hard

The big issue all week was the weather. Everyone was freaking out because we were told by the “meteorologists” (people who make meteors) that we were getting about 55 feet of snow on Tuesday and that it would be SO bad we all had to be scared that we would never be able to dig out of it and have a race. Then, we got like 2 inches of snow. Then, we were told it’d be snowing Saturday, the day before the race, on top of all the other 3 million feet of snow we were getting. Then, we were told it would be snowing and/or raining ON SUNDAY. Anyway, of course, NOTHING HAPPENED, the weather was beyond amazing and I was completely overdressed (see above, I did one thing wrong: I was wearing two shirts, TWO! stooopid!).

Race morning, one thumbs up, a major thumbs up actually. I managed to figure out race morning pre-race fuel: two cups of rice, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and loads of Himalayan salt on it. It was perfect. It worked. I already feel like a winner when my stomach is not freaking out during a race.

Juan and I were jogging the two miles to the start. We took off with Lina (Perez) from downstairs, we picked up Courtney (Reidy) about 10 blocks later, and Carolina (Pena) 2 blocks after. I literally felt like I had a train going to the start, even trying to pick up strangers, the more the merrier!. We all looked crazy in our throwaway gear, but it was 30 degrees and there’d be at least 30 minutes waiting in the corral!

So, we dropped our bags, went through security and lined up in the C corral in wave one: Patricia, Courtney and I. Carolina and Juan went up to their corrals up in the wave. We soon caught up with John and Raul and Devang (Honerkamp, Damas, Patel!) in the corral and we had a little fun thing going were we whined about how cold we were. It was 33 I think, feels like of 20 something, so I was planning to run in a short sleeve shirt, with a long sleeve shirt on top (the one with the bib) and capri tights. I figured I’d be cold so I layered tons of stuff on me I could throw off (a light fleece jacket, hat, headband, buff, gloves, arm warmers, hand warmers, etc.) but taking the pants off in the corral made me squeal.

The thing about this race is that… it always just goes by so fast. From the second I sign up in December, it’s a moment later and it’s March. You think it’s enough time to train and do specific speedwork but it always goes by so quickly and I usually freak out about 3-4 weeks before! Then, race weekend is here. Then, I am at the start and then I am leaving the park. Puff, I finished. How?? I have no idea, but it’s the same every year.

So, I get to the start, we jog the last 50 meters to it, thinking that I wasn’t ready, please someone slow down my life!!! I knew I wasn’t in PR shape, but gosh was I so happy to be racing this half!!!!! No idea why, just excited. I had no pressure, I thought I’d have fun out there, had Courtney and Patricia with me… let’s do it. Things are so easy when you have no expectations… I had figured I’d be around 1:37 or 1:38 (in my giveaway) so the first mile would be around 7:40 or 7:50. Mile 1 – 7:49! Right on the nose! Patricia and Courtney were running together and I was a bit off, trying to let them go (they’re usually faster than me) and I run better tangents. Then comes one of the few flat/downhill patches of the course and I yelled at Stacie (Brown Kallenberg), so happy to see her! Mile 2- 7:23. Kept seeing Patricia and Courtney around still at this point, but I didn’t want to follow them, both are very strong runners… By then, I was SUPER HOT. I started dismantling. I threw out my beanie, my buff, arm warmers, and hand warmers. And the turnaround! I yelled at Carolina, I saw Juan for the first and last time. Mile 3- 7:26. Going back into the park, I was on fire. and pissed that I was wearing two shirts and capri tights… UGH. I took my headband off and put it in my bra. I took my gloves off but didn’t want to lose those, I love my gloves. Then, perfectly timed, I saw Alison (Desir) and Amir (Figueroa) and their friends on Harlem Hill, oh yeah, I yelled, threw my gloves out and kept at it, thought I had yelled like a crazy person and was out of breath fast! Mile 4- 7:30

Then the most ridiculous thing happened. I decided I was still really hot and wanted to take my shirt off. Also, I didn’t want to lose this shirt, it was my Berlin Marathon shirt… but what to do? I was wearing a short sleeved shirt (my Berlin shirt) UNDER the long sleeve shirt that had the bib… so complicated. Get ready for a hot mess. I pulled the long sleeved shirt with bib over me, left it at my neck, secured my watch, headband and sunglasses, and proceeded to take off my tight short sleeve shirt, over my head, WHILE STILL RUNNING…!!! OMG. IT GOT STUCK ON MY HEAD, I CAN’T SEE ANYTHING!!! BLACK SHIRT TANGLED UP ON MY HEAD, HELP, I AM RUNNING, ON THE COURSE, I CAN’T SEE ANYTHING, OMG AN ORANGE CONE IS DEFINITELY AHEAD OF ME AND I AM NOT EVEN SURE I AM RUNNING STRAIGHT ANYMORE. I wanted to stop because I was sure I was going to fall, but what if someone would bump into me from behind??? I kept running AND FREAKING OUT. I COULDN’T SEE. ANYTHING. I have no idea how long it took, could have been 15 seconds, could have been 30 seconds. It felt like a year. Somehow I kept my cool. ONE LAST YANK. SUNGLASSES, PLEASE STAY IN PLACE, I was just so scared of hurting anyone… Anyway, phew, shirt came off, put it inside the back of my pants, put the bibbed shirt back on, and tried to relax and regain my composure. My heart rate through the roof. CALM DOWN! I was spent. I needed a gel (and probably and sun-chair and a massage too).  Mile 5- 7:46

