Tag Archive | running

NYC Marathon Map Illustration giveaway winner!

And the winner of the NYC Marathon Map Illustration giveaway, as selected by the random thing where I just a button, is…

random winner illustration


Susanne! Congrats!! I’ll be giving Phil your email address and you should be hearing from his soon!

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Do you “like” to run hard?

I really don’t.

I always knew I run my easy runs too slow, my long runs too too slow and I do my tempos and intervals with very little enthusiasm. I realized this morning, when a friend was dragging me through a fast half mile (which was probably at 9mm) that I just don’t like pushing! Ever!!!

Two weeks ago, when I was in Florida, I run with two coworkers that were, as they said, slower than me. Compared recent times, and I felt safe, it’d be a fun easy run… and then they took off at a “can’t talk” pace for what was an easy run for them. I run with Kettia often, and even years before when there was a gap in our race times, she’d make me cry in training runs. Even this past winter, I run with her group in training for the NYC Half, and even though I ended up racing faster than them, I was crying and dragging during the long runs… Kettia says I show up for race day. I know I don’t like pushing hard, so I limit myself to the races for that.


I DO LIKE WHEN MY “EASY” IS “FAST”, that’s what I would call a good performance. But that, obviously, takes a lot of work to achieve… I’d even say that my fastest times were easy, and I was completely relaxed. It felt nice.

Right now I am at SLOW AND EASY, meh. And I know that I need to run hard to get fast… it’s gonna be tough. Or slow.

I know some of you go hard (at “can’t chit chat” pace) even for easy runs. My husband, for example, doesn’t even know what slow or easy mean. He goes all out in every run. I call him “one-speed-Juan”. He’d go out at the same hard pace whether he was doing 7 miles or 18, to end up just walking back (suicide pace works?). I’d measure my effort by heart rate, or by the talk test… I can go fast, only when it feels easy… Most of the people I know are the opposite though, they take off, always, like it’s a race. Ugh.

Am I alone here? Or do you also prefer to go out hard, have a better workout, train like an animal, get stronger/faster; if so, did you always enjoyed it or is it something that you learned to like over time?

I just like to do a running tour and watch people and birds and trees and bop to my music! I wonder if there is a way to wake up the beast in me or the competitive in me? I have ZERO of that!

Race Report: NYRR Oakley Mini 10K – my 100th RACE!

As you might have read, I lost most of my running mojo some time back and I have been quite off. But, I had signed up for the mini… and my parents were in town and wanted to see me race. Also, the mini is like THE quintessential race… I have done it every single year since I started running, in 2007, so that’s EIGHT in a row. I love this race.

Okay, why you say? There’s not cute boys to look at, you say! Yes, no boys, but can I just tell you a secret?? This is, shhhh, OUR race… We just race with our girl, we bond, we all support each other, we do it for us. Yes, it’s sexist to have our own race and to keep the race going shows that we’re still not equal to men, or exagerates that we need special treatment, but you know, let’s take it while we have it! Plus, this race smells better in general. And… we all know it, we women pace BETTER. Yes, it’s true, men are just too emotional to pace off. I know I can just click behind another girl with my pace and sleep to this finish here. That doesn’t happen in the other races…  You KNOW what I am talking about… you know.


Love that I always get a 500 something number for this race

As my parents were visiting, Saturday morning we all woke up around 6:30 and walked to the start. It was hot and humid already and got this sight:


NO EXCUSES. oh oh.


yes, I am wearing the tutu

The day before my friend Florencia had called me to see if I was around NYRR as I live super close. I had forgotten she was running!!!!! We decided we’d run together. Made me SO happy to know I could run with her!!!!! We’re besties, and what else could a mojo-ed out runner than a friend to chill with at a race? EH> well, maybe frozen pops all the way but Flor would be good enough! I then heard from Sole: “I want to have a fun race too!!” yeah then!! The three argentinians would be pacing and lolling up and down the park at a festive pace. Plans UP!

Headed to my corral, blue, and the great thing is that the stage is right there… many pics were taken!


Martina and I


Patricia and I

Then the NYRR photographer snapped a picture of a few of us there for the site, link here.

2014-06-15 11.10.24

full size craziness:2014-06-15 11.03.41

Soon enough the speeches start!


Mary Wittenberg


Kathryn Switzer

Deena Kastor at the NYRR Oakley Mini 10K

Deena Kastor

josh cox at the NYRR Oakley Mini 10K

Spotted: Josh Cox!!!

Desire Linden at the NYRR Oakley Mini 10K

Desiree Linden (nee Davila!)


Nina Kuscick


Spotted: Greg Welch (If you don’t know who he is, my iron-husband would yell: Ironman World Champion, etc etc!!)


Boston Strong!

Soon it was 8 am, muggy as hell, and Peter Ciaccia was giving us clearance on the roads. We were just a few minutes late, 3 or 4, which is unusual for NYRR races but I was getting hypernervous. Why? Oh WHY? My heart was pumping scared.

Em, I hadn’t run in over a month and I was towards the front of a crazy fast 10K full of olympians. Of course I moved back like 4 corrals; I moved towards the back of the stage and let everyone go while I waited for Sole and flor, I was NOT about to get trampled at one of the fastest women road races!! but… wow, my heart was ready to jump out!


Peter Cha-Cha we love you!!!!!

Two-three-4minutes later or something, Flor, Sole and I get moving, while we chatted. I knew Juan and my parents would be on 72nd, on the west and then the east sides. So my first goal was to run 5 blocks to see them.


that was easy. Mom having a super emotional (and patriotic) moment. Juan snaps away.

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I snap back. We all hit each other!!! (I swear it was hot!)

2014-06-14 08.13.42

My dad, already overheating too!!!!




Jeremy and his Jeremy-baby!

Sooo, I love that stretch we run in Central Park West. We NEVER run outside the park and it’s so nice and historic and amazing and museumy, ah, love it. But that’s when I usually go out too fast (because, hey, no men means I get places up high in the first corral with the ultra fast women, SHIZZZZ ensuing pace!) and then it’s sooo painful going into the park at 90th to climb that stooopid Harlem hill. This time, it was breeze. Only, there was no breeze, so I was overheating (also probably because I have no muscle and I am made of nutella and wafers and cookies these days. It was like I couldn’t breathe, doing a 10 minute mile pace. KindaRIDIC. Still: FUN.

2014-06-15 11.45.39

So, I caught up with Meghan, from my previous job at TNT and we run and chatted for like half a mile. That’s what I miss about running the most, not that it shapes me into a perfect 10 (hahahhaha!!!!) but the social aspect of it. I get to see all my friends (plus all the other people I know) in the funnest environment. I don’t drink so I am not the bar type and you really can’t eat with everyone (not the way I eat!) or have time to hang out with everyone, but you CAN see eveyrone, at the same place, doing something fun: RUN A RACE. Heck, I miss THAT. A LOT.

When I tell people I hate racing they don’t understand why I do it so much. Because THAT.


2014-06-15 11.47.53

Even Flor (on my right) looks happy and we were both looking for a frozen pool by then!

Miles went by easily, mostly chatting in Spanish (the three of us are Argentinians, go figure!), laboring up the hills a bit with the humidity (note: when you’re out of shape, you feel it a LOT MORE! thousands of kudos to the people who are just starting to run, it’s HARD work!! Please do stick with it, it gets a LOT LOT easier) –I need to get back to “easier” please!).

We had two cups of water at miles 3 and 4, we were melting. Then, back at 72nd, now on the east side, we saw the Dashing Whippets, plus Juan and my parents. Spot the flag!


with one mile to go, they cheer you into 5 minute mile pace and then you realize you need to calm the EFFFF down!

2014-06-14 08.27.07

easy way to get everyone’s heart rate spiking to the final sprint! Loved the 9+1 reference Fred!!!!!!! From left: Ned, Fred, David, Tom and a Whippet I haven’t met yet! (click on pictures for full res, you know you want to!)


HIGH something

HIGH something. What is up with my face?


Took a shot of my partners in (slow and fun) crime. 

We finished, so hot and ready to be in a cold shower, and went straight to drink 4 cups of water. YUM.

2014-06-14 13.24.07


i think we all HATE carnations. YUCK. a towel or a wipe would have been better.


my parents right at the finish and us. And guess what we did with the carnations!?!?!


ah, boys are SO ok after the race! OR an IronMan.

We had to ship out of town soon so we didn’t hang out for too long at the post race, which is my favorite to hang-out at! We headed straight to brunch at EJ’s which by then was pretty empty, yey for a fast table!!!! but first we scored a few pictures of the winners/record breakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Juan too excited, with Greg Welch, if you, again, don’t know who that is (it’s ok, I didn’t either!!!), here


Mandatory visitors’ shot


Hand is visible!!

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Because Tom.

Now… this was my SLOWEST 10K EVER at 1:03. Even in my slowest times when I was starting up I never even went over the hour… Pace was even slower than the Brooklyn Half a month ago (which was my last run!). Nothing surprising how things are turning here.

My 10ks:


Look at the last 3 for this year, emmmm. No excuses, as the Mini bibs read:


I need that bib. I live that bib.

There is no excuses. It is what it is and I am who I want to be. Pace usually represents something. Sometimes your body can’t cope with the brains demands for speed and gives up. I am in a period where my brain has given up and the body has no reason to push at all. Could my body have gone a bit faster? Possibly. But my brain is not in it.

Now I have no other races up ahead in the close future, like I had Scotland, Brooklyn and the Mini to force myself to go do. I didn’t run in between them. This was my SLOWEST RACE EVER with a 49% age grading. A 10K. Insanity… We shall see now. But I did go out for a slow-short 3 mile run last night… Who knows.


