Tag Archive | nyc

Running through Central Park in a bikini? Check

Before you even have to ask, yes:


(there’s more pictures, but they really can’t be posted!!!)

The Mini10k last weekend was a women’s teams points. My team said they’d be cheering topless for all the women. They didn’t.

Yesterday was a 5 miler with team points for the men. I wasn’t gonna go cheer, to tell you the truth, but I woke up at 6, and my bf asked me to go. So I figured, if I am getting out of bed at such an ungodly hour, I might as well make it worth it. He left, so I kept putzing around, half asleep, and tried a couple of things.. the bikini seemed appropiate. I guess I was still really asleep. Wrote the sign. Put a whistle and my phone in a spibelt and at 7 am I run out.

Did a 2 mile run to the race’s Mile 1. I thought the problem of running with a bikini would be the top: no support! It wasn’t. Apparently, I don’t need much! Or any! The bottoms were a problem though. After some time I gave up the constant unwedging… Got to mile 1, met up with my friend Patricia, and it was ridiculous. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

You should have seen their faces. Shock, mouths open, smiling, laughing, cheering AT ME, pointing, my bf almost stopped there. After 5 minutes, we run an extra mile to the finish. In a bikini, you’re not just one more runner: people DO see you when you’re running through the park in swim wear. Everyone kept shouting my name.

We couldn’t even believe all the fuss. Of course, I am South American and Patricia is French, so… you know… It was like being back in Argentina, on a regular day, walking to work or something, everyone was shouting, mouths open, stares, heads turned (uh, sorrry to the biker that fell on his face!! almost forgot). Quite fun.

So, done the tutu and the bikini, what’s next????!?!?! Happy Monday!

HAPPY National RUNNING Day! (What’s YOUR running day/week like?)

Happy Best Day Ever!

I am not gonna lie, this day creeped up on me, just like anything else. But, I am having a good running WEEK, so it’s ALL A-OKAY. Here is my National Running Day Happy List:

  • Somehow I managed 35 miles last week. CRAZY. Average this year had been 20. I didn’t even notice until I tallied it up.
  • First long run with Blaise, my training partner, in a WHILE (a year?!?!). I love consistency.
  • I did speedwork TWICE in a week. TWICE.  Yeah, twice. Didn’t do any for a year, now twice. Feeling way better about it.
  • Got two good nights of sleep this week. It’s amazing how good that is, I wake up feeling like a brand new person!
  • Got lots of new shoes and samples this week to keep things interesting and new.
  • Volunteered/Attended a talk last night with Scott Jurek, Steve Friedman, Peter Sarsgaard, Chris McDougall…
  • Best Moment: when Chris McDougall recognized me and screamed my name. He’s loud, and tall, and I couldn’t believe he remembered me. Total Shock.
  • Run tonight with the Footlocker people for NatRunningDay, should be fun!
  • The Mini10k is this weekend! I know I won’t PR but I LOVE that race. And I got a new tiny pink running skirt.Or maybe I’ll break out the tutu again 

Last Night: Chris, Scott, Steve, Peter, will post more tomorrow about all they said, I took notes to share.

Last Year at the Mini10K (more pics):

HAPPY National RUNNING Day! (What’s YOUR running day/week like?)

NO Whining

I saw this shirt in a running store a few days ago. It stuck.

I realize there should be no whinning on running. This is not a chore, it’s a gift, and we should be grateful every single minute that we’ve found something that gives us so much.. an outlet for our thoughts, our emotions, a place to unload, a solace from the world, a way to connect with the universe, an activity that makes us healthier and more human, a learning experience, a chance to discover ourselves and who we want to become… So, unless we’re injured and we can’t run, there’ll be no whining, no more “I wish I was in better shape”, or, “I am upset I didn’t hit that PR”, or even “Why can’t I be faster?”. There is no more space for whining. It is all of the above and NEVER a way for us to feel bad about any of it. No alibis. No Whining. Just doing your best, and making sure you savor every second of it, is ALL.

Hum, where was I going with this?? I have the Healthy Kidney 10K tomorrow (lots of elites in town) and I hate 10ks. Happy Weekend Everyone!

NO Whining

What’s Hawaiian for Running?

