
Do you worry about Muscle Tension?

When I read (Steve Magness’ article) about Muscle Tension years ago, I completely dismissed it…
1- I didn’t care that much about performance
2- not running on soft surfaces?? AH, NO!
3- and not willing to do any of this, like speedwor. Anyway…
A few years later… things have changed a bit and I am completely obsessed with it because I’ve seen how the right muscle tension makes a night and day difference.
It explains that pop you have on race day sometimes. It also explains how your legs are so heavy and slow on race days sometimes
It’s all muscle tension. I’ve been calling it many things over the years (I had a post two months ago before Berlin, called “the wiriness“…) but, really, the info is all out there and you just have to figure out how to adjust it for your training and race day. I’ve been obsessing over this for months. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I don’t (like last Sunday!)…
It’s basically a balance between being really rested and really tired! Or, better: it’s about finding that thin line where your legs feels easy and fast and efficient  and they’re super rested and still fired up and like they’re brand new… you know it happens!
In Berlin, I walked all over town for 3 days before the race, by Friday night I was so tired and cranky I was almost crying on the sidewalk cause I couldn’t walk back to the hotel. Sunday morning, I did fantastic. Sometimes rest is not your best friend… I like the “less is more” but rest might not always work for me, and I am still getting used to that. I’ve started doing a lot of active jumping, every day, to keep my muscles a bit more tense, and not really stretching after every run, just half of them. Some people stretch for hours, others never stretch…
In the article you’ll see what to do to increase or decrease muscle tension, if you’re not sure how to adjust it, or how to measure it even. But keep this in mind if you haven’t played with it before because I think it makes a huge difference. And it will you a reason for a lot of those unexplained runs.

Do you worry about Muscle Tension?

Okay, I will admit it (Oh the Shame!!!): I’ve been eating vegetables (Do you? Help!)

A few Saturdays ago, I was coming back from work when I saw a tweet from Nissan (a sponsor of the NYC marathon) that they were handing out prizes to the first 10 people who showed up and said the secret word… they were two blocks from where I was. So, I turned around, showed up, and got this:

Strange to say but the last few weeks the Bullet and I had some amazing times together. It’s SO easy to use and wash… and most of it tasted yummy (I even got one smoothie to, shockingly, taste like bubble gum!). It’s super addictive, ate more vegetables and fruits in the last month than in the last twenty years! 

Of course, I put on some weight. The logic is simple, given my digestive talent, the more I eat that healthy stuff, the more I crave a good delicious juicy steak. Or a donut. Nothing replaces flavor and texture! But I digress. So I doubled on food intake…
Still, I’ve learned a few basics.
You can make a delicious smoothie with all kinds of disgusting things like broccoli, spinach, kale, younameit, as long as you put one or half a piece of fruit in it. Fruits taste a lot stronger than vegetables, so Fruits WIN. Throw in all the gross green stuff in there you’d never eat and you won’t even feel it…
Now, IF you are one of those people who discovered vegetables before me, here is how you can help: advice!
Okay, I am ok with fruits, because they are sweet, I don’t have to force myself. I am good with nuts too. I don’t really need help with things that are semi-sweet (fruits are NOT sweets!). 
The problem is the yuck stuff; aka, everything that NOT cow meat and/or sugary: vegetables.
I am going to try to solve the “vegetable” dilemma. I will find a way to make them tasty, don’t worry, and don’t send me recipes, I am not into complicated, measurements, reading, or following recipes. I will throw them in there and I WILL make it taste good.
But, I just need to know, what of the yucky stuff is really worth chowing down?. For example, Kettia swears by beets. I tried them and really saw a difference. That stuff WORKS! Eat a raw beet a day and you’ll feel it in your system!! 
Do you have any vegetables that are really a MUST HAVE? Why?
Some Conditions: no cooking, and as minimal preparation as possible!!! Same example, beets are a MESS: they need scrubbing, peeling, they bleed all over the place… my hands are red for hours!!!!! Best case scenario: rinsing and done.
So, what’s your secret weapon vegetable, and why?

Okay, I will admit it (Oh the Shame!!!): I’ve been eating vegetables (Do you? Help!)

TMobile Shoe4Africa 5K RR (Or: Another race time I can’t explain…)

A race that didn’t sell out a week before!??! Well, I looked at the weather, saw that it was going to be in the 50s on Sunday and signed in. I don’t race well when it’s cold…