While I have no reason to say that because I am happily married, I am far from the typical woman who might want to get married. I really never thought I would get married, I was never interested in the whole marriage thing and definitely not interested in planning a headache of a party that I’ve seen women go mental about. I have also never been interested in kids and family and a house or a suburban life or learning to cook. Still, life happens and I now find myself happily married, it will be a year soon, 14 months since we met, and I am almost 40. I guess it was about time, and it’s going fantastic, but most of myself still sees Elizabeth as a single girl, that is something I lived as for so long that, yes, it’s hard to change the way you see yourself. I am not saying I look at other men or miss going out: I was never into dancing, drinking, bars, so my going out was hanging out with my girlfriends (which I still do), or dinner with a boy (which I also still do), but… after so many years, being single is more than what you do, for me it was a way of life. And I loved it.

Do I have to go into why I loved it? I guess I do if you’re reading this. Well, I loved living alone, and be around people only when I felt like it. The freedom is amazing. Mostly in a city like NYC where we’re so crowded at all times, it’s nice to have a space just for yourself. And you know no one is going to interrupt it. You see your girls when you want to. And you can spend a whole day at Century 21 if you have to and no one will say a word. And you can keep your place as ocd spotless or a pigsty as you please and no one will even notice. And you can go out as much as you want, and you guessed it, no one will notice. I love the freedom to just do whatever you want at all times and living alone and being single was perfect for that. (I will say it again, just in case, I am happier now, but it’s different type of happy).  You have the whole bed for yourself. And you know that that one oreo cookie you left in the box will still be there next time you need want it. And there’s time to do nothing or to cram it all in, without giving any explanations.

Again and again, no need to misinterpret, I actually got used to the company now and I love having Juan around and I miss him when he’s at work or travelling or with his bike and most things I don’t even want to do without him anymore. But I had to transition into that and it wasn’t easy for me. I saw myself as that girl that would always be single (though I would never NEVER be a cat lady!!!).

Anyway, this is a conversation I’ve had with MANY of my single friends who want to be with someone/married/etc. and I am sure it works for men too. I always tell them to



yes, you heard it right. That’s what I did and it worked for me. And if the goal is to find someone, I think this plan works better than anything else you can think of (better than actually looking for men!). Let me explain. Let’s assume, for the same of the plot, that you’d like to find someone/get married….


YES, first rule here. Some men are great most are not. Odds are stoopid like you have to kiss 100 frogs to find a prince. Who has time for that (and seriously YUK and herpes!!!). Dating is a numbers game. You’ll really have to DATE a LOT to find a good one. I did that though. I dated A LOT. As I don’t drink, my dating was always dinner. Or lunch. Or a walk through the park. Stooopid things that I was going to be doing anyway. And, hello, a girl has to eat, I might as well get some company. So, that’s the way you should see dating as, someone who will be trying to impress you over an hour or two while you chow down, which you have to do anyway. Lower your expectations!!!!!! If you do, dating will be just like brushing your teeth every morning! After a couple of weeks, you’ll have a few routine dinner date outfits, you’ll sit there, know what to say without even thinking about it and just eat. And then go home. A date is just that, food. Luckily you’ll hear a good story. Then, really, go home. But, if you didn’t hate it and feel like you could eat with them again, give it a second chance. Don’t ever see this food-companion as anything else unless you can’t help yourself. When I first met with Juan, for ice-cream and it turned into a 4 hour dessert-conversation marathon, I knew something was up. You’ll know. Just don’t put any thought into any dates: it’s just food. So, when the right guy comes along, you’ll be less disappointed (from less failures), less bitter, more free to date him, you’ll be mentally available and interested!

I found out that the more excited I was to meet a new guy, the more disappointed I’d end up. It’s crucial to lower your expectations because we can really be shooting ourselves on the foot here. We all get nervous, and they do too! If you expect too much, you’ll be quite surely disappointed, and he might be too nervous to deliver! And, I also learned that the more I wanted it to work, the easier it’d be for ME to screw it up. Oh, and when we like a guy, we get SO weird and awkward, and we might not even talk to them… oy.

Just give up on them, say yes to food (or whatever other easy activity you’re into), and don’t expect more than food and possibly him telling you one cool story. Don’t even bother prepping too much: the more you stress about your outfit, and the time you spend on make up or hair will be the inverse proportion to the fun you’ll have. You can go, chill, and maybe meet a new friend. Maybe not the love of your life, but go have fun anyway. Who knows?


When you are single, you’re probably looking for someone. What this means is that you might end up doing things to that purpose: going to a bar, prep for hours, happy hours, etc, which might not be exactly what you’d rather be doing that particular moment, and that shows. I say: do whatever you feel like doing. If you feel like going swimming, reading a book, or take a stroll, do that!! If you feel like taking classes instead of going out, do that! The odds are that you’ll find someone more like you if you’re doing whatever you like, wherever you are, that if you’re forcing it. And the easiest part: we’re all attracted to rounded people that are happy. Let’s say you like playing frisbee, join a frisbee meetup, or a book club or whatever! If you’re doing what you like, you’ll be happier, and who isn’t interested in people who are happy? They’ll have more in common with you (cause they’re in the same place you are!) and it will be less awkward…

Also, let’s look at the worst possible scenario: our worst fear is that we’ll end up alone. Right? Well… one of us will. Let’s assume it’s you. Don’t you want to start figuring it out now?? See what you’ll like to do when your single and alone later? What if we really want to go to South Africa and we are waiting for the right guy to take us? And what if the guy never shows up???? We’re gonna miss out?!!?!??! We’re gonna wait until it’s too late and we’re too old?? NO!!! Embrace this!!!!!! Start enjoying it now instead of fearing it!!! Then you won’t be so afraid, you’ll start having fun, and when you have fun, people want to be around you!! SO SO SO SO SIMPLE.

Well, this is just my experience and how I dealt with this. It’s not simple being a girl (in a big city) with all the mixed messages we get. I am turning into this married woman but a big part of me is still this person and I thought it served me right. I hope you enjoy it NOW, because you don’t know what can happen tomorrow 😉 You might meet the love of your live and you’ll wish you didn’t suffer through this part!!!

Juan & Elizabeth CP Wedding-86

Being married to this guy rocks. His latest quote: “Being the perfect husband is a 24 hour job”, hahahaha!! ❤

PS: I haven’t run a step since the half 9 days ago. Nothing yet.

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Race Report: 2014 NYRR Brooklyn Half Marathon

As I had declared last week, I am done with running for now, I needed a mental break after 10 years and I wasn’t going to run anymore. But… I was signed up for the Brooklyn Half and the Mini 10K (in 3 weeks)… what to do? Well, I’m gonna pick the bib and tshirt and decide later. Maybe I would feel like running by Saturday…?

Pre-Race Party/ Bib Pick Up  Bib Pick Up is more like a party, hence the renaming… It’s a nice place, by the water, with a GREAT view of the city, many food and drink options, a lot of space to hang out and see your friends, and the truth is we were running into people we knew every inch we walked. It was bit crowded, there was music, things to shop for, fun atmosphere. Too bad the weather didn’t help much but we got there, got our bibs, took some pictures, looked at the new balance stuff (nice!), went outside, got some food (there was a truck with melted cheese deliciousnesses) and stayed on the “lawn” to hear the band, then it started raining so we left soon. The trek from the Upper East Side where we live took about 1 hour each way, mostly because the 4/5 leaves you like almost a mile away. It’s a super nice walk though, and that street Lululemon or something off the Borough Hall stop is so super super nice!! I am planning to go back to the area.. on a nicer day. It’s a really nice park and you can’t top the views (says the Manhattan girl: if there is no view of the city, there’s no reason to leave the city!!!).  Now, if you want to get in and out fast like this was midtown, won’t happen! I liked this place, though I liked the place they had last year too

Walking to the expo on the Promenade or whatever that's called

Walking to the expo on the Promenade or whatever that’s called

We have been bibbed!

We have been bibbed!

Something I like about leaving the city, the perspective when you look at the city...

Something I like about leaving the city, the perspective when you look at the city…

Friday: D (decision) day  So, come Friday I hadn’t made a decision yet (Title should be more like INdecision day). Should I eat some carbs? Should I prep running clothes or should I just find something to do? If this was just a race in Central Park, it’d be easy to decide to skip it. But… the Brooklyn Half is more like an event… or a trip out of town with hot dogs and beach… AY, I couldn’t make up my mind, and by 4 pm I was stressing a bit. Juan was going to race it, so I’d be up at 3:30 am no matter what. If I could stay and sleep it’d be a different thing. BUT, if I had to get up and get out anyway (I am not just not going to not go cheer or meet him at the finish, can’t just stay home, what type of wife would Ii be??) then I might as well put some running clothes on…? So, staying in bed and sleep through it was not an option. I determined I’d go, try to run and enjoy it and if I didn’t, I’d just take the train… I had two exit strategies, my friend Tessa at mile 1.5 and my friend Flor at the 5 mile water stop. I’d just go with them to the finish and whatever! Flor even had a shirt for me. Then… I had the idea to wear the tutu to amuse myself: tutu power ON! You know my tutu, right? The BIG ONE!!!!


Then… I had the idea to ask on Facebook… because it seemed everyone I knew would be running Brooklyn to see if anyone would want company at my slow chatty pace! I wanted to make sure I had fun, and I was not going to do it alone for sure! I was looking for someone to chat through 13.1 in around 1:50 to 2 hours… I got offers to pace people but, pacing wouldn’t work, the other person would be working hard and who was I was going to have fun with?? Still a few people offered and we planned to meet in the corral! If all else failed and I got bored, I had my metrocard with me and would hop on the train to the finish! I had no issues giving up fast if I am not having fun. No guilt!