I had a couple of free hours this weekend (though not much) and, instead of some very needed R&R or some waterside fun, I decided it was time to get lost! Every time!
So I grabbed my camera, my room key and my hat, sunproofed up and took off, not really knowing which way to go…
The first day on Waikiloa we had done a little run on the race course with the team and coaches for recon, so I obviously went the other way on my first solo run. Soon, I was out in the back of the resort, through a golf course, through their gorgeous “highway”, and by some of the most amazing views I’ve seen. And I’ve seen plently…
This was ridiculous.
Run 1:
The good thing is that you can take your shoes and enjoy the water anytime. Or, you can take your shoes and cool off and drinse the sweat. Any way you want to look at it, our sport is really conducive to jumping on the water at any time.
I was following a guy for a bit who started a bit more lost than I was, but I figured it’d be easier for me that he was up ahead. Soon I was waiving, and nodding, and alohaing runners everywhere. Or probably thriathlets. But… I never get to do this in NYC…! There’s just so many runners in NYC it’s impossible/impractical/exhausting to wave at people you don’t know… It was great! Three miles in I realize I am running without music, well that’s a first… I didn’t even notice!!
Run 2:
Run 3:
I saw weird squirrels that were super long (I know now they are something called mongoose, cute little yellow birds, dolphins, and the greenest/bluest ocean I’d seen… really, what else could you want from a couple of spare hours at work?

What’s Hawaiian for Running?



751 miles 
751 miles of smiles 
751 miles of smiles since my last birthday

And so many more amazing things. Of course nobody’s life is ever perfect, but I felt truly happy when I woke up this morning. I am close to 40 and not feeling any doubts about how much better it is gonna get. It keeps getting better and better every year!!

I don’t usually do the new year resolutions things, the bucket list thing, I am not one for setting myself up to achieve stuff. 
But if I had to check with my last year’s version of me, I think she’d be ok about where things went!

Beyond the miles, a lot happened since then.. Well, SO many things have changed since (minus my rent-stabilized, park-adjacent, Upper East Side apartment that I am never giving up!)

I PRed in the marathon (3:37) right after my bday; I  represented my boro in the NYC Marathon; I changed industries and found a fabulous job with the largest and most succesful endurance sports training program in the world; Did a brutal 50K; I made new friends; I got certified as a Biomechanics coach; got involved with Girls on the Run; met a lot of the most amazing pro runners and even toured an Olympian thru my park; was profiled in a bunch of papers and magazines, including Women’s Running and the Daily News; had many amazing times with my old friends and family; traveled; ate donuts, cupcakes and lots of cows; I raced all over the place; I raced in a tutu; I got amazing presents and surprises; got to select NYC’s best runners for our “oscars”; got selected for a few commercials for running stuff; and test out a few brands; but mostly, the best thing is that I got share all that time with very special people who are truly dear to me and have brought in so much into my life.

I am not up to setting goals for this year. I’ll let the universe decide. It’s much funner this way. I really believe that if you trust the process and smile to the universe, it’ll smile right back at you.
And, it’s not like I can’t say it hasn’t worked so far!


NYC Half 2012: Owning my NYC streets

Ah, what a day… I was really looking forward to this race!

This was my first race ever, in 2006, the first time they ever held the race. It poured, I had no clue what I was doing, my longest run up to then had been ONE 6 miler and I have no pictures from it. 

It’s been a long journey. (probably an understatement)

As you can imagine, I loved it in 2006. I did it in 07, 08 and 09. Four years in a row, and then, meh, I wanted to diversify. So many roads to explore, so many other races to run… and for some reason this past year I thought to apply (there’s a lottery!) and got in.You never forget your first love, don’t you?

And I got in. Then, after barely recovering from two stress fractures, doing my slowest marathon ever, and getting re-messed up with a month-long tendonitis… I started to get back to it. Basically, I hadn’t been in shape since last July.

In mid January, I started back up slowly, very slowly, low mileage, quality over quantity and very strict rules I imposed on myself. Still, with just two months of little slow (but hilly) mileage, I had no idea where I was fitness-wise. My hill sprints showed some promise in the last month, but nothing record breaking. But I was running, so I was happy. That’s really all that matters!

I was running, but not enough time to train, and NYC Half was just lurking so I just did the best I could and decided I’d enjoy my race. MY race. That was the plan. To run through my city. Also, I had already paid for it!

My goal for the last week was to sleep and be there rested come race morning. Well, that OBVIOUSLY never happened. SoSaturday, I cozied up at 7 pm, passed out, got woken up at 9 pm by crazy loud St. Patrick’s day partiers (my block is pretty much in Ireland!), got earplugs, passed out again and managed to sleep 9 hours. Ok, NOW I am ready.

Race Morning, all is going great. I am freezing in the corral (one hour to go, 47 degrees, and I am in shorts and a singlet), and a lady offers me her extra mylar. YEY. Go into the portapotty and it doesn’t smell… Am I dreaming this? I’m waiting in the corral, and one of the NYRR’s photogs comes over to take my pic. All too much fun!

