Tag Archive | meb

Race Report: the 5th Avenue Mile

Heyheyfriends!!!!!!! Okay, coffee overdose is winding down, finally, two days later… I had way too much coffee Sunday morning… I never have coffee. That was a problem.

So, let me back up a bit. You remember how my hamstring was messy for 6 weeks? Doctor told me to let is rest, with OH THE HORROR, no speedwork for two more weeks, and try speed last week? Well, last Tuesday I did speed and it was FINE. FINE FINE FINE. I waited all day Tuesday and no pain, I woke up in the middle of the night (to pee obviously) and I just dreaded putting my feet down, nothing. Wesdnesday, nothing… I AM CURED< HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! YEY! So, the speedwork Tuesday, was 4x400s, 1xmile, and 4x400s. So when Coach John said to to a mile, I told myself that if I did it under 7, I’d race the Fifth Avenue Mile on Sunday…. so I tried my best, and even thought my heart almost jumps out of my chest, I got a mile out in 6:50. KA-CHING. ticket to the mile. I was almost dying but I figured this: if I do the mile Sunday,  on the road. It’ll give me a good idea where I stood for the Half. Maybe not the target half I had (Newport Liberty on Sept 20th, this weekend) but for Staten Island Half in October 11. 1 month to go.

I figured I’d do the Mile around 6:40. That would put me over 1:40 for the half, so I didn’t think there was much point to train an extra month for Staten Island. But if I could tuck under that, we’d see… we’ll see, we’ll see. Something I’ve been saying WAY TOO many times lately.

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bib pick up, with a fellow Media Mile Runner, Dave

Saturday night we fell asleep early, like 7 pm, Juan had a bronchitis and had ALSO done 19 miles. He’s a beast like that, but by 6 pm he was a mess and I was bored, so sleepy time earlier than usual. I woke up at 7 (he was still passed out, so many drugs to counteract his messy chest!) and I felt like those days that you never wake up… so I had a LOT of coffee. Like a lot. We left. I jogged to the start. He walked to the Dashing Whippets cheering station. I jogged a bit up and down, and the extra coffee overdose was giving me palpitations. I was a bit scared but I know coffee acts up on me. We both like to be in control… And I get to hyper. I wanted to race up as soon as I can, I felt like my chest was gonna blow up. I lined up and I was so scared I was going to go out too fast… I had splits written down in my hand for 6:35, to see if I could hit that. But I was really scared to go out too hard with the coffee, and with that hammie -it had felt ok on  Tuesday but it was messy a week before… I was sure I didn’t want to go at 100%. We’ll see (see?)

So, I got going, I was looking forward to hit the first quarter in 1:35, and I was happy to see I was a few seconds under. I knew I wasn’t going too hard. Second lap, I was still a few seconds under, OKAY, even thought that is almost the whole uphill section. The next one is downhill and I was looking forward to seeing Juan and all the Whippets so I totally missed the clock, oooops.

There they are! Juan: thanks for being the most dedicated photographer, even with your awful bronchitis ❤

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Across the streets were my friends from Harlem Run yelling too, they’re the funnest bunch in all earth.

Soon…. I was close. I always love that a few 100 yards away you see the clock and those blocks take forever. I came right at 6:24 and I was so happy!!! Also, I noticed I wasn’t breathing hard and loud as (most of you know) I do on the last bit of race, and had ZERO coughing at the end. I bet my scared brain stopped me from going too fast to protect my legs. I have a feeling I could have gone a bit faster. Even a day later, not even a little chest tightness which I usually get after a hard effort. CRAP. Juan told me: I’ve seen you race, you were NOT racing… oh well. You know, sometimes when you have been injured, it takes a while to feel secure again… #goodenough


I think I did fine pacing, maybe I could have run the first quarter one or two seconds slower but given I had no idea I’d do under 6:25, I think I did as well as I could with the information I had.

Stats Time:

Finish time: 6:24

Previous PR: 6:05 From: September 2012

Age Grading:69.23%of

Overall Place: 2107 of 6623

Gender Place: 339 of  2,881

Age Place: 32 of  306

Quite happy with this! Sooo, this means I could probably do the half in under 1:40. that is not even close to the 1:36 I had planned for this weekend but oh well. Better than nothing I guess. Back to training people!!!!!!!!!!!!