Soon, right by Tavern on the Green, I had a huma. My stomach was fine. Another win. Am I really having nutrition during a race and not feel like throwing up? Wow. How times have turned… Mile 6- 7:26. We leave the park. Are we really here yet? Have I really already run half of this? Why does it always go SO fast??? This is where the race starts. Now, I still have this extra shirt on me, I didn’t want to throw out because I like. And then I see Jessica (LeBron), another savior. I throw the shirt at her. OMG how amazing is it to know this many people on the course? Hello Times Square!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I like Times Square, just this one time of the year… I hear Francine (Alfandary) yelling at me. So awesome. I see everyone taking their phones out to broadcast or take pictures. And there’s space for everybody. I see Dino (Verrelli) yelling in purple. I see Sid and Asteria (Howard). Omg so much love in this race! I see Phillip Mina on the course and run together for 1 second. Oh, I guess I’ve lost Courtney and Patricia!!

Mile 7- 7:15 We turned right into 42nd street and I feel this crazy wind blow me away. OH YES!!!! This will be at our backs in a few minutes, for the rest of the race, how amazing. Got so excited: Mile 8- 6:49 Ooops. To tell you the truth, I knew I was pacing like an emotional idiot, I was hot, I was excited, I had all this gear drama and extra stuff I didn’t want to throw away, I wanted to shed layers all the time so I don’t think there was a time when I was like “hey, let’s focus on what we are doing, what pace are we doing?”. The whole thing was my brain going from one thing to the other and… solving problems… whatever. I think we’re all allowed a race where we don’t race and we just do whatever, right? Mile 9- 7:35 I remember this. I had a gel and I always slow down to digest it. I also run into Jeannie (Tinelly) and John (Honerkamp) and Matt (Powers) right before the November Project cheering station, which OMG, hurt my ears in a good way, it was soooo loud. Across the street were Binu (Paulose) and Ann (Bommarito) cheering too. I almost missed them but Binu was yelling my name like he was drowning, so I yelled back. Mile 10- 6:57 So much excitement. That’s when I saw Patricia right up ahead and thought “oh no”. If I am catching up to her, she might be slowing down… crap. We run together for a bit and I could tell her breathing was super forced, I told her not to kill herself and save it for another day. She had been a bit injured for a few weeks and we weren’t sure exactly in what shape she was. Soon enough, I didn’t hear her anymore. Crap again, bye Patchoux. Mile 11- 7:11 How does this race go by so fast? I remember seeing the Freedom tower just once. And it’s in front of me for like 6 miles.. I was so busy looking at everyone cheering that I missed all the icons. I also missed looking at the watch. I knew I was about 2 minutes off my PR, so I barely bothered to look, but I have no idea where my head was. I almost missed the Whippets as they were a bit earlier this year and wasn’t looking, but saw Michelle (Mason) quickly. Also, at some point around there, I put my hair in a ponytail while running. HOW IS THAT SO HARD!??!? I had no idea… what a hot mess I was!

Mile 12- 6:55 Here we go. The Tunnel. It’s almost over. Everyone in the tunnel was yelling and making wild noises. It was super entertaining. I was breathing hard enough to make enough noise. The tunnel is 1 kilometer long, or FOREVER if you only speak miles. I had my music there, boy bye!

Mile 13- 7:21 OR SOMETHING BECAUSE I HAD NO GPS. Out of the tunnel, into the light. It always seems like forever for that last bit. Last bit- 6:59 pace Wow that finish line loos impressive. I love that I could see the finish line ahead… It was over. So quick. SO SO quickly. Can we do this again? Please? Now????? 1:37:13 finish time.

my splits

I finished and Patricia found me a few seconds after. I did a little interview for NY1 right at the finish and we started walking to grab our bags. Wow, we hugged so much! We found Courtney and Juan waiting by the baggage and omg so many stories!! Plus, we found two kittens:

brrrrrrrrrrrrr eye of the tiger

my medal!

All the race pictures are here. Haven’t bought them yet. You can see all my different outfits, and the mess!!!!

I had such an amazing race this weekend… PRs are never guaranteed so I haven’t been putting that much stress on that. And if I just focus on that, I might always be upset at the end of race (I only had 1 PR last year, at the NYC Half 2016…). I had a strong race, I felt like I was flying the whole way, I was super happy and really enjoyed it, I think that’s where it is at guys. What else can anyone really ask for?

Stats Time:

Finish time: 1:37:13 Average Pace: 7:25

Previous PR: 1:36:03 From: March, 2016

Age Grading:  69.85%

Overall Place: 1,928 of 19,412

Gender Place: 399 of 9,890

Age Place: 40 of 1,314


Giveaway Winner!!

My super official United NYC Half finish time, according to NYRR,  is 1:37:13. So, I just re-read all the guesses and most of you were giving me a PR! WOW guys! And guess what, so many of you were so close…

Congrats youcanrun!!!!! Can you believe how close they all were?

Please email me your choice of prize (from the post), postal address in the US, and name and will ship it ASAP!! And no worries y’all losers, I will be doing many races in the next weeks (there’s actually one this weekend but not sure there’s enough time to post…!) so you’ll have another go at playing soon!

So, who run this weekend? how was your race?? lessons learned??