RACE MORNING!!! It was cruel how early we got up, and we went to sleep late because we got sucked into watching the Barbara Walters special…beeeeep beeeeep beeeeep 3:40 am alarm!!!! We figured we’d leave by 4:20 to get to the start by 5:40. It’s a long way from the Upper East side and I didn’t want to stress being late. I was going to be miserably sleepy and tired anyway! Luckily, it had just stopped raining, wohooo. We got ready, bundled up and got on the 4 to switch to the 2 in Fulton with another 10 thousand other runners. It was quite simple but I am always scared some train might not be running, we got there quite early. And sleepy. As it would turn out, we were quite right to get there early…

Look AWAKE!!

Look AWAKE!!

Bagagge and Start As soon as we got out of the 2 in Franklin Avenue, wow,  there were high fences all over the place and only one way to go. Note: always check the NYRR website and use the train exit they tell you to use (if you go with the one you think is closest you might end up walking miles because of the fences!). That way then security and metal detectors then security again and IN! We then walked towards the corrals (starting from the back), where we saw the portapotties inside!! Wohooo, we rushed into those, as they were all empty, took care of business, then kept walking to drop our bags and back to the corrals. It must have been like a half mile walk, we got to the trucks and deadline was 6:20 am, we had 10 minutes! We had to rush and change as they were NOT waiting one second!!!! We dropped our stuff quickly (it seemed like a liiiitle bit chaotic) and headed back to the corral. Yey, portapotties in the corral again!! For a change, the first wave started late, this is never the case in NYRR races. I was a 4 corrals back so I am not sure what was going on in the front, but the first runners were 7 or 8 minutes late to start. Wave 2 seems to have started on time.

Race Atmosphere This race was huge, you could tell right away. I wasn’t sure how many people would be there… 20,000? 30,000? It seemed super ultra mega organized: like they were expecting Obama… there was a LOT of people, but still I never felt more crowded than usual. I saw so many people… many from out of town (sometimes you can tell by their t-shirts!). It really felt like something big was about to happen. By the afternoon, it’d be confirmed that this was to be the biggest half marathon in the US with over 25K finishers… craziness.

Weather. It was coldish waiting at the start, glad I had brought an old turtleneck I wanted to get rid of. It was 58 at the start, but with the little clothes and wind, we were freezing! Of course as soon as it started, it was perfect (and I was wearing as little as I could!) but then the sun hits you on Ocean Parkway, and oh uh, hottish! It was totally fine though.

The Corrals I was corral 3, Juan was 4, so we had told everyone to meet us at 4. We got there early and met up with Patricia, a lot of my team mates, Elyssa, Lara, and so many more people. Apparently Blaise was right there too and I missed him. It gets crowded quickly so if you’re going to meet someone in the corral, always pick a corner!

nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half PreRace (1) Elyssa, from this Bridges Runner blog, orange shirt, had volunteered the day before to run with me. I shyly asked “I like to talk when I run, is that ok? do you like to chat when you run?” I know some people hate it but as I said, I needed to have fun, and I needed help! But also, I don’t want to ruin anyone’s day! She said YES. I was so happy. Now let’s see if we’re both comfortable and happy at the same speed…! The Course is…GREAT! There are a couple of little hills in the first 10K, and then flat or downhill past mile 6. You REALLY have to negative split here or you did something wrong. Good course to PR in, though for some reason, I never seemed to PR here… There is the one hill in prospect park, which is not that steep but seems to last foreeeever (elevation profile is here) because it bends so much you have no idea where it ends. There can be way too much sun after you leave the park, but luckily there’s a few trees. MY RACE Well, I really I had no idea what to expect. Having felt so slow and tired lately and with my crappy attitude… we started slow, we chatted… we cheered, we screamed, we talked about how we both didn’t feel like running but we were still running because, by talking, it didn’t feel like running. We stayed on the side and made sure we didn’t bother anyone, mostly in the first couple of minutes when it seemed like all 20 corrals were passing us. Soon, everybody’s speed matched our non-speed and we were seriously cheering people around us. I am sure we bothered some people, as the people who talk sometimes bother ME when I am racing hard and unable to focus, sorry. We tried to not be obnoxious but most people were happy to have us cheer for them. We checked on each other and made sure we were going slow enough to not push ourselves, to make sure we were relaxed and having fun. We somehow managed to have a lot of fun the whole way!

Picture by Ben Ko- thanks BEN!! Still had my start turtleneck as a scarf on the first half mile, just because even if it doesn't match, i need to make a fashion statement!!!!!

Picture by Ben Ko – thanks BEN!!
Still had my start turtleneck as a scarf on the first half mile, just because even if it doesn’t match, I need to make a fashion statement!!!!!

I got hot soon, even though I wasn’t racing and I was wearing less clothes than EVERYONE around me. The tutu was great though… it got SO many cheers and shoutouts that all I was doing sometimes was say thank-yous nonstop!! I love my tutu! The park was bit more crowded than the rest of the race but it really wasn’t so bad. We were having fluids every 2 miles, and one gel as we left the park. I saw so many people cheering, at the water stations, passing me in the race, really you felt like everyone was there! Pace-wise, I have to admit, I barely looked at my watch once or twice… I had no idea. Elyssa shouted mile splits sometimes, just because our only thing was to check not to go over 2 hours, but as I can’t do any math, I figured I’d look at mile 10… I like to hit the pedal when I leave the park but Elyssa had an irish soccer game -or something- to play that afternoon and wanted to save some energy, and I was comfortably having a good time that I was not chancing it by taking off! By mile 9 we decided we’d finish together and we did just that! Easy peasy, half done! nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Race (3) nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Race (2) We got to Coney Island, we put our hands together and crossed the finish line. 1:57 and something.

nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Finish (2)

Done, we had fun, and now we have some more fun. In Coney Island!!!

The Finish Line The best part! You have around 300 meters to run on the boardwalk and it gets loud and crowded, even before 9 am! They had medals, bagels, powerbars (chocolate and mint, yuk!!!) and gatorade+water. It is just such a happy place and by 9 am you are free to just go do whatever you want!!! I had told Juan to wait there for me so I caught him as soon as I got my medal! There were a few blocks walk until we got to baggage but it was super organized and easy. Really nice medal too. And we got more pictures of course! nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Finish (3) nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Finish (4) nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Finish (5) The Post Race/Getting my bag back fiasco!  Well.. we had to walk a bit to get our bags and holy molly it was a MESS. Seems like just a few bags where there, there was no line, everyone was against the fence holding their number and shouting their number and if the volunteers found it, they’d bring over the bag. My bib was on my skirt and I just didn’t feel like unpinning it so I asked someone (taller!) ahead of me to shout my number and SOMEHOW I got my bag super fast… Everyone else was just standing there… Apparently, I was one of the lucky few people who got to bag check in time! I learned a LOT of people didn’t get to the bag deadline early on, so they dropped their bags in the “late” truck, so those bags where being brought there in bunches… and/or there were not enough volunteers. I offered to jump in to help to organize the bags by numbers but they didn’t let me. It really was a mess all around. nyrr 2014 Brooklyn Half Post Race (1) Stats time Oy, this might be painful… or whatever! Finish time: 1:57:32. Average Pace: 8:59. 20 minutes off my PR, ha.

Previous PR: 1:37:35. From: March, 2013 Age Grading: 57.55% Ouch Overall Place: 10,758 of 25,587 Gender Place: 3,831 of 13, 678 Age Place: 523 of 2,105 (still top 25% which is fine… I guess!) To note looking at the stats, not only this is now the biggest half marathon in the US, but also, there were more women finishers (13,678 ) than men (11,909), insane! Total was 25,587 . Also sad, one runner died at the finish. This always makes me so sad.
splits elevation course nyrr brooklyn half marathon 2014

Seems like I lost satellite in the last mile I think. I kept looking and it said 12.47 for a whiiiile for a long time.

The Result I am VERY HAPPY with the race I run. I was not in shape, I wasn’t into it, actually, I had no interest in even showing up, but I managed my goal, to have fun, to not suffer… This doesn’t mean that I am back. I am not feeling like running still and for what I see, I probably won’t for a while. I am back to not running. But I managed to get to my beach party, the way everyone did: by running 13.1 first.

The Post Race Well, I skipped the MCU park as I had already been there last year for a NYC Runs 5k and my team, the Dashing Whippets, always has a beach party!!!  YEY, beach weather. FINALLY! So we scooted over to the beach after we got our bearings and omg, the FUN

I am done running. I am HAPPY.

I am done running. I am HAPPY.

Happy Birthday Whippets (5 years!!) and Matthew Wong (a few more than 5!)

Happy Birthday Whippets (5 years!!) and Matthew Wong (a few more!)

Cute Speech by Rich. Everybody cry, not really. Then there was a chase to plaster a cupcake on Matt's face but I think Matt had been training to avoid that...

Cute Speech by Rich. Everybody cried, no, not really. Then there was a chase to plaster a cupcake on Matt’s face but I think Matt had been training to avoid that…

cupcake boy (I am donut girl)

cupcake boy (I am donut girl)

Boys will be boys??

Boys will be boys??

My girl Kirby and I showing off or matching shorts!

My girl Kirby and I showing off or matching shorts!

He's not normal.

He’s not normal. (It was the Gatorade!!!)

Dashing Whippets Brooklyn Half Marathon

So Many Whippets!! (Apparently I am menopausal as I am the only one without a shirt..!?!??!)

It’s done. I am not sure when I’ll post again, if I have  anything else to say… but, my parents are coming to visit (after 5 years!) and they’re  too excited to see me race, and the Mini10k happens, so, we shall see.

Brooklyn Half Marathon, official page, with loads of pictures

– Brooklyn Half Marathon, official race results

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Bondiband giveaway winner!

And the winner, as selected by bondiband, is…



itsjustkatie, email me your postal address, and color of choice so we can get you your own!! And then you’ll send me a picture, deal? 😉

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Brooklyn Half Pre-Party Fun Run, by New Balance

Straight from New Balance!