This race had it all. Small (Around 500 or so to close registration), close to me, amazing raffle prizes (samsung phones, kinects, you name it!), a tech shirt, funds go to a great cause, and NOT in Central Park… PERFECT, i am IN! Of course I LOVE Central Park… but a girl needs a bit of diversity once in a while, am I riiight? 
And a 5K! I never do 5Ks! So exciting! I did the one in August, in Brooklyn, where I PRed for the first time in 14 months, in 21:09, average pace was 6:49.
And I figured I was in WAAAAAY better shape now so I should deeeeeefinitely go under 21 minutes. Didn’t think about pace per se but I would DEFINITELY SAVE those pesky 10 seconds somewhere, right? you’d think so…
Sunday, weather was around 41, I found a couple of team-mates there, we got ready, it was a really small crowd. I took my clothes off, lined up, and was FREEZING. Shivering and my teeth were jumping. Countdown, we go. There was a couple of loops, a few ups and downs, but it was a pretty easy course. I was close to the start line so for a bit I was leading the women’s race, 5 minutes into it, around 4 or 6 women had passed me. You’d think I would be able to keep count? No. I was so cold, I had gone out waaay too fast and I was now paying the price. Mile 1; 6:51. BAD. Whatever it is, it will end soon, finish your dayum speedwork, maybe we can catch a few of them later. Mile 2; 6:57. Well, that was obvious, but yeah, I can pick it up on the last one, right? NO. Mile 3: 7:07. What. A. Mess. Seriously. Last part was run at a 6:38 effort. But it was too little too late.
Is my cadence (Avg Step Rate) getting out of control or what?!?!
I always wonder how unpredictable racing can be for me. I am not gonna lie, I didn’t go to sleep early or ate the right things or all of those things. But I didn’t in my last two races (Berlin Marathon, Fifth Avenue Mile) either and that worked out. How is it that I just really never know?  The only explanation I have is that it was cold-ish. I don’t race well in the cold BUT I race great when it’s HOT, so maybe it’s that… oh well, WHATEVER. 
I shrugged it off in a minute. I really couldn’t care less. Lots of amazing people were there and I just wanted to say hell to everyone! Added 3 more miles with my team mates to cool down, and then they did the raffle. Seriously, I had never seen such amazing prizes!! Ate a cereal bar, put back all the clothes and run back home for a total 5 miles post race: WIN!
Finish time: 21:34. Average Pace: 6:56
Previous PR: 21.09. From: August 2012
Age Grading: 69.94%
Overall Place: 28 of 336
Gender Place: 4 of 185
Age Place: 2 of … not sure.
I haven’t signed up for anything else yet but there are two more races this month I started looking at. I have already done a total of 14 this year, so I could stop here and be happy with how this year went. I really could sit and tell myself how great I did. This year can probably go in the books as my best running year so far.
And actually, I am close to the time when we stop getting faster… Or soon. And if my 3 PRs from this year are the last ones I get, well, I think I can live happily with that. Happy Monday and here’s to Very Happily Ever After PRs!

TMobile Shoe4Africa 5K RR (Or: Another race time I can’t explain…)

Mizuno’s BE, my new training (NOT running) shoes

A few weeks before Berlin I got these lovely shoes… Let me shoe you (ha, pun intended!)!
The sole is super thin and bendable. The insteresting part is inside… your toes are pretty much, hanging out, literally. The way Samurais did it years and years ago.
See? I know, it’s hard to understand… Here is the Mizuno version
Before you say anything, THESE ARE NOT FOR RUNNING!
You wear them around the house, or to work (??) (I do!) or wherever. But Mizuno is very clear that they are not for running. NOT RUNNING.
So, this idea is based on the Waraji sandals the Samurai and Japanese foot soldiers wore. 
They are supposed to develop your muscles and tendons by engaginging your toes.
Anway, not wanting to do anything crazy before my marathon I started wearing them when I came back. Ha, I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to walk around much with my toes hanging out, like they  were about to jump off a cliff or something. And I was quite aware of it all for the first minutes every time I got up. Then I’d forget. And so on.
I felt the soreness the day after. Which I loved, so I kept wearing them more and more.  After a couple of days I wore them without even a second thought! Not only I didn’t feel anything weird with  my toes, but my toes really got used to moving around.
I really like them. They’re super light weight and a great tool to make your feet stronger as well as challenge and engage them. I am not sure I can tell you how much they’ve made my feet better but I definitely feel they are a lot more active these days.

Mizuno’s BE, my new training (NOT running) shoes

My first Orienteering Run!

On Sunday I was going to meet my friend Helen for a run, she said noon. I said, I’ll confirm later. I wasn’t sure how late I’d be going to sleep on Saturday and how crappy-feeling or late I’d wake up on Sunday. Luckily, I woke up early, finished the 20 last questions (of 200) of the Track and Field test and I was ready and wide awake by noon!

Helen, just so you know, is VERY fast. She just came in 2nd in the Brooklyn marathon last weekend, so she has no business running with me. And somehow, she still does. I am still not sure why (I might be quite entertaining or something) but I figured she’d be sore and slow this week so I could totally run with her and not feel like I am dragging her down.
I got to the park and she had papers, maps, phone… wtf? she then explains she’s doing an “orienteering” run. A what? I interpreted it as a very technically mapped scavenger hunt with no prize, but I decided I’d be fine with hot chocolate after. Basically, this one was organized by the Hudson Vally Orienteering and they give a map just like this one:
I was instantly on board!! Now there’s a sense to the run. It’s not just piling on miles with osom conversation and fabulous landscapes (as if that wasn’t more than enough): there’s a challenge, a misterious direction, and things to figure out and new things to see than the regular path… FUN!!!! Fun Fun Fun Fun FUN!!!
I guess you pick the distance/level of difficulty, look for the markers (not sure that’s the technical term!!), and there’s a color crayon where you get to the “marker”, and you make yourself a “mark” in your “sheet” (I have no idea what the terminology is!!!) and you go in order from spot to spot and then back to the start/finish. Or something like that.
Some markers were easy to see, like this one right on the road and under the cat hill cat, some were really well hidden…
I thought it was ridiculously fun to not be sure where we were going next. We had to back track a bunch of times, because sometimes we were not sure where the markers were… or they were higher up a climb, or down… Helen was really good at the climbing, I tend to get scared I am gonna turn into roadkill. Eventually we made it to the finish area, and they had chocolate chip cookies and oreos!!!!! Awww! WIN!
Those are my OSOM (funny) leg warmers, so what? Those two on the right really got there sprinting ike crazy, like they raced there, they were sweaty and breathing heavily and had mud in their sneakers, I am guessing they were quite competitive about it or something!?!?!
We had chocolate oreos, run a few more miles and got some really dense hot chocolate. I can see myself doing some of these in the future. But seriously, if I tell myself there’s hot chocolate at the end I’d probably say yes to anything.
Bonus – As seen on the run:

Helen’s not just fun and fast, but also takes great pictures!

My first Orienteering Run!

Mission Accomplished: I am a Certified Track and Field Coach! Now what?

Two weekends ago I attended the Track and Field 21.5 hours certification course. Over the past week I was determined to read the material before I started with the online test. The test was 200 questions… One coach on twitter told me he did it in 3 hours… hm… the instructors had warned us that  some questions were tricky.

By Friday, coming back to the city from a ridiculous Thanksgiving OverEatingFest, I decided to tackle it anyway, I had read nothing and if I waited, I’d never get around to it. I wasn’t 100% sure about some of the topics, mostly the jumps and the throws, but jumped (ha) right into it.

They were really tricky, the wording was unstable to say the least. I had to reread a few of them outloud! 200 questions. 80% had to be right. So I’d be fine with getting just 160 right… it took me a while, NOT 3 hours. Basically big chunks of Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. I am sure you’re doubting my brains right now… I might have been a bit overparanoid with the trickiness and English not being my native language…

Then, I was done, press “Grade my Exam”, closed my eyes, and:

Congratulations on successfully completing the USA Track & Field Level 1 Coaching Education program!

You scored a 97.5% on the exam, which is a passing score. Hopefully by having passed the exam, as well as having attended the classroom instruction, you have a better understanding of coaching concepts for track & field.

ehem… that’s just 5 wrong answers in 200! Quite happy with that! These were the topics on the course and exam:

Topic Philosophy, Ethics, and Risk Management Psychology Physiology Biomechanics Training Theory Biomotor Training for the Speed and Power Events The Sprint Events The Hurdle Events The Relay Events The Jumping Events The Throwing Events The Endurance Events The Racewalking Events 

Well, there went two weekends! As for my coaching future, there’ll be some updates soon.  As for my own training, I am now really going to pour over some of the new physiology and training theory I learned (and all the interesting stuff they give us access to online!!!) and create all my workouts for the first half of next year. The decision is made: I am going to focus on the half marathon again, as I did this year. No Spring marathon for me, again. And, what I did this year worked, but that doesn’t mean it’ll work next year. Workouts will be adjusted based on goals, pace, fitness level, etc. As soon as it’s all ready, I’ll share, I promise! Here we go.

Mission Accomplished: I am a Certified Track and Field Coach! Now what?


This is really hard for me to write, acknowledge and also say outloud, but here it goes. I hope it doesn’t sound horrible. But I think I have to say it. Outloud.

I have never ever ever been FITTER. In my life. I am the fastest, lightest, smoothest, efficient I’ve ever been.
Why is that so hard to say? Yes, well, it sounds horrendous to everybody else, but it’s probably because maybe I don’t feel like I deserve it, or that I did enough to get here, or at least enough in everybody else’s eyes… Or something. It’s hard to say. And having had sooo many injuries in the past year, and not PRing for 16 months, this is a huge mental game change.
I just feel it. It’s like the wiriness I felt before the marathon, it’s palpable. And sometimes we feel feit, but there is nothing tangible. There is proof in this case. 
It is not just that I PRed like nothing in Berlin, and felt amazing, great, and in control and no pain.
I also PRed a week before, doing the Fifth Avenue Mile, and it felt effortless, like I was gliding.
My runs since, have been phenomenal. And faster than ever. Even on dirt.
And I really feel it, like I am in some kind of virtual world, where my weight is ok, my endurance is there, where my pace is effortless and efficient…
I never thought I could be in control of what shape I was on. I just run. Some days slow, some days ok. I feel like now have a handle on it what is happening with my body. And I don’t think I’ve done much to create the change, but the change is really palpable. Or that I just can’t believe it and adjust to it.
It’s amazing. I want to write a poem but it would make no sense. I am just going to keep running.


USA Track and Field Coaching Certification (Or what I did this past weekend)

I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while. And.. you know, I’ve not just been running for a while, but I read A LOT of running books and running publications. I was expecting to be bored, and know most of it, and also hoping I would know most of it, and ALSO hoping I didn’t. You know?