Not sure why it looks so dark…

Anyway, I was in the third corral, with around 15K people around me. I find two team-mates in my corral, and I know Michelle and I used to be around the same pace, back in the day when I was running consistently.  I ask her what’s her goal. 7:40s or 7:50s or something. Hmmmm, I say, you go girl!!

Given all the stuff I had gone thru, my tighest estimation, if all went well, was a 1:52. Or so I hoped. I also thought I’d be closer to 1:55. But my secret and wildest dream in my fantasy world was a sub 1:50. But, who knows, right? Pace would be around 8:30, if I could hold it, and it would be A-OK.

They introduce the elites, I set the Motoactv (ha, two seconds to get satellite while everyone else is fumbling!!), I check all my parts, and I get crazy excited. I really have to pee, but oh well, forget all about it. NYC, get ready, I am coming and you better be ready for this tornado!!!!!

We go.

There’s Michelle and I, both in our team’s singlets. I decide I was gonna let her go Do not try to pursue her, Elizabeth. But I like company… NO. NO. She’s gonna go fast, and you can’t afford to go fast in the first miles. And the park is the hardest part. NO, let her go!!!

Yeah. I am crazy. And I talk to myself when I race.

Then, around the Mile 1 marker I hear it, and I say I hear it because the Motoactv reads my splits info into my ear, while it lowers the music a bit. Never had to bother to look down to see my splits… how amazing is that???

So, I hear it…

Hmmm. now I am confused… I am not great at a lot of things, but I KNOW I can pace smartly… Is it possible I startd out too fast? Hmmm, I should let Michelle go, and back off?? but I felt good. And also scared that I had no clue what I was doing and was gonna blow up later… Ok, relax, keep going… 

In case you don’t know, the course does 10k in Central Park, with a big big hill and a bunch of rolling hills. After we leave the park it’s completely flat, so you could really really speed up. Unless… you went out too fast. But I know this. There’s now way I could be pacing myself wrong, but on the other hand, how am I going to sustain this pace?!!?

Anyway, want to see a bit more laps…? I bet you do!

Yeah, I was holding it, in the PARK!


And I was still hanging on to Michelle. And I was spitting out splits, as it was just easier for me to repeat what motoactv said, instead of both of us looking down on such a crowded course. 

This is the other thing that was throwing me off. Get Ready. It’s hard to explain, but I am gonna try to do my best.

One of the main reasons this race was so great is because I had the most support and love on the course ANYONE, and I am sure I can prove this, ANYONE had. Not even the elites. I promise you. It’s impossible.

I had my groupies who were there on the course just to see me.

I had lots of friends on the course, to see me and maybe someone else.

I had ALL my coworkers, plus all the Team in Training volunteers, plus all the Team in Training Coaches. That could probably amount to around… 300 hundred people I waved at in this group only.

Half my running team was running, the rest was either spectating, or taking pictures or volunteering at a water stop. Impossible to miss either.

I had LOTs of friends running, who I run into or run past. I even caught one at mile 11 and finished 1 second apart!

Lots of friends on other teams, with their team mates, ex coworkers, NYRR people, Footlocker challenge people, neighbors.

Some of them. I even saw twice or more on the course. Like my friend Patricia, who only slept 3 hours and saw her twice on the course! 

I waived, I screamed, I kissed.

People around me even asked me about it. Who are you? Why are you getting all these cheers?

I promise you, not even the elites got this many shout outs. Impossible.

So… that was throwing me off a bit too. Because I wasn’t sure if I was in a fake high from all the love (there was hill there?!!?!) or if I was really in this ok shape… I let it be, rode the love wave, and decided I would figure it out once I left the park and things calmed down. AS IF. 

In that pic above, I am on the right, waving at the guy in blue, who works at Super Runners shop and best NY runner in his age group (per the Runner of the Year commitee!). See? In EVERY picture I am waving at someone. Pretty ridiculously amazing if you ask me!

Then I get to leave the park…

And into the most amazing part of a course you could run… Times Square! 

Times Squares SUCKS. It does.

If you live here, you hate it. Really, every newyorker hates Times Square 365 days ayear.

BUT, if you are New York Runner, you hate Times Squares, just 362 days. Because the high of running through it, just this one day, lasts a bit. There’s no feeling like it. I can’t describe it. You will have to try it for yourself.

Oh yeah, that’s my I hate Times Square face.

GPSs were going wild and people were freaking out. I had proper pace/speed, you guys don’t?? We’re flying, people, just ride it!