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With Daniela and Tessa

So, after the race, I met up with some team mates, walked back to 65th where the rest of them were to cheer the other heats on. We saw EVERYONE racing. Seriously, I think every person I know was there.

Minus my family in Argentina of course. But everyone else: there!

Soon enough, I head back to the start. I was running the Media Mile at 11:45 and now that my coffee was settling at least I didn’t feel like I was gonna blow it out of the gates, but who knew my legs… I just hoped, again, I wasn’t messing myself up. The heat was small and I knew pretty much everyone there! There was a LOT of pictures taken! These next four ones are from the NYRR Gallery.

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Photo Credit: NYRR

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Photo Credit: NYRR. that’s my ponytail on the right!!!! you know I suck at selfies. how do people do those??

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Photo Credit: NYRR. Another one, see how small it was? I am in there in the middle somewhere

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Photo Credit: NYRR. again forced to the front, just like in Team Championships, no one wanted to go up! where’s my headband?!?!?! I caught up with Chris Lobtsom at the start, he looked like had it. I put him and Dave to work together, they came in 1-2 a few seconds apart, which is pretty awesome

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Someone took this cause I DON’T DO (GOOD) SELFIES.

The rest of all the official pictures are here.

Soon, we get moving. And OMG MY LEGS ARE LEAD. HA. OUCH.

Still, guess what? I went out too fast!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha!!!! my first quarter was like 1:24!!! Hahahahhaha, I laughed at myself SO hard. Then I thought, could I possibly run this faster than the first one? And I laughed MUCH MUCH HARDER this time. Then I told myself to stop being an idiot and not laugh anymore and just sign to myself or something.

AGAIN, there’s my gorgeous husband and my team. And I really considered quitting there. I was soooo tired and in pain this time around. OUCHIE OUCHIE OUCH

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I again missed the 3/4 mile clock… ugh, but I knew I wasn’t “faster”… I finished in about 6:40 or 6:42, I need to look it up. And proceeded to do this right away:

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The Media Tent was bopping. I hung out a bit with two superstars (Peter and Jen, in case they EVER read this), Meb, Asteria, Carrie Tollefson, you know, the usual cool people, grabbed a drink and, just waited for the Pros to run about an hour later. All the pictures of those races are here in case you missed it. That was fun and very exciting. Plus I got to catch up with my girl Shannon, who came in 2nd, post race!

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Shannon and Linda, two superstars in my book!

And that’s the mile.

The coolest-shortest-straightest-painful-funnest race of the year. Great weather to race and spectate, and the chance to see everyone you know in a few hours. Pretty much like the marathon but more painful, I’d say.

Now, back to seeing how much I can salvage all of this year’s training in 4 weeks… fingers crossed.

How to piss off EVERY non-Runner!

In this Cult, things can turn ugly very fast if you are faced with the nonbelievers, the same way it happens with religion or politics.

So, if you are having one of those days when you feel like starting a fight, it is quite simple:

-Talk about PRs, pace, missing toenails, races, strategies, v02 max, age grading, what Kara Goucher was wearing, Pre, logging miles vs times, Centro’s splits, your lactic acid, Nick Symmonds, yassos 800s, and how Boston should adjust their qualifying times, for hours and hours and hours.

-Tell them you don’t want to go out because you can’t eat at that place/don’t want to drink/rather sleep early to run in the morning than spend time with them and how nothing is as fun as running. For hours.

-Eat. Just Eat. They hate it. They hate that we can eat all that. Or, it might convert them, this could also be your most powerful tool when dealing with those people. Food. It’s always the food.

Two things could happen, they’ll eventually get it (or feel jealous of your amazing body, stamina, and good looks!) or they’ll block/delete/unfriend/stop listending to you forever. 

Oh well, worth a shot, right?