Well, I did learn a lot. If you think about it, I only know about Distance and Biomechanics. And not what THEY call Distance, but just Halfs and Marathons and stuff.
Anyway, I signed up, found out that a few of my friends would be in attendance and decided I was gonna make the best of it. The schedule was a little crazy. Friday 6 to 10:30 pm (after a full day at work!), Saturday 8 am to 8 pm, and Sunday 8 am to 2:30 pm. Just 1 hour lunch on Saturday. Barbaric: I have no idea how to wake up at 7 anymore. It was a necessary pain.
Then I saw the Classes:
Bio-Motor Training
Training Theory
There was a lot in there I have never even touched. Or seen. I felt like an idiot assuming I knew so much. I really learned a lot. The funny thing is that having the Biomechanics part down, was KEY. Once you know the physics of movement, every sport can be broken down step by step (ha, pun intended!), it’s ALL TECHNIQUE. I  felt like I had an unfair advantage, even with things I’ve never bothered like the jumps (long jump, high jump, pole vault, triple jump) or the throws (shot put, discus, javelin, hammer) as they broke them down, all phases of balancing movement and momentum, as well as all the laws of physics you can apply to it. 
Fun Fact: Pole Vault can be a fun class. There’s a lot of fun vocabulary: penetration, hard poles, soft poles, bend the body on the pole. Not sure why I was the only one having a blast though. blush
So, Physiology and Endurance and Training Theory were VERY interesting. I learned a lot and here is a little snapshot of things to think about:
– There are no bad workouts, just bad reasons to do a workout. For example, why do mile repeats? What is that accomplishing, what are you giving up in return and what are you gaining, and how soon? Is it worth it? After we went over the science, I am not sure I’ll ever bother with mile reps anymore!
– Best workout to do the day after a long run is NOT a recovery run, add some speed/accelerations/maybe not a full workout but add some quality! why? endurance is down, work on the rest, your physiology is ready!
– Your first 7 seconds of every race are free!! did you know that? Check out what ATP does!
– When you’re over 30, you don’t produce any Human Growth Hormone anymore (so your recovery slows down). When you do speedwork, you produce HGO!
– One key thing is we shouldn’t see ourselves (or the people we coach) as Runners. You should see yourself, and train, like an Athlete that Runs. It is quite a different thing. 
Best workout for distance runners: the threshold run. Do you know how to do reps of aerobic or anaerobic of both? How do you pick what intervals are better fitted for your training program? So many things I had never thought before… Why does the Billat 30-30 work so well? Well, I will be going over these things soon, if you’re interested!
Now, I gotta reread the book and take a 200 question test. I’ll be reading (sleeping with the book on top of me!) over there. PS: definitely worth it!

USA Track and Field Coaching Certification (Or what I did this past weekend)

if there is a choice, PRIMAL is better.

I have a friend that says often enough that is there was a nuclear attack, I’ll be the only thing left along with the cockroaches. That does not seem fun but thanks? I guess…? 
I heard that enough times that I had to give it a thought.

I do like that I tend to need less things every day (not common anywhere, less so for a newyorker).

I believe in minimalism in every aspect. It works for me. Less IS more. You live with what you have around, and the less you have, the better. I think my only talent is that I have a really good survival instinct; it dictates all my decisions and it helps uncomplicate life and shed the unnecessary. I am not even talking “natural” or “minimalist”, follow your primal instincts!

You all know my heart attack story. I went the way no pills and surgery, thank you, I’ll do my running thing and we’ll see. I had no idea what I was doing but thanks, survival instinct! My decisions seem crazy sometimes, but it’s all about going back to basics and/or moving forward.
It works, we keep at it; it doesn’t work, we move away. Simple. There is really not much more. In a way, it is survival of the fittest. The simpler the better.

I eat what I have around, or what my body tells me to, whatever that means, why overly-complicate things? I would really survive on anything because my body has adjusted to anything I throw at it. It’s evolved into a “this is what we do now” machine and has learned to roll with the punches. This applies to food, running, work, relationships, running shoes, you name it! 
You see some serious elite runners racing with no gps, or train without fueling. It CAN be done, but can we? The more I ask of my body (whether that’s something good or bad), the better it responds. The faster it adapts. The higher the evolution.

Listen to your primal needs, follow your survival inst instinct, shed the complications, your body will toughen up and there will be less stress. One of most basic things I learned is that a happy runner is always a better runner.

if there is a choice, PRIMAL is better.