Then we turn into 7th avenue, then onto the West Side Highway… a long, flat, and straight stretch that was quite boring the last time I run it. Not this time. Saw LOTS of Team in Training friends and coworkers (including the boss and the Executive Director!) cheering and in purple wigs. I love my job!

Hmmmm, when I would get a few quiet seconds I did my check ups. Lungs? Heart? Hammies? Feet? All systems seemed to yell GO, so I kept trucking along.

Pace…? you want to know huh? I was still doing low 8s, yeah, unbelievable. Though, really, I was starting to believe. I felt well. I felt like I was floating. Am I really running this pace, this comfortably?


No time like right now to keep running and keep enjoying! Keep trucking! Let’s own these streets!!!!!

Around mile 11, it hits me. And it hits me hard. I remembered when 6 years ago I did this race, my first ever and I saw that Mile 11 sign. I had started crying, and I didn’t stop until I finished the race. I now have a bit more control over my emotions while running, but not that much. I was running. I was still running. Six years later. And I was running fine. With no pain, no slowing down… it was pure joy. I didn’t want the half to end. I wanted to double it up. Or triple it up. Or bottle it up. But I sucked it up, swallowed my feelings and got back to the race. Pfffff.

Mile 12 and change, after a water stop with more TNT friends, we go into a tunnel. This was the only weird part for me. I had never run in a tunnel, I had no clue what to expect. I thought it’d be a short tunnel, but I couldn’t see the light at the end, pun intended. Then there was a turn, still no light. Another turn. How long is this thing??? How long have I been under here? I miss my watch’s voice! 

Then I see the light. And more.

At around Mile 5 I had lost Michelle. I thought she was gonna fly and I decided it might be easier for me to gauge my pace on my own instead of just trying to go with her. But as soon asI come out of the tunnel, into the light, I see Michelle again. And I see a800 meters to go sign. Those signs. Gotta love them. Because then I think it’s two laps. But, when do I ever ever do laps?? HA. Never. So I just go crazy-all-out.

That’s my grinning stooopid. It’s happiness coming thru my pores. Just like I did at the end of the NYC Marathon. I closed my eyes for a few seconds. I might have airplaned a bit. I couldn’t hear anyone. I didn’t care about anyone. This was mine. And I was still running fine!

I look down, the watch says 1:42 something. I am in SHOCK. My PR is 1:42 something. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING???

I had no pain, I wasn’t even running. I couldn’t sprint because I couldn’t even hold it in anymore. 

I crossed the finish line. I owned the streets. I won. Whatever I wanted, I had it.

And two seconds later, I completely LOST IT.


I was bawling. A few people came over to check. Michelle had to hold me for a bit.

Really. I really have no clue about how things in my life work. I have zero control. Stuff just happens. But I can’t complain. This was way too emotional. Just like the NYC Marathon finish:

What a frigging cry baby!!! Or drama queen!!! Go ahead and make fun. It’s been a crazy year and I’ll cry of joy if I want to!!

Ok, eventually I wiped my face and showed my happiness!

I didn’t PR. I didn’t even know I could sub 1:50, but later that day I (looked up my PR and) did the math: I was 20 seconds away from a PR… I guess it could have happened if I thought  I had a chance… but who knows!! And, who cares when you have such a good race??!?!?!?!

Please, get ready (you should have seen how FAST I reached for my camera for this!). Runners…

Post finish, at the Motoactv booth, for their website:

At the Team in Training booth, with super osom (from left) Sam, Meghan, and Danielle! Poor Danielle shares an office with me. I think her life is gonna be more amazing every day, just karma for putting up with me! GO Team!

I eat a few bars, drink some G, chat with everyone around, stop at the Team in Training party for a bit (we had the whole Heartland Brewery right by the finish for us) and as we’re heading into the train… my heart skips a beat… I had seen a Dunkin Donuts. I need a Boston Creme. In and out, off to the train back to the Upper East Side… 

You know those days that seem like you dreamed them? That was Sunday.

NYC Half 2012: Owning my NYC streets

Kara (and the NYC Half) taking over the city

Can you imagine what it’d be to see this on your corner?

Well, this is all over NYC this week!! The NYC Half has taking over and it’s almost as big as the marathon… Fun week indeed. From now on, I’ll be running into the biggest stars of our sports in my slow and regular run, and wave. Newyorkers never ever acknowledge celebrities, but if they are runners we DO (I do) waive and shout. They deserve it. Expo starts on Thursday (through Saturday); I’ll have to stop by at the Motorola booth to pick up race day gear, and visit my Team in Training coworkers.