The Brooklyn Half Marathon is already next weekend and I wanted to let you all know about the Brooklyn ½ Pre-Party Fun Run, Presented By New Balance taking place on Thursday, May 15th at 10:30am. This free event gives runners an opportunity to get in a fun 4 miles and pick up their race packets before the big day!

Wondering how to get to the Brooklyn Half Pre-Party Presented by New Balance? Why not run? Join New Balance for a 4 mile fun run and you’ll gain early access to the Pre-Party so you can skip the lines to packet pickup, shirt pickup and the official merchandise. The run will start from the New Balance Experience Store @ 150 5th Avenue at 10:30am.  They’ll even take your dry gear over from the store to the party for you and give you a subway card so you can get back home after the party. RSVPs are limited.

Runners can sign up on the NBNY Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/NBNYC.

More information on Pre-Party, check out this link: Brooklyn 1/2 Pre-Party Presented By New Balance

More on the Pre-Party and the race itself on my post about the 2013 NYRR Brooklyn Half Marathon

the expo last year: FUN STUFF

2013-05-16 18.05.44 2013-05-16 22.30.03  2013-05-16 22.28.58 2013-05-16 18.06.322013-05-16 22.29.24

Bondiband GIVEAWAY, take six!!! Get your creative hat/heaband on!!!!

You know the drill by now, given this is the sixth giveaway…  The fabulous people at Bondiband are going to sponsor our little fun, AGAIN!!!!

IMG_0160 (2)

Very unrelated example (and also, what you could win!), but these one is MINE

They make these amazing wicking hats (ponytail hole or not), headbands, and other cool running accessories; there’s stuff  for everybody! And if you are the lucky winner, you’ll get to pick your hat or headband, and they’ll send it to you! We did this a lot of times already, so I am sure you know how this works!

In case you don’t (where have you been?????), this is how it works:
Submit a phrase you’d put in a hat/headband, short like the one on my hat there in the comments below. If you’re the lucky winner, you get to pick your hat or headband, color, and stuff, and they’ll send it to you!
The theme: Inspirational. Can’t be a famous quote, something you made up. Keep in mind it can’t be too long or it won’t fit… Go gor it! Pictures would help a lot 😉
So, put your ideas, as many as you please, in the comments down here, in this post in runningandthecity.com, by Tuesday, April 25, 12 pm EST and they’ll pick the winner.
Let’s play!! Good luck! Happy Running Week!
—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Race Report: Scotland Run 10K (more like two 5Ks!)

Any other time, I would have hated the results. But I am happy.

There I went, into my race #95, knowing I wouldn’t PR and I was still happy. The weather was finally nice to run and race in and it’d be a great way to do some speedwork. Even if I am two weeks away from Boston with just one long run. Whatever, right? So I went in relaxed, looking for a training run, to get in below 50 minutes (so far from my last 10K at 44 mins last year) and I came back with a lot of happy


Getting there. Juan and I jogged to the start, a simple 1.5 miles Start. Super organized as always. I met my training partner Patricia in the corralqu she said she was shooting for 49, perfect, I though.

Weather. 45! Can it be any better? NO. I always say: over 42 is singlet weather. Booty shorts and singlet does it!

The Course. Is… OY. This is Central Park. A whole loop! CLOCKWISE. Rolling hills 75% of the time. And Harlem hill is WORSE in this direction. Not a PR-friendly course, barely any flat, but nothing also that you can’t do.

The Post Race.  I saw everyone I know there, so fun…! Plus the raffle excitement. I love this race! Oh oh and the main thing: BAGPIPES AND KILTS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Weather was nice, all was calm… but I was a mess… 15 minutes before the gun I felt like I had to go #2… TMI right? But if you’re reading this you quite probably are a runner!!! Well, I didn’t have time to get out of the corral, go to the portapotty and start in my corral, so I decided I’d do my best to hold on to it (somehow..?). Is this too gross? Well, I really didn’t think I’d make it. But I had the same gut feeling in Berlin and it lasted 11 miles… I only had to do 6 here! I hoped it’d go away and lined up.

My goal was to be under 50, which is quite far from my PR but oh well, this is where I am now. Patricia and I started together and literally switched leads for about 3 miles. I was feeling ok but she had a lot more than me and I felt I was starting to burn gas so I decided to let her go early on (smart move!! she’d go on to finish a minute before me!). The whole race went well as usual, I had nothing crazy to say about it, more than my stomach held up, YEY. Going up the hill in the last .1 is always hard but had to get done:

dashing whippets nyrr scotland run 10K 2014 (5)

The race ended fine… I never run out of steam but I don’t I run the best I could have, I just really wasn’t sure how to read my body with whatever was going on in my tummy..! If you look at my laps it looks like I was running two 5Ks instead of a 10k…! Ugh.

scotland laps

Stats Time!  

Finish time: 47:41. Average Pace: 7:42

Previous PR: 44:32. From: May, 2013

Age Grading: 65.37% 

Overall Place: 1559 of  8067

Gender Place: 280 of  3899 (wow, I really can’t complain, can I?)

Age Place: 41 of  xx?

NYRR Race Results, Photos, and Recap here.

Anyway, we had some fun after with my friends, team mates, the guys in kilts, the bagpipers, the raffle and the band there (who were they??? so osom!)

nyc scotland parade 2014 (2)

Juan and I, both of us around 3 or 4 minutes off our PRs and for the first time at the same AG!

nyc scotland parade 2014 (2) dashing whippets

With some more Dashing Whippets wagging our tails after dropping many hammers!

Soon after we headed home, showered, complained about how tired we went and headed out before noon to walk through the park (again) to go watch some of the Scotland Parade. I really do LOVE bagpipes!!! Here’s a couple of pics!

nyc scotland parade 2014 (2)

Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (2) Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (2) Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (2) Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (2) Scotland Day Parade #scotweek (3)

And then… we were DESTROYED… seriously, a 10K can drain the LIFE out of you! Hot chocolate, gnocchi and bed!

And with my official time of 47:41, the WINNER of my Guess My Finish time contest is… 


Elaine, pick a prize from the list and lmk!

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

Race Report: NYC Half 2014 – training starts here!

Well, the NYC Half happened. Again. For the 6th time for me. And I am VERY happy about it. I hadn’t trained, I was 13 minutes slower than last year, but this was such a different story from the NYC Marathon a few months ago…!

The truth is, since July my training has been a disaster for one reason or another (and there were many!!), and I knew I wasn’t going to PR, so I just wanted to use it as a training run, maybe to see if I can muster Boston in a month, maybe to see if I had lost all my running mojo. But it was horrible going into it, I had done so well last year in this race so coming back with no expectations was hard. And the NYC Marathon 5 months ago was just so painful on my untrained legs that I was really dreading this. I had assumed I was going to suffer for 13.1 and there was no way around it, turns out, there was one.

Race Morning: It was really cold, and I was getting to the start 1 hour early. Brrrr. Walked into a brand new clean portapotty with no line and I just wanted to stay warm in there… I had extra clothes on, two mylar blankets, hand warmers, you name it, I could barely move with that many layers on, but my feet were not having it: they froze! They had security checking our checked-bags and then we all went through metal detectors going into the park (yey!), and then a walk to the corral where I met up with a few friends (Rose, Ilana, Julie, Marie, Jason!). We huddled and waited. Rose and I determined we’d take it easy and to try to go together. We talked about how we both had so gotten off the wagon, I said training starts here. This would be a long run, and I would take if from there. Soon enough we were moving…

Race ON: The first miles felt ok. My feet were still frozen but we were determined to take it easy, have fun, run it as a longish run and that’s what we did. We held our horses.

Miles 1, 2, and 3 were quite conservative.

2014 nyc half marathon course

On my post where everyone guessed my finish time, I had assumed I’d do around 1:50, which is 8:30 pace, so I started thinking that maybe I am more in shape for a 2 hour marathon, which I haven’t done in a looong time. Oh well, it is what it is. I felt GOOD, and that is all that mattered, I was not going to push it.

At Mile 2 I saw Juan and his phone froze so he got no pictures. I am sure he was as frozen as the phone… I always feel so bad for the spectators! Then I just started seeing everyone pass me, everyone. People I know did slower than me in the NYC Marathon. I knew I hadn’t trained since so I know I was in way worse shape but it made me feel good that I could hold my pace back as much as I wanted. You can all go!!! I felt so relaxed and in control. Being in control in the early miles of a race is  tots HARD people!

Soon we were up in the Harlem out and back and hello Harlem Hill x2. I love out and backs! You get to see everyone! It was wild to be out of the park and everyone sped up a little. Rose and I held it in place.

Miles 4 and 5: a bit faster and settling up in a rhythm.

2014 nyc half marathon course

After we crested the hill and went to the 90s, I saw Juan again. I stopped for a roadside kiss. I was feeling good now that I was feeling my feet again (it really took 4 miles!!) and was warming up. Then I started losing Rose, she told me to go, I told her I’d get Gatorade and wait for her there but never saw her (I’d end up losing her and she’d come in a few minutes behind me). But, I just wanted to hit the gas. I wanted to get to Times Square, make that turn and see what I had. I turns out, I didn’t wait until Times Square…

Miles 6 and 7: need for speed already!!!

2014 nyc half marathon course

Going through Times Square is ALWAYS exhilarating, even the 6th time you do this race. And it widens up SO much, you feel like you can fly… I spotted a Team Up runner and we introduced! It was pretty cool!!

2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (1) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (6) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (8) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (10) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (11)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww: F U N!!!! Then we turn onto 42nd st, the street narrows a bit and the wind….!!!!!! well, we pushed through and kept rolling down. Luckily, my Dashing Whippets team was there to cheer us all up, handing out gels and water. I got so excited, I grabbed a 2X caffeine gel which would probably kill me if I tried it, so I put it right back. And forgot the water. Cheering stations can really make you lose it.