The Marathon That Wasn’t Meant to Be, WAS

I am going to admit it, when I was young, in Buenos Aires, I used to watch telenovelas. Yeah, really, what you call soap-operas. I should be ashamed. But I have no shame in me.
I just remembered that, because, these past 4 days felt like a huge soap-opera… Full of stoopidity and drama and hysteria for no reason. Meh. And there is a reason why I don’t watch soapies anymore. But I am moving on from that, as I said in my last post, because, you know, it is what it is, and it’s over. Saturday was good, got a lot done, and also managed to process and help others process.
I wasn’t sure how to start my Sunday, as, hum, I was supposed to do a marathon… My friend Elaine (cheeky.runner!) organized a run of the last 10 miles of the marathon as she had a bunch of international friends she felt responsible for. We had to make sure they had a good day.
But… all sorts of organized runs had started popping up everywhere in the last two days. People were still running their 26.2 in the park and telling everyone to come. And it was gaining some real momentum. I was not going to do 26.2 for no bling, ha, but I’d do my share to support the runners who had traveled for all of this.
I posted it on twitter, in case any runners wanted to join in, and, of course, got the backlash I expected, like “go volunteer instead”. I, never, throughout this bullying campaign, engaged in any of it.  No matter how stooopid or hurtful it was. It wasn’t easy but I would have loved for these people to show me proof that they were also doing their part, all 24 hrs of the day, -seriously, why can’t I run AND volunteer? Can’t people do more than 1 thing in a day? Oh, I guess non-runners don’t?!?! Whatever. Rant over.
I even feared some of these “people” would show up to mess with us. Bring it. I am always ready. I heard from a couple of friends who were too scared to go to the park, or guilted into not running, because “they should be ashamed”. I won’t hide. I was wearing my marathon shirt (YES< I WORE THE SHIRT THE DAY OF THE RACE) and PROUD of it. Even though it’s such a running faux-paux!
We were gonna meet at 59th St and 1st Ave, so I had to run a mile there, on First. As soon as I set foot out, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Loads of runners on the (non) marathon course, running north on First Avenue. Doing the (non)course. I was already in love back with my city.
I met my friends, everyone sang their national anthem (ugh… well… I can’t sing!) and we took off at a relaxed pace.
We run up First Ave, then on the course… and yes, we got some flack. Twice. One … “person”… screamed “selfish” at us and I… you know… I am a combo of south american/newyorker, so I react fast, and I am not shy. I paused my watch, turned around and screamed right back… And you know I like to curse a bit too… Anyway, I think after all I got bullied online these last days, they got away quite unharmed, which is pretty good. Then an old lady was all confused looking at us, and couldn’t come up with anything so all she said was “Bloomberg said not to run”.
BUT… the rest… the rest of the people… were SO EFFIN AMAZING!!!!!!! We got many many cars honking at us, people clapping, people cheering, taking pictures and they all smiled. Yes, the run was as healing as it could be for me. Call me selfish, for not volunteering exactly those 3 particular hours or whatever you want to call me, but this is exactly what I needed. It’s not like there has to be a schedule to help out! Pfffft. You do what you want, when you want, live and let live! 
Then we got to Central Park. Oh, before that, running up Fifth Avenue, George Hirsch is locking up his car and looks at us, and says Go Runners. George. Hirsch. I said, Thank you George. While I almost died of happiness.
Then we really got to Central Park.  
Central Park.
Central Park too my breath away. I don’t even know how to describe this part. I am still crying over that sight. Part of the soap-opera. I cried. And then I cried some more. I went from the runner who was upset, to a big baby. 
It was crowded, there was barely any place to walk. Not just runners. Also lots of people cheering. There were people with gallons of water and little cups, with water bottles, with fruit, with whatever they could hand out. I took none, I had only 9 miles in me, and though I was starving cause we started at 11 and ate nothing before, I had a lump in my throat the whole way. Go tell a runner not to run their marathon. Try. 
It was so beautiful. Like, all of a sudden, we were ok. It was ok to be a runner and the city liked us again. We were going to turn left at Engineer Gate and do the last miles of the course, but instead, we turned right, and got to the Finish line the long way, along with the direction of the crowds. I have no words to explain it. It was magical.
It felt unreal to get to the Finish Line. It was just a made up milestone, but you know… you truck along and you might just get there… All roads always point to some kind of made up finish line, don’t they?
The marathon wasn’t mean to be this year. But what happened, was so unexpected and inspiring… and exactly what I needed to see.
People running because they wanted to fundraise, because they were already fundraising and felt they had to do the miles they promised, because we don’t stop at no, or because you can’t ever tear us down, or because we believe that our running transcends our miles and sweat and inspires everyone around us and creates change, because it brings some sense of normalcy, or because we get rid of the bad and because everything we believe is focused on moving forward and doing it together.
I am now a different runner. I turned into running to save my heart and my life. As of today, I am a runner because I know I can’t live without it. It makes me who I am, and I will stick with it no matter how much people can hate me for it. And because it makes my heart beat. .
And it makes it beat to the point of explotion at the sight of people who are told they can’t and they still do it, together, happily, to help others and each other cope, rebuild, and move on, always forward. You can all say what you want if you don’t like it. This is who I am, naked, a re-born runner.