This Friday, just like last year (A Night with Champions: Kara, Ryan, Meb, Edna, Gebre, Adam, and Colt!), Kettia and I will dine with the elites and hopefully get their speed secrets! I promise I’ll make a list and share. Anyway, half fever is up to 103 and I am ready to set my secret plan to victory on high gear… Want to know…? I am going to… Sleep!!!!


I know it’s super obvious but that’s ALL I can do at this point. At least starting tomorrow (I already know it won’t happen tonight!). Hopefully tomorrow!

I am SO sleep deprived that Sunday I slept in the middle of my run. Literally.

I walked up to the park so slowly and tired (and I hadn’t even run since Thursday…!) and did more hill reps. Then, after 6 miles I was so tired, I put my shirt on the grass, slept for like an hour, and got back to a few more miles. Ridiculous.

Also, it was pretty stooopid of me to try to rest in a place where everbody knows me! Got woken up every 20 minutes.

Kara (and the NYC Half) taking over the city

The Body Glide Babies

Remember I told you I’d be doing a video shoot for Body Glide? Well, I got home last week and I see a box in the corner in the lobby with a big BODY GLIDE on it…

That’s gotta be for me…

Or, who else in this building would admit to needing this much BodyGlide??

Go up and get it open… Hmmm. There was a lot of stuff in there I had no clue existed…

Hmmm. When was the last time I was in a running store??? There was a bunch of products in there, but here is the skinny:

And there I was, all this time, thinking all I needed was the anti-chafing original one!!!! What an id!ot! (more on these products here) I am very excited to try the anti-pain one (the one in the red top)… I had lived all these years using tiger balm when I had to massage a notty area or something, and voltaren this past year since my sports guy gave me a bunch of tubes, but this looks so much easier to apply (and way less greasy!). And SPF protection in my body glide?!?!? Where had all of this been hiding?? Anyone tried any of these (other than the original)??

Anyway, the shoot was Sunday, will post about it tomorrow as it was pretty osom, minus the hypothermia and the shivering and all that, but I have pictures and you know they’re coming up!

And the night flying

These weeks keep flying by and I am starting to guess it’s because I am too busy to be able to see them go.

Tonight, I have a Team in Training event. It’s our Triathlon Summer Season Kick Off; over 400 triathletes get together with their teammates, coaches, and support stuff (us!) to launch the season and celebrate the amazing things we’re about to do together! I’ve invited Matt Long to come along and talk, but we have a bunch of other TRI celebrities in hand to get them motivated! Should be super fun.

Tomorrow night is NYRR’s Club Night, which is basically the Running Oscars for runners, and bit less botox and glamour maybe, but more endorphins! I was in the Selection Committee (I am in their Nominees page, Awards Selection!) but I don’t think there’s anything for me to do, so… party on!

This weekend… I am doing the Body Glide testimonial shoot, sometime when the weather is nice. Got a big box last night of products, which… I had no idea Body Glide did! Will share soon, but it’s quite exciting!

And sometime in between, I’ll need to run… I skipped my run this morning. With 2 hours of sleep, it would have been a disaster. But I had a run Monday night that makes up for the whole week. There was nothing special about performance, I wasn’t particularly fast, but… there was some weird kick in my step. I felt like I was floating. I was also bringing in a great weekend, a fabulous 50 degree weather, and the first run after work in daylight. Decided to run back home through the great Lawn for the view of the city lights. Sometimes all you need are those easy recovery runs where you get to slow down, gather, and look up. I wish I could describe what it felt like, but I am sure you know.

another trip to niketown

 am there all the time, who am I kidding (57th st is on my way home, I swear!!!!). I try not to go too often, but… there’s many things on Madison Ave I like so I end up there often. Oh well, tough life, right?

This time I took a few pics because anything that is running related seems like total amazingness to me. There’s a whole wall with Pre’s face. It’s HUGE. I always just want to lay there as if it was the Planetarium, but people would totally walk on top of me and that’s not even as fun as it seems. It’s also impossible to take pictures. Bowerman is in the picture too. (By the way, we just had to fill up a Questionnaire at work for a Look Book and one of the ?s was “Who, dead or alive, would you like to have dinner with?” I said Pre. Does that make me a running geek?? It was a close match between Zatopek, Pre, and Fred Lebow. I totally could have a thresome there, well, not Fred!!!).

Anyway… I like nike socks, and their singlets, and their shorts. But mostly their bulding. This takes up a whole wall:

and how their ads are very newyorkish:

That one said something like “Built on beating yellow cabs”, or “Trained”, I can’t remember. I like to race the Select Bus. It’s a special express bus that stops only every 10 blocks. It goes faster than me, but I don’t have to stop at every light and the bus does. HA!