Keep pushing, eventually we will win. Mua Hua hua hua huaaaaaaaa


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and then, there was Meb

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yes, yes, nothing new, but had to post this, run into him on Saturday morning and I just had to share! What a day.. I went cheering for the 10K, got some amazing videos of the leaders running form, got the bf to do a time trial, and run into my bf and running partner Patricia on her first run in 4 months. Then I added a bunch of miles, got a pic with Meb, and eventually got home and to the movies to see Ironman (which I loved!). Fun day!

Thursday Report, NYCM still on! Jason Hartmann, Nina Kuscsik, Julie Culley, etc

Lots happened yesterday too, of course. I keep getting home too destroyed to even think about eating. Hard to think I’ll be doing a marathon in two days with all that is happening. I spent a big chunk of the day yesterday at the Media Center. Here are some pics:
NYRR On the Run being taped
Sharon Cherop
Nina… rockstar. We talked about old times, when Fred started the club, stuff from the Run for Your Life movie… Love her!
She got inducted to the NYRR Hall of Fame, article here, hence the Tiffany plate.
Jason Hartmann, 4th in Boston. I am ready to make a prediction here…!
Julie Culley, who was very emotional about Sandy. Here is her flotrack interview, and somehow I am in the background the whole time..!
Finish line being set up.
Then I headed to the expo, to see what was happening, pick up on the mood of the athletes, and yeah, get my bib too of course. 
You gotta travel with gold right? No trains, no problem! I had been walking around the day before all over the city, miles and miles. I was too tired!
I saw everyone at the expo. It wasn’t as crowded as it usually is given that a lot of people haven’t made it into town, but the mood was around a  ”let’s do this thing”. It is a tough week for a lot of people. This guy from Brooklyn said it took him two hours to get there to pick up his bib. People that still have no power but came to the expo because they were sick of being couped up, depressed, and needed to get out of the house. People who needed the marathon to get their heads on something else. You know how it is. Just a bit of running can make you feel better about everything, no matter how messy the situation is. 
There is of course, all the people who think the marathon shouldn’t happen. And yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I’d love for everyone to have an informed opinion instead of reacting out of …desperation?, but this was the mayor’s decision and he has more information to make this decision than all of us together, so I am going with that. If he had decided not to, I would have respected that decision too.
Then, there are runners saying “it doesn’t feel right to run”, then don’t do it, it is quite simple. We all have to do what seems best for each one of us given our set of mental rules and there is no need to bash everyone else for their decisions. Live and let live. I come from a third world country where these situations where people don’t have power, or food, or a place to live is very common, every day, every single day, so I have been faced with these situations on a daily basis and grew up in similar situations. I am doing the marathon. The mayor decided it’s on. Period. And I do believe he has a good reason to make that decision. 
And yes, I also do believe the marathon will bring a smile, a nice distraction, and a lot of money, to a lot of people who have had a rough rough week.
Anyway, I didn’t want to go into that but I guess that just happened. This is a blog about running after all. I plan to run, if the mayor lets me, as always, to celebrate life. That is what my running is always about, moreso in a crappy week like this one.
Growing up I kept being told (when I wanted to go to some party everybody was going to and not me, or when my grades where better), don’t worry about what the others do, just about what you do. Live and let live.

Heartbeats are important, let me just tell you a story about that one day 😉 HA, like you haven’t heard THAT a hundred times!

Thursday Report, NYCM still on! Jason Hartmann, Nina Kuscsik, Julie Culley, etc

Healthy Kidney 10K: Is it my kidneys?