2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (2) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (3) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (4)

Seems like I was having a fun time, right? I was. I have a slow time to prove it 😉 (don’t scream, slow compared to last year’s!!!)  But… with fun comes responsibility and since mile 5 I was feeling good: I was on a roll and kept tearing at it little by little.

As soon as I hit the westside highway and found NO WIND (WTF?!???! It was colder in the park!!! I was dreading the wind and cold here for no reason!?!), I opened my lungs, I let the Hudson nasty air sip in, and sped up. UP UP. From there on, I was picking up runners 10 at a time. You know, if you were there, this is quite probably where 9 out of ten people started to slow down: I WAS FLYING!

Miles 8 and on: Time to Fly!

2014 nyc half marathon course

I lapped the tunnel part up there (“mile 12”) as there’d be no GPS there, and the last bit (“mile 13”) I am sure is wrong because in the seconds it took to locate satellite it made it look quite slow. I know I was sprinting for my donuts…!!!

Did you see  how I sped up after mile 6, as I had recommended to do in my post? If you didn’t notice, here it all goes again:

2014 nyc half marathon course

Yes, I probably did start too slow, but whatever. What matters is that I was strong at the end and had a lot too push. Quite a difference from last year‘s pace, but still another great pacing example.

The last mile includes over a half a mile in the tunnel, which I didn’t hate as much as last year (because I knew there was an exit somewhere!!) but then you get out, you make a left and OMG, I was SOOOOO EXCITED to be there. I had to hold the tears back (yes, I cry all the time when I race) and all the flags and the finish and it felt SO GOOD to be back, and to be on the road again and to feel strong and to be able to finish with a kick and to know that even if unprepared it doesn’t have to be as bad as the NYC Marathon was if you can pace yourself… It was amazing.

Then it was over. I was so happy. I wanted to hug all those sweaty runners. Then I wanted to punch a few of them who stopped right at the finish for a selfie (seriously people!!! there’s 15K runners behind you!!!! WTF!). I was back to happy in two seconds. I am moody like that 😉

2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (7) 2014 nyc half marathon nyrr pictures (9)

Got a few pics and with two steps I found friends and team mates… I was just back to frozen in a few seconds!!!

2014-03-16 09.42.52 2014-03-16 12.32.06 2014-03-16 12.32.12

I love this race.

Now I know that, not only I can set the tone for a race and pace as I please (without pushing myself into pain for no reason!) but that I can also enjoy a race and finish it without ANY training… in a decent time too, plus have fun, AND not FALL!! I felt very happy about the results…  

see how happy I was???

2014-03-16 10.43.07

Juan knew I wanted donuts. Juan got me donuts. Juan is a keeper. I ate almost all of that.

2014-03-16 11.26.03

Right after the race ended we got on the 1 train uptown to Finish Line, we had some food, chatted, celebrated, all that. The platform and the train was crowded… and a bit smelly ;-P

2014-03-16 09.50.02

2014-03-16 09.50.06

Finish Line was fun, but soon I couldn’t wait any longer for the 3 hour shower  I was looking to do at home… plus the nap. Then burgers… ah, I love how doing a 13.1 makes me think I can go on some sort of food bender. I do have 5 weeks until the Boston Marathon and I know I am not in shape to run 26.2 comfortably, but I can’t seem to be able to make a decision about going or skipping it… I just counted the weeks back. If I manage a long run the next two weekends, I’ll let myself participate in the marathon. If not, then I am not going to Boston.

One week until my birthday, the next craziness. One thing at a time here.

I don’t know what to do

I have two races up ahead, very close, LOOMING:

2014 nyc half photos

March 16, New York City Half Marathon

boston marathon elite field

April 21, Boston Marathon

I am in no shape to race or PR at any, but I could probably finish them. Well, the half at least. Boston, I am not sure. When I did NYC Marathon 3 months ago I was in awful shape (and still better than now!) and it was horribly painful. I have two options. Sludge through the half and do my best to prep for Boston. It’s quite lame actually. Or: do the half as a training run, and skip Boston.

This has been my mileage for the past weeks:

  • Week of January 20: 8 miles total
  • Week of January 13: 31 miles total
  • Week of January 6: 23 miles total
  • Week of December 30: 6 miles total
  • Week of December 23: 7 miles total
  • Week of December 16: 16 miles total

Not really any kind of half or full marathon preparation. I think I should not race Boston. I haven’t commited mentally (I haven’t even gotten hotel room, and we KNOW that’s another big issue!) and I am not in shape. But still, just like with NYCM last year, I can’t seem to be able to say no. What’s wrong with me?

NO to New Year Resolutions

Wouldn’t t we love a clean slate that erases all our little sins and we can pretend things are gonna change starting today? you know well it doesn’t work that way.

I think people with resolutions are kidding themselves.

If you have a goal for the year, go ahead. But if you start on January 1st thinking you’re going to be someone else, you’re are, quite surely, wasting your time.

Now, if you’re going to be at the gym, or running outside, or trying to diet,or whatever it is you want, I’ll totally support you for as long as you can keep that going.

But, if you are really serious about this “new you” I suggest we pick a long term goal. Or an attitude change. Or a sustainable lifestyle adjustment.

I would love to start eating healthier, or logging more miles, starting today. The truth is, I could get excited to do it, do it for 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months if I am lucky and then get bored and forget it all.

Instead, I am focusing on a long term goal. I want to get to 40 (in a year in 3 months) in top shape. I have time to figure out what that takes so there is no intense pressure on it RIGHT NOW. The constant day-to-day pressure is what wears the new-year-resolutioners out. I think we need a brain-shift. And to get to work on something we really want. I believe in “if there is a will, there is a way”.

The truth is, there is nothing stopping any of us. If you want something, you could have started on December 31st.

Let’s focus on figuring out what we really want, and then, I AM SURE, we can get to it easily. Let’s change resolutions for revolution. Or, better, EVOLUTION.

What’s your long term goal?

Happiness is Your Biggest Enemy

That’s just how I have been feeling lately. I don’t have any motivation to go out there in the cold and freeze and suffer. Two days ago, I put my running tights at 8 am and by 3 pm, I took them off and gave up on the run.

The quote is from the movie Rush. If you haven’t seen it, I’d highly recommend you do. It’s about two competitors who are complete opposites (personality-wise) and push each other way further than any of them would have gone on their own. It was amazing. One of them is cold, strategic, all math. The other one is passion-driven, all instinct. I’ll get back to this. This is the full quote: Happiness is your biggest enemy. It weakens you. Puts doubts in your mind. Suddenly you have something to lose!

Lately, the cold has me couped up inside. As you know, I always hated running in the cold. But there was always fun to be had, goals to be fun, places to explore… Lately I’ve been feeling like there’s none of that, and all the fun is had inside. Here’s my minus list:

– One training partner moved away, the other one can’t run. And I don’t like running alone very much.

– I also am not much of a group runner. And Juan is too fast for me to run with.

– I don’t have any exciting goals ahead. I’ve signed up for Boston (out of support mostly) but my heart doesn’t seem to be on the marathon training anymore. I have no short term goal. Also, I am not sure I believe in goals… Still, I need to find a half to focus on.

– I am in semi ok shape, but my running has been lacking so much since the ulcer in July, that all my speed is gone. Every run is WORK. And I hate that.

– It’s cold and dark out and I am too comfy and happy indoors.

No big deal, this happened before, many times, even this year. The big thing is, I just don’t feel like running most days. And the one BIGGER thing is, I don’t feel bad at all about it. It is what it is. I know it will come back. I know I will enjoy it again soon. It’s my thing, I just don’t feel normal without running, it’ll definitely come back!! So I have zero intention to push myself. I would like to give myself a few (more) weeks to do what I feel like and then hopefully it will all come back. I am enjoying this for now. Back to more warmth and relaxation.

PS: do watch Rush if you can and tell me what you think! It’s one of my favorites this year! I am still trying to figure out who of the two of them I am more like!

NYRR’s Ted Corbitt 15K – Winter Wonderland!

I promise it gets fun towards the end..

Well, I am not going to get anyone riled about this one. If something, this is a testament that I can sometimes control my pace… I was NOT racing, I barely showed up to get my last NYC marathon qualifier in and I had one hundred other things I had preferred to be doing. Actually, snow was in the forecast so I spent most of the day before and the night checking to see if they would make it a fun run (you get credit towards the marathon but you don’t even have to show up!) but they didn’t. I was exhausted. I had just come back from Buenos Aires two days before and my husband was super sick with a bronchitis (fever, coughing, the works) so there was no sleep and I really didn’t want to leave him alone at all. I was going to be back in less than two hours and it was early, and the start was less than a mile from the apartment so I knew he’d be okay, but he had a horrible night and neither of us slept. I got up to this:

ted corbitt 15K nyrr


It was not supermotivating. Because, mostly, I am in really crappy shape. I haven’t trained in months. I was tired. I had overeaten in my Buenos Aires vacation until I food-poisoned myself… I was coming off a rough week. Plus, coming back from the nice early summer runs in 70 degrees to this frigid cold… I really didn’t want to go!!!!!

But, alas. I HAD to. I really had no choice.

My plan was to get there as close to the start time as possible so I wouldn’t freeze waiting around, not check a bag, run as easy as I could without freezing, and run straight home after I finished. Does that sound like a race strategy? No, I know. But it’s because I wasn’t racing. I was just completing the course and going home without even stopping. Lame, but it’s all I had.

So far from last year’s NYRR’s Ted Corbitt Classic 15K!!! I had a fantastic race, did a 7:27 average and loved the distance… this time, I would be happy to keep it smart and finish without dying or slowing down (ha, like my last race, the NYC Marathon!)

My race, time, and pacing was quite uneventful, as we could all expect, see some veeery conservative (though NOT dying at the end) pace here:

ted corbitt 15K nyrr 3

Nothing to write home about… 11 minutes slower than last year and I barely cracked any effort zone… 8:37 average pace (1:20:10 official finish time) in 9 miles is not even a tempo…!