The Marathon That Wasn’t Meant to Be, WAS


11/2/2012 7:21 PM CDT
I am drained. Exhausted. P!ssed. I know in two minutes I will move on and get over it. But maybe I need to put this down now because, well, I am a blogger, and this is NOT right.
When I took on then Social Media assignment I never thought it’d turn into this. I am a bit sick of a lot of the stoooopidity we have around.
This is what I wrote in my post earlier today (skip if you read it)
There is of course, all the people who think the marathon shouldn’t happen. And yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I’d love for everyone to have an informed opinion instead of reacting out of …desperation?, but this was the mayor’s decision and he has more information to make this decision than all of us together, so I am going with that. If he had decided not to, I would have respected that decision too.
Then, there are runners saying “it doesn’t feel right to run”, then don’t do it, it is quite simple. We all have to do what seems best for each one of us given our set of mental rules and there is no need to bash everyone else for their decisions. Live and let live. I come from a third world country where these situations where people don’t have power, or food, or a place to live is very common, every day, every single day, so I have been faced with these situations on a daily basis and grew up in similar situations. I am doing the marathon. The mayor decided it’s on. Period. And I do believe he has a good reason to make that decision. 
And yes, I also do believe the marathon will bring a smile, a nice distraction, and a lot of money, to a lot of people who have had a rough rough week.
Anyway, I didn’t want to go into that but I guess that just happened. This is a blog about running after all. I plan to run, if the mayor lets me, as always, to celebrate life. That is what my running is always about, moreso in a crappy week like this one.
Growing up I kept being told (when I wanted to go to some party everybody was going to and not me, or when my grades where better), don’t worry about what the others do, just about what you do. Live and let live.
Why did I write that? If you were not following things on local tv or twitter, you wouldn’t know…
It was a complete sh!tshow. People attacking every single runner doing the marathon. People attacking elite athletes for participating. I put one tweet up:
Julie Culley “the marathon is the best way to bring the city together and move forward” #ingnycm @julieculley
And got BLASTED with hate. Every 10 minutes I’d get a tweet calling me and her all kinds of names. It was insane. And, of course, it MADE NO SENSE to me. I can’t care less about their opinions (and I obv have nothing to do with any decision!). It just annoys me that I have to go in there to report and block, a waste of my time. Yes, you’re entitled to your own opinion but this was a full-blown bullying campaign. I swear, they’d send me identical tweets. People who just created the account and that’s all they’ve ever tweeted about. Please… Go volunteer if you care that much. Stop the bs and do something constructive. Anyway, they’re not my problem, they have a family who has to put with them, hopefully one friend, or not.
A great friend, and a veteran member of the NYRR Board told me today how before 9-11 it was just like this, but a LOT worse, for two months. People kept telling them how would they dare do a marathon in a devastated city. It was a lot worse. And we all keep hearing how the marathon brought everyone together and helped heal and move forward. I really believed he was right. He just told me, wait until Sunday, you’ll see.

Then, they cancel the race.
I got instantly p!ssed. 
As you know, I had nothing riding on this race. I’ve done my Fall marathon, which went way better that I could have hoped for. I wasn’t gonna PR, so I had nothing at stake in this race, other than having a good time. The good time was looking more and more dubious, but if the race was on, I was going to race. I never doubted running or not. Never. I have done the race with broken ribs, a dead arm, on no training because of foot stress fractures, whatever. It might be sheer stooopidity, or a reflex, but I never even thought of backing out. Why? Not my thing.
Wednesday, when they weren’t sure, I was ambivalent about it, completely 100% neutral about it. Today, NO. Today, I am p!ssed. Had a good friend get in today and he had a trek, with the storm and all. SO many people flying in, from all over the world, yesterday, today. It’s too late.
Decision is ok, Timing is WRONG Mr Mayor.
Also, WHY? Because of the bullies?!?!??!?! If the Mayor made the decision 2 days ago and thought it was best for the city, has anything changed or is it because of the bullies? Why do we give into that? I don’t get it. I said in my post earlier, whatever decision he made, I am sure is right as he has more information. I am not sure the decision is based on facts, more so on emotions. Pls. 
OKAY, rant over. I get to eat Shake Shack tonight, run a lot whenever this weekend and move on. And I got an osom shiny watch I am excited about. Sorry out-of-towners, I feel for you.


Thursday Report, NYCM still on! Jason Hartmann, Nina Kuscsik, Julie Culley, etc

Lots happened yesterday too, of course. I keep getting home too destroyed to even think about eating. Hard to think I’ll be doing a marathon in two days with all that is happening. I spent a big chunk of the day yesterday at the Media Center. Here are some pics:
NYRR On the Run being taped
Sharon Cherop
Nina… rockstar. We talked about old times, when Fred started the club, stuff from the Run for Your Life movie… Love her!
She got inducted to the NYRR Hall of Fame, article here, hence the Tiffany plate.
Jason Hartmann, 4th in Boston. I am ready to make a prediction here…!
Julie Culley, who was very emotional about Sandy. Here is her flotrack interview, and somehow I am in the background the whole time..!
Finish line being set up.
Then I headed to the expo, to see what was happening, pick up on the mood of the athletes, and yeah, get my bib too of course. 
You gotta travel with gold right? No trains, no problem! I had been walking around the day before all over the city, miles and miles. I was too tired!
I saw everyone at the expo. It wasn’t as crowded as it usually is given that a lot of people haven’t made it into town, but the mood was around a  ”let’s do this thing”. It is a tough week for a lot of people. This guy from Brooklyn said it took him two hours to get there to pick up his bib. People that still have no power but came to the expo because they were sick of being couped up, depressed, and needed to get out of the house. People who needed the marathon to get their heads on something else. You know how it is. Just a bit of running can make you feel better about everything, no matter how messy the situation is. 
There is of course, all the people who think the marathon shouldn’t happen. And yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I’d love for everyone to have an informed opinion instead of reacting out of …desperation?, but this was the mayor’s decision and he has more information to make this decision than all of us together, so I am going with that. If he had decided not to, I would have respected that decision too.
Then, there are runners saying “it doesn’t feel right to run”, then don’t do it, it is quite simple. We all have to do what seems best for each one of us given our set of mental rules and there is no need to bash everyone else for their decisions. Live and let live. I come from a third world country where these situations where people don’t have power, or food, or a place to live is very common, every day, every single day, so I have been faced with these situations on a daily basis and grew up in similar situations. I am doing the marathon. The mayor decided it’s on. Period. And I do believe he has a good reason to make that decision. 
And yes, I also do believe the marathon will bring a smile, a nice distraction, and a lot of money, to a lot of people who have had a rough rough week.
Anyway, I didn’t want to go into that but I guess that just happened. This is a blog about running after all. I plan to run, if the mayor lets me, as always, to celebrate life. That is what my running is always about, moreso in a crappy week like this one.
Growing up I kept being told (when I wanted to go to some party everybody was going to and not me, or when my grades where better), don’t worry about what the others do, just about what you do. Live and let live.