I had a busy Friday at work… so busy I forgot to eat and had two cups of coffee instead. Huh? Yes, by the time I ate (too much but too delicious) I was in dire need to get some sleep. Beeeeeep beeeeeep beeeeep 6 am!!! Time to roll down and up for the 10k!
As I was ready to head out to the park… my tummy makes some noise. Some grumbling. Some fast trip back to the bathroom, and lightning, I hushed out wondering how (if) my stomach would hold out through the race, or even til I got to some portapotties on the course. Stoopid way to start the weekend.
As soon as I got to the course, hurried again to the smelly boxes, which were surprisingly empty and cozy. Ah, relief again. Now I was empty and feeling a lot better, but… I have to race like this?
Saw some friends, dropped my bag, and hurried around to the start where I grabbed 2 cups of Gatorade and prayed they didn’t mess me up more than I was. I run by the competitive corral, saw my friend Jeremy (thanks for the pics J!) and Meb, Ryan, Bobby, and Abdi were warming up with a lot of the other locals. Way to line up already feeling really slow!!!!
Got to my corral, looked around for a buddy, saw no one and in a second it was time to go! I AM NOT READY!!!!!! I really needed some fuel in my tummy. I felt depleted from the start. But at least I had nothing on me anymore that would make me stop,oh the silver lining!
I had no idea what I would do but I had reasoned this: my 10K PR is from last year, 7:20, but I am NOT in that shape now. My overall pace in the 4 miler two weeks ago was 7:20, and the half I did in 7:52. I thought 7:40 overall was a solid bet.
Mile 1 hits me at 7:26. oooopsie. crap.
Sidenote: I just screamed!!! Checked out the MOTOACTV page to see the stats for this post and it tells me the steps I took!!!!! This is PHENOMENAL to know your cadence!!! I had an average cadence of 196 (which translates into VERY HIGH. And REALLY GOOD.) INSANE. I am in shock. Please share in this happiness even if you have no clue what I am talking about (I guess really understanding biomechanics and putting it to practice properly really does work!).
That is hmmmm, a bit fast, given it was the same pace I did in the 4 miler two weeks ago. Hmmm. I truck along. My friend Patricia catches up to me and we chat. Well, she chats, I tell her to go and make plans to meet at the finish. 
Mile 2: 7:18. Patricia had dragged me along for a bit… Saw a lot of friends on the sidelines cheering and was tempted to stop… but didn’t. I figured it was not. Mile 3: 7:27, it starts getting old. I figured I needed to find some comfortable pace and sit there for a bit. I was not gonna give up completely but this race wasn’t happening. I went through my mental shopping catalog of what I could promise myself to get if I did well and found nothing. I really do have everything… That is NOT good! Mile 4: 8:05, oh well, I’ll be doing another 10K in three weeks anyway, so… this one was definitely NOT happening. I searched down and I couldn’t find any fuel, or strength, or anything to push with, I was empty. And mile 4 always sucks. Mile 5: 7:36, this will be all over before I even know it. By then, I had found my comfortable zone, I was ok, but I knew I was gonna have to start pushing a bit soon.. eeeek. Mile 6: 7:32, really nothing left, oh effing well. Mile .2: 1:38, pace of 7:18. I was done. Stopped the clock a few seconds early even. No dry heaving, no sense of IdidallIcould, it was more like, where is the food and why on earth did I wake up today?
So, almost two minutes over my PR but a 7:36 overall. NOT bad. And anything over a 65%AG is always fabo for me!!!
The Stats:
Finish time: 47:11. Average Pace: 7:36
Previous PR: 45.30. From: June 2011.
Age Grading: 65.41%
Overall Place: 1285 of 7918
Gender Place: 158 of 3737
Age Place: 20 of  599
Still, it was a gorgeous day in the park and I was glad I was out there. Met with my friends, hang out, took some pics, and watched the awards! Then spent some time in the sun and I was tired and ready to eat, finally, and enjoy the weekend. It’s like this 10 never happened.
The awards ceremony!
The top three women!
Bobby Curtis coming right up, placed #3 overall! 
Korir, #2 overall, who was also graduating that day, the same morning, so his parents had flown in from Kenya and got on stage too. It was very moving, the guy was graduating, seeing his parents he hadn’t seen in three years, and also came in #2 in a race.Someone deserves a boston creme!!!
Daniel Meucci, from Italy, who WON the race in a 28:28, 4:36 pace, Korir came in at 28:30, and Bobby at 28:37. Love Italians (gotta say that or my parents will kick me!)
The rest of the placing (top 15):
MeucciDanieleM267NIKE  ITA1110:28:280:14:1704:360:28:28394.32 %KorirLeonardM258 New RochelleNYKEN2220:28:300:14:1704:360:28:30494.25 %CurtisBobbyM275REEBArdmorePAUSA3330:28:370:14:1804:370:28:37793.87 %GirmaTesfayeM2967WSXBRONXNYETH4440:28:380:14:0604:370:28:36693.89 %AbdirahmanAbdiM353NIKETucsonAZUSA5510:28:560:14:1704:400:28:19294.85 %St. LawrenceBenM306NEWBCentennial Park AUS6610:28:590:14:1704:400:28:55992.89 %KeflezighiMebM371NYACMammoth LakesCAUSA7720:29:080:14:1804:420:28:09195.43 %OkariGilbert KengabiM33669UATHJACKSON HEIGHTSNYKEN8820:29:150:14:1704:430:28:551092.86 %Tabor NebsiMengstiM34932WSXNEW YORKNYETH9930:29:230:14:3104:440:28:54892.91 %RuttoHenry KiplagatM29763UATHJACKSON HEIGHTSNYKEN101050:29:310:14:2004:460:29:291191.09 %Assefa DubeTesfayeM28134WSXBronxNYETH111160:29:320:14:1904:460:29:321290.93 %BayleyMattM23160New RochelleNYAUS121210:29:350:14:4604:460:29:351390.76 %YigezeZembabaM28969WSXBRONXNYUSA131370:30:080:14:4304:520:30:081489.12 %CastilleKevinM4010JRWSNicholasvilleKYUSA141410:30:100:14:5604:520:28:31594.20 %HallRyanM292ASICReddingCAUSA151580:30:150:14:4304:530:30:141588.85 %
Now the celebrities!!!!
NYC loves Meb and Ryan!! Great morning to be out there… it was 80 degrees… Now hoping my kidneys, or whatever it was, decide not to drive me crazy next week for the Brooklyn Half. I have very HIGH expectations for the half. (Ok, at LEAST 65% AG?!?!). Fingers crosses. And no more sugar and junk food. Okay, WHO are we kidding!?!?!?