And two shirts I liked:

Yeah. New-York-Minute Style.

I’ll say it again and again: RUNNING FIXES EVERYTHING!

(well, 99% of everything!)
So, you know I took yet another fall Monday night, and it was pretty nasty right there. I was bleeding, swelling, the works. But I kept running. I ended up doing around 5 more miles after. It was uncomfortable, itchy, painful, stingy, all of it, but for some reason I wanted to finish my run.
When I got home I cleaned up, ate, and slept for 10 hours straight. Sleeping was not easy, the sheets kinda hurt and there was no way to turn on any side, but whatever, got a great night sleep as usual, it’s one of my biggest talents.
Ten hours later, you would not have believed it. It was all almost gone. Like it almost never happened. I was sore all over, shoulder, neck, arm, bruised, and my arm was painful to move… but my knees had closed up and scarred. They looked like just a tiny cement rash. The hip, which had been bleeding, was completely scarred and closed up too. Seriously. Like a few days had gone by since the fall.
I’ve done these enough, I know how long these take to heal. This was like day 3!
I went from desbelief and shock (“I never fell… did I dream it?” and “I am Wonder Woman!!! I have healing powers!”) to the AHA moment…. Running!! Running after the fall sped up the recovery.
We know all about active recovery, how the more we sit after a long run, the more it’ll take to recover, but this took it to another level (and I am always ready to be the guinea pig…). I think the run kept the blood moving, reducing the swelling and helping the blood flow to the area to close it all up. I am sure the sweating and the cold air had some part in it too. I suck at science (I don’t suck, it’s boring!) so I have no data to back it up, but the results can prove my hypothesis. I’m officially surrendering my body to science every day to prove this: Running Fixes Everything.

I’ll say it again and again: RUNNING FIXES EVERYTHING!

NYCM2011: FootLocker Run – Bart, Ryan, Bobby, Carrie, Steph, well… everyone was there!

Before this: NYCM2011: All over the press / NYCM2011: At the NYCM Press Conference

It turns out, I have a million rituals come race week. Every day I swear I will eat better and go to sleep early. That’s usually a FAIL. Thursday I go to the expo, Saturday I try to keep it quiet (though this year I am going to cheer on the 5K, coach a couple of hours, dinner with a team I coached for the marathon, etc, etc…).

Rituals are good. They give me a sense of stability. When you have a non-stop-crazy life, they really do help.

Race Week Wednesdays, I go to the Footlocker Run with Ryan Hall and Bart Yasso (here is last year’s post, when Steph and I dared chick Ryan!).

As soon as I got there… overload!!! I knew EVERYONE there. Is that why I am Miss Manhattan? Seriously, everyone! So I had to catch up super fast with everyone. Not easy, it’s such a busy week with SO much happening!!!

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (3)

You know Steph in the far right (an accidental runner!!!), man I love that girl. And you’ve seen Blaise before too, my training partner. On the left are two team mates: Lisa and Alejandra.

Carrie Tollefson was there too doing some interviews and we chatted for a bit. Somehow, I didn’t take any pictures…

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (4) john honerkamp

John is one of NYRR’s coaches and the brain behind all the math and genius put into the NYRR training programs. I got to test them before they launched earlier this year and they were pretty fantastic! He’s also a fabulous runner (and a fun to watch rabbit!), with an 800 meter specialty. Obviously, we can’t run together!

Before I even made it inside, with all the chat, I (and Staten Island) got called in to take picutes with Bobby Curtis, who will be running his first marathon this weeekend! He’s from PA and did his first half this year in Philly, with a 1:01:53. Ridiculous.

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (1) bobby curtis new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (1) bobby curtis

The guy is super sweet. We talked about the course a bit and I asked him to not pass us on Sunday without pacing us for a few miles. Because, why not? I really hope he does well!!

Soon after, Ryan and Bart and Mary made it into the store and there was some talk about a certain marathon…

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (9)

Steph… a runner in love…

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (10)

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (13)

This is Janine, who works 24/7 and is SO amazing. She’s been with NYRR for 7 years and you’d think she’s 15! I love her. And she lives very close to me so I’ll be stalking her to come run with me soon after all this is done!

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (15)

My Footlocker peeps. Also amazing people. I have to say, out of the whole Footlocker Five Borough Challenge experience, the thing I love the most is the people I have met. Seriously ridiculously inspiring and amazing and fun people. Love you guys!

Ok, enough talk and pictures, running time!

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (16)

That’s Ryan Hall right there. Somehow, Steph, Blaise and I were keeping up. How does Ryan do 9 minute miles??? I am sure it hurts. He had said earlier his easy pace is 5:30, pffffffff.