But… WOW.

It started snowing AS soon as we got moving. I am not kidding. It was freezing cold, we were all shivering and dreading it. Then as soon as the horn blew, SNOW showers… Em, gladly I was covered up like a maniac and I had clear sunglasses to protect my vision (I’ve fallen with clear weather, so why make it riskier?) so I was prepped for it! It was gorgeous. I am not sure I would have loved it if I was racing. People were slipping left and right and I saw a lot of people struggling to see, the snow was coming from everywhere!!! But… it was gorgeous! I don’t have many pictures as I left the hubs locked in, but there’s a few amazing pictures in the NYRR race gallery. I felt awful for the volunteers and spectators, I am sure they were frozen. But 9 miles are over soon and in a bit, with two loops the park, I crossed the finish and kept going home, covered in snow and ice, and ready for a hot chocolate. What a race to cap off the year. Winter is here.

ted corbitt 15K nyrr 2

Running in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I took a little trip down south, to Argentina, where I am from. After a couple of days in Buenos Aires, we jetted over to the shore. 400 kilometeres south of Buenos Aires (a 40 minutes flight),  you have Mar del Plata (Silver Sea?), one of he biggest cities with a beach. It is huuuuge city, as are the portions, jeeeez, you either run everyday or you’ll put on two sizes each day!!! The greatest thing is that there is always a path right by the ocean, for miles and miles, literally. You can’t run out of a path to run on. You can run on the path close to the ocean, like 50 yards away, or on the sidewalk, like 100 yards away, and either way you have a great view. And it’s always windy, so even if it’s hot, you have a really nice breeze to keep you cool! Plus: the views….

mar del plata correr running buenos aires 2 (2)

I love that there is green just so close to all those blues…

mar del plata correr running buenos aires 3 (2)

I am not sure exactly why but the sea lion is like the local beast or something, and you kind HAVE TO take a picture with that thing… the real ones smell HORRENDOUS!

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mar del plata correr running buenos aires 3 (3)

One of my favorite views: Playa Chica

mar del plata correr running buenos aires (1)

You can see the two paths you can run on by the shore, the sidewalk on top and the little path under, closer to the water. the views are better from the top though, but the wind can be an issue.

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mar del plata correr running buenos aires (2)

more running areas!

mar del plata correr running buenos aires (5)

I swear I took all these pictures on my runs… I did stop a few times, but I did run a lot too!

mar del plata correr running buenos aires (3) mar del plata correr running buenos aires (4)

mar del plata correr running buenos aires 2 (1)

So, the running is really good. There is always someone running, not too many, and a MILLION people walking (for exercise and tanning I guess) so you won’t every be alone or scared. I saw a few running groups, mostly at night, though I prefer to run during the day. Another great thing is that there are some amazing (though short) hills to climb! Really a GREAT place to train. I’d recomend visiting this place just to run, as it’s so close to Buenos Aires. Just don’t go in January and February, as it’s too crowded in the high season. Seriously: DO NOT go in those months. December or March is perfect (it can get a bit cold/windy in the winter!). But the main reason to go there is the food will force you to run. Seriously, there are many amazing food options, and the portions are like three times the normal size. You eat so much that you have no choice but to run it all off or you’ll die. Or maybe that is just me because I have no control… Just an idea of the fuel:

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 1 (1)

Getting ready to bbq some asado

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 2 (1)

Planchita de mariscos en Manolo. Basically all the seafood you can find plus some rice.

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 1 (5)

emm, what do we call these in English? em, breaded squid rings thingys??

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 1 (4)

Medialunas de Atalaya. So, the best croissans in the world. Pretty much.

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 1 (3)

Lomito y Mollega de La Cabrera. None of that is translatable as anything else than YUM

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 1 (2)

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 2 (2)

CHurros de Manolo. Basically: the ONLY churros I’ll eat. For Dinner. Lunch. And breakfast. a whole 18 of them a day. Each kilometer earns you a churro!

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 2 (3)

My favorite meal: milanesas, which is breaded veal!

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 2 (4)

This was one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever eaten. Sugar, strawberries and ice cream, all melted and warm and frozen…. simple and still so delicious!

mar del plata correr running buenos aires argentina comida 2 (5)

I took these with me on my way out. Just for a few minutes: HAPPINESS.

Oh, and this weekend is the marathon, half, full, and 10K. I saw the guys marking the course, during my run and 3 hours later in the other side of town… too bad I am not in shape to run a a decent time, or it could have been FANTASTIC.

mar del plata correr running buenos aires 4 (3)One day soon. You can breath running there.

Yes, I am still here… (plus the Knickerbocker 60K)

Just don’t call me from a blocked number… Well, I know I haven’t blogged in a couple of weeks… lots happened and not a lot happened.

In the Running sense, I seem to be at a standpoint. I am always slow past the marathon, I am tired, it was freezing a few days, so it all amounted to a big whole of not running much. I didn’t run for 10 days after the marathon, then I went on a 5 mile run with my friend Kettia last week, then I did around 8 miles during the Knickerbocker 60K in the park and then I run last night, a crazy almost 6 miles at 10:40 pace. See? nothing exciting at all.

What’s exciting is all the other stuff. So much stuff that I barely thought about running. I had my Naturalization Oath two weeks ago, and became a US Citizen

2013-11-08 11.44.13

With that, they took my green card and I went on a frazzle as I am going overseas in two weeks! Emmm, I need to get a US passport ASAP to be able to come back in! Expedite and Run around I did, passports get done in one day!!!

Now, get ready for my trip, start packing, get a new iphone, get all set up at work, get excited about Thanksgiving sign up for races for when I am back, and oh, cheer for my hubby doing his first ultra, the Knickerbocker 60K.

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Juan ready to run his first ultra!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (2) ken tom

And they are off, Ken, in yellow and blue, also doing his first! And Lisa, a super ultra veteran!! wohoooo!!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (3) juan becerra

Guess who! ok, 1 lap done, 8 more to go!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (4) juan becerra

more fun, well, it was like 6 or 7 hours of fun actually…

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Juan on the west side

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Tommy was flying!!!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (7) tommy pyon sung

And flew to an Overal Third Place. AMAZING. 60K is like over 37 miles people!!!!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (8)

That’s a LOT of salt/sweat… oh oh

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (9) tommy pyon sung sky canaves

Sky, on the left, got Second Woman, amazing job!! and Tommy. Both in my running team!! Congrats guys!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (10) sky canaves gordon bakoulis

Top three Women: 1. Gordon Bakoulis (in the middle) a BEAST, seriously. Serious. 2. Sky Canaves, on the right, love her! and 3. Julie Kheyfets, didn’t know her but CONGRATS ALL!

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AND, HE’S DONE!!! Congrats Ironman/UltraRunner!!!

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we all love our BLING

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I never thought I’d see this: he smiled through the whole race, and he looked so strong. NOT normal for a first ultra… I think!

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I love these people!

knickerbocker 60K nyrr new york road runners central park results photos (15)

I had to let him hug me as sweaty as he was… I had no choice 😉 Congrats Juan!!!!!!

It’s a been a fun and busy two weeks and I promise I will get my act together. After the delish and long-awaited Thanksgiving. And after my trip. And maybe after the Holidays. So, someday. You’ll be there, right???

2013 the NYCM aftermath (plus Sarah Reinersten)

Before this one:
New York City Marathon Media and Elite Runners, and the Winners!
New York City Marathon Expo — lots of pictures!
My 2013 New York City Marathon Race, PART 1!
My 2013 New York City Marathon Race, part 2

Well, so I woke up Monday morning early, sore, and tired. I am sure by now you know that your body needs SO much more sleep the week after the marathon… but somehow, you can’t sleep for a few nights. You’re sore, you can’t get comfortable, you’re hyper, the sheets hurt, turning hurts, your toes are swollen…

Monday, early, I ALWAYS go to the NYRR Charity Breakfast.  I seem to always be there with a different charity but I am always there. After all, I can’t sleep, the clocks have changed I and I wake up early, there’s food, friends, a walk in Central Park to clear some lactic acid, and always some celebrity.

Juan came with me, and the walk to the park was slow but comforting. As well as the cold weather. I met a lot friends, colleagues, ex-coworkers, and more friends. A friend told me to sit at his table, right there, and we ended up sitting by Ethan Zhon, american soccer player, Survivor winner and he also has his own charity! We are chit-chatting with everyone and two seconds later, I look up and Ed Norton was sitting on my table. Crazy world.

I figured he’d be the guest speaker, as he had done it once before, but no… it was someone I didn’t know, Sarah Reinertsen, and all of a sudden Juan is flapping and flipping “she’s the reason I got into Triathlon!!!“, “Sorry honey, I love you but I have huge crush on HER!!“… unstoppable stuff like that… so funny. And I was like… who??? I admit I don’t know much about triathletes… he set me straight right away. Wikipedia: She’s an American triathlete and former Paralympic track athlete. Reinertsen was the first female leg amputee to complete the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Reinertsen has broken the women’s above-knee amputee marathon record several times.

Plus these:

Sarah Reintersen new york city marathon Sarah Reintersen new york city marathon

Sarah Reintersen new york city marathon

I doubt you’ll forget now…

Anyway, I had no idea. And OMG she has a story… it was so amazing to hear her talk. You might have to get her book but this girl is INCREDIBLE. I was so moved, in seconds, I suddenly had a crush on her too! Instantly! Once it was all said and done, Juan and I went to say hello. emmmm, she also speaks Spanish. She’s amazing, period!!!

sarah reinertsen new york city marathon

Well, he was giddy for a bit. An hour. Or two. I loved hearing her story and meeting. Inspiration Maximus Activated!

We took a little nice stroll to the park…

juan elizabeth central park

and we went to the Monday Marathon store… and soon to the elites conference, which I’ve blogged about -I met both winners!!!: New York City Marathon Media and Elite Runners, and the Winners!