Heartbeats are important, let me just tell you a story about that one day 😉 HA, like you haven’t heard THAT a hundred times!

Thursday Report, NYCM still on! Jason Hartmann, Nina Kuscsik, Julie Culley, etc

About Wednesday, the NYCM is on… (+ KimSmith, MollyPritz, & AmyHastings)

Yesterday was a really tough day. Today is gonna be super busy so I am gonna get this one out FAST (sorry if there is misspellings!).

Most runners are delayed, the airports just opened yesterday and the last one today. With that, all elites that were scheduled to get into town on Monday/Tuesday etc, got stuck somewhere. Just a handful of the elites got into town, the ones who drove and met them up yesterday for press.

I got to sit for a while with Kim Smith, Molly Pritz, and Amy Hastings.

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Kim recognized me right away, either from the Opening Ceremonies, where we chatted for a while, or from the Dinner with Champions, where… we chatted for a while (ha, and you all know I am CHATTY!). We chatted for a while. Then this weird journalist came over and wanted to talk to her in “private”. We both thought it was rude and weird. whatever.

Amy is deliriously cute. We talked about pacing, strategies, the course, what type of runner she is. She trains with Kim and they’re such different runners. It was fun that I kept talking to them and asking them questions about training and specifics of the course, while most (ALL!) of the other journalists had very general questions, and then their more specific questions were… hmmm, things like “what’s a tempo”. Just kidding, a few of them knew them really well!

Molly Pritz is a RIOT. We chatted about everything (running gets boring after a bit…!). Check out her Halloween hand:

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Carrie Tollefson was there too, she waves at me and screams hello. And I was like, is she drinking this early?!?!?! I go and introduce myself and she knew exactly who I was. That’s a brain people, some memory!


Then the conference call happened, Meb, Brett Gotcher, etc, were on it (transcript here) and Mary Wittenberg made it. On another note, this was the first day of bus, but no subway yet, so traffic was RIDICULOUS. I attempted the bus, and… it was running 10 blocks per 25 minutes, so got off and walked the 3 miles there, then back. Whatever.


Seeing Mary… was inspiring as usual. This is why I said it was tough day. We were all worrying a bit about the marathon… with no trains, how do you get 50K people to the start???? plus volunteers, etc… Then, a lot of people started saying the marathon should be cancelled, how would be take city employees (fire dept, police dept, medical personnel, etc. etc.) away from recovery efforts?? Some people are still missing, half the city has no power, lots need evacuation, etc. They were angry and were calling the marathon frivolous. I was upset too.


Mary said they were in assessment mode. They were going to do their best if the marathon happened but they didn’t know and they were just “in assessment mode”. Basically, the Mayor was going to decide if they could spare the city officials the marathon needed, and all the other efforts and resources needed. She said recovery of the city was a priority and NYRR and the Mayor agreed. It was up to him.

Still, lots of adjustments need to made. Maybe the Opening Ceremonies and the 5K wouldn’t happen. Maybe they’d hand out bibs until late Sat night. Maybe they’d let people defer, etc. etc. I knew she was trying to sound positive but it is a tough position and there is no win. People will be upset whether you do the marathon or whether you don’t. I trust the Mayor and Mary have the most resources to make the best decision. I do.

At 3 pm, Bloomberg said the marathon would go on. The expo opens tomorrow and most exhibitors haven’t made it into town. All is happening in a last-minute basis. But even last minute, this is really good stuff. If the marathon doesn’t happen, we’ll all be ok. But I think, as usual, that the city needs it. It’ll also bring a lot of people to reactivate the economy that slumped for a few days… Tough days ahead. I trust everyone will be in their most cooperative behavior.  We will have to lower our expectations, have patience and adjust; a lot. I’ll be the one trying to help and having a blast over there, thanks.

What a mess, Sandy. Did you have to visit this week?

Ugh. I still need to wake up. I think it will take a few days…

This was scheduled to be one of my busiest weeks of the year… if you had seen my calendar you’d think I had cloned myself. In between work, coaching, and all the marathon related things, I was ready to go full swing since last week.
But it wasn’t meant to be huh?

Saturday things started to slow down and shut down. I did my run around 3 pm and it was getting cloudy and windy. Sunday people started leaving the city. My run was uneventful, though there really was a strange wind in the air. The trains and buses all scheduled to shut down at 7 pm, so we would all stay indoors. It took me a bit to decide where to hunker down, but all I’ve learned in my years here is that the Upper East Side is usually the place with the least issues, so I stayed.
I did no prep. Sunday night was quite quiet.
Monday morning, I was starting to get antsy. I don’t usually stay for so long in my apartment (I wish I had time to do this more often!), and it felt stoopid to be so secluded: no rain or wind just yet. All bridges and tunnels were closed.

At 5 or 6 pm it started raining and it got windy. People started losing power. Lights were flickering. Triple high tide was bringing up loads of water up the south of the city, Battery Park, etc. The Hudson and the East River were coming up into the city soon.