Should I post this picture, should I not??? Steph, sorry, I sent it to you last night so YOU could post it, but I can’t resist. I love these two sooooo much, I HAVE to post it: (SORRY LOVE!)

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (19)

I have to mention I kept saying all day, and repeteaded thru the run: I HAVE THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD. I do.  Speaking of which, back in the store after 3 miles…

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (22) new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (23) bart yasso bobby curtis new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (23) bart yasso bobby curtis

The guys doing their thing… and I was doing mine!

new york city marathon 2011 Footlocker five boro challenge nyrr expo elizabeth maiuolo run footlocker (23) bart yasso bobby curtis

Ooooops, I was directed to pose in for a pic with all of them!

How on earth did I blink for this????? SOOOO not me!!!!!!! Re-do! Re-do!!!

After this:  NYCM2011: Have you seen a Marathon Morning like this? /  NYCM2011: Get Ready, Set, GO! / NYCM2011: Beyond The Finish Line (finally the last post!) / NYCM2011: Marathon Monday (Ed, the breakfast, Carrie, the press conference, etc.!) /

NYCM2011: All over the press

Where do I start? So much I need to catch on, but I will start with things I think you might enjoy: the press!!!

This first one is one my absolute favorites!

I am in the home page of Women’s Health today!!! (at least for right now). WH belongs to Rodale, just like Runner’s World and Running Times… So when I talked to Susan, who wrote the article, she knew ALL about me, as she used to work at RW!!! Ehem, I was a bit shocked at how much she knew and was super prepared. Small World it is! So I wasn’t surprised when I saw her write up. The full article is here if you want to read it.

women's health elizabeth maiuolo inspiration

women's health elizabeth maiuolo inspiration women's health elizabeth maiuolo inspiration women's health elizabeth maiuolo inspiration

You’ll like this part (I hope!):

“Runners are the best people,” she says. “They’re really friendly and they will stop to help anybody in any race.

“Runners end up getting into the most amazing adventures. They will put on a pair of shoes and be ready for anything, which is something I think most people would be really scared of. Runners have that mentality that you can just do anything and go anywhere—it’s kind of hard to stop a runner. Those are the kind of people I want to hang out with.


NYRR’s official ING New York City Marathon website has this picture up right now:

elizabeth maiuolo inspiration

Link is here to the official site, where the pictures from Race Week are.


Here is another blog, FitChickinthecity, who picked up on the story, with more pictures from the press conference that happened today (I will post about that ASAP).

fitchickinthecity elizabeth maiuolo inspiration


I was on WCBS2 News, and have the clips, but will have to upload somewhere to be able to share… more coming soon, a bit overwhelmed (and exhausted at the moment!).

Are you guys super pumped too????????? Run with THE Bart tomorrow and Ryan Hall. So, you know… more pictures coming!!

After this: NYCM2011: At the NYCM Press Conference / NYCM2011: FootLocker Run – Bart, Ryan, Bobby, Carrie, Steph, well… everyone was there!/ NYCM2011: Who wasn’t at the expo? / NYCM2011: Have you seen a Marathon Morning like this? /  NYCM2011: Get Ready, Set, GO! / NYCM2011: Beyond The Finish Line (finally the last post!) / NYCM2011: Marathon Monday (Ed, the breakfast, Carrie, the press conference, etc.!) /

NCYM2011 – How I get ready for race week (VERY silly post!)

Some people taper, some people carboload, some start to go to sleep early, some diet… I only do one thing: my nails.

As I am doing a bunch of interviews, photo-shoots, and press conferences in the next days, this is VERY important. (Right?)

Deciding which way to go was not easy

I am being interviewed tomorrow by Carrie Tollefson (YES, Carrie Tollefson) for the Daily Cooldown. You can see her NYRR episodes on NYRR TV. I am not gonna lie, I like to have NYRR TV on in the background when I am home…  (Dork!). Then there’s a few more events this week, the expo, the press conference, stuff and more stuff. Oh,and a 5 Mile Race tomorrow, with photo shoots before and after too.

What? Have you not seen me in the cabs?? Pfffff.

Anyway, like I always say, “When there is a NEON option, you always pick NEON”. (MsRitz trademarked!)

Yeah, that’s some ridiculous SNOW!!

PS: I guess I’ll leave the blues out for Philly!

NCYM2011 – How I get ready for race week (VERY silly post!)

At the 9-11 Memorial

I had a couple of tickets for the 9-11 Memorial, so I left work early today to be there on time. 