And by 12 I had met some other friends (all marathon finishers) for some pizza and what would make me forget the mess I made of my marathon

My first drink in years. I earned this.

My first drink in years. I earned this. Sorry everyone around me!

—Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

My 2013 New York City Marathon Race, part 2

Before this one:


New York City Marathon Media and Elite Runners, and the Winners!
New York City Marathon Expo — lots of pictures!
My 2013 New York City Marathon Race, PART 1!

Blue text is from Part 1, so you know where we left off…. My friend Helen was in the subelite corral, which was right on top. She took the picture below… What a bunch of weirdos we all are…

new york city marathon elizabeth maiuolo athlete's village (17)

I was starting to get a bit nervous. I kept telling myself “I am a runner, I know how to do this with my eyes closed” but being around all these fast people was a little intimidating. I KNEW (I would have bet money right there) Tessa was going to go onto have a fantastic race. I saw it in her face. She was quiet but relaxed, like a ticking bomb ready to explode, about to unleash the beast she had been nurturing for a while. In a few seconds, we’d hear the national anthem, Mary Wittenberg, Bloomberg, the gun, Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York, the excited footsteps on the lower deck and I knew I would helplessly lose her. But I knew she wouldn’t let her (and mine) dream go. I shouted a few Go Tessa, You Got this as she run away from me. She’d go onto a 3:16, a 7 minute PR, insanely-precise run race, and I knew, as soon as the race started, within 10 steps, before she even left me, that I had nothing in me. Nothing. That I had no business being there. That I wasn’t prepared for what was ahead and I was going to be taught a lesson. I tried to relax and do my best to salvage the carnage but I couldn’t relax. Everyone was passing me at 5, 6, and 7 pace and it was crowded and we were going uphill and the bibs were being shaken by the wind and I could feel the footsteps above and thought about the many hours I still had until the finish and I was so scared of tripping and falling and my legs were so dead, and I was cold but I was hot and it was so crowded and fast… I couldn’t relax. I did my best to settle and find my rhythm… but I couldn’t. The race was stronger than me and I wasn’t prepared, I wasn’t trained mentally or physically to control it, or to control myself. I just did my best to not despair...

A lot of friends passed me. Lots and lots of people. And still, I was going way too fast. I couldn’t control my speed, my heart rate, my head was spinning with fear and panic… I felt like someone who is trying not to drown so they patter around frantically wasting all their energy helplessly. I knew I was making things worse. I just couldn’t stop it.

I had brought a 3:40 pace bracelet for kicks (far from my last marathon at 3:27 but still a good point reference for me). I figured that, if I was doing anything slower than that, I would not need a pace bracelet. Average pace for 3:40 is 8:25. So the first mile with the uphill and all was a bit INSANE at 8:35. Seriously. I KNEW I had already ruined the race because I was going bonkers. I had already also started crying a bit early. I missed running. I hadn’t run in two weeks. I hadn’t done this marathon in two years, and 2011 was so different doing the Footlocker Five Boro Challenge. I was nervous and crying hysterically this early, no good.

Still going so fast… but, in EVERY SINGLE OTHER RACE I ever did, I ALWAYS thought I started too fast and got scared. And I always thought there was no way I could sustain that speed and I always did maintain it. I always know how to pace. It’s my thing. I pace well. I start easy and finish super strong. What if this time it would be the same thing as every single other race? I really wanted to believe it but my legs felt dead, my heart rate was insanely high at 184 average for the first mile… I knew I had to slow down, but my brain wasn’t trained to have any control over my untrained legs. I was like a drunk person or a child that had too much candy and there was nothing I could do from the control room.

We could hear and feel the wind. It was on our side so it wasn’t that much trouble in the lower deck, but I wondered how long should I keep my layers on… and what would happen when we left the Verrazano… Mile 2 was 6:46, ridiculously fast, but I was on the same uncontrollable panic mode. And my legs were dead going downhill… that’s never a good sign. My legs usually LOVE downhills!

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo

Pretending to know what I am doing. good, right?

We left the bridge, I started getting really warm and finished shedding my layers. We run through the back streets of Bay Ridge and I noticed how many people were out there. SO MANY. I have done every NYC Marathon since 2008 and I had never seen soooo many spectators. It was exciting and I could barely enjoy it. Soon enough, we turned onto Fourth Avenue, and, still crowded I clock Mile 3 at 8, so my first 5K was at 8:01 average. I knew it was unsustainable, but there was nothing I could do at this point. It was a mess already.

I knew though, that I’d see Juan in a couple of minutes, and that was my first out. I decided I would keep going, my leg wasn’t hurting and, though slow, I could keep going. Soon, I spotted him in our prearranged corner, exchanged kisses, told him how I felt and kept at it. Trying to reign it in. To no avail of course.

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo brooklyn New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo brooklyn (1) New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo brooklyn (1) New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo brooklyn (1) New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo brooklyn (1) New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo brooklyn (1)

Brooklyn turned into a blur. I realized I was tired and I couldn’t keep myself interested in the crowds, the fun, the city, the course. Pretty much, I was not enjoying it. I mostly put the music up, went to the middle of the road, looked down, and tried to focus on just one more step. One. More. Step.

Mile 4: 7:45, Mile 5: 7:43, Mile 6: 8:00, Mile 7: 7:53, Mile 8: 8:02, Mile 9: 8:06, Mile 10: 8:11. My 15K was average 8:06. Somehow I was keeping a REALLY fast PACE. According to my pace bracelet I was 2 minutes and a half sub 3:40. Emm, am I capable of a 3:37? NO WAY. But my legs were doing whatever they wanted. I’d later realize they didn’t know we were doing a marathon, they though it was a half marathon….

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo (2)

I kept at it, one step at a time. I cried a lot. I was just feeling slow, tired… and things started to get worse. The thought of Michelle waiting in her PJs on Bedford kept me going for a while. I was just  SO thankful she was there, just like she does every year! Mile 11: 8:30, Mile 12: 8:09, Mile 13: 8:25, Mile 14: 8:44. Going up the Queensboro I didn’t stop to walk like so many people but I FELT like I was walking… Mile 15: 9:52, Mile 16: 10:23, getting off the Queensboro was not the high I always experienced. I had to make a decision. If I was to end the race, I was seeing Juan at Mile 18, I could just stay with him. I was getting slower and slower… I decided that I was NOT GOING TO WALK. AT ALL. And that as soon as I started walking, I was going to walk straight home. NO WALKING. HANG IN THERE and finish this thing. My 5K splits were dropping like crazy. Pace at 20K was 8:22, at 30K I was at 8:28 and it just kept getting worse and worse. I was past my 3:40 pace bracelet pace now.

Around 80th Street I saw my friends Katy and Mikhail who made me feel so good and around 117th I knew I’d see Juan and my team mates! That kept me going for a while. But I kept going: Mile 17: 9:49, Mile 18: 8:49, Mile 19: 8:56. BAD going towards Fifth Avenue WORSE and Central Park Worst.

I knew Juan was coming ready in tights to run if needed, and I debated whether I wanted company for the 3 miles into the Bronx. I decided to go at it alone. If he was with me, I’d start complaining, he’d tell me how great I was doing and I’d start hating him. I’d rather shut it all down and just haul to the finish as dissociated from what was happening as possible.

I spotted the Dashing Whippets, did the continuous high-five as best as I could (see how low/tired my arm is?) but I was really happy to see them all!

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo Harlem Dashing whippets

One thing I had started doing was to stop crying when I knew I would see Juan. I didn’t want him to worry or try to come with me. Then, before getting into the Bronx, I spotted Ben, who always makes me smile!!!

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo harlem

Thanks Ben!!! Photo Credit: Ben Ko

The Willis bridge into the Bronx felt like I was climbing the Empire State Building. I am not exaggerating. I have climbed the ESB!

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo willis bridge (1) New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo willis bridge (1) New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo willis bridge (1)

See how miserable I look? If you have seen ONE of my race reports, you know I know how to look good in race photos, marathons or whatever they are. These are just my worst pictures ever. But… the BRONX was bopping!!!  It was as crowded as I’ve ever seen it!!!! It was so much fun. There were funny signs and somehow I noticed! Plus I saw two team-mates and shouted around a lot.

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo bronx (2)

Through the Bronx!! Photo Credit: Luciano Rezende

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo bronx (2)

Photo Credit: Luciano Rezende. Can you figure out what’s on my shirt?

And when you don’t think it can get worse, it does: Mile 20: 9:14, Mile 21: 9:47, Mile 22: 8:58... I saw Mary Arnold there, just because she was shouting my name like I was drowning. Everything was a blur. I just focused on getting to Fifth and 109 where I’d see Juan again, and then Patricia at 98… I just kept looking at the street numbers but they took SO long to get to me. I really felt like I was walking and if I had looked at my watch I would have noticed why… Mile 23: 9:07, Mile 24: 9:26.

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo fifth avenue (1)

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo fifth avenue (1)

Couldn’t even stop crying at this point

Somehow I managed to get to the park. And I just didn’t want to keep going. I would have given anything to convince myself to turn left at 90th and go home. The park wasn’t as crowded as other years, so I managed to see a few friends there (Marvin, you almost made me stop with that sign!). Counting my steps to the finish line. Those were the longest three miles of my life. I was completely demoralized, depressed, upset. I felt like an idiot. How could I ruin this day?? I knew I would finish but I didn’t want my marathon to be this type of experience… I was really upset with myself. I knew I should NOT have run it. I had done 10 marathons and ultra and I never felt this bad. I’d run injured before, I had run slower times, but this was just a horrible idea. I started heaving and crying again. So much that runners around me tried to calm me down and tell me I was so close and I was doing great. I wasn’t. I just wanted it to be over.

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo central park

Faking happiness for the camera!!!