Healthy Kidney 10K: Is it my kidneys?

A Night with Champions: Kara, Ryan, Meb, Edna, Gebre, Adam, and Colt!

And K and me! You know K… ket’s meow! We met a bit before the event and, really, she’s the nicest!!!! I love her! It’s amazing to think about how many amazing people I met…

A Night with Champions: Kara, Ryan, Meb, Edna, Gebre, Adam, and Colt!

— M E B —

You don’t need more than three letters, right?

The short story is that I met him and was able to thank him for being such an inspiration to me. The long story is that I had been thinking about Meb a lot over the last weeks.

First, there was that article in RW’s about him. He had been injured for a long time and had to go through a lot of testing and treatment to get back to running. And when things go wrong for such a long time he questioned if all this is really worth pursuing. As I was a bit frustrated with my injury, I was thinking about that too. But Meb was all in. Result: he won NYC.

Then when I started worrying about how I would hold my pace for 22 miles in Boston and not go out too fast like everyone does, like I always do, I remembered what he did in NYC. He tucked himself in the pack and waited. He “went to sleep” knowing he could do it. No one was expecting much from him, and he was smart not to rush to prove them wrong. Result: he won NYC.

I wasn’t out to win anything but if he could sit in the back for those exciting 24 miles when he knew he could do it, I could also sit and wait until my hills were out of the way. Result: I got my Boston.

My most intense Meb moment was when I saw him collapse in the park during the Olympic Trials when someone told him about Ryan Shay. You don’t forget those moments. I saw him (on video) acknowledging the place where Ryan fell during his NYC marathon. Meb is just that kind of runner and person.

He has been a great source of inspiration and answers for me these last months so when I heard he was around the corner, I sprinted! And here’s the phone picture proof (no camera, I wasn’t prepared!!).


He said I looked like a fast marathoner (he’s a God, what can I say?). He saw my nasty blue toes (which at least match my blue Boston jacket), and told me to be proud of those and said his looked a lot worse. I told him I wanted to see him again in NYC in November, he said he’d do his best. We talked about how magical the NYC course is. I really can’t even imagine what it must be to win something like that… My money is on this guy this year!!

Good luck to all my loopster friends running Nashville, Kentucky, London (Go Deena!), and Big Sur this weekend!!! I’ll be pulling for you!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!!