Keep in mind, if you visit NYC, that you have to get the tickets online ahead of time. And they’re generally sold out months in advance. There’s also airport-like security to get in there.

I decided to invite my boss. I know this is gonna sound sappy, but I really love every one I work with. It’s pretty ridiculous that there are so many nice and amazing and fun and dedicated people in there. I never ever had this before, and I’ve had many jobs…

Anyway, I wanted to share some pictures. It’s definitely Fall in NYC.

It was very moving.

The whole water thing, really got to me. If you ever get there, maybe you’ll have the same feeling. The only word I could find for it was eerie. All that flowing, beneath, and onto that big dark hole was just too big a symbol for me. Immensely sad. I couldn’t be there for long.

At the 9-11 Memorial

(me) In the Daily News…

I wasn’t lying, I am IN the paper, see???

Hahaha, just kidding, I have the clips below!

Yes, those are pictures of Kara and Scott in my office, and both are signed! 

Anyway, not sure if you can see up there, but there’s three pictures of me in those 2 pages. It was really surreal to open the paper and see that.

I got the paper before I got on the train (it’s literally a 9 minute ride) and the guy sitting accross from me, reading the same paper, kept staring… yeah, a bit weird… but I never blushed!!!

So, here are the three pages. First, the cover of the insert:

I love that my name is there as if people would think “ah, lets see what EM has to say about this!” Hahahaha!! Fiiiiiine, it’s pretty neat!

Here is the inside: 

And the last page, hugging all 4 other boro runners, in Central Park:

Here is the post from the day we did this shoot a month ago.

Sooo, in case you wanted to read the little interview up there: it’s here:

I kinda love that picture (and got lots of compliments on it), because it is SOOO photoshopped!!


Anyway, I got a lot of requests for autographs today (so embarrassing), lots of calls, emails, and congratulations, which is always amazing. I would assume everyone is sick of seeing me everywhere (I am almost there!!) but people are SOOO nice… which is something shocking when you’re a bit embarrassed. Well, let me know what you think! Hope you like!!!


(me) In the Daily News…

How to multitask at the Fifth Avenue Mile (catch up with a friend, stop at a red light, text, do pictures, etc.)

How do I even start telling you all about this weekend??? SOOOO much to write about: Divide and Conquer, right?

Let’s start with the Fifth Avenue Mile!!

Last week was insanely busy and Friday I got very little sleep. I lef work early and and spent the day out, hanging out with one of the other coaches who was in town for the weekend running barefoot festival thing; by the time I got to sleep, it was reaaaally late! Still, I had to wake up early for an interview with the Daily News (more on this later) so I was a total mess. I was tired, cranky, dehydrated and my legs were mush.

I got to the Fifth Avenue Mile start around 9:50, which was perfect because my heat wasn’t on until 10:30. I texted Greg as I had read in facebook that he was cheering, come run the mile with me!! Then at 10:00, when the next group of women is set to go, I realize THAT is MY heat! HOLY FUDGE! I get on the start, everyone goes, I call Greg, wait a bit, I start, I am telling him I am already running and… police opens up the crosstown traffic!!!!!

… I had waited too long to two and I was stuck now, clock ticking and all! I felt SO stupid. I wasn’t gonna PR but this was gonna be a joke… Oh well, only in world!

So we run, all the way in the back, and I kinda loved it!!! First of all, the person ahead of me wasn’t going to be the last one… Then, it was so chill… we got to catch up and I got to see all my friends on the course, take pictures, even text!! I was due at the running clinics downtown at 10:30 so I could update them in my progress, DURING the mile! A team mate even screamed “pick it up Elizabeth’, ha, if only she knew what a mess I was making there!

The whole thing was sooo ridiculous! I had aviators on, my phone in my hand and I looked like a fool who had no clue this was supposed to be a fast and hard race: I run it slower than marathon pace!

Why show up when I knew I was going to be so tired and slow? Well… it’s Fifth Avenue people! When do I get to run on Fifth Avenue???Just once a year! 97% of my friends were there, I get a t-shirt.. enough, right? Now I’ll have a 9 minute mile (or something!) in my record forever, oooooh yeah!

I tried not to go crazy as I was going to spend the rest of the day out (at the clinics, then lunch, then expo/panels and what not) in the same clothes… and it was damp out. I didn’t get to stay and catch up with the elites and watch them race, but I’ve done that enough times… So, a way-below-effort but worth for a fun mile. And it’s all about the fun, right!

PS: I’ve started to feel like a headless chicken!

How to multitask at the Fifth Avenue Mile (catch up with a friend, stop at a red light, text, do pictures, etc.)