When I turned on Central Park West, I thought I was almost done. Wow, those blocks felt like 10 miles. I felt like I was walking and I couldn’t finish soon enough. I was still crying all my way up to the finish line. Mile 25: 9: 07, Mile 26: 8:56.

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo 12 (1) New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo 12 (1)

I finished. There was no happiness. There was no glory. I was still/already crying when I crossed the line.


It took about 3:49:34. The time was fine, not my slowest (still within my 4 hour forever limit), far from my fastest. The time wasn’t the issue. My problem was that I was so way over my head about what I could do that I ruined the day. I ruined the most precious day of the year. I don’t blame myself for not training, I didn’t have a choice there. But I should have skipped the race. And I should have started 2 corrals back with someone shooting for 4 hours to help me pace right. I let my untrained brain trick me, and I don’t like acting stooopid.

New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo finish line (1) New York City Marathon elizabeth maiuolo finish line (1)

And now I know what happens when I DON’T TRAIN FOR A MARATHON. I am just a miserable person, who wants to go home, has no fun whatsoever in the best race ever, can’t control the pace, and positive splitted like a maniac. I don’t want to be that person ever again. Please smack me in the head if I ever attempt to do something this stooopid again.

My pace represents exactly what I did and how I felt:

nyc marathon pace

Worst possible race splits in the history of racing.

I ended #10908 of 50,304. Overall Gender Place: 2,076 of 19,579.

new york city marathon splits

These are the worst ever too. Can someone be this dumb???

Once I stopped running I started crying more. I cried the 500 blocks to my UPS truck, all the way from 67th street to 85th, that’s a LONG walk. Then I cried some more. As soon as I put one foot outside the park, Juan caught me and we both cried for like 10 minutes. 10 minutes later I was at Shake Shack, this man is a keeper.

New York City Marathon Shake Shack

What else other than Shake Shack could anyone possible want?

I kept crying. I was upset. I skipped all the parties and reunions because I couldn’t ruin everybody else’s day… I kept telling Juan I needed to get off my sweaty bra because I was sure I was as chafed as raw meat. Went in the shower with no issues. Turns out, my diaphragm was hurting from so much crying, or heaving, or breathing hard. My ribs hurt for two days.

I want to pretend I learned the lesson. But I am way too stubborn. And I love running too much. I just hope I am smarter next time.

From Monday’s New York Times:

2013-11-04 17.31.09

And just like that, it was over.

2013-11-03 19.54.00 11

—-Comment happily: you won’t be asked to create an account!

My 2013 New York City Marathon Race, part 1

The 2013 New York City Marathon was going to be my 4th NYC Marathon in a row (or 5th if it wasn’t for a hurricane), and my 91st race ever.

I’ve shared some in this blog: there was a bunch of medical things that happened to me in the last months, including an ulcer, two falls, wild leg spams/pain, a labral tear and a couple of other things I don’t even want to talk about. As you can assume, I barely trained. The ulcer was the worst: for two months, I was eating so little I could barely walk or stay awake, so no running. I got really weak, lost a lot of muscle mass, and all hope. But the truth is, the marathon was so far removed from my day-to-day, with all I had going on, that I barely thought of it. I even got proposed to and married in the middle of it all, traveled for work, etc. Running was secondary.

The week of the marathon was tough. I was working a lot and, mostly, trying to figure out if I could actually run or not. Or if it was wise. Or if I’d make my leg pain worse. I didn’t run one step the two weeks before the marathon, had an MRI that week, saw another doctor on Thursday, had pain constantly. Waiting until the last 3 days was driving me crazy. Plus I was working at the expo and with a million commitments to even rest.

Thursday, the second doctor of the week said Go. I said OK.

Panic and Doubt settled in. I am not ready. I haven’t trained. How long is this gonna take? I knew I could finish it but I had no idea what kind of pain I’d have to face. I’d had pain in half my marathons. This, my tenth marathon, would be a different monster. I kept telling myself that when I run the 2011 NYC Marathon I was in way worse shape, as I had sat on my butt for 3 month with a foot stress fracture. I didn’t even walk for 3 months! And I did the marathon, finished strong and had no pain during or the day after. This one would be easier. Telling myself I’d be ok, and I knew how to push through anything, I headed into  race day.

Pictures of the expo, elite athletes at the media tent, here: 

New York City Marathon Media and Elite Runners, and the Winners!
New York City Marathon Expo — lots of pictures!
NYCM 2013 winners (minus me!) #INGNYM #nycmarathon

Sights of the marathon VIII #INGNYCM #nycmarathon
Sights of the marathon VII #INGNYCM #nycmarathon
Sights of the marathon VI #INGNYCM #nycmarathon
Sights of the marathon V #INGNYCM #nycmarathon
Sights of the marathon IV #INGNYCM #nycmarathon
Sights of the marathon III #INGNYCM #nycmarathon
Sights of the marathon II #INGNYCM #nycmarathon
Sights of the marathon I #INGNYCM #nycmarathon

Saturday I worked at the expo until 5 and then attended our Autism Speaks athletes dinner (for work) at the Hard Rock Cafe. I got home around 10 and went to sleep!

2013-11-01 15.01.59

NYC Marathon autism speaks elizabeth maiuolo

Sunday Morning

I got up around 5 and by 6:15 I was at the terminal. There was a LOT of security everywhere this weekend. And I mean EVERYWHERE. In the terminal, at the expo, in the ferry, getting off the bus, in each corner on the course, on the rooftops. EVERYWHERE. You felt safe (or watched!) no matter what!

new york city marathon elizabeth maiuolo athlete's village (2)

new york city marathon elizabeth maiuolo athlete's village (12)

Run into Lisa as soon as I walked in and Blaise two minutes later!

Blaise and I sat on the 6:30 ferry just because we got there so early. Our plan was to catch the 6:45 or 7 am ferry, YES, for the first wave at 9:40… we saw so many people who were in wave 3 or 4 there. I am not sure why people head there so early. And not sure why they like to freeze out there in the cold for hours… oy. Once we got to Staten Island, my corral buddies Tessa and Tree and Shawn were there, hanging out in the warm terminal. We sat for another half hour catching up and talking race.

new york city marathon elizabeth maiuolo athlete's village (3)

Back in the Staten Island side of the terminal, we head for the bathrooms… See anything strange in this picture??? LINES in the men’s bathrooms but not one person in the WOMEN’s… how is this possible???

new york city marathon elizabeth maiuolo athlete's village (4)

See??? ALL MEN. what are they doing in there??? SO strange!

Around 7:30 we left the SI terminal for the buses, they’re right outside on a short two block walk.

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View from the bus. See those buildings all the way over there??? That’s where we have to run and a bit more.

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Tree and I catching up in the train!

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Tessa and an instant friend we made in the terminal

As soon as we got to the Athletes’ Village we went straight for the UPS trucks as we assumed they closed at 8:30 or something and it was that time. We left our bags and proceed to our tent. Somehow, I had a qualifying time for the Local Competitive Corral. What is that? Well, there’s the elite runners, then the subelite, then my group, and then the rest of the runners. As we were supposed to be fast, we get to line up right at the head of the Green wave (elite are in the blue), but we get our own tent with food, with our own portapotties, and a lot of local friends! JACKPOT!

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NO ONE IN THE PORTAPOTTIES. they were clean and empty. AMAZING.

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Tessa and I bundled up and cozied up for the 20 minutes we waited (we really did time it perfectly!!!). I love this girl. Had some gatorade, went to the portapotties and in 10 minutes we’d be right at the green line. CRAZY.

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Me, Xavi, Tree and Tessa.

We waited there for 30 minutes, 5 minutes before the gun we undressed. We had a tall wall on the right so we were protected from the wind (yey to being in the GREEN corral). We had piles and piles of clothes on the sides. It was nervewracking for me to be that far high up and close to the start, but I had great company…

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See the Start up ahead? How STRANGE is it that we’re so close. They eventually moved us up to the Start sign…

My friend Helen was in the subelite corral, which was right on top. She took the picture below… What a bunch of weirdos we all are…

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I was starting to get a bit nervous. I kept telling myself “I am a runner, I know how to do this with my eyes closed” but being around all these fast people was a little intimidating. I KNEW (I would have bet money right there) Tessa was going to go onto have a fantastic race. I saw it in her face. She was quiet but relaxed, like a ticking bomb ready to explode, about to unleash the beast she had been nurturing for a while. In a few seconds, we’d hear the national anthem, Mary Wittenberg, Bloomberg, the gun, Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York, the excited footsteps on the lower deck and I knew I would helplessly lose her. But I knew she wouldn’t let her (and mine) dream go. I shouted a few Go Tessa, You Got this as she run away from me. She’d go onto a 3:16, a 7 minute PR, insanely-precise run race, and I knew, as soon as the race started, within 10 steps, before she even left me, that I had nothing in me. Nothing. That I had no business being there. That I wasn’t prepared for what was ahead and I was going to be taught a lesson. I tried to relax and do my best to salvage the carnage but I couldn’t relax. Everyone was passing me at 5, 6, and 7 pace and it was crowded and we were going uphill and the bibs were being shaken by the wind and I could feel the footsteps above and thought about the many hours I still had until the finish and I was so scared of tripping and falling and my legs were so dead, and I was cold but I was hot and it was so crowded and fast… I couldn’t relax. I did my best to settle and find my rhythm… but I couldn’t. The race was stronger than me and I wasn’t prepared, I wasn’t trained mentally or physically to control it, or to control myself. I just did my best to not despair…

more soon.

Edited- Part 2 is here: My 2013 New York City Marathon Race, part 2

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Usain Bolt Racing a Bus in Buenos Aires


Photo Montage Credit: Atletas.Info

According to this article (in Spanish) by Atletas.Info (the Argentinian RunnersWorld), Bolt will be racing a bus on November 14. That is all it says, I promise you. But, jeeez, seriously?