Train station, water above the platform. This is obv, not my picture!

I took my flashlight out, organized the apartment, took my two mp3 players out and found radios I could listen to if lights went out, candles ready, headlamp on, and iphone constantly plugged in to be at 100%.

Lights kept flickering. River came up to First Avenue, 120 meters from where I was. Soon, everyone below 30th st was out of power, along with some of Brooklyn and Queens. Around half the city, a third of a million people without power. In the UES, people were still walking their dogs. Morons.

The Empire State Building was all left with power downtown. Like a beacon of hope or something poetic.

Then I heard wild noises from the tree outside whipping into my window, I got scared for a bit and considered moving my bed. Eventually, when the wind died down, and we figured the worst of the storm had passed, I was ready to pass out. Like a bad dream that needed to be over.
This is gonna be one tough week. And it’s marathon week. It’ll take a bit for the airports to open, for the trains to work, and for First Avenue (some 4 miles of the marathon run on it) and the rest of the course to be cleared up. With half the city with no power and no trains it will be hard to get marathon week moving, but… this is NYC. It’s sunny out now.

What a mess, Sandy. Did you have to visit this week?

At the Edge of the Precipice

Today I remembered something I never think about. This feeling happens only for a few seconds, some very slow but fleeting seconds, just once or twice a year. And I never remembered it, until now. It was more like a tiny memory deja-vu. 

Marathons… take a lot of planning. You sign up about a year before. You get a hotel, a flight, or not, you decide when you’ll start training, start building a base, a few months before you officially start training. You then start the road to get you to the start, you do your runs, you measure your weekly, and monthly mileages, you plan when you’ll do tempos, speed, long runs and how much of them. You build up, you taper, a week or two before, more macro planning, race fueling, gear, weather panic, pace, course strategy, etc.

The days before are… full of stuff to do, full of emotions, good luck wishes, to-do lists, phone calls, checking the weather obsessively, outfit options, etc… You wake up on race day, have your morning meal, hydrate, do your business, gear up, all of it, get to the start, see people, get nervous, get excited, leave the phone, walk into the corral, usually in throaway clothes, nervous chatter, we’re all pumped and ready, the cannon… And that’s when it usually happens. My stomach sinks.

I get a second of vacuum. It’s like you can’t breathe. 

The Abyss.

There is a deep realization that all the chatter stops here.This is the moment when I jump; there will be a long fall and I alone have brought myself there and there is no stopping it and no backing down.I am in front of a a bottomless blind hollowness and I have to jump. IN. No way back now. I breathe in, I see the long space ahead, and I know I have to jump. I know it’s gonna hurt, and I know there will be no net to spare me the pain. And I picked this. There is no one there to help you. There is no sound, no words of “it’ll be fine”, nothing can save you. Air tight vacuum. I breathe in. A bit of panic. A bit of Air. A bit of courage. A bit of wondering if I can really do this one more time. I breathe in. Very little air. The long long road ahead until we can breathe. 

And I jump.

A few seconds later, the sounds come back, the running gets my blood moving, the air rushes in and fills me up with the joy of running and and how lucky I feel to be embarking into another 26.2 long adventure, and I feel  fine for a while.

At the Edge of the Precipice

There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel

I have been walking on sunshine since my marathon… and even though it’s been 3 weeks it’s hard to believe it really happened. I have one of those Timex stick-on fake digital watches in my fridge that says 3:27:44; whenever I see it, I think someone must have done that. Not me.
I am not sure why I never give myself any kind of credit as a runner, but it is what it is.
I was forced to stop saying I was slow and not a good runner since I was BQing in every marathon. I stopped saying “no, really, I am really really slow” because people would get upset, but I never really moved on from that mentality. I think it’s because I am in this for what it brings into my life and I don’t want to risk losing any of it, getting trapped looking at numbers.
So, it’s quite surprising what is happening now. Sunday morning, I caught myself going back to look at my marathon splits, after 3 weeks. They are just so beautiful. And I still have no clue how I managed to do it. And, on the other hand, it all feels so normal now. It is very confusing. Could it be? Could I really by ok with the runner I’ve become? Maybe I can actually care a bit about being a “faster” runner and still keep the FUN part going? Can I really be this?
Last week, I only managed two runs. A 2-mile hill rep run, and a 3-mile hill sprints (lack of time!) so by Saturday I was ready to go! I did the unthinkable: Mile reps + longish run + by myself + on the briddle path. I don’t usually run by myself on the weekends, but had a lot of time constraints so I had no choice: added the mile reps to keep it interesting. Managed 3 miles at 5K pace, on dirt, which makes them a bit slower, so… GREAT. I added a few hilly loops to get to 9 and felt GREAT. Really? Is this what being in shape is like? I felt SO fantastic. Recovered from a marathon where I threw it all in, in 3 weeks, another PR. And I can now keep my stride fluid, and manage a 195 cadence on my slow runs… It’s really all clicking.
After years and years of being constantly injured, catching up, messed up with some broken bone(s) or something, this is completely strange to me, and I hope you can understand why it’s so amazing, and confusing, and exciting, and not me. I am trying to embrace this new phase, and it’s quite easy because the sky is the limit, but again, SO foreign to me.